The General

I think youre missing what was a point too a already irrelevant statement.

Sheer profundity. Is English a second/third language for you?

Your an idiot.

While I agree entirely with your sentiment, dissing someone's intellect or lack thereof works better when your grammar supports your position, i.e., "You're an idiot" as opposed to "Your an idiot".
Your an idiot. You think its ok and justified that this low life wishes death on people? Only because they got tired of his antics and embarrassing IU? Ok im sure you have a family and loved ones. How . Would you feel if i wished death on you? Think about your children and loved ones having to read that.

For this man to wish death on any person shows just how shallow he is. So he would be happy if another person died knowing they have children, grandchildren a wife? And only then would he come back to IU for cheers and a celebration.

I really hope IU fans never show to one of his meet and greets. If you support this trash then your no better then hm.
Your mind,your thoughts,your choice.
The only thing sad would be genuinely worrying about what somebody thinks, (or wishes) of me as opposed to knowing my true character. Taking his words so literal might be a mistake in the first place, whose to say he wasn't tryin to over emphasize to get his point across.Do you know Bob Knight? Appears to me youre only judging him on what little words hes saying,yet youre willing to go to such lengths to ask iu fans not to show up to any possible future night meet and about 'shallow'.
Ive never wished death upon someone I don't believe, but if I did then I must feel they are a pretty horrible person,and so their family would be better off without them imo. Again you have your thoughts,and I have mine. Using an excuse to shield family members of what such pieces of shit people can be in life isn't exactly groundbreaking for 'societies' best interest to me
I think youre missing what was a point too a already irrelevant statement.
I think you're missing typing skills and grammar. If you're not able to communicate, then I'm not going to try to imagine what you think you could be saying.
Of course hes going to resent/wish the people dead that are still down there at Bloomington . Has everybody here really been so fortunate to live a rose colored life.
Do you wish for people to die because they did something you disagree with? I hope you'll rethink that.
Not so sure guy. I spent 8 years in the military and another 15 at the city of Memphis fire dept. So ya . Ill put my civil duties and my contribution to society up against this peace of trash any day. It is ironic a man like this gets credit like that from people like you for being a coach. Maybe look in your community kid , at those real men bettering your community. And stop looking up to a fake peace of crap who only prays on your community's for his ego boost.

Thank you for your service.
I've got a son that is currently in year 5 of active duty in the Marine Corp.

I'm older and remember like it was yesterday politely asking no Coach Knight for his autograph on a basketball. Joe B Hall had signed it already and I loved it when we played. Some great games.
Coach Knight screamed "I'm not signing any godd**med basketball. I was scared to death. Always think of him as a great coach but a miserable, horrible person. Just my take, I apologize if any are offended or had good experiences with him.
Your mind,your thoughts,your choice.
The only thing sad would be genuinely worrying about what somebody thinks, (or wishes) of me as opposed to knowing my true character. Taking his words so literal might be a mistake in the first place, whose to say he wasn't tryin to over emphasize to get his point across.Do you know Bob Knight? Appears to me youre only judging him on what little words hes saying,yet youre willing to go to such lengths to ask iu fans not to show up to any possible future night meet and about 'shallow'.
Ive never wished death upon someone I don't believe, but if I did then I must feel they are a pretty horrible person,and so their family would be better off without them imo. Again you have your thoughts,and I have mine. Using an excuse to shield family members of what such pieces of shit people can be in life isn't exactly groundbreaking for 'societies' best interest to me

Knight was given the chance to back off his statement. Listen to the interview. Im judging the man on his own words and actions. Testimony from a secretary and and an assistant coach showed me he was an egotistical bully years ago. After this interview it's pretty clear he is trash. You can twist things all you want. At the end of the day knight was A fraud. No way any young man should of been under his guidance.
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Sheer profundity. Is English a second/third language for you?

While I agree entirely with your sentiment, dissing someone's intellect or lack thereof works better when your grammar supports your position, i.e., "You're an idiot" as opposed to "Your an idiot".

Your correct. When it comes to spelling and grammar i suck. I had issues as a young child. I love to read. But spelling and grammar i fail miserably.
He'd get kicked off most message boards for saying that to posters that disagreed with him.
Knight is a hypocrite and the most self-centered sob who ever walked through the doors of Assembly Hall. Every time he opens his mouth he affirms that IU did the right thing 16 years ago.

Compare his behavior to that of Bill Mallory who was unceremoniously fired for nothing more than not winning enough, despite demonstrating exemplary behavior and taking the football program to heights it had never reached before (nor has since). One is a bitter, selfish old man who doesn't care enough about his former players to show up to help them celebrate their championships despite their pleas to join them. The other holds annual reunions with former players and remains one of IU's biggest supporters despite the indignity inflicted on him.

Bill Mallory is a Hoosier icon. Bob Knight is a pathetic, miserable human being. Given his comments today, here's hoping no one at IU reaches out to him ever again.
Your correct. When it comes to spelling and grammar i suck. I had issues as a young child. I love to read. But spelling and grammar i fail miserably.

You probably took english grammar freshman year of high school when you were 14 years old. And you did not focus on it then: fourteen year old boy with raging hormones not interested in grammar - imagine that. Go on eBay and buy the Harbrace College Handbook. It will cost about 5 bucks. This time you will be looking it at it with the maturity of an adult and will come much easier to you. It is self explanatory and you can teach it to yourself. The subject is not as painful as you remember.
I'm going to check and see if some of you fools who want to distance yourselves from all things related to coach Knight are the same people clambering for returning to being an "elite" program.

This thread has shown me how truly clueless some of our fan base has become. Let me make it simple, Knight hasn't, wasn't going to , and will never change, and nor will the fact that his value to IU basketball is about 50 percent of the total.

There is no "Hoosier Nation" without what he did. Unless you were watching McCracken, you are all spawn of Knight's legacy. Say what you will about his words, but the man is the same as he was in '71, and he led IU to sustained greatness.

Knight won 20+ games with Luke Jimenez in the backcourt, while Erik Suhr blindly states tonight that "Indiana just doesn't have the personnel to play with Wisconsin in the half court". Good grief.

Billy Donovan, I should remind some of you, won back to back NCAA titles with 3 players who are still in the NBA 10 years later. With that kind of talent, Knight goes undefeated.

Knight was a warrior of the highest level of competitiveness. All the negatives in his personality were like the magma of the volcano. It was never nice. It was only occasionally fun. It's a volcano. But it was undeniable greatness. You take what it was and stick it in the history books and move on. Sitting here complaining that he is still a volcano shows a lack of understanding of who he is.
I'm going to check and see if some of you fools who want to distance yourselves from all things related to coach Knight are the same people clambering for returning to being an "elite" program..

You sound like the Dennis Hopper character in "Apocalypse Now" in his praise of Marlon Brando's Colonel Kurtz character

Bill Mallory is a Hoosier icon. Bob Knight is a pathetic, miserable human being. Given his comments today, here's hoping no one at IU reaches out to him ever again.

Bill Mallory is a good man and a pretty decent college football coach who IU fans appreciate. Bob Knight is arguably the greatest college basketball mind of all time and he says a lot of stuff that pisses people off. Always has. He also did a lot of great things for a lot of people. I don't understand people telling someone when they should or shouldn't "get over" something. He's still ticked that IU ruined his finale and that is his prerogative. If you don't want to hear it, don't be duped into listening to the first week of March media nonsense that happens every year. It's like shareware for ball journalists.
I'm going to check and see if some of you fools who want to distance yourselves from all things related to coach Knight are the same people clambering for returning to being an "elite" program.

This thread has shown me how truly clueless some of our fan base has become. Let me make it simple, Knight hasn't, wasn't going to , and will never change, and nor will the fact that his value to IU basketball is about 50 percent of the total.

There is no "Hoosier Nation" without what he did. Unless you were watching McCracken, you are all spawn of Knight's legacy. Say what you will about his words, but the man is the same as he was in '71, and he led IU to sustained greatness.

Knight won 20+ games with Luke Jimenez in the backcourt, while Erik Suhr blindly states tonight that "Indiana just doesn't have the personnel to play with Wisconsin in the half court". Good grief.

Billy Donovan, I should remind some of you, won back to back NCAA titles with 3 players who are still in the NBA 10 years later. With that kind of talent, Knight goes undefeated.

