Thanks, GOP & NRA! 384 Mass Shooting in 2024 (UPDATED 09/4/24)

I’ll say FU every time you say the GOP condones these sorts of shootings.
I don't remember saying that. Link? If you had to guess whether the shooter was left-leaning or right-leaning, where would you put your money? He ranted against blacks, carved swastikas onto his weapons, had many hate-filled rants... My money is that he was solidly in your political camp.
Who’s “they?” I will every time. FU.
Duhhh... All of the GOP presidential candidates that raised their hand saying that they will support DJT as nominee for President, even if he is serving a jail sentence. I want them to tell white supremacists that they don't want their support. AT ALL. This isn't in any way hard to do, and my ask isn't in any way unclear. So... FU too.
I don't remember saying that. Link? If you had to guess whether the shooter was left-leaning or right-leaning, where would you put your money? He ranted against blacks, carved swastikas onto his weapons, had many hate-filled rants... My money is that he was solidly in your political camp.

Duhhh... All of the GOP presidential candidates that raised their hand saying that they will support DJT as nominee for President, even if he is serving a jail sentence. I want them to tell white supremacists that they don't want their support. AT ALL. This isn't in any way hard to do, and my ask isn't in any way unclear. So... FU too.
A drop in the ocean compared to your party’s contribution to violent crime. You’re just in a cult and can’t see it. Brainwashed.
This discussion is about public mass shootings. Your cult mmbership s apparently prevents you from staying on topic
want to compare the number of public mass shootings? i guarantee you that your party contributes far more to same than the ones you race to report on as the good little cult member that you are. and again they are a small fraction of the violent crime matter you never care to point out. because. you. are. in. a. cult.
i guarantee you that your party contributes far more to same than the ones you race to report on
Dumb. As expected. What party are you talking about? I am an independent, not in a white supremacist-enabling cult like you are. Go practice your goose-stepping.
  • Haha
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lmao you wear your cult membership on your sleeve and write it out daily for all of us to read. shallow thinkers are vulnerable to cults. that's why you fell prey so easily.

163 children were treated for gun shot wounds at one hospital here in 2022. one hospital. how many nationwide? why isn't that national news. the liberal media is amped to report when it's a white supremacist because it's sensational and scores political points with cult members like yourself. we have a gun problem. but the biggest problem we have if you care about gun violence is a culture problem. and your party does zero to address it. and we all know your party. your thousands of post belie your bs claim of independence.
Dumb. As expected. What party are you talking about? I am an independent, not in a white supremacist-enabling cult like you are. Go practice your goose-stepping.
I am an independent

I don't remember saying that. Link? If you had to guess whether the shooter was left-leaning or right-leaning, where would you put your money? He ranted against blacks, carved swastikas onto his weapons, had many hate-filled rants... My money is that he was solidly in your political camp.

Duhhh... All of the GOP presidential candidates that raised their hand saying that they will support DJT as nominee for President, even if he is serving a jail sentence. I want them to tell white supremacists that they don't want their support. AT ALL. This isn't in any way hard to do, and my ask isn't in any way unclear. So... FU too.
One of our recent high school tennis players is looking to make a run at professional Pickle Ball. I read touring pros averaged $96k last year & they anticipate as much as a 64% increase. Might be enough to get a rich kid by until his parents kick it….
I should have seen this sport coming. I lived through futsal
You have become Danc-lite.

Just another turd, smelling up the place.

Good riddance.
Excuse me if I take offense to you calling a killing "GOP-style." I'm a Republican so why wouldn't I?

You don't get to smear the entire party without any push back, so FU.
One of our recent high school tennis players is looking to make a run at professional Pickle Ball. I read touring pros averaged $96k last year & they anticipate as much as a 64% increase. Might be enough to get a rich kid by until his parents kick it….
A buddy of mine, one of our local restaurant proprietors (wings), built a pickleball court in his back yard. He's an old school NY tennis player. Was telling me he found some ball (not sure what it was) that could be used with tennis rackets on a pickleball court, which mimicked the force you would use with a real racket. You could wail on it like in tennis, and it would stay in the court (if hit correctly, obviously).

IU tennis kids would come over and play at his place with that ball. :D I'll see if I can find out what it was. Maybe like a nerf ball or something?
I assumed pickle ball was played primarily by old and unathletic folk?

I saw it on ESPN with some young dudes going ham, so it must be legit.

ESPN only puts on the best of the best, in terms of sports.

(For those that can't read, that's 100% sarcasm).
Adirondacks Camping GIF by PureADK

I watched spikeball one day for 10 minutes.

I hate myself.
in a lifetime of demoralizing events seeing spikeball carried at just about every retailer imaginable ranks at the very top. what a stupid fing game. how can this possibly be a success
in a lifetime of demoralizing events seeing spikeball carried at just about every retailer imaginable ranks at the very top. what a stupid fing game. how can this possibly be a success
What do you think of OmegaBall?

Daughter wishes she could play sometime...maybe at a camp or something?
What do you think of OmegaBall?

Daughter wishes she could play sometime...maybe at a camp or something?
i don't want new sports. only the old ones. or new conferences. only the old ones. i've never seen anyone playing omega ball but i googled it a while back. teams used to use that as a training tool. switch fields. helps with vision etc. i guess someone decided it was a game.
in a lifetime of demoralizing events seeing spikeball carried at just about every retailer imaginable ranks at the very top. what a stupid fing game. how can this possibly be a success

I saw an episode of sharktank where the creator of spikeball went on and did a pitch for it.

I forget who invested, but they got one. Cuban was like a kid in a candystore.

Makes sense why it's got so much traction.