The American Embassy in Israel will be moving to Jerusalem next week

Just an honest question (TIC).... I thought since the Dems had a resident expert on the Native American that she could shed some light.... I hope they aren’t suggesting she isn’t a Native American? That to me is what would be know.....if she wasn’t.
In Art of the Deal, Trump claims his family came over from Sweden. Of course that was a lie. Extra credit for you if you can explain why that lie is better.
The US embassy opens in Jerusalem and both Palestinians and Democrats are angry.
Sort of pathetic that the handful of longtime supporters of Israel in the Democrat caucus in Congress decided to try to spite Trump by making the embassy opening a purely partisan affair rather than giving him credit for the courage to reject conventional wisdom and the experts who have been wrong for fifty years and do what was right.
Oh yeah, stupid me. Yesterday's deaths and the disproportional, heavy-handed responses by the Israelis had nothing to do with the opening of the Embassy.

All a big coincidence. All a misunderstanding since there was nothing significant about the move of some US office/workers they have been talking about for decades.

JDB -- by downplaying the losses, you have basically sub-humanised the lives of the Palestinians -- something that the Nazis did to the Jews back in WW2.

Think about it -- political symbolism matters more than the senseless, avoidable loss of lives including children and women. That's how bad folks rationalise their actions too.

LOL, the equivalence of shooting at violent protesters and rioters that have tried to breach borders and harm your soldiers is now the same as being dragged from your home unarmed by the Gestapo? I can't wait to see how you did on analogies in standardized tests.
LOL, the equivalence of shooting at violent protesters and rioters that have tried to breach borders and harm your soldiers is now the same as being dragged from your home unarmed by the Gestapo? I can't wait to see how you did on analogies in standardized tests.

60 Palestinians dead, 2700 injured.
ZERO Israelis injured.

You have your blinkers on.

This is today's Sharpeville Massacre.
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MSNBC is spinning Palestinian violence as peaceful protest.
This type of crap is not journalism, it is just incitement. Moreover, it is spreading propaganda being generated by a criminal ruling clique that is knowingly sending out its citizens and followers to be killed or wounded to make a point. But it is MSNBC so what do you really expect?
MSNBC is spinning Palestinian violence as peaceful protest.
This type of crap is not journalism, it is just incitement. Moreover, it is spreading propaganda being generated by a criminal ruling clique that is knowingly sending out its citizens and followers to be killed or wounded to make a point. But it is MSNBC so what do you really expect?

MSNBC is spinning Palestinian violence as peaceful protest.
This type of crap is not journalism, it is just incitement. Moreover, it is spreading propaganda being generated by a criminal ruling clique that is knowingly sending out its citizens and followers to be killed or wounded to make a point. But it is MSNBC so what do you really expect?

If they are the violent party, they must be extremely bad at it considering that 60 of them have died and 2700 injured -- whilst there have been zero Israeli injuries. Self-inflicted injuries?

Stones versus live bullets.
60 Palestinians dead, 2700 injured.
ZERO Israelis injured.

You have your blinkers on.

This is today's Sharpeville Massacre.

I call that good border defense. This isn't a bunch of immigrants looking to come up from Mexico looking for jobs. They have been at war for millenia.

You are equating this to mass murder of unarmed, people that did nothing except become financially successful and practice a different religion.
Good thing we have in place an agreement that would prevent Iran from acting on what you think are its ambitions. Oh. Wait. No, we don't have that anymore.
Uh, Iran has stated they are not pulling out. So what’s your point? Let the EU run the deal. Lead from behind. Remember?
Uh, Iran has stated they are not pulling out. So what’s your point? Let the EU run the deal. Lead from behind. Remember?

Wait, why would you care if they are pulling out or not? It’s the worst deal ever and Iran wasn’t following it anyways, remember?

I’m so glad you brought up “lead from behind”. That’s one of my favorite sayings you little lemmings have and it’s been a while. Thank you for that.
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Errr... I dont get the logic. By lifting the sanctions, their nuclear efforts were contained for at least 10-15 years. And so no nuclear bombs.

So you are now suggesting that we do a regime change to then to ensure that the new bosses don't build them also?

But its the new boss, same as the old boss scenario isnt it?

If you make a little bit of effort, Google is your friend... just sayin'

The (Shah of) Iran had a nuclear program too with the help of the US going back as far back to the 50s. Why did the US help the Shah of Iran when they actually had the 3rd largest oil reserves in the world then?

Anyone who thinks they want it (then) for "peaceful purposes" is naive.

FYI. Iranian oil fields are pretty mature now.
Secondly, the money 'given' to the Iranians were actually their money that the US had frozen.

Do any of you pro Iran Nuke deal believers deny that the removal of sanctions and payment of $$$ is fueling ongoing terrorism in the Middle East and around the world?