Knight was a warrior of the highest level of competitiveness. All the negatives in his personality were like the magma of the volcano. It was never nice. It was only occasionally fun. It's a volcano. But it was undeniable greatness. You take what it was and stick it in the history books and move on. Sitting here complaining that he is still a volcano shows a lack of understanding of who he is.

What a load of nonsense.

Sustained greatness? He made one Sweet 16 his last 13 years.

In '75, he said that was the best team he ever had and lost after losing just one player from it. Cheney's team was loaded with talent and never won a title.

"Greatness" is FAR more than just wining some games. It's being an actual human too. The same people who cry about our "snowflake millennials" are the same ones who say it's ok for Knight to say he wishes people were dead because his widdle feewuns got hurt.
Great article.

IU needs to stop kissing his butt begging him to come back and make a strong statement saying his comment was disgusting and no longer welcome at IU.

And is it really true he only made the Sweet 16 just once his last 13 years? Crean looks like Coach K compared to that.
Knight was overrated in his later years. He was constantly losing first round in the NCAA tournament.
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Sustained greatness? He made one Sweet 16 his last 13 years.

In '75, he said that was the best team he ever had and lost after losing just one player from it. Cheney's team was loaded with talent and never won a title.

"Greatness" is FAR more than just wining some games. It's being an actual human too. The same people who cry about our "snowflake millennials" are the same ones who say it's ok for Knight to say he wishes people were dead because his widdle feewuns got hurt.

If you don't consider winning 3 national titles, 11 Big Ten titles, and 900 games "greatness" then the good news is, I can be relieved to know that you don't think another Big Ten basketball coach has achieved it.

The 75 team was 31-1 and lost one game by 2 points because Scott May broke his arm. It was the most talented IU team. Steve Green was the leading scorer on that team and was not on the 76 team. In terms of "great", the following year they went undefeated, and that is indeed "greater" than losing one game. But yes, losing a player of May's caliber late is enough to have trouble against UK. Maybe ask Bob Huggins if losing a player like Kenyon Martin late in the tourney run clouded their chances when they were #1.

Cheaney's team was ranked #1 in the country at a point in the '93 season when they had just 8 players available to play, and one of those was Pat Knight. Henderson and Pat Graham were out with injury and what would probably today be a "4-star" freshman, Malcolm Sims had transferred by mid-term. To put this in perspective, Nover was barely 6'8" and was the center, and they only had Cheaney (who was listed at 6'6" until his senior season) and a redshirt freshman Brian Evans (who was listed at 6'7" until his senior season) as the "size". Take De'ron Davis and Thomas Bryant away and see how Crean does against Purdue. That team was 17-1 in conference and that 1 loss was a nail biter too. Damn Jamie Skelton. Name for me the number of non-Bob Knight coached 17-1 or greater Big Ten teams. (hears crickets). IU struggled against Kansas' pressure. There is no denying it. They jumped all over IU in that game. But make no mistake, when asked at the end of the year after winning the title who he thought was actually the best team in the country regardless of tourney outcome, he said "Indiana". And he was right. IU beat Michigan twice that year and would have beaten UNC too. Kansas- great D that game.

Knight did all sorts of philanthropy. It was almost like he knew he was two people and he had to try to do as much good with one of them to try to overcome what the other one might do. But when you think of some of the individuals he helped, and certainly how he helped set up his pupils for success in life, there is no doubt that he created tremendous positivity in his time at Indiana. Let the record not change now in any way.

But getting right to the comment of greatness, I can say that I witnessed greatness on the basketball court the night that IU beat Penn State in 2OT in 1993 in Happy Valley. The way he set up Reynolds for a charge away from the ball was shear genius. It was never a question then, and apparently I should remind some, that it should never be a question now, that Knight could coach a game like few can even come close to. I can remember a play he ran for Guyton to help IU score to beat Purdue that was a bit of a curl play, but it was run through several screens to allow him the freedom to get to the middle of the floor. It was a remarkable play and a great win. That must have been the 99-00 season- a season, mind you, in which IU was ranked most of the year. In fact, IU was ranked in the top 25 in most of the last "6 years" that everyone refers to.

