The media should hold Presidents accountable

This has always been known for years people. Nothing really new just finally getting some coverage. And Durham has always been the deep state cover up guy. He refused to even interview most of the suspects. Everyone but the Qanon crazies knew nothing would ever come from that.

Hint: anytime bombshell is included in the title, it’s fake. Unless they are talking about a person on Love Island, then it’s a good looking guy or girl.
Did you get a selfie.......from a moderate distance?

Maybe ended up being minimal distance due to T-Rex arms (kidding)

big t rex GIF
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Who gets to decide whether or not a source is reputable vs. disreputable? The Swifty on this board known as Mr. Softy? Come on man, assuming you still identify as a man.
Who's the Swifty?

If you think DBM is posting from reputable sources, state it. The people he quotes do little but post one sided tripe, which is how DBM likes it.
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Do you have anything of substance to refute these claims or illustrate that they’re baseless or will you just assume they’re false due to the subject matter? To be clear, I’m not assuming they’re true but am not willing to dismiss without some examination. Have you done any examination? Another chance for you to help me & others on the board understand, or share what criteria must be met for you to accept there is some merit to the claims. TIA
I’m not reading all that crap. It’s silly on its face and 95 percent of what dbm links turns about to be false. The odds are ever in my favor in that.
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I am curious. Fox news is reporting this. Now I concede that Fox is not unbiased, just like many outlets that lean to the left, but it is not some random twitter guy saying this.

In the past, people believed the Steele dossier-Russian collusion story, including all left leaning media, until it was proven to actually be a creation of Hillary and her team to discredit Trump. It took the entire Trump presidency before it was understood to be a complete fabrication created by Hillary and her team.

People believed the Hunter laptop story, as portrayed by the left leaning media, until it wasn't. Hell, twitter was actually deleting posts on anything damning to Hunter, until they realized it was all true. It took 2 years for the rest of media to "catch-up" to the initial story as released by the NY Post.

Do you believe that the CIA/FBI are not capable of doing what is claimed in the video above. Personally, I have no confidence in either, and would guess that there was, in fact, an effort to spy on Trump and his team. In fact, I would be shocked if this wasn't the case, given the history of the Democratic party over the last 6-7 years, and the levels that they will resort to to beat Trump.
No I don’t believe it at all. Take the FBI, the Director was a Republican (all of its Directors have been Republicans) and the rank and file is historically heavily Republican. As much as Trump sucks, I don’t believe the Republican heavy FBI was illegitimately investigating Trump or his team in 2016. None of the investigations, including the Republican led Senate investigation found anything like that.

Fox has jumped the shark too. I used to watch and defend Fox but it’s not credible for the most part now. Anyone that hitches up to the Trump train seems to lose his way. Fox is no exception.
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Correct. The media should not have kid gloves on for any candidate for public office. Candidates job to answer the tough questions.

“What’s crazy is thinking that we are the ones as voters who must silence concerns and criticisms. It is the candidates’ job to assuage concerns — not the voters’ job not to mention them.”- Jon Stewart
Weaponize the IRS and FBI.

Sell a lie - “Republicans are gun-toting, Bible-clinging racists.”

Sell a bigger lie - “Republicans are a threat to democracy.”

Build camps.
I enjoyed my time in the Obama reeducation camps. Met a lot of nice people. Wrongheaded at the beginning, but we straightened them out.

Any mountain camps this time around?
Afraid because Trump is smarter this time around? No, the bastard is just more unhinged and the world knows it. The only countries secure with him getting another term are led by unhinged dictators. Most of Europe are holding their breath.
He's a lot more seasoned this time around. Knows how the game is played and where the bodies are buried. Most importantly, he's going to stack the administration with loyalists and not deep state scumbags like Barr, Pompeo, and Bolton.
Who's the Swifty?

If you think DBM is posting from reputable sources, state it. The people he quotes do little but post one sided tripe, which is how DBM likes it.
Ty has it right. The dream team was taking to many scalps and you were sent here, much like a gifted Philodendron I once received from a total fake prick, a total plant.

He's a lot more seasoned this time around. Knows how the game is played and where the bodies are buried. Most importantly, he's going to stack the administration with loyalists and not deep state scumbags like Barr, Pompeo, and Bolton.
You are truly frightening. I'm really not sure how you function daily being so unhinged.
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He's a lot more seasoned this time around. Knows how the game is played and where the bodies are buried. Most importantly, he's going to stack the administration with loyalists and not deep state scumbags like Barr, Pompeo, and Bolton.
Hate to break it to you but Trump loyalists are scumbags. And surrounding himself with yes men that put Trump over country isn't a positive
He's a lot more seasoned this time around. Knows how the game is played and where the bodies are buried. Most importantly, he's going to stack the administration with loyalists and not deep state scumbags like Barr, Pompeo, and Bolton.
It grieves me to inform you that your parents sired a simple-minded jackass.

Are you even slightly aware that scumbags Barr, Pompeo, and Bolton were appointed by your hero? I hope you won't be upset if I point out so were all of the others in his cabinet and senior administration who left or were dismissed.

You and your friends are all quick to point out "mountains of evidence of wrongdoing" by Biden or someone else in his party. Can any of you explain why this "evidence" has not been presented to a grand jury leading to an indictment requiring those SOB's to stand trial? That is what has been done with Trump, evidence presented to grand juries who decided there was probable cause, and he should be tried. I know why it has not gone to a grand jury and so do the others on this thread who are not blinded by your nonsense.

Your willful blindness is absolutely staggering.
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No I don’t believe it at all. Take the FBI, the Director was a Republican (all of its Directors have been Republicans) and the rank and file is historically heavily Republican. As much as Trump sucks, I don’t believe the Republican heavy FBI was illegitimately investigating Trump or his team in 2016. None of the investigations, including the Republican led Senate investigation found anything like that.

Fox has jumped the shark too. I used to watch and defend Fox but it’s not credible for the most part now. Anyone that hitches up to the Trump train seems to lose his way. Fox is no exception.

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Everyone I guess except Trump. He said Durham would be exposing "The Crime of the Century!"

And, even after one of the Durham acquittals, I remember danc and other MAGAs posting here that the trial testimony was damning, notwithstanding the result. Why was the Durham investigation such a big deal for Trump/MAGA then but not now? I think even you know the answer.

I always knew. Durham is a deep state hack. Good read here from 2 years ago.

Told ya.


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