The Failed Five


Hall of Famer
Jul 7, 2005
This really separated the bad culture from the good IU culture kids, in a hurry. I honestly would not be upset if new scholarships open up after this selfish stunt by the suspended Failed 5. At least 1 head may need to roll for that alone if there was a ring-leader of this selfish stunt. You play all year to make the Tournament and then 5 guys do this stupid stunt before a winnable B1G road game. Honestly, unforgivable. If IU misses the NCAA Tournament now, the Failed 5 need to be held accountable.
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I think you're being a little was a team building exercise gone a little wrong. <This is, of course, a little humor.>

I'm super disappointed for the program, the kids who were there to make history for the school and themselves...and for the fans...

Seriously make dumb mistakes...I hope they accept their discipline...learn...and grow.
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We don't even know what they did, so this idea that they must be kicked off the team is silly. If they snuck out to a Taco Bell or to a strip club, it's a bad choice, but can be a teaching moment. If they snuck out and bought bags of MJ, that's worse. If it's a second offense, that's worse still.
We don't even know what they did, so this idea that they must be kicked off the team is silly. If they snuck out to a Taco Bell or to a strip club, it's a bad choice, but can be a teaching moment. If they snuck out and bought bags of MJ, that's worse. If it's a second offense, that's worse still.
Hey, don't be a voice of reason and stop a good tar and feathering.

I respect everyone has their own opinion, but I think many are being a little harsh. Kids make mistakes and none of us know the details. Let's trust Woody to do his job.

Related to this, many of you are too quick to write off Tamar and Lander and fail to appreciate X. He isn't perfect, but he's the best we got at that position.
I think that's the way it should go, these guys don't care and it's not like they're talented
XJ is our best player. TJD has relinquished that by his mediocre play the last several games. I guess we have no talent.
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This really separated the bad culture from the good IU culture kids, in a hurry. I honestly would not be upset if new scholarships open up after this selfish stunt by the suspended Failed 5. At least 1 head may need to roll for that alone if there was a ring-leader of this selfish stunt. You play all year to make the Tournament and then 5 guys do this stupid stunt before a winnable B1G road game. Honestly, unforgivable. If IU misses the NCAA Tournament now, the Failed 5 need to be held accountable.
I do like the title the Failed Five it mad me laugh. I am all for giving guys a second chance but the two who have now been suspended twice should be off the team now. Is should be the failed three moving forward.
The ring-leader who orchestrated this team wrecking stunt needs to go.
This really separated the bad culture from the good IU culture kids, in a hurry. I honestly would not be upset if new scholarships open up after this selfish stunt by the suspended Failed 5. At least 1 head may need to roll for that alone if there was a ring-leader of this selfish stunt. You play all year to make the Tournament and then 5 guys do this stupid stunt before a winnable B1G road game. Honestly, unforgivable. If IU misses the NCAA Tournament now, the Failed 5 need to be held accountable.
So fragile you are. There's no problem can't be made worse. Beyond you knowing zip about the situation, apart from it being very very distant from a capital offense, Woodson doesn't need your help, rancor, second-guessing, petulance, peevishness, weak stomach, overwrought wingeing, etc. ad nauseum.

It's called life. Shit happens. Usually how events are dealt with is far more important than the events themselves. This one is past, and 'speed bumps' aren't cause for driving into a chasm, no offense to your weak emotional/mental state.