Roy Williams went 35-4 in 1998 and lost to Rhode Island before making the Sweet 16. He had all-time great Paul Pierce on that team. He didn't make the Sweet 16. And yet, somehow, with Luke Recker and Jason Collier and Neil Reed all top-rated guys, all transferring in consecutive seasons, Knight's teams still averaged more than 20 wins and finished well in the conference. No 1st rounders except Kirk Haston- who may very well have stayed had Knight not been fired a year earlier. Knight had the players to get back to the Final Four for the very year they did, but without him at the helm. He brought in the very players who took IU to the final game, and with Andre Owens, who later became an All American at Houston after transferring, and guys like Sean May, who later won a title at UNC sure to be a part of IU, Knight truly missed out on what was clearly a resurgence.

But yes, sustained excellence- things like going to the NCAA tourney without 5 first round draft picks. You know- winning with actual coaching and team play. That is what I am talking about.

In comparison it is an absolute joke that Crean cannot even get to the top 68 teams with this kind of talent. Ridiculous.
If you don't consider winning 3 national titles, 11 Big Ten titles, and 900 games "greatness" then the good news is, I can be relieved to know that you don't think another Big Ten basketball coach has achieved it.

The 75 team was 31-1 and lost one game by 2 points because Scott May broke his arm. It was the most talented IU team. Steve Green was the leading scorer on that team and was not on the 76 team. In terms of "great", the following year they went undefeated, and that is indeed "greater" than losing one game. But yes, losing a player of May's caliber late is enough to have trouble against UK. Maybe ask Bob Huggins if losing a player like Kenyon Martin late in the tourney run clouded their chances when they were #1.

Cheaney's team was ranked #1 in the country at a point in the '93 season when they had just 8 players available to play, and one of those was Pat Knight. Henderson and Pat Graham were out with injury and what would probably today be a "4-star" freshman, Malcolm Sims had transferred by mid-term. To put this in perspective, Nover was barely 6'8" and was the center, and they only had Cheaney (who was listed at 6'6" until his senior season) and a redshirt freshman Brian Evans (who was listed at 6'7" until his senior season) as the "size". Take De'ron Davis and Thomas Bryant away and see how Crean does against Purdue. That team was 17-1 in conference and that 1 loss was a nail biter too. Damn Jamie Skelton. Name for me the number of non-Bob Knight coached 17-1 or greater Big Ten teams. (hears crickets). IU struggled against Kansas' pressure. There is no denying it. They jumped all over IU in that game. But make no mistake, when asked at the end of the year after winning the title who he thought was actually the best team in the country regardless of tourney outcome, he said "Indiana". And he was right. IU beat Michigan twice that year and would have beaten UNC too. Kansas- great D that game.

Knight did all sorts of philanthropy. It was almost like he knew he was two people and he had to try to do as much good with one of them to try to overcome what the other one might do. But when you think of some of the individuals he helped, and certainly how he helped set up his pupils for success in life, there is no doubt that he created tremendous positivity in his time at Indiana. Let the record not change now in any way.

But getting right to the comment of greatness, I can say that I witnessed greatness on the basketball court the night that IU beat Penn State in 2OT in 1993 in Happy Valley. The way he set up Reynolds for a charge away from the ball was shear genius. It was never a question then, and apparently I should remind some, that it should never be a question now, that Knight could coach a game like few can even come close to. I can remember a play he ran for Guyton to help IU score to beat Purdue that was a bit of a curl play, but it was run through several screens to allow him the freedom to get to the middle of the floor. It was a remarkable play and a great win. That must have been the 99-00 season- a season, mind you, in which IU was ranked most of the year. In fact, IU was ranked in the top 25 in most of the last "6 years" that everyone refers to.

Roy Williams went 35-4 in 1998 and lost to Rhode Island before making the Sweet 16. He had all-time great Paul Pierce on that team. He didn't make the Sweet 16. And yet, somehow, with Luke Recker and Jason Collier and Neil Reed all top-rated guys, all transferring in consecutive seasons, Knight's teams still averaged more than 20 wins and finished well in the conference. No 1st rounders except Kirk Haston- who may very well have stayed had Knight not been fired a year earlier. Knight had the players to get back to the Final Four for the very year they did, but without him at the helm. He brought in the very players who took IU to the final game, and with Andre Owens, who later became an All American at Houston after transferring, and guys like Sean May, who later won a title at UNC sure to be a part of IU, Knight truly missed out on what was clearly a resurgence.

