The Southern border boogeyman


2nd most liberal senator suddenly supports a border wall. You can’t make that shit up. 😂

If you vote for her thinking she’ll spend a single solitary cent on a border wall if she’s elected, you are an utter moron.

She'll be wearing a MAGA hat next... 🙄

The woman evidently has never had an original thought in her life and now appears to have been infected by Bidens chronic plagerism...
It doesn’t matter to them. It’s just happenstance. The illegals Biden/Harris/Mayorkas are good people and some do bad. Too bad for your luck if one kills and rapes someone in your family. It’s not the Biden team’s fault for turning them loose on the Country.

You have to wonder what kind of complete PoS would find that humorous...
If they're allowed to get a drivers license they can register in several states (as I'm certain you well know)...

When the law (Constitutional or otherwise) doesn't seem to factor in with DNC goals they routinely ignore it (see the southern border for the last 3 years as an example)...
No they can't. Only a US citizen can vote in national and state elections. There are a few municipalities that allow immigrant to vote in their local elections but they absolutely cannot vote in any national or state election.
No they can't. Only a US citizen can vote in national and state elections. There are a few municipalities that allow immigrant to vote in their local elections but they absolutely cannot vote in any national or state election.

They can't legally... All they have to do is have an absentee ballot sent to them and check the box saying they're a US citizen and they're able to vote... There's no mechanism to verify they are citizens (which one of the reasons many Democrat run states allow them to have drivers licenses [which allows them to register]).. Something tells me you are probably already aware of all this...
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They can't legally... All they have to do is have an absentee ballot sent to them and check the box saying they're a US citizen and they're able to vote... There's no mechanism to verify they are citizens (which one of the reasons many Democrat run states allow them to have drivers licenses [which allows them to register]).. Something tells me you are probably already aware of all this...
No. Voter fraud happens. Sure. Is that what your saying? But it's not wide spread. The type of conspiracy your alluding to would involve thousands, if not hundreds of thousands, of people to make any sort of impact. You think that would fly under the radar?

There is no way any non citizen can vote legally. If they steal someones identity and vote that's fraud and not a legal vote.
No. Voter fraud happens. Sure. Is that what your saying? But it's not wide spread. The type of conspiracy your alluding to would involve thousands, if not hundreds of thousands, of people to make any sort of impact. You think that would fly under the radar?

There is no way any non citizen can vote legally. If they steal someones identity and vote that's fraud and not a legal vote.
Also you think these people are walking thousands of miles, risking their lives and the lives of their families to come here and illegally vote? Absurd.
They can't legally... All they have to do is have an absentee ballot sent to them and check the box saying they're a US citizen and they're able to vote... There's no mechanism to verify they are citizens (which one of the reasons many Democrat run states allow them to have drivers licenses [which allows them to register]).. Something tells me you are probably already aware of all this...
Because no verification is done whatsoever (sarcasm)
Also you think these people are walking thousands of miles, risking their lives and the lives of their families to come here and illegally vote? Absurd.

That was absurd...

Careful..., you might pull something twisting yourself in a pretzel while attempting to deflect from the fact that your party is bringing them in precisely for that purpose, or are they just straight up in the human trafficking trade? Your choice, pick one...

Texas just purged 6,500 Non-Citizens from their voter rolls (and those were just the ones they detected)...
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That was absurd...

Careful..., you might pull something twisting yourself in a pretzel while attempting to deflect from the fact that your party is bringing them in precisely for that purpose, or are they just straight up in the human trafficking trade? Your choice, pick one...

Texas just purged 6,500 Non-Citizens from their voter rolls (and those were just the ones they detected)...
Texas purged 1 million voters. Most were dead or moved out of state. 6500 were possibly migrants. And only 1900 of them voted last election and no one knows for whom. Currently Trump is polling better among Hispanics that Harris. Maybe the Republicans are the ones bringing them in and this "bust" was just a smokescreen operation.

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Texas purged 1 million voters. Most were dead or moved out of state. 6500 were possibly migrants. And only 1900 of them voted last election and no one knows for whom. Currently Trump is polling better among Hispanics that Harris. Maybe the Republicans are the ones bringing them in and this "bust" was just a smokescreen operation.

