Thanks, GOP & NRA! 384 Mass Shooting in 2024 (UPDATED 09/4/24)

Two mass shootings in Serbia prompted immediate action that resulted in thousands of guns being voluntarily turned into government. The following laws were passed within a month: Existing gun permits under review, sale of new guns banned for two years, submit in person psychological and background checks, and 15 years in prison for illegal possession.

I am aware what Serbia has done will never happen here but simply wish to point out their gun mentality and quickness to do something instead of the usual response by our elected officials checking with the NRA to see what they suggest. You can argue black and white or Dems and Repubs all day long or dismiss the fact that so many other countries have laws that work but prayers and thoughts will still be the only thing that results from mass shootings in this country. If we are not shamed into action by Sandy Hook and Uvalde we are incapable of cutting off the NRA money to the congress and taking making the hard decisions needed.
No responsibility on the part of Dems? Personal responsibility? Accountability? Pandering? Anti cop rhetoric? Worthless progressive DAs. Just GOP?

you realize these are largely urban shootings right? Illegal guns. Not people waiting at bass pro to purchase right?

the self dealing gun lobby, the idiot self serving conservative legislators, and the liberal beyond idiot self serving black leadership, are all to blame, and all act totally irresponsibly beyond belief.

and all will continue to act totally irresponsibly, as long as their own political gangs won't hold anyone accountable for anything, within their own gang.
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fwiw - There's no easy fix .... but we really need to start somewhere.

the "fix" is easy enough that the entire rest of the civilized world has had little problem in putting it in place.

we lack the political will, not the ability.

i could cut gun crimes 50% within a yr and 90% within 2 yrs, regardless of how many guns and how much ammo is already out there.
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Everyone understands what the motivations were for the Bill of Rights, but that was in the 1700s. There is a reason why our Constitution has amendments. I pray that eventually we can have reasonable gun regulation that ends this lunacy.
That won't end it. The thugs will still have their guns and your will be gone!
the "fix" is easy enough that the entire rest of the civilized world has had little problem in putting it in place.

we lack the political will, not the ability.

i could cut gun crimes 50% within a yr and 90% within 2 yrs, regardless of how many guns and how much ammo is already out there.
Doesn't mean it would be easy to do it here.
Two mass shootings in Serbia prompted immediate action that resulted in thousands of guns being voluntarily turned into government. The following laws were passed within a month: Existing gun permits under review, sale of new guns banned for two years, submit in person psychological and background checks, and 15 years in prison for illegal possession.

I am aware what Serbia has done will never happen here but simply wish to point out their gun mentality and quickness to do something instead of the usual response by our elected officials checking with the NRA to see what they suggest. You can argue black and white or Dems and Repubs all day long or dismiss the fact that so many other countries have laws that work but prayers and thoughts will still be the only thing that results from mass shootings in this country. If we are not shamed into action by Sandy Hook and Uvalde we are incapable of cutting off the NRA money to the congress and taking making the hard decisions needed.
They gave up about 13,500. Considering their recent history I doubt they will allow themselves to be defensless. It's a drop in the bucket and I bet the ones turned in were of poor quality anyway.

Cool. About 80 more mass shootings since this post was last updated a month ago.

Thanks for all the GOP thoughts and prayers. Keep them coming.
This refers to today's afternoon mass shooting. The morning mass shooting was in Boston. Will update when today's evening mass shootings happen. GOP THOTS UND PRAYEREZZZZ!
This refers to today's afternoon mass shooting. The morning mass shooting was in Boston. Will update when today's evening mass shootings happen. GOP THOTS UND PRAYEREZZZZ!
Damn. All those well-regulated militias sure kill a lot of people.
Another GOP-style shooting, in Jacksonville.

