The sound of freedom.

Actually, there is a very good purpose for it. The idea is to make people who have those feelings less needing to hide them, and instead get treatment. A "minor attracted person" who gets mental health treatment and doesn't abuse a child is also a child who doesn't get abused. That's a win worth fighting for.
Yeah because it’s really common for pedos to come forward to ask for help before the abuse starts. (not common)

You know damn well that’s not why the phrase “minor attracted person” exists.

More liberal voodoo horse shit.
Child trafficking should be as non-partisan as it gets.
Yes, it should be, and for the most part it is. But then we have on here several totally disgusting posters who will brand anyone who won't kiss Trump's ass to automatically be either a pedo or a pedo enabler.
Yes, it should be, and for the most part it is. But then we have on here several totally disgusting posters who will brand anyone who won't kiss Trump's ass to automatically be either a pedo or a pedo enabler.
This you?

Is this a QAnon thing? Haven't heard of it.

Somebody creates a thread on a movie I never heard of, I google and see it's something about child trafficking, and it seems to be something the Trumpturds are excited about, so I ask a reasonable question.
You act like a jack ass you get treated like one. And you, in your brilliance, don't question why the news organizations you apparently trust and the thought makers you follow labeled this movie as QAnon Trumpy Nonsense. Doesn't give you any pause at all and that is not surprising.
This you?

You act like a jack ass you get treated like one. And you, in your brilliance, don't question why the news organizations you apparently trust and the thought makers you follow labeled this movie as QAnon Trumpy Nonsense. Doesn't give you any pause at all and that is not surprising.
You’re talking to a person who still believes Epstein killed himself. You’re wasting your time.

Yes, it should be, and for the most part it is. But then we have on here several totally disgusting posters who will brand anyone who won't kiss Trump's ass to automatically be either a pedo or a pedo enabler.
I don’t see that. But even if you are correct, so what? You act as though the left was trolled or something.
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How do you know?
Because I observe. It (The idea of MAPs) is attached to a movement that has "Pride" in who they choose to sleep with or identify as. The fact the "MAP" movement is attached to that movement would kind of seem to indicate that treatment of a disease isn't quite what they have in mind. The fact they have their own flag to wave around doesn't sound like treatment of a disease is what they have in mind.

A guy with his fake tits out on the White House lawn is where the "tolerance" always leads. "We just want to have the freedom to love who we want to love..." morphed into "tell us how awesome we are bigot". That is invariably where adding another letter or flag representation to the alphabet people has always led. Not tolerance. Not acceptance. Celebration.
Actually, there is a very good purpose for it. The idea is to make people who have those feelings less needing to hide them, and instead get treatment. A "minor attracted person" who gets mental health treatment and doesn't abuse a child is also a child who doesn't get abused. That's a win worth fighting for.
I agree that must be the motivating factor behind the movement. I am skeptical that there is evidence that mental health treatment works on "curing" it. Here, the analogy to homosexuality might be the apt one.

I've never researched it, though, probably because my emotions tend to get the better of me here and I do have a kneejerk reaction of disgust and strong urge to punish the abusers. Quite frankly, I don't understand why more sexual abusers aren't murdered by the parents of their victims.
Obviously reasonable and conventional line of thinking.

With that said, you can’t expect a manufactured civil rights movement around gender to have manageable optics. They got the drama they wanted.
Absolutely brilliant observation.
Yes, it should be, and for the most part it is. But then we have on here several totally disgusting posters who will brand anyone who won't kiss Trump's ass to automatically be either a pedo or a pedo enabler.
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Trump Trump Trump Trump
I agree that must be the motivating factor behind the movement. I am skeptical that there is evidence that mental health treatment works on "curing" it. Here, the analogy to homosexuality might be the apt one.

I've never researched it, though, probably because my emotions tend to get the better of me here and I do have a kneejerk reaction of disgust and strong urge to punish the abusers. Quite frankly, I don't understand why more sexual abusers aren't murdered by the parents of their victims.
"I don't understand why more sexual abusers aren't murdered by the parents of their victims."

Me neither.
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You act as though the left was trolled or something.
What would you label comments like this (and a few others that were worse and were apparently deleted)

"there’s another letter the Dems are trying to add. Comes after O"

"they feel the need to downplay the scourge of child trafficking"

"liberals are going straight to hell"

"the Dem run FBI has the Epstein Island client list where likely hundreds of children were raped and possibly mutilated yet none are being arrested and the Dems don’t care"

"You really don’t give a damn about kids being trafficked and abused"

answer: straight up TROLLING.
Because we feel that every US citizen should have a base level of healthcare coverage (like police and fire protection)?

Or is it because we tend to want to live in a society that looks out for each other, cares for each other and respects each other's pursuit of happiness (as long as it doesn't infringe on others happiness of course).

Your God must be a real ****.
Deal with it.
What would you label comments like this (and a few others that were worse and were apparently deleted)

"there’s another letter the Dems are trying to add. Comes after O"

"they feel the need to downplay the scourge of child trafficking"

"liberals are going straight to hell"

"the Dem run FBI has the Epstein Island client list where likely hundreds of children were raped and possibly mutilated yet none are being arrested and the Dems don’t care"

"You really don’t give a damn about kids being trafficked and abused"

answer: straight up TROLLING.
I’ll help you out f#ck twat. You were the first person to start trolling with the QAnon post. Don’t cry like a b#tch when people troll back.
I’ll help you out f#ck twat. You were the first person to start trolling with the QAnon post. Don’t cry like a b#tch when people troll back.
I asked if it was associated with QAnon. They were, after all, behind some crazy made-up "Pizzagate" nonsense and I simply wanted to know if this movie was an offshoot of that. It apparently is not and it is (gratifyingly) at least based on actual reality and on saving kids from trafficking. Question asked and question answered. That's wonderful.

It might be bad news to some of the pedo "I adopt a wide stance" GOP and Dem politicians and Epstein buddies , but that is welcome as well. I made no comment about you and the other brain-dead apparent Q lovers on here.
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Really, theres nothing lunatic about it... A couple weeks back people are out at these pride parades, in several cities, shaking it NAKED in front of kids. Running around buck naked in the streets. Gee I wonder what part of our past history that sounds like?
Don't ever go to Europe, and by all means avoid all the FKK signs along the Autobahn in Germany. Your freaking head will explode...
The word “freedom” in the title is a trigger for some apparently. Irony

For example, Outside Shitter, mentioned Qanon, Trumpturds, then follows with how he had no idea what the movie was about. Ironic for someone who claims to subscribe to the “scientific method.” Sounds like he actually subscribes to the liberal voodoo horse shit method. Parrot MSN, then think about it later.
It's a trigger for sure but possibly not who you think it's for.
I agree that must be the motivating factor behind the movement. I am skeptical that there is evidence that mental health treatment works on "curing" it. Here, the analogy to homosexuality might be the apt one.

I've never researched it, though, probably because my emotions tend to get the better of me here and I do have a kneejerk reaction of disgust and strong urge to punish the abusers. Quite frankly, I don't understand why more sexual abusers aren't murdered by the parents of their victims.
I have no idea how successful treatment of these people is. But I certainly don't think treating them is a bad idea. And I definitely don't subscribe to the paranoid fantasy that this is all part of a movement to normalize child abuse.
Kind of a self own when someone asks if Q is involved and you post tweets frrom a major Q figure (and propagator of Pizzagate) in response...

Posobiec? Really?:eek:

"Posobiec has worked with a global network of extreme far-right and pro-authoritarian figures in his activism. He printed his second book through a publishing house where white supremacist Theodore Beale, known by the pen name Vox Day, serves as lead editor. In May 2017, Posobiec and the neo-Nazi Andrew “Weev” Auernheimer amplified the Russian military intelligence-backed “#MacronLeaks” operation, a so-called hack-and-leak effort to boost the campaign of far-right, anti-immigrant French politician Marine Le Pen. Around the same time, Posobiec collaborated on content for the online publication Rebel News at least twice with Jeffrey and Edward Clark, brothers who were active in online Neo-Nazi circles. The Clark brothers were reportedly connected online to Robert Bowers, who is now facing federal charges in connection with the massacre of 11 people in 2018 at a synagogue in Pittsburgh. Posobiec has appeared at events with such white nationalists as Richard Spencer and Scott Greer. He has appeared multiple times as a guest on the antigovernment conspiracy website Infowars. He has posed for smiling photos with leaders of the neofascist Proud Boys. Posobiec has targeted Jewish reporters with antisemitic hate and collaborated with, and marched alongside, Polish far-right extremists in Warsaw."