Why does who some subset of the 6500 voted for matter? The fact is the subset voted.

And we wonder why we have 2 shitty candidates to choose from....

Gotta own the other side.
Why does who some subset of the 6500 voted for matter? The fact is the subset voted.

And we wonder why we have 2 shitty candidates to choose from....

Gotta own the other side.
I'm upset as well. Republicans are clearly bringing in illegals to vote for them in Texas.
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I'm upset as well. Republicans are clearly bringing in illegals to vote for them in Texas.

Here's my source (go to the last paragraph) and you know the Democrats have had control of the border the past three years...

I don't waste my time attempting to interact with disingenuous people... I had thought better of you... My mistake...

Partisan Democrats are a predictably a waste of time... On Ignore you go...
Here's my source (go to the last paragraph) and you know the Democrats have had control of the border the past three years...

I don't waste my time attempting to interact with disingenuous people... I had thought better of you... My mistake...

Partisan Democrats are a predictably a waste of time... On Ignore you go...

^^^Same people who told us to "do our own research on COVID". Now you need to do your own research on what is actually going down on the border.

It's completely absurd.
Here's my source (go to the last paragraph) and you know the Democrats have had control of the border the past three years...

I don't waste my time attempting to interact with disingenuous people... I had thought better of you... My mistake...

Partisan Democrats are a predictably a waste of time... On Ignore you go...
You're claiming that Democrats are bringing illegals here to vote for them. And yet I'm the disingenuous one? C'mon man.
He provided the link in his post dumb as
First, if you are even considering placing your vote for Donald J Trump, you are beyond a dumbass, you need to have inpatient metal health care.

Wow. It’s funny that you pop up here from time to time eloquently stating the ridiculous, unhinged, and truly bizarre things that anyone who has an internet connection knows are patently false.

I feel pity for you. You’re no businessman. You’re a fool.
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Answer me this, two illegals come here and have a kid. Is that kid eligible to vote at 18? That's your answer. This song and dance has been going on for well over 18 years so it's happening now. Stop being so disingenuous.
Change the constitution if you don't like that. But that is very different than a massive orchestrated conspiracy that would involve hundreds of thousands of people(maybe millions actually) and all of them keep quiet for decades. C'mon man.
Change the constitution if you don't like that. But that is very different than a massive orchestrated conspiracy that would involve hundreds of thousands of people(maybe millions actually) and all of them keep quiet for decades. C'mon man.
Again, I just explained the massive orchestrated conspiracy that involves hundreds of thousands and yes millions. Something that originates from something illegal.
First, if you are even considering placing your vote for Donald J Trump, you are beyond a dumbass, you need to have inpatient metal health care.
Blah, blah.
Wow. It’s funny that you pop up here from time to time eloquently stating the ridiculous, unhinged, and truly bizarre things that anyone who has an internet connection knows are patently false.
Patently false things like, "The government told Facebook to silence critics"? The internet you inhabit would have told you that was a conspiracy fever dream before this week. Not everything some members of the right complain about are factual, but you would think after awhile that even you would kind of take pause on some of the bullshit they have fed you that you have gobbled up like the good little dung beetle you are.
I feel pity for you. You’re no businessman. You’re a fool.
If I had any respect for your opinion that might sting, but alas.....
Again, I just explained the massive orchestrated conspiracy that involves hundreds of thousands and yes millions. Something that originates from something illegal.
You stated a hypothetical situation. Of course that happens. Again if you don't like it then lobby to get the constitution changed.

Your hypothetical in no way shape or form points to a larger conspiracy. Anchor baby and great replacement conspiracies are arguably the laziest and dumbest of all conspiracies.
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You stated a hypothetical situation. Of course that happens. Again if you don't like it then lobby to get the constitution changed.

Your hypothetical in no way shape or form points to a larger conspiracy. Anchor baby and great replacement conspiracies are arguably the laziest and dumbest of all conspiracies.
I want the illegal immigration to stop and that doesn't involve changing the constitution.
MiGrAnTs CoMmIt lEsS CrImE

This was totally impossible to predict. This must be an outlier. A few years ago, didn't Germany and other European countries go through something like this? Theirs went flawlessly, didn't it? Maybe we could follow their example.
Again, I just explained the massive orchestrated conspiracy that involves hundreds of thousands and yes millions. Something that originates from something illegal.
Again, I just explained the massive orchestrated conspiracy that involves hundreds of thousands and yes millions. Something that originates from something illegal.
Putting aside whether illegal immigeants can vote (they can, most states that purge their rolls will find thousands of registered illegals).