thots und prayerze
The Jacksonville shooting was 60 years, almost to the day, after the March on Washington. There's been progress since 1963 but, sadly, if King were still alive, he'd still be dreaming.
This refers to today's afternoon mass shooting. The morning mass shooting was in Boston. Will update when today's evening mass shootings happen. GOP THOTS UND PRAYEREZZZZ!
FU OS. This isn’t a GOP shooting. You post decent stuff sometimes. This isn’t that.
Aloha, this isn’t the GOP you used to support. OS is referring to what the GOP is becoming.
It’s 100 percent wrong. The GOP isn’t that. It’s a Trumpster wingnut extremist faction, and really only a fraction of them, not the GOP.
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Aloha, this isn’t the GOP you used to support. OS is referring to what the GOP is becoming.
The chance of getting shot by a thug on the streets with a ghost gun is infinitely more likely than the bs you and your cult cuck get boners over. Dual airbags. GOP legislation has little to do with it. Your dumbasses foster an environ that imperils far more. And let me guess. You’re posting from Bloomington…..
It’s 100 percent wrong. The GOP isn’t that. It’s a Trumpster wingnut extremist faction, and really only a fraction of them, not the GOP.
A fraction that apparently OWNS all the rest.

How many hands were raised on the debate stage saying they would support Trump, if he were the nominee, and IF HE WERE CONVICTED OF FELONIES?

All but 2, Asa Hutchinson and Christie, who TOGETHER have 2% support, RIGHT?

The GOP now would appear to be MAGA through and through.

Open your eyes.
A fraction that apparently OWNS all the rest.

How many hands were raised on the debate stage saying they would support Trump, if he were the nominee, and IF HE WERE CONVICTED OF FELONIES?

All but 2, Asa Hutchinson and Christie, who TOGETHER have 2% support, RIGHT?

The GOP now would appear to be MAGA through and through.

Open your eyes.
I’ll say FU every time you say the GOP condones these sorts of shootings. I’ll mean it every time too, and I’ll say it to you face-to-face.
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I’ll say FU every time you say the GOP condones these sorts of shootings. I’ll mean it every time too, and I’ll say it to you face-to-face.
The problem is that we've all seen the Republicans (by raising their hands) support Trump's efforts to keep himself in office by very aggressive legal tactics, such as filing suits with no evidence and no other chance of success either.

Republicans have taken no comparably aggressive steps at any level of government to reduce gun violence -- to the contrary, Republicans routinely campaign for office by promising not to enact new gun laws or even to weaken/repeal existing gun laws.

What's the difference between that and condoning? Surely, Republicans that want to reduce gun violence can think of some steps that can be taken -- but they don't ever seem to talk about that.
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The problem is that we've all seen the Republicans (by raising their hands) support Trump's efforts to keep himself in office by very aggressive legal tactics, such as filing suits with no evidence and no other chance of success either.

Republicans have taken no comparably aggressive steps at any level of government to reduce gun violence -- to the contrary, Republicans routinely campaign for office by promising not to enact new gun laws or even to weaken/repeal existing gun laws.

What's the difference between that and condoning? Surely, Republicans that want to reduce gun violence can think of some steps that can be taken -- but they don't ever seem to talk about that.
By defunding police abolishing bail and refusing to call for accountability Dems condone all violent crime. It’s sad. Someone has to pull the trigger. Why aren’t Dems asking for more? Cities are going to shit. Most are blue cities.
By defunding police abolishing bail and refusing to call for accountability Dems condone all violent crime. It’s sad. Someone has to pull the trigger. Why aren’t Dems asking for more? Cities are going to shit. Most are blue cities.

Democrats propose gun laws -- Republicans block them and then go fundraise and campaign for office.

The other things you mention are Tom Creanlike deflections.
Good thing Tommy Tuberville says white supremacists are not racists.

Thanks for all the GOP thoughts and prayers.
The problem is that we've all seen the Republicans (by raising their hands) support Trump's efforts to keep himself in office by very aggressive legal tactics, such as filing suits with no evidence and no other chance of success either.

Republicans have taken no comparably aggressive steps at any level of government to reduce gun violence -- to the contrary, Republicans routinely campaign for office by promising not to enact new gun laws or even to weaken/repeal existing gun laws.