He collaborates with known neo-Nazis like Auerheimer and the Clarks and you and DBM have no qualms about reposting his tweets? What's wrong with you people? Auerheimer is a regular contributor to the Daily Stormer, and doesn't even try and hide his anti-semitism and entrenched Nazi ideology.“weev”-auernheimer
I have no idea how successful treatment of these people is. But I certainly don't think treating them is a bad idea. And I definitely don't subscribe to the paranoid fantasy that this is all part of a movement to normalize child abuse.
You have no idea how they are successfully treated. But if someone has issues with people trying to change the language to destigmatize child molestation they are subscribing to a paranoid fantasy? That’s not a logical thought process.
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Kind of a self own when someone asks if Q is involved and you post tweets frrom a major Q figure (and propagator of Pizzagate) in response...

Posobiec? Really?:eek:

"Posobiec has worked with a global network of extreme far-right and pro-authoritarian figures in his activism. He printed his second book through a publishing house where white supremacist Theodore Beale, known by the pen name Vox Day, serves as lead editor. In May 2017, Posobiec and the neo-Nazi Andrew “Weev” Auernheimer amplified the Russian military intelligence-backed “#MacronLeaks” operation, a so-called hack-and-leak effort to boost the campaign of far-right, anti-immigrant French politician Marine Le Pen. Around the same time, Posobiec collaborated on content for the online publication Rebel News at least twice with Jeffrey and Edward Clark, brothers who were active in online Neo-Nazi circles. The Clark brothers were reportedly connected online to Robert Bowers, who is now facing federal charges in connection with the massacre of 11 people in 2018 at a synagogue in Pittsburgh. Posobiec has appeared at events with such white nationalists as Richard Spencer and Scott Greer. He has appeared multiple times as a guest on the antigovernment conspiracy website Infowars. He has posed for smiling photos with leaders of the neofascist Proud Boys. Posobiec has targeted Jewish reporters with antisemitic hate and collaborated with, and marched alongside, Polish far-right extremists in Warsaw."

He collaborates with known neo-Nazis like Auerheimer and the Clarks and you and DBM have no qualms about reposting his tweets? What's wrong with you people? Auerheimer is a regular contributor to the Daily Stormer, and doesn't even try and hide his anti-semitism and entrenched Nazi ideology.“weev”-auernheimer
Ad Hominum attacks on Jack Posobiac.
Straw man argument, investigative reporter Jack Posobiac is now actually Andrew Aurnheimer...who is a monster...

What absolute blather...
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What would you label comments like this (and a few others that were worse and were apparently deleted)

"there’s another letter the Dems are trying to add. Comes after O"

"they feel the need to downplay the scourge of child trafficking"

"liberals are going straight to hell"

"the Dem run FBI has the Epstein Island client list where likely hundreds of children were raped and possibly mutilated yet none are being arrested and the Dems don’t care"

"You really don’t give a damn about kids being trafficked and abused"

answer: straight up TROLLING.
i Call that in one ear and out the other.

There is no such thing as internet trolling. Those who think there is such a thing have learned that through training in microagressions, hypersensitivity, , safe spaces, and censorship.

We all are 100% responsible for what we think, how we react, and what we say.
Stood on line for 15 minutes on a Tuesday night in Washington indiana to watch this movie. They delayed the start for 30 minutes to allow everyone to get in to a movie that was supposed to start at 6:30.

Just got seated.

I’ve never seen a crowd like this here.
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Actually, there is a very good purpose for it. The idea is to make people who have those feelings less needing to hide them, and instead get treatment. A "minor attracted person" who gets mental health treatment and doesn't abuse a child is also a child who doesn't get abused. That's a win worth fighting for.
They need to be shot in the face.
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I have no idea how successful treatment of these people is. But I certainly don't think treating them is a bad idea. And I definitely don't subscribe to the paranoid fantasy that this is all part of a movement to normalize child abuse.
Of course you wouldn’t cop to that, who would freely admit such a thing?
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Trump Trump Trump Trump
Board explosion
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Lets burn it down...

This is the kind of shit that makes you sound like a lunatic.
Standard Water Cooler fare. Engaging in rhetorical flourishes with people hopelessly detached from any sense of decency as if that engagement in and of itself isn't problematic.

But I self-acknowledge I'm flirting with the same by even posting (albeit rarely) on the craven cesspool that is the Water Cooler.
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Whata weak minded POS he is lol
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