Texas Lt. Governor on Santa Fe massacre: Too many doors

What does that mean? People dropped the ball in two recent mass shootings. The question is how do we fix that?

As for the rest of your screed, stay focused. What can we really do to prevent the gun violence. The left's answer seems to be scream at the conservatives and the NRA. My answer is to repeal immunity and up the competence of the processes now in place. What is your answer besides bitching about the "others"?
My answers are as follows:
1. do everything politically feasible to restrict the availability of guns
2. do everything to persuade those currently blocking actions that will restrict gun availability to change their minds.
3. provide better mental health services and remove guns from the hands of those at greater risk of harming themselves or others.
4. stop demonizing law enforcement personnel.

Everything you propose falls under 1 and 2 above as far as I can see so I am supportive.
My answers are as follows:
1. do everything politically feasible to restrict the availability of guns
2. do everything to persuade those currently blocking actions that will restrict gun availability to change their minds.
3. provide better mental health services and remove guns from the hands of those at greater risk of harming themselves or others.
4. stop demonizing law enforcement personnel.

Everything you propose falls under 1 and 2 above as far as I can see so I am supportive.

LOL. You sound like a pundit--make that a left wing pundit. Pretend like you are charged with coming up with something specific. What would that be? There is talk about starting a movement to amend the constitution. Are you on board with that?
LOL. You sound like a pundit--make that a left wing pundit. Pretend like you are charged with coming up with something specific. What would that be? There is talk about starting a movement to amend the constitution. Are you on board with that?
I sound like a left wing pundit? You mean they agree with you on your proposal to sue the mfgs out of existence like I do?

FWIW. The constitution doesn't need to be amended if we had better judges. But I wouldn't oppose removing the second amendment given that we don't. Removing the second amendment doesn't change our politics that is currently captured by the NRA. If the gun manufacturers are sued out of existence as your proposal offers then there won't be an NRA so that is a big one.
No more embarrassing than any other state government.

Not even close to being true. IN was backwoods and crazy right wing (lived there for my first 30 years, for the most part).

Lived in KY for a few years (due to going to law school at U of L). It was also screwed up in a few ways.

But TX is it’s own special brand of crazy. If the people weren’t as great as they are, I would’ve left TX years ago. Most of the craziness happens outside of where I live and work (I’m in south Texas, which includes San Antonio, