The American Embassy in Israel will be moving to Jerusalem next week

I am not going away, I enjoy what you post, Don’t agree much with what you say, but you’re entertaining.
He Goat you’re a smart guy maybe you can answer this for me, How did the Russians influence me into voting for Trump?
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LOL. I lived there for four months actually. There is a reason nobody wants the Palestinians. Ask Jordanians their thoughts on the group.
What is the reason that nobody wants the Palestinians? What do you propose should become of them? I guess you want to say that you don't care.
Well, let’s just all be happy the move happened without a hitch!


Just an honest question (TIC).... I thought since the Dems had a resident expert on the Native American that she could shed some light.... I hope they aren’t suggesting she isn’t a Native American? That to me is what would be know.....if she wasn’t.
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I thought I showed you how and what to use emoticons but you learned only the "how" part!
The proper emoticon in this case is:
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Oh h,ghtujOiyrfrryrrfrrrrrfrtfuurrtgrrurtrjrrurtrrturruuruujjukIp
Just an honest question (TIC).... I thought since the Dems had a resident expert on the Native American that she could shed some light.... I hope they aren’t suggesting she isn’t a Native American? That to me is what would be know.....if she wasn’t.
It's funny that Trump tells multiple lies a day, yet so many don't find it embarrassing in the least. How about you?
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Oh h,ghtujOiyrfrryrrfrrrrrfrtfuurrtgrrurtrjrrurtrrturruuruujjukIp

It's funny that Trump tells multiple lies a day, yet so many don't find it embarrassing in the least. How about you?

Good! Humor keeps you young. I chuckle at Trump also.....but for probably different reasons. Happy health...
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Trump moving the US embassy to Jerusalem may cause a chain reaction in the Middle East that he can’t control
The outlook in the region, so rarely optimistic, is dismal for peace, the scene set for intensification or the extension of the proxy wars and campaigns of terror beyond their present borders of geography and ferocity

Despite the pomp and circumstance, the presence of the president’s daughter and son-in-law (a surely unprecedented use of the first family on highly politicised diplomatic business) and the video message from Donald Trump himself, this was in truth a lonely little ceremony. For the rest of the world has not, and will not, recognise Jerusalem as the “eternal capital of the Jewish people” as the various Trumps put it. Not only has the move divided and inflamed emotions in the region, and built more hostility towards Christianity, but it has appalled America’s friends in the West, and, inasmuch as either side care, Russia and China.

Trump is slowly shaping America out to be just like himself; he has always been an outsider to the polite society of New York but now an outsider to the world.
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Trump moving the US embassy to Jerusalem may cause a chain reaction in the Middle East that he can’t control
The outlook in the region, so rarely optimistic, is dismal for peace, the scene set for intensification or the extension of the proxy wars and campaigns of terror beyond their present borders of geography and ferocity

Trump is slowly shaping America out to be just like himself; he has always been an outsider to the polite society of New York but now an outsider to the world.
I think we found a Russian spammer.....sglowrider..... you are non stop spam
Gaza violence: Israel defends actions as 55 Palestinians killed

In the deadliest day of violence in Gaza since the 2014 war, Palestinian officials say Israeli troops have killed 55 people and wounded 2,700.

One life wasted is too many. What a terrible tragedy. Palestinians have nowhere to go now.
US doesn't give a feck, Israel doesn't give a feck, the Arab world doesn't give a feck.
They will be further driven into organisations like Hamas who will monetise the martyrs. What a fecking
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What is the reason that nobody wants the Palestinians? What do you propose should become of them? I guess you want to say that you don't care.

I suppose it depends on who you ask. It likely lies in their historical roots. My understanding is that modern day Palestinians, while undoubtedly a blend of existing and new people, were primarily immigrants from other Islamic countries in the Middle East. Sure, there were plenty of them prior to 1831, but there was a large flow of immigration under Ottoman and British rule, just like there was a large Jewish influx.

Without a unified voice and goals, the Palestinians served as puppets for angry Islamic regimes that rejected the mandate for Israel and were subsequently whipped in multiple wars by an underdog start-up. They've been caught up in several Arabic civil wars (Jordan, Lebanon, Iraq/Kuwait, Syria, etc.), so they are likely not trusted by dictatorial structures that dominate the Middle East.

I'd have no problem with a two state solution, but Palestinians aren't willing to accept such a solution. Israel isn't giving up Jerusalem without a fight, so to keep claiming that it should is nonsensical.
Gaza violence: Israel defends actions as 55 Palestinians killed

One life wasted is too many. What a terrible tragedy. Palestinians have nowhere to go now.
US doesn't give a feck, Israel doesn't give a feck, the Arab world doesn't give a feck.
They will be further driven into organisations like Hamas who will monetise the martyrs. What a fecking

You realize it has been this way for decades? Somehow you thought not moving an embassy to a country's capital was going to change this? These rioters were going to do what exactly except potentially get shot? Israel wasn't going to let them in, particularly given the past.
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Wrong. You can’t grasp facts. The topics of your posts are always stupid and easily disproven. You don’t understand that YOU are the embarrassment. You’re the one being laughed at.

I think we found a Russian spammer.....sglowrider..... you are non stop spam
You realize it has been this way for decades? Somehow you thought not moving an embassy to a country's capital was going to change this? These rioters were going to do what exactly except potentially get shot? Israel wasn't going to let them in, particularly given the past.

Oh yeah, stupid me. Yesterday's deaths and the disproportional, heavy-handed responses by the Israelis had nothing to do with the opening of the Embassy.

All a big coincidence. All a misunderstanding since there was nothing significant about the move of some US office/workers they have been talking about for decades.

JDB -- by downplaying the losses, you have basically sub-humanised the lives of the Palestinians -- something that the Nazis did to the Jews back in WW2.

Think about it -- political symbolism matters more than the senseless, avoidable loss of lives including children and women. That's how bad folks rationalise their actions too.
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JDB is not a fan of Mooslums, the blacks, and it wouldn’t surprise me if he has a slight beef with Asians. That’s how he rolls.

Oh yeah, stupid me. Yesterday's deaths and the disproportional, heavy-handed responses by the Israelis had nothing to do with the opening of the Embassy.

All a big coincidence. All a misunderstanding since there was nothing significant about the move of some US office/workers they have been talking about for decades.

JDB -- by downplaying the losses, you have basically sub-humanised the lives of the Palestinians -- something that the Nazis did to the Jews back in WW2.
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JDB is not a fan of Mooslums, the blacks, and it wouldn’t surprise me if he has a slight beef with Asians. That’s how he rolls.


Israeli football club renames itself Beitar Trump Jerusalem after 'courageous' president

It is the only club in the Israeli Premier League never to have signed an Arab player and some sections of its fanbase have a reputation for racism.

When the club signed two Chechen Muslims in 2013, the players were verbally abused and spat at by fans. The club’s offices were later set on fire by fans apparently angry at the Chechens’ arrival.

What a tolerant and open-minded bunch of people :rolleyes: