The REAL theft of our elections...


Mar 23, 2006
Russian bots are pussies compared to election manipulation compared to Google.

"Google can, overall, easily shift the votes of between 20-80% of undecided voters; right now, that is about 40% of the electorate. This could be enormously consequential. By mid-2024, 20% of voters will likely still not have made up their minds on who to support. At that point, Google will still be able to shift up to 80% of the votes of those individuals -- or up to 16% percent of the electorate.

If, in 2024, 158 million people cast ballots, as they did in 2020, it means Google could likely shift the votes of between 6.4 and 25.5 million people, thereby easily controlling the outcome of any election in which the projected win margin is less than 4%."

Russian bots are pussies compared to election manipulation compared to Google.

"Google can, overall, easily shift the votes of between 20-80% of undecided voters; right now, that is about 40% of the electorate. This could be enormously consequential. By mid-2024, 20% of voters will likely still not have made up their minds on who to support. At that point, Google will still be able to shift up to 80% of the votes of those individuals -- or up to 16% percent of the electorate.

If, in 2024, 158 million people cast ballots, as they did in 2020, it means Google could likely shift the votes of between 6.4 and 25.5 million people, thereby easily controlling the outcome of any election in which the projected win margin is less than 4%."

Who are they manipulating for? Will Trump or Harris win by as much as 25.5 million votes?

Gatestone Institute doesn't have a great reputation for accuracy, by the way. I suppose that could be a Google lie. ;)
Who are they manipulating for? Will Trump or Harris win by as much as 25.5 million votes?

Gatestone Institute doesn't have a great reputation for accuracy, by the way. I suppose that could be a Google lie. ;)

Robert Epstein does have a great reputation, though. Did you even read the article? Read any of the links? I guess you believe Google is just an honest broker? I have beachfront property in Nebraska for you. 😉
Robert Epstein does have a great reputation, though. Did you even read the article? Read any of the links? I guess you believe Google is just an honest broker? I have beachfront property in Nebraska for you. 😉
He knows they’re a dishonest broker. You aren’t going to see him or most Dems acknowledge it.
He knows they’re a dishonest broker. You aren’t going to see him or most Dems acknowledge it.

The thing is, according to Dr. Epstein (and he says he has the data), Google is working against Elizabeth Warren as she has advocated Google being split up.

It's not all a right/left issue. Most of Google's manipulation does favor the left, but nobody is off limits.
Robert Epstein does have a great reputation, though. Did you even read the article? Read any of the links? I guess you believe Google is just an honest broker? I have beachfront property in Nebraska for you. 😉
Google is a search engine. They have an algorithm which eventually determines the preferences of the user and caters to that some. The articles and sources it lists all have bias to varying degrees. Some are capable of discerning this and dealing with it, and some aren’t. Google does not manipulate my thinking.
Google is a search engine. They have an algorithm which eventually determines the preferences of the user and caters to that some. The articles and sources it lists all have bias to varying degrees. Some are capable of discerning this and dealing with it, and some aren’t. Google does not manipulate my thinking.

No expert, but it seems to be biased to what that person wants to hear.
Google is a search engine. They have an algorithm which eventually determines the preferences of the user and caters to that some. The articles and sources it lists all have bias to varying degrees. Some are capable of discerning this and dealing with it, and some aren’t. Google does not manipulate my thinking.

So your answer is that you did not read the article or the links. Got it.
So your answer is that you did not read the article or the links. Got it.
Nope. Don’t have time to read everything and I’ve already read plenty about search engine bias to have a good idea of the premise. I doubt I’m missing much on this one. Plus I’m past my “give a crap” threshold on the subject. Oh hell, I wonder if that’s the Google talking. 😉
Nope. Don’t have time to read everything and I’ve already read plenty about search engine bias to have a good idea of the premise. I doubt I’m missing much on this one. Plus I’m past my “give a crap” threshold on the subject. Oh hell, I wonder if that’s the Google talking. 😉

Well, if you "read plenty", then you should be familiar with Dr. Epstein as he is considered an expert on search engine manipulation for over a decade. He has testified about his findings to Congress, and has conducted several experiments that that have been published and peer-reviewed.

