The Serious Election Day Thread

Cuban is facetiming with students waiting in long lines. And Trump is frantically calling into radio stations in WI and PA trying to get people to vote...
LOL, per Cuomo/Newsnation just now, more 'scanning software issues' in two PA counties that went heavily Trump in the past and Trump campaign asking people to please stay in line. Newsnation (Cuomo) said his report is people are leaving those long lines.
Atlanta suburbs look to be slightly better for Harris than they were for Biden.
MSNBC was saying how the data shows a lot of Republicans moving to Florida since 20. They were suggesting as Florida becomes more Republican, some of these Midwestern states are losing Republicans.
If Trump wins Florida by record numbers, but Harris wins Iowa in exchange, that's a trade the Dems will take all day long.
Careful, that's because of the bias toward early votes. Those numbers will shift red over the rest of the evening.

Understood, but it was like 75% in, and the trend is for the election day vote to be less overwhelmingly Pub than before. I'm being hopeful, but not going overboard by any means.
Okay, it's 6:00, so here's another traditional question: Whom are you watching? As usually, I'll default to NewsNation, but I'll get sick of Cuomo pretty quickly, and bounce around between MSNBC and Fox a lot. I can't handle CNN election coverage at all, and probably won't even glance at it except by accident.

Once in a while, BBC will probably be a quality check-in, too.
Sadly, and with only having a smidgen of an opportunity to see it back in the day. I though Al Gores Al Jazzera was well beyond equal reporting. But that was well over a minute ago and it didn't last. As a "muslim hatin redneck" I was very surprised of the coverage of them at the time.
But in lieu of that, Newsmax and OANN. Fox is dead to me, as of 3 years ago. "I've changed".
Trump running a few points ahead of his 2020 numbers in a few deep red counties in GA

Harris up 52-47 in Palm Beach…was 56-43 Biden. Trump up 55-44 in Miami-Dade, was 53-46 Biden
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