Democrats are currently stealing congressional seats through illegal immigration as we speak. 2.5-3 million undocumented in California alone that were counted in the census. That’s 3-4 congressional seats. Think about that, FOUR congresspeople Democrats have stolen on the back of illegal immigration.

Sick, despicable people.
Putting aside whether illegal immigeants can vote (they can, most states that purge their rolls will find thousands of registered illegals).

Have there been documented cases of noncitizens voting?
The Heritage Foundation’s analysis of legal actions regarding election conduct found only 24 instances of noncitizens voting between 2003 and 2023. A study conducted by the Brennan Center for Justice analyzing 23.5 million votes across 42 jurisdictions in the 2016 general election concluded that there were approximately 30 instances of noncitizens casting votes. Illegal voting, including by noncitizens, is routinely investigated and prosecuted by the appropriate authorities, and there is no evidence that noncitizen voting has ever been significant enough to impact an election’s outcome.​
Have there been documented cases of noncitizens voting?
The Heritage Foundation’s analysis of legal actions regarding election conduct found only 24 instances of noncitizens voting between 2003 and 2023. A study conducted by the Brennan Center for Justice analyzing 23.5 million votes across 42 jurisdictions in the 2016 general election concluded that there were approximately 30 instances of noncitizens casting votes. Illegal voting, including by noncitizens, is routinely investigated and prosecuted by the appropriate authorities, and there is no evidence that noncitizen voting has ever been significant enough to impact an election’s outcome.​
A. The Heritage analysis is only of known legal actions. Not much of an a sample size to determine the scale of undocumented voting.

B. The “Brennan Center for Justice” is a leftist cut out.

The Brennan Center for Justice at New York University School of Law (NYU Law) is a liberal[2][3][4] or progressive[5] nonprofit law and public policy institute. The organization is named after Supreme Court Justice William J. Brennan Jr. The Brennan Center advocates for public policy positions including raising the minimum wage, opposing voter ID laws, and calling for public funding of elections.
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Boogeyman my ass. Have you seen what's happening in Ohio? They're literally barbequing people's dogs and cats.

No idea if that’s true but I do know something like 20k Haitians have moved there basically overnight and it’s a fascinating story that provides lessons. They’re overwhelming schools and social systems, taxing housing issues, but also providing labor and reliability and numbers to a city that was dying and desperately in need of both from what I’ve read.
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Answer me this, two illegals come here and have a kid. Is that kid eligible to vote at 18? That's your answer. This song and dance has been going on for well over 18 years so it's happening now. Stop being so disingenuous.
Well if you are turning 18 in 2024, that means you were born in 2006. Who was POTUS in 2006? In fact, who was POTUS as far back as 2000? So odds are if two "illegals" had a baby in 2006, they came to the US while Bush was POTUS...

No just turned 18 "illegal" voters were born under a Dem POTUS.
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Well if you are turning 18 in 2024, that means you were born in 2006. Who was POTUS in 2006? In fact, who was POTUS as far back as 2000? So odds are if two "illegals" had a baby in 2006, they came to the US while Bush was POTUS...

No just turned 18 "illegal" voters were born under a Dem POTUS.
Wow you're good at math! No answer me this, which party blocks any attempts at solving the flood of illegal immigration? One side makes jokes about Trump not building the wall while blocking him from doing so. Your pointless math and who was POTUS when they arrived is the dumbest argument I've ever heard.
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Putting aside whether illegal immigeants can vote (they can, most states that purge their rolls will find thousands of registered illegals).

Democrats are currently stealing congressional seats through illegal immigration as we speak. 2.5-3 million undocumented in California alone that were counted in the census. That’s 3-4 congressional seats. Think about that, FOUR congresspeople Democrats have stolen on the back of illegal immigration.

Sick, despicable people.

And this is how they're allowed access to the voter registration system:

Nothing to see here (DWS)...
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