The Southern border boogeyman

2 non-answers from you. Why do you bother posting, unless you're drunk, if you've nothing to say?
"How is that not impeachable?"
Because it's not. It was a simple answer, not personal, but just because you don't agree with something doesn't mean it's wrong.

I don't keep alcohol in the house, sunshine. You want to get personal? Why do you bother posting? If something to say is criteria, then why have you ever been on here? You must be drunk. Just playing by your logic.
"How is that not impeachable?"
Because it's not. It was a simple answer, not personal, but just because you don't agree with something doesn't mean it's wrong.

I don't keep alcohol in the house, sunshine. You want to get personal? Why do you bother posting? If something to say is criteria, then why have you ever been on here? You must be drunk. Just playing by your logic.
"Because it's not" is not an explanation, but, as the rest of your post shows, you're a juvenile.
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Sometimes it's that simple. The answer is the answer.
You and Goat are peas in a pod. His "A crime is a crime because it's a crime" argument is just as stupid as 'The answer is the answer'.
You and Goat are peas in a pod. His "A crime is a crime because it's a crime" argument is just as stupid as 'The answer is the answer'.
You were asking why it wasn't impeachable. Because it's not. You don't prove a negative. You have to show why it is impeachable. It's not anyone's task or job to make sure you understand why something doesn't exist.

You sound like one of those Karens on TikTok who whine about being filmed. So they call the cops who then tell those idiots, because it's not against the law because it's not against the law. You're too dense and stubborn to understand that.

The answer is the answer.
Read the entire article(s):

Just "bogeymen" I presume...

Anyone have a count on the number of undocumented military age males that have come across over the past three and a half years...??? How about "get aways"...?

Bogeyman my ass, those people represent a viable threat and the question needs to be asked as to why they were not only allowed in but seemingly actively encouraged to come...

Try getting your news from somewhere other than The Daily Show and you might have a clue as to why many are concerned and a majority (62% in the CBS poll) hope to soon see most of them deported...

//That's not even considering the number of violent gang members and recently released felons who've come across.

Drug dealers, human traffickers, pedophiles, chronic drunk drivers and theives...; Biden has welcomed them all.

Anyone who believes these people aren't a risk to yourself or your family is a fool who prefers to live in fantasyland rather than reality.//
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I'm starting to think, if by some strange turn of accidents, Pres Kamalala may not be out of the question.
Then impeach her and put Johnson in the white house.
Your delusions of grandeur are humorous, but let's play your imbecilic scenario out.

Not only does she still name a VP, who would then be second in command, but the idea she would get indicted on an impeachment charge is moronic.
Your delusions of grandeur are humorous, but let's play your imbecilic scenario out.

Not only does she still name a VP, who would then be second in command, but the idea she would get indicted on an impeachment charge is moronic.
I’m thinking Joe’s mind finally totally gives up the ghost. He thinks he’s a dog, runs around barking and peeing on everything. Kamala takes him for a walk, in the rain, looks up with her mouth open and drowns.
Johnson for the win!
There’s a chance.
I'm not playing your stupid games. Don't bring my name up in any thread you intend to continue posting in.
So is non compliance worthy of banishment if you ask a poster to stop responding to your post?

Just asking for use with a poster who follows me around.
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I’m thinking Joe’s mind finally totally gives up the ghost. He thinks he’s a dog, runs around barking and peeing on everything. Kamala takes him for a walk, in the rain, looks up with her mouth open and drowns.
Johnson for the win!
There’s a chance.
By Joe, you mean you're referring to yourself in the third person, and you have jungle fever. Got it.
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62% of registered voters support mass deportation of all illegal immigrants, including 1/3 of Democrats. Wow.

Not. Possible. No way to undertake such an effort without local law enforcement. Maybe they could get local law enforcement to turn over people they pick up for crimes (even that notion is dubious in sanctuary jurisdictions). But how do you go about rounding up everyone else? You gonna send the military and ICE onto the streets of America to check papers?

IKE was the last person to do it successfully and I believe he topped out at like a million removals a year. Trump wants to get 15-20 million in four years? Not gonna happen.
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Not. Possible. No way to undertake such an effort without local law enforcement. Maybe they could get local law enforcement to turn over people they pick up for crimes (even that notion is dubious in sanctuary jurisdictions). But how do you go about rounding up everyone else? You gonna send the military and ICE onto the streets of America to check papers?

IKE was the last person to do it successfully and I believe he topped out at like a million removals a year. Trump wants to get 15-20 million in four years? Not gonna happen.
Start with the military age males, along with anyone already in the justice system and work from there...
Biden is way to concerned about those terrorists that like to shoot guns at bottles and cans in the backwoods than those crossing the border. Now they may get a few more votes because 8 of who knows how many have crossed got caught is in the news. Not that a wall isn't dumb but the open flooding of the border is just dumber and leads to violence. But more violence is how Angry Joe works because he can't negotiate.

Trump doesn't want to debate Oliver or RFK because he will gain nothing. Reality is he knows they will make him look foolish and he knows he will lose votes. Biden and Dems will just label anyone who doesn't support them terrorists and a threat to Democracy when they are the real threat. Biden will probably just freeze and stare at the camera for an entire debate. Maybe they will pump him up with enough drugs to be able to read a teleprompter. Afterall he is supporter of drugs now after all those years of blowing taxpayer money to fight drugs. Why does he have no backbone and go down with the ship. Oh yeh, he might get some votes if he flips and he can continue to fund wars elsewhere.

Below is from Chase Oliver website on immigration and seems to make a lot of sense to me.


Our immigration system is a tragic mess. We simply must break the partisan logjam and bring people from all parties together to reform and modernize it. There are few better examples of “bad government” than the overly complex current laws and regulations involving immigration. The President needs to take the lead and work with Congress to radically simplify our immigration system so people can come here, work, and become members of our communities without being relegated to the shadows. Immigrants built this country, and they can help keep it growing and prospering for future generations of Americans. As President, I would

  • Collaborate with Congress to return to an Ellis Island style of processing immigrants. It should be simple for those who wish to come here to work and build a better life to appear before immigration officials at an accredited port of entry, be given medical and criminal checks to assess their safety and receive a visa allowing them to immediately find employment. This is a process that should take, at most, days; not months or years.
  • Create a simpler path to citizenship for immigrants who are already here. Some eight million undocumented immigrants are currently present in our labor force, doing essential jobs, paying payroll taxes, and contributing to our economic growth. Formalizing this arrangement will not only allow them to further contribute to the economy by meeting critical labor demand and reducing inflationary pressures, it also saves taxpayers billions of dollars in enforcement costs.
  • Create a path to citizenship for both DACA-eligible residents and the children of foreign workers admitted to the US on temporary work visas. These immigrants often lose their legal status upon turning 21, robbing us of individuals educated here in America with something to offer our society.
  • Expand both the H1B visa and startup visa, which allows skilled immigrants to bring their talent and innovation to our shores. These individuals add to our economy by starting new businesses and putting more Americans to work. Fifty-five percent of American startups that are valued at over one billion dollars were founded or co-founded by immigrants.
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Oliver talks a good game now, but a few years ago, he was singing a different tune. I'm not sure yet if I trust the guy.
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62% of registered voters support mass deportation of all illegal immigrants, including 1/3 of Democrats. Wow.

Getting rid of all immigration would have such a negative effect on this country.

People should really think about the ramifications if that were to happen.