Iran completely outsmarted us, period. The sanctions were choking the life out of their government. Their objective was to get the sanctions lifted. They new our POTUS was desperate for a Foreign policy win and conned us beautifully. The day after the agreement was announced (but never signed) they publically stated that they would import any weapons systems they wanted. They could buy or steal nukes from Russia, China, NK or others. They didn’t have the delivery systems. Why didn’t we include them in the deal? Because they were smarter than us the they knew how badly we wanted a deal before Pres Obama left office. Bad Bad deal.
Wait, why would you care if they are pulling out or not? It’s the worst deal ever and Iran wasn’t following it anyways, remember?

I’m so glad you brought up “lead from behind”. That’s one of my favorite sayings you little lemmings have and it’s been a while. Thank you for that.

I was responding to Rock who was implying that there was no deal so they would go back to development. Their indication that they would stay in really validates the point that what they really wanted all along was relief from sanctions. Of course we gave them a nice $$$$$$$$ bonus too!! How good is that!!

Finally, I didn’t coin the term “Lead from behind”. The prior administration did but then denied it.
If they are the violent party, they must be extremely bad at it considering that 60 of them have died and 2700 injured -- whilst there have been zero Israeli injuries. Self-inflicted injuries?

Stones versus live bullets.

They are extremely bad at it.
Do any of you pro Iran Nuke deal believers deny that the removal of sanctions and payment of $$$ is fueling ongoing terrorism in the Middle East and around the world?

Iran completely outsmarted us, period. The sanctions were choking the life out of their government. Their objective was to get the sanctions lifted. They new our POTUS was desperate for a Foreign policy win and conned us beautifully. The day after the agreement was announced (but never signed) they publically stated that they would import any weapons systems they wanted. They could buy or steal nukes from Russia, China, NK or others. They didn’t have the delivery systems. Why didn’t we include them in the deal? Because they were smarter than us the they knew how badly we wanted a deal before Pres Obama left office. Bad Bad deal.
Just so you know: The scary brown people who practice terrorism against us (al Qaeda, ISIS, et al.) are radical Sunnis. Since Iran is a Shiite country, the people trying to attack us hate Iran as much or more than they hate us.

Iran presents virtually no threat to us. It threatens others in the Middle East like Israel and Saudi Arabia. When we view Iran through Israel’s eyes, we lose track of our own interests. The Israeli tail wags the American dog.

But at least you’ve finally lurched uncontrollably into the truth. Opponents of the Iran deal don’t care whether it stymies Iran’s nuclear ambitions. They want a war with Iran, so they oppose any agreement with Iran. Any deal is a bad deal from this perspective.
Just so you know: The scary brown people who practice terrorism against us (al Qaeda, ISIS, et al.) are radical Sunnis. Since Iran is a Shiite country, the people trying to attack us hate Iran as much or more than they hate us.

Iran presents virtually no threat to us. It threatens others in the Middle East like Israel and Saudi Arabia. When we view Iran through Israel’s eyes, we lose track of our own interests. The Israeli tail wags the American dog.

But at least you’ve finally lurched uncontrollably into the truth. Opponents of the Iran deal don’t care whether it stymies Iran’s nuclear ambitions. They want a war with Iran, so they oppose any agreement with Iran. Any deal is a bad deal from this perspective.

Even if the deal was bad, was it worse than selling Iran anti-tank weapons as a previous administration did? It seems strange that many conservatives did not criticize that administration.
Just so you know: The scary brown people who practice terrorism against us (al Qaeda, ISIS, et al.) are radical Sunnis. Since Iran is a Shiite country, the people trying to attack us hate Iran as much or more than they hate us.

Iran presents virtually no threat to us. It threatens others in the Middle East like Israel and Saudi Arabia. When we view Iran through Israel’s eyes, we lose track of our own interests. The Israeli tail wags the American dog.

But at least you’ve finally lurched uncontrollably into the truth. Opponents of the Iran deal don’t care whether it stymies Iran’s nuclear ambitions. They want a war with Iran, so they oppose any agreement with Iran. Any deal is a bad deal from this perspective.

Take note Dems. This is why you will continue to lose. You know it is idiotic. Fortunately for us, these guys control your party and will run publicly on it instead of hiding their true feelings as so many Dems do. This is extremely extremely extremely naive and a classic academian approach.
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Even if the deal was bad, was it worse than selling Iran anti-tank weapons as a previous administration did? It seems strange that many conservatives did not criticize that administration.
They had ears.....they just didn’t use them. As Obama said, elections have consequences. What he meant by that was “sorry republicans, I’m president of the Dems. You have no say.”
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I was responding to Rock who was implying that there was no deal so they would go back to development. Their indication that they would stay in really validates the point that what they really wanted all along was relief from sanctions. Of course we gave them a nice $$$$$$$$ bonus too!! How good is that!!

Finally, I didn’t coin the term “Lead from behind”. The prior administration did but then denied it.
You guys need to get your stories straight. If Iran harbors no nuclear ambitions, then there’s no risk that Iran will evade the inspections regime, and these baseless claims of Iranian cheating are revealed as a steaming load of bullshit. The main problem with the JCPOA from this perspective isn't that it isn't sufficiently rigorous about Iran's nuclear program, but that it doesn't lead to regime change in Iran.