What's the difference between that and condoning? Surely, Republicans that want to reduce gun violence can think of some steps that can be taken -- but they don't ever seem to talk about that.
90 plus percent of violent crime in the most dangerous city in America is committed by black men. Gun laws aren’t prevented those murders. Recidivists. Not enough cops. Bail F ups. Far more influential. If this was addressed the number of murders would hardly be an issue. Why don’t Dems talk about accountability. Why don’t they call out young black men. First 48 is on all night. Look at the defendants. 90 plus percent the same. Why do Dems condone their behavior? Why do you speak without knowledge? Do you need stats on who is committing violent crimes. It ain’t bubbas. Legislation isn’t preventing these kids from getting guns.

Democrats propose gun laws -- Republicans block them and then go fundraise and campaign for office.

The other things you mention are Tom Creanlike deflections.
Good thing Tommy Tuberville says white supremacists are not racists.

Thanks for all the GOP thoughts and prayers.
White supremacists are probably less than one percent of murders. You’re missing the forest for the trees
Good thing Tommy Tuberville says white supremacists are not racists.

Thanks for all the GOP thoughts and prayers.
2022 most dangerous city in america stats.
200 homicides.
black - 141
white - 7
hispanic - 1
asian 0.

white supremacists. 0

gun legislation would not have prevented 99% of these homicides. and i'm for it. but this is just silly political talk. we all know how to prevent or reduce crime. Dems don't want to because they perceive it as attacking black and they count on black voters. this should be simple even for simpletons. thoughts and prayers....

Democrats propose gun laws -- Republicans block them and then go fundraise and campaign for office.

The other things you mention are Tom Creanlike deflections.

people are shooting each other we need to do something about guns. these smash and grabs it's just property. don't fight back. just let the people go. the business has insurance. oh certain cars are susceptible to theft the car manufacturer should make them harder to steal. notice a theme here?
2022 most dangerous city in america stats.
200 homicides.
black - 141
white - 7
hispanic - 1
asian 0.

white supremacists. 0

gun legislation would not have prevented 99% of these homicides. and i'm for it. but this is just silly political talk. we all know how to prevent or reduce crime. Dems don't want to because they perceive it as attacking black and they count on black voters. this should be simple even for simpletons. thoughts and prayers....
most of the gun crime is committed by blacks. Serious and effective measures to address that issue Will a fortioi affect blacks more than whites. Democrats can’t ever do that.
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most of the gun crime is committed by blacks. Serious and effective measures to address that issue Will a fortioi affect blacks more than whites. Democrats can’t ever do that.
Of the 50 with no suspects 49 are guaranteed to be black. In a city that is 45 percent white 45 percent black. Less than 300,000 people. I’m for strict gun laws. I’m for telling Kia to do its part. I’m for telling retailers to make theft harder. But stuff and dc are just completely removed from reality
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90 plus percent of violent crime in the most dangerous city in America is committed by black men. Gun laws aren’t prevented those murders. Recidivists. Not enough cops. Bail F ups. Far more influential. If this was addressed the number of murders would hardly be an issue. Why don’t Dems talk about accountability. Why don’t they call out young black men. First 48 is on all night. Look at the defendants. 90 plus percent the same. Why do Dems condone their behavior? Why do you speak without knowledge? Do you need stats on who is committing violent crimes. It ain’t bubbas. Legislation isn’t preventing these kids from getting guns.
That leniency you mentioned didn't work very well, did it?
Of the 50 with no suspects 49 are guaranteed to be black. In a city that is 45 percent white 45 percent black. Less than 300,000 people. I’m for strict gun laws. I’m for telling Kia to do its part. I’m for telling retailers to make theft harder. But stuff and dc are just completely removed from reality

I agree with you on stricter gun laws and a couple other things you mentioned.
Good thing Tommy Tuberville says white supremacists are not racists.

Thanks for all the GOP thoughts and prayers.
FU, too. Your entire purpose here is to race bait. You’re more sensitive to racism than any actual minority. It’s your super power.