But yes, sustained excellence- things like going to the NCAA tourney without 5 first round draft picks. You know- winning with actual coaching and team play. That is what I am talking about.

In comparison it is an absolute joke that Crean cannot even get to the top 68 teams with this kind of talent. Ridiculous.
Nobody is questioning his greatness but their is no defending what he said today period. This is coming from someone who worshiped him for years and thought he could do no wrong.
Knight was overrated in his later years. He was constantly losing first round in the NCAA tournament.

One of those losses was to Chauncey Billups/Colorado, who was a hell of a player. The Missouri loss was close. Pepperdine came out of nowhere- terrible loss. There were some bad ones, but they were in the dance. And the personnel and tumult did not really predicate a greater outcome. Go back and check. The 94 and 95 freshmen classes ended up as disasters. It came down to that. They had it fixed by going back to JC and finally getting it straightened out by 99. 99 and 00 classes had so much to be excited about going forward. And it unfortunately came to pass but without Knight there. Losing Recker was a huge blow at the end of that decade too.

I'll tell you what was, and is still under-rated- the number of programs that cheated during those very same years. Purdue, Northwestern, Michigan, and Minnesota, were all doing things that eventually resulted in vacated wins or even seasons. People like to gloss over those things which is surprising to me considering how I think most IU fans have agreed that Sampson was cheating and had to go.
Nobody is questioning his greatness but their is no defending what he said today period. This is coming from someone who worshiped him for years and thought he could do no wrong.

I just posted in reply to someone questioning it. I'd even point out that his taking Texas Tech to the Sweet 16 was one of his most solidifying accomplishments.

But honestly, when I finally heard the tape it wasn't as bad as I was expecting. I've certainly heard him say worse. To me it wasn't quite as pointed as this thread has made it sound. Petty, yes. Low class comment, yes. But not one of his worst comments.

My take on it is that the reaction now is more intense than it would have been to a similar type of comment 15 years ago. As IU fans have become unfamiliar with Knight and have only heard and read negative stuff, there is a sort of smearing of the total picture. Don't get me wrong, he has always brought it on himself, and this one is no different. But the truth is, the reaction is greater now because it has been longer since he was at IU winning, and the younger fans now do not remember the details of some of the circumstances of things in the past.

He is pretty much the same guy. He just doesn't have as many positives to fall back on anymore now that he is old and not coaching/winning. I think most IU fans who endured some of the negatives over the years would not necessarily find this one to be the crescendo. Heck, the President of the US has said worse, and recently. And yet millions voted for him anyway. And he has never won a National Championship, he just buys ugly gold-plated furniture. I don't get it. (Sorry, that may have crossed a line into politics that I shouldn't have crossed).
I just posted in reply to someone questioning it. I'd even point out that his taking Texas Tech to the Sweet 16 was one of his most solidifying accomplishments.

But honestly, when I finally heard the tape it wasn't as bad as I was expecting. I've certainly heard him say worse. To me it wasn't quite as pointed as this thread has made it sound. Petty, yes. Low class comment, yes. But not one of his worst comments.

My take on it is that the reaction now is more intense than it would have been to a similar type of comment 15 years ago. As IU fans have become unfamiliar with Knight and have only heard and read negative stuff, there is a sort of smearing of the total picture. Don't get me wrong, he has always brought it on himself, and this one is no different. But the truth is, the reaction is greater now because it has been longer since he was at IU winning, and the younger fans now do not remember the details of some of the circumstances of things in the past.

He is pretty much the same guy. He just doesn't have as many positives to fall back on anymore now that he is old and not coaching/winning. I think most IU fans who endured some of the negatives over the years would not necessarily find this one to be the crescendo. Heck, the President of the US has said worse, and recently. And yet millions voted for him anyway. And he has never won a National Championship, he just buys ugly gold-plated furniture. I don't get it. (Sorry, that may have crossed a line into politics that I shouldn't have crossed).
I am 46 years old and he was the only coach I knew at IU until he left. I know all about this great accomplishments on and off the court but I still can't defend his actions any longer.
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He is more than willing to share the love he has with up to 3,000 fans for only $25 a piece. March 30th in Bloomington - only three miles from Assembly Hall.
If you don't consider winning 3 national titles, 11 Big Ten titles, and 900 games "greatness" then the good news is, I can be relieved to know that you don't think another Big Ten basketball coach has achieved it.

The 75 team was 31-1 and lost one game by 2 points because Scott May broke his arm. It was the most talented IU team. Steve Green was the leading scorer on that team and was not on the 76 team. In terms of "great", the following year they went undefeated, and that is indeed "greater" than losing one game. But yes, losing a player of May's caliber late is enough to have trouble against UK. Maybe ask Bob Huggins if losing a player like Kenyon Martin late in the tourney run clouded their chances when they were #1.

Cheaney's team was ranked #1 in the country at a point in the '93 season when they had just 8 players available to play, and one of those was Pat Knight. Henderson and Pat Graham were out with injury and what would probably today be a "4-star" freshman, Malcolm Sims had transferred by mid-term. To put this in perspective, Nover was barely 6'8" and was the center, and they only had Cheaney (who was listed at 6'6" until his senior season) and a redshirt freshman Brian Evans (who was listed at 6'7" until his senior season) as the "size". Take De'ron Davis and Thomas Bryant away and see how Crean does against Purdue. That team was 17-1 in conference and that 1 loss was a nail biter too. Damn Jamie Skelton. Name for me the number of non-Bob Knight coached 17-1 or greater Big Ten teams. (hears crickets). IU struggled against Kansas' pressure. There is no denying it. They jumped all over IU in that game. But make no mistake, when asked at the end of the year after winning the title who he thought was actually the best team in the country regardless of tourney outcome, he said "Indiana". And he was right. IU beat Michigan twice that year and would have beaten UNC too. Kansas- great D that game.

Knight did all sorts of philanthropy. It was almost like he knew he was two people and he had to try to do as much good with one of them to try to overcome what the other one might do. But when you think of some of the individuals he helped, and certainly how he helped set up his pupils for success in life, there is no doubt that he created tremendous positivity in his time at Indiana. Let the record not change now in any way.

But getting right to the comment of greatness, I can say that I witnessed greatness on the basketball court the night that IU beat Penn State in 2OT in 1993 in Happy Valley. The way he set up Reynolds for a charge away from the ball was shear genius. It was never a question then, and apparently I should remind some, that it should never be a question now, that Knight could coach a game like few can even come close to. I can remember a play he ran for Guyton to help IU score to beat Purdue that was a bit of a curl play, but it was run through several screens to allow him the freedom to get to the middle of the floor. It was a remarkable play and a great win. That must have been the 99-00 season- a season, mind you, in which IU was ranked most of the year. In fact, IU was ranked in the top 25 in most of the last "6 years" that everyone refers to.

Roy Williams went 35-4 in 1998 and lost to Rhode Island before making the Sweet 16. He had all-time great Paul Pierce on that team. He didn't make the Sweet 16. And yet, somehow, with Luke Recker and Jason Collier and Neil Reed all top-rated guys, all transferring in consecutive seasons, Knight's teams still averaged more than 20 wins and finished well in the conference. No 1st rounders except Kirk Haston- who may very well have stayed had Knight not been fired a year earlier. Knight had the players to get back to the Final Four for the very year they did, but without him at the helm. He brought in the very players who took IU to the final game, and with Andre Owens, who later became an All American at Houston after transferring, and guys like Sean May, who later won a title at UNC sure to be a part of IU, Knight truly missed out on what was clearly a resurgence.

But yes, sustained excellence- things like going to the NCAA tourney without 5 first round draft picks. You know- winning with actual coaching and team play. That is what I am talking about.

In comparison it is an absolute joke that Crean cannot even get to the top 68 teams with this kind of talent. Ridiculous.
Thank you for the history lesson. Good stuff!
Thanks, that gave me a little chuckle...but in all seriousness, how do you really feel about him?;)

EDIT: Holy smokes...I thought you were trying to be funny!!! He did say that. Damn he is a bitter old man.