We knocked off one of Israel's arch-enemies in Iraq. Having learned nothing from that disaster, the same people now urge that we act against Israel's other arch-enemy Iran. At what point will American foreign policy prioritize America's interests rather than Israel's?
Uh, Iran has stated they are not pulling out. So what’s your point? Let the EU run the deal. Lead from behind. Remember?
They haven't pulled out yet, but they're now justified in doing it whenever they want. Instead of isolating Iran, we're isolating ourselves.
They haven't pulled out yet, but they're now justified in doing it whenever they want. Instead of isolating Iran, we're isolating ourselves.
They took hostages for 444 days I believe..... do you really think they concern themselves with justification?
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They had ears.....they just didn’t use them. As Obama said, elections have consequences. What he meant by that was “sorry republicans, I’m president of the Dems. You have no say.”

Who had ears, Obama for his deal or Reagan for selling them anti-tank weapons?
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After the massacre that happened yesterday, I've had it with Israel under Netanyahu. It seems they're getting worse and worse.

Clearly, Israel can defend itself and has it's own nuclear arsenal. Let them take the initiative if they're so dead set on a confrontation with Iran. They're acting more and more like a rogue regime, IMHO. It's a completely lopsided alliance.

You guys need to get your stories straight. If Iran harbors no nuclear ambitions, then there’s no risk that Iran will evade the inspections regime, and these baseless claims of Iranian cheating are revealed as a steaming load of bullshit. The main problem with the JCPOA from this perspective isn't that it isn't sufficiently rigorous about Iran's nuclear program, but that it doesn't lead to regime change in Iran.

We knocked off one of Israel's arch-enemies in Iraq. Having learned nothing from that disaster, the same people now urge that we act against Israel's other arch-enemy Iran. At what point will American foreign policy prioritize America's interests rather than Israel's?
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Nikki Haley walks out on Palestian UN representative.
In the end, the U.S. vetoed a resolution for an "independent review" of the incident in Gaza.
From the Washington Post: Turkey expels Israel ambassador amid international outrage over Gaza killings.
Turkey's Erdogan accuses Israel of Genocide.
Erdogan also recalled the Turkish ambassador to the US.
I was responding to Rock who was implying that there was no deal so they would go back to development. Their indication that they would stay in really validates the point that what they really wanted all along was relief from sanctions. Of course we gave them a nice $$$$$$$$ bonus too!! How good is that!!

Finally, I didn’t coin the term “Lead from behind”. The prior administration did but then denied it.

I know you didn’t coin it, you’re not that creative. I just liked how you tried to make an argument with something you previously claimed was pointless
Just so you know: The scary brown people who practice terrorism against us (al Qaeda, ISIS, et al.) are radical Sunnis. Since Iran is a Shiite country, the people trying to attack us hate Iran as much or more than they hate us.

Iran presents virtually no threat to us. It threatens others in the Middle East like Israel and Saudi Arabia. When we view Iran through Israel’s eyes, we lose track of our own interests. The Israeli tail wags the American dog.

But at least you’ve finally lurched uncontrollably into the truth. Opponents of the Iran deal don’t care whether it stymies Iran’s nuclear ambitions. They want a war with Iran, so they oppose any agreement with Iran. Any deal is a bad deal from this perspective.

I wake up on the wrong side of bed and find my clone :D
I wake up on the wrong side of bed and find my clone :D
You woke up to what conservatives have know for decades .....they are your clone but they aren’t afraid to say it publicly right now. They will lose and be forced back under ground but it is interesting at the moment.
Gaza violence: Israel defends actions as 55 Palestinians killed

One life wasted is too many. What a terrible tragedy. Palestinians have nowhere to go now.
US doesn't give a feck, Israel doesn't give a feck, the Arab world doesn't give a feck.
They will be further driven into organisations like Hamas who will monetise the martyrs. What a fecking
I have always believed this. If the Palestinians got rid of their terrorist government and asked Israel to make them part of Israel then Israel would embrace them. There are a lot of Muslims living in Israel today. Many even serve in elected office. This would be the best thing for everyone. Then the President's plan to help Palestine with their economy can really take off. They can focus upon life instead of focusing on death which is what they have been doing since the days of Yasser Arafat who once said,"Peace for us means the destruction of Israel. We are preparing for an all-out war, a war which will last for generations."
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I have always believed this. If the Palestinians got rid of their terrorist government and asked Israel to make them part of Israel then Israel would embrace them. There are a lot of Muslims living in Israel today. Many even serve in elected office. This would be the best thing for everyone. Then the President's plan to help Palestine with their economy can really take off. They can focus upon life instead of focusing on death which is what they have been doing since the days of Yasser Arafat who once said,"Peace for us means the destruction of Israel. We are preparing for an all-out war, a war which will last for generations."
No, they wouldn't. Israeli leaders fear Jews becoming a minority, so the one-state solution is almost unanimously rejected. Even those who purport to support annexation of Palestinian areas and granting of citizenship to Palestinians limit themselves to the West Bank (which they view as historically part of Israel), and don't want to include Gaza, in order to ensure a Jewish majority.