From his Congressional testimony:

"SEME is one of the most powerful forms of influence ever discovered in the behavioral sciences, and it is especially dangerous because it is invisible to people – “subliminal,” in effect. It leaves people thinking they have made up their own minds, which is very much an illusion. It also leaves no paper trail for authorities to trace. Worse still, the very few people who can detect bias in search results shift even farther in the direction of the bias, so merely being able to see the bias doesn’t protect you from it. Bottom line: biased search results can easily produce shifts in the opinions and voting preference of undecided voters by 20 percent or more – up to 80 percent in some demographic groups."

But I am sure you knew all that, as you have "read plenty".
Well, if you "read plenty", then you should be familiar with Dr. Epstein as he is considered an expert on search engine manipulation for over a decade. He has testified about his findings to Congress, and has conducted several experiments that that have been published and peer-reviewed.

From his Congressional testimony:

"SEME is one of the most powerful forms of influence ever discovered in the behavioral sciences, and it is especially dangerous because it is invisible to people – “subliminal,” in effect. It leaves people thinking they have made up their own minds, which is very much an illusion. It also leaves no paper trail for authorities to trace. Worse still, the very few people who can detect bias in search results shift even farther in the direction of the bias, so merely being able to see the bias doesn’t protect you from it. Bottom line: biased search results can easily produce shifts in the opinions and voting preference of undecided voters by 20 percent or more – up to 80 percent in some demographic groups."

But I am sure you knew all that, as you have "read plenty".
Yes. I've read that opinion and others. Do you think you're immune to it?
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Never said I was. Not sure what your point is. I started a post to share information, information that I think some were aware of, but probably didn't know the extent of Google's manipulation. It should concern us.
Everyone is manipulating everyone for their own purposes. No stopping it. May as well say McDonalds can’t show ads convincing that their horrible greasy gray burgers are wonderful
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Every trial advocacy, article, book, class or program was a lesson in manipulating others. Manipulation is an essential part of most communication. Some are better at it than others. Some are more susceptible to it than others. Our social immunity to manipulation is weakening. Hence restrictions on free expression, misinformation concerns, safe spaces trigger warnings, and . . . . Ignore buttons.
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Google is a search engine. They have an algorithm which eventually determines the preferences of the user and caters to that some. The articles and sources it lists all have bias to varying degrees. Some are capable of discerning this and dealing with it, and some aren’t. Google does not manipulate my thinking.
Google is way more than a search engine, but even in your example, you're underestimating the algorithm. It’s not just serving up results based on your preferences.
Russian bots are pussies compared to election manipulation compared to Google.

"Google can, overall, easily shift the votes of between 20-80% of undecided voters; right now, that is about 40% of the electorate. This could be enormously consequential. By mid-2024, 20% of voters will likely still not have made up their minds on who to support. At that point, Google will still be able to shift up to 80% of the votes of those individuals -- or up to 16% percent of the electorate.

If, in 2024, 158 million people cast ballots, as they did in 2020, it means Google could likely shift the votes of between 6.4 and 25.5 million people, thereby easily controlling the outcome of any election in which the projected win margin is less than 4%."

I agree it's a problem however Google is a private company that can do as they please when it comes to their algorithms. Unless of course, you think they should be slapped with federal... REGULATIONS...dun dun dun.
Google is way more than a search engine, but even in your example, you're underestimating the algorithm. It’s not just serving up results based on your preferences.
No way it’s serving up my preferences. In fact it’s making searches more difficult regarding my preferences.

Anyone who doesn’t think Google is trying to manipulate the election in one direction is just plain naive.

Edit: or thrilled with the direction of that manipulation and intentionally not acknowledging it.
I agree it's a problem however Google is a private company that can do as they please when it comes to their algorithms. Unless of course, you think they should be slapped with federal... REGULATIONS...dun dun dun.

Well, regulations could be the ultimate solution. First step is creating a public awareness. Second step is to see if a private option can be created to offset the manipulation. Finally, some regulations might be necessary.

Regulations are not necessarily evil if they are used to protect the general public. And with the introduction of AI, federal regulations will be needed.

Manipulation does not have to limited to election interference. Subliminal messaging on broadcast TV is prohibited by the FCC because it is manipulative. If a drug company pays Google to target with subliminal messages to manipulate people to use it drug, are we ok with that as a society? If a porn site wants to pay Google to use manipulation to steer children to its site, are we ok with that as a society?
I can’t be manipulated. I’ve never ever prescribed a drug because the drug rep was hot and showed cleavage. Not me. Never
That’s the way we used to know whether or not to order new medications. I would look at one of the techs and say, “order 3 of those”….cursed is going to be ordering that non-stop for a bit
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