This made me laugh out loud.
Knight is a hypocrite and the most self-centered sob who ever walked through the doors of Assembly Hall. Every time he opens his mouth he affirms that IU did the right thing 16 years ago.

Compare his behavior to that of Bill Mallory who was unceremoniously fired for nothing more than not winning enough, despite demonstrating exemplary behavior and taking the football program to heights it had never reached before (nor has since). One is a bitter, selfish old man who doesn't care enough about his former players to show up to help them celebrate their championships despite their pleas to join them. The other holds annual reunions with former players and remains one of IU's biggest supporters despite the indignity inflicted on him.

Bill Mallory is a Hoosier icon. Bob Knight is a pathetic, miserable human being. Given his comments today, here's hoping no one at IU reaches out to him ever again.

And to think, I received a harshly worded warning, "Your hatred of RMK knows no bounds", for a relatively benign post that got deleted less than a year ago. Of course, the same thing happened when I used the letters P, then O, followed by S, because everyone knew what it meant, and therefore was the same as cursing.
Oh, the times, they are a'changin'.:rolleyes:
You probably took english grammar freshman year of high school when you were 14 years old. And you did not focus on it then: fourteen year old boy with raging hormones not interested in grammar - imagine that. Go on eBay and buy the Harbrace College Handbook. It will cost about 5 bucks. This time you will be looking it at it with the maturity of an adult and will come much easier to you. It is self explanatory and you can teach it to yourself. The subject is not as painful as you remember.

Probably a good idea. For me it was dyslexia. At the time no one knew what it was. In all honesty. It wasn't until I left HS and joined the military the issue was addressed. It was crazy. Taking a test after something was read or discussed to me. I would score off the charts. But if i had to read it myself and then test. Just wasn't happening. In my professional choice it actually helped. All my training was on the job and hands on. As far as the test taking I would have someone read me text books and i would memorize the questions because normally i would have to take twice. Today I love to read. As A young man it just scared the hell out of me. But it takes me 3 times as long as a normal person to finish a book. Even now if im tired words get jumbled. So punctuation and proper grammar in my spelling took a back seat over the years to just understanding a word. It is what it is. I've been pretty successful having this small hurdle. No excuses here.
I'm going to check and see if some of you fools who want to distance yourselves from all things related to coach Knight are the same people clambering for returning to being an "elite" program.

This thread has shown me how truly clueless some of our fan base has become. Let me make it simple, Knight hasn't, wasn't going to , and will never change, and nor will the fact that his value to IU basketball is about 50 percent of the total.

There is no "Hoosier Nation" without what he did. Unless you were watching McCracken, you are all spawn of Knight's legacy. Say what you will about his words, but the man is the same as he was in '71, and he led IU to sustained greatness.

Knight won 20+ games with Luke Jimenez in the backcourt, while Erik Suhr blindly states tonight that "Indiana just doesn't have the personnel to play with Wisconsin in the half court". Good grief.

Billy Donovan, I should remind some of you, won back to back NCAA titles with 3 players who are still in the NBA 10 years later. With that kind of talent, Knight goes undefeated.

Knight was a warrior of the highest level of competitiveness. All the negatives in his personality were like the magma of the volcano. It was never nice. It was only occasionally fun. It's a volcano. But it was undeniable greatness. You take what it was and stick it in the history books and move on. Sitting here complaining that he is still a volcano shows a lack of understanding of who he is.

Calling someone like Knight a warrior or General is an insult to the real warriors and Generals in the US military.
In case any are interested Bobby will be on the Dan Patrick radio show today. Not sure when he's on. You can download the podcast if interested. His show is on from 9am - noon (E.T.)

I'm sure Bob will give his two cents on who should be IU's next coach. (tic)

A carnival act at this point...

Calling someone like Knight a warrior or General is an insult to the real warriors and Generals in the US military.

My grandpa (RIP - 3rd wave Utah Beach) was a lifelong IU fan but told me when I was young that Knight is "no general".
The General accidentally shot his hunting partner in the back and then got fined because he was hunting without a license and failure to report the accident. His partner later sued him. And that is The General's military saga outside of coaching basketball.
The General accidentally shot his hunting partner in the back and then got fined because he was hunting without a license and failure to report the accident. His partner later sued him. And that is The General's military saga outside of coaching basketball.

