The die is cast, who stands with Humas?

We’ll see.

For the most part, the Biden/Harris Administration has been very supportive of Israel since the massacre — in the face of some very real political pressure not to be. Netanyahu said as much in his speech yesterday, and he was right to.

But she’s the one in the hot seat now. It’s no longer enough for her to sit quietly in the background while her boss takes all the arrows.
Good lord, Netanyahu met with Congress yesterday and will meet with the Biden/Harris today at the WH. He meets with Trump, and I presume Vance, tomorrow. I don't see what all the fuss is about concerning yesterday.
Good lord, Netanyahu met with Congress yesterday and will meet with the Biden/Harris today at the WH. He meets with Trump, and I presume Vance, tomorrow. I don't see what all the fuss is about concerning yesterday.

I can see why there's fuss about Harris not being there to preside over the Senate. And I've never been one to buy explanations like "I had a prior commitment to meet with a sorority." Uh-huh.

Now that she's the presumptive candidate for the Democrats, what she does or doesn't do in situations like this matters a lot.
Fat chance. How the hell did the USA reach this point?
I don’t know. Maybe with the advent of social media and learning more about each other maybe diversity isn’t our strength but is our liability. Not just culture or not necessarily even culture but so many of us just fundamentally see the world and personal responsibility and the role of gov fundamentally differently. Maybe this lack of homogeneity demonstrates or reveals same. I’m a POLITICAL SCIENTIST. My posting history makes that obvious. But I can’t remember what I had for dinner last night much less my political philosophy courses. Spitballing
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I don’t know. Maybe with the advent of social media and learning more about each other maybe diversity isn’t our strength but is our liability. Not just culture or not necessarily even culture but so many of us just fundamentally see the world and personal responsibility and the role of gov fundamentally differently. Maybe this lack of homogeneity demonstrates or reveals same. I’m a POLITICAL SCIENTIST. My posting history makes that obvious. But I can’t remember what I had for dinner last night much less my political philosophy courses. Spitballing
I don't know shit, but perhaps the USA's lack of homogeneity is a blessing in some cases and a curse in others.
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Essentially. It's a basement campaign except substitute the basement for sorority events and the Naval Observatory, drinking wine coolers.

It'll be interesting to see how often she's allowed to speak without a TelePrompTer... My guess is close to never...

The one thing she has over Joe is that she can still read one...

Fortunately there are plenty of examples of her true intellect from the off the rails extemporaneous riffing that she's done prior to becoming a candidate...
Parties can always change their own by-laws and policies, yes. As private organizations, they have a great deal of latitude to do that.

But, as with any other organization, what they do or don't do so far as rules doesn't ever supersede applicable laws. And there certainly are applicable laws about what names are or aren't appearing on a state's ballots.
Just like 2020 voting laws .
It’s what ever “we “ want that best helps “our” control.
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Vice President Harris and her staff made a political statement. That calculus I believe will cost her and shows much about her handlers' judgement.
I don't know about handlers. I think it's her core belief that Palestinians are being oppressed by the Israelis.
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Good lord, Netanyahu met with Congress yesterday and will meet with the Biden/Harris today at the WH. He meets with Trump, and I presume Vance, tomorrow. I don't see what all the fuss is about concerning yesterday.

I actually agree with you and am rescinding my prior takes on it. I don't think she needs to apologize and, to your point, she was back meeting with him today. Not a big deal.

I do think there a real problem with the Democrats and their constituents (see DC protestors, NYC protestors, etc.) seemingly aligned with those that boycotted or held up anti-Israel signs.
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The best, most competent candidate from either party this cycle was DeSantis and it wasn’t particularly close.

Half the country proceeded to call him a fascist.

Why him over Haley? There are obvious political differences, but someone more moderate would have mopped the floor with the Suburban vote against Biden or Harris.
We don’t do identity politics. That’s for pigs in a sty.
Would choosing a black runningmate (or nominee for any office or appointment) necessarily be identity politics?

Was GWB naming Condoleezza Rice him playing identity politics? Was his father putting Clarence Thomas on the Supreme Court?

How, where, and why do we draw the line between identity politics (or, worse, DEI) and simply choosing somebody who is not a white male because of their merits?
Why him over Haley? There are obvious political differences, but someone more moderate would have mopped the floor with the Suburban vote against Biden or Harris.
I tend to think DeSantis would’ve been a better candidate than Haley. But we’ll never know.

However, there have been some things that DeSantis has done which struck a dissonant chord with my libertarianish senses.

I remember reading where he banned the sale of lab-grown meat, for instance. I don’t know all the particulars and I have no intention of ever ingesting that stuff myself. But what business is it of government’s to ban a food product?

He also signed some law that restricts direct to consumer car sales - but notably exempted Tesla. Why? To protect auto dealers? It’s the only answer that makes sense. But is it a good thing for Florida car buyers? Hell no it’s not.

I get why people like him. And I suppose I’d be voting for him if he had won the GOP nomination. But he needs to cut that crap out. Intrusive government of the Republican kind is no better than intrusive government of the Democratic kind.
American hummus sucks. If you ever get to go to the Middle East and have real hummus it will rock your world. I literally just eat it with a spoon.

Lacks Tahini. My family makes it from scratch when they come visit and it’s so damn good.

My friends from Lebanon make it even better. Sorry Zohan, but Beirut has better Hummus.
Would choosing a black runningmate (or nominee for any office or appointment) necessarily be identity politics?

Was GWB naming Condoleezza Rice him playing identity politics? Was his father putting Clarence Thomas on the Supreme Court?

How, where, and why do we draw the line between identity politics (or, worse, DEI) and simply choosing somebody who is not a white male because of their merits?
I don't think there's anything wrong with selecting a person of color or someone who's gay, or whatever, as long as they're qualified. Nothing inherently wrong with diversity, as long as the selectee is qualified.