The only spectacle in this affair is the one you're helping to make...
XJ is our best player. TJD has relinquished that by his mediocre play the last several games. I guess we have no talent.
Galloway may be IU's most important player at this point in the season. As a Sophomore he is establishing himself as a team leader going forward for the next several years, and he helps to set the bar high for work ethic and a tough, competitive, culture of
So do the ones who had a second suspension.
Yes. Coaching staff knows the details of what was done and the history of each of the suspended Failed Five players. If all 5 are gone after the season, I would not be surprised.
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Galloway may be IU's most important player at this point in the season. As a Sophomore he is establishing himself as a team leader going forward for the next several years, and he helps to set the bar high for work ethic and a tough, competitive, culture of

Yes. Coaching staff knows the details of what was done and the history of each of the suspended Failed Five players. If all 5 are gone after the season, I would not be surprised.
Yeah I agree I know alot of people want Bates back but if he is trouble no thanks in my book. Agree on Galloway but man he needs to develop an outside shot it would make him incredibly hard to guard. I still can never understand how some guys play their whole life and never improve at shooting.
Seriously make dumb mistakes...I hope they accept their discipline...learn...and grow.
Kids of all ages make dumb mistakes, even the gray haired ones with liver spots. It's not something that magically stops at the end of youth (whatever ambiguous time that finds you). Some things are meant to never be learned. Old kids don't grow having learned from their mistakes, they just die, having lived with their mistakes, never learned..
not only should all 5 players be thrown off the team, but they should all be kicked out of school immediately, and their names stricken from IU's record books.

then their jerseys should be burned, and the ashes buried in a ceremony where IU fans can line up to piss on the grave of the ashes.

and if you think i'm pissed and enraged beyond belief now, just wait till i find out whatever it is they did.


sorry, just didn't want to miss out on the false indignation fest everyone else seemed to be falling all over themselves to top everyone else on, since it seems to be a competition, and i love a competition.
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sorry, just didn't want to miss out on the false indignation fest everyone else seemed to be falling all over themselves to top everyone else on, since it seems to be a competition, and i love a competition.
We all love competition, otherwise we wouldn't be here. If our heads had horns, we'd be butting heads right now. It's what all male species do. It gets one laid more often. Getting laid is good for gene transfer....seed dispersal, if you will, jettisoning the sacred jizz of life into the future with an inherent will to live and nothing more when broken down into basic components of understanding.
not only should all 5 players be thrown off the team, but they should all be kicked out of school immediately, and their names stricken from IU's record books.

then their jerseys should be burned, and the ashes buried in a ceremony where IU fans can line up to piss on the grave of the ashes.

and if you think i'm pissed and enraged beyond belief now, just wait till i find out whatever it is they did.


sorry, just didn't want to miss out on the false indignation fest everyone else seemed to be falling all over themselves to top everyone else on, since it seems to be a competition, and i love a competition.
Apologists need not enter the false indignation contest …
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not only should all 5 players be thrown off the team, but they should all be kicked out of school immediately, and their names stricken from IU's record books.

then their jerseys should be burned, and the ashes buried in a ceremony where IU fans can line up to piss on the grave of the ashes.

and if you think i'm pissed and enraged beyond belief now, just wait till i find out whatever it is they did.


sorry, just didn't want to miss out on the false indignation fest everyone else seemed to be falling all over themselves to top everyone else on, since it seems to be a competition, and i love a competition.
That's your best post ever. I mean, low bar and all, but credit due.
Yeah I agree I know alot of people want Bates back but if he is trouble no thanks in my book. Agree on Galloway but man he needs to develop an outside shot it would make him incredibly hard to guard. I still can never understand how some guys play their whole life and never improve at shooting.
He is now shooting 29% which is up from last years 18%. He is improving. Honestly I think last year was more about confidence but who knows. He might be our best player next year. Hell, he was our best player last night and it wasn’t really close.
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He is now shooting 29% which is up from last years 18%. He is improving. Honestly I think last year was more about confidence but who knows. He might be our best player next year. Hell, he was our best player last night and it wasn’t really close.
Race Thompson was his usual solid self.
Kids of all ages make dumb mistakes, even the gray haired ones with liver spots. It's not something that magically stops at the end of youth (whatever ambiguous time that finds you). Some things are meant to never be learned. Old kids don't grow having learned from their mistakes, they just die, having lived with their mistakes, never learned..
Cool story, bro.

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