Similar to the military experience of another blowhard wannabe tough guy I know of...who happens to be best buds with The General. lol

I'm going to check and see if some of you fools who want to distance yourselves from all things related to coach Knight are the same people clambering for returning to being an "elite" program.

This thread has shown me how truly clueless some of our fan base has become. Let me make it simple, Knight hasn't, wasn't going to , and will never change, and nor will the fact that his value to IU basketball is about 50 percent of the total.

There is no "Hoosier Nation" without what he did. Unless you were watching McCracken, you are all spawn of Knight's legacy. Say what you will about his words, but the man is the same as he was in '71, and he led IU to sustained greatness.

Knight won 20+ games with Luke Jimenez in the backcourt, while Erik Suhr blindly states tonight that "Indiana just doesn't have the personnel to play with Wisconsin in the half court". Good grief.

Billy Donovan, I should remind some of you, won back to back NCAA titles with 3 players who are still in the NBA 10 years later. With that kind of talent, Knight goes undefeated.

Knight was a warrior of the highest level of competitiveness. All the negatives in his personality were like the magma of the volcano. It was never nice. It was only occasionally fun. It's a volcano. But it was undeniable greatness. You take what it was and stick it in the history books and move on. Sitting here complaining that he is still a volcano shows a lack of understanding of who he is.
I can appreciate his basketball mind while also thinking that he's a huge hypocrite and an ass. He also wished that people were dead, which is slightly deranged.

I don't get why people worship the guy. He was a great coach. He's also a pretty miserable person.
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Not so sure guy. I spent 8 years in the military and another 15 at the city of Memphis fire dept. So ya . Ill put my civil duties and my contribution to society up against this peace of trash any day. It is ironic a man like this gets credit like that from people like you for being a coach. Maybe look in your community kid , at those real men bettering your community. And stop looking up to a fake peace of crap who only prays on your community's for his ego boost.
Thank you for your service.
Dan Patrick is really good at what he does. Way better than Colin Blowhard. That was a cool interview and can't wait to see the show about the 76 team. Knight is the best college X and O coach in my lifetime and I appreciate what he did for IU basketball even if he was a jerk. Mcginnis then Knight and years from 73-76 reeled me in as an IU fan for life when I was a teenager.

Classic Knight. He answered the question. I don't care whether he returns or what he says or about the people he is referring to. Going postal. lol. It's not like he gunned those people down with his hunting rifle.
You don't think it's bordering on sick to wish that people were dead and hold ridiculous grudges for 17 years? You want your kids to act like him? All because he knows basketball? Really?
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Not exactly sure why people are being so critical over his comments...He said he always enjoyed the iu fans, & even on his dying day hell think about how great the fans at Indiana were.

Of course hes going to resent/wish the people dead that are still down there at Bloomington . Has everybody here really been so fortunate to live a rose colored life.
They had a choice to stick by his side, they failed to do so, he built that brand, and then they kicked him off too Texas tech while they all chose to remain at Indiana.Not one person stuck by his side to my knowledge.
That does something to someone.
A. None of those administrators are still here. Have you been under a rock?

B. You think it's perfectly normal behavior to wish that people would die (one of whom did die of cancer) 17 years after they fired you? After a career of getting away with often reprehensible behavior?

People defend his insanity because he won basketball games, which is pathetic. Think about that. You want your kids to act like him? Seriously, you honestly think it's normal behavior to say "I hope they're all dead."? That's bordering on mentally ill.
Your correct. When it comes to spelling and grammar i suck. I had issues as a young child. I love to read. But spelling and grammar i fail miserably.

You have issues now. How is calling a person an idiot and piece of trash different than Knight's interview. It is like the war of junkyards and trash piles are the pawns fighting it.
I can appreciate his basketball mind while also thinking that he's a huge hypocrite and an ass. He also wished that people were dead, which is slightly deranged.

I don't get why people worship the guy. He was a great coach. He's also a pretty miserable person.

The same exact people who worship Knight will turn around and blast NBA players, or even the one-and-done kids, for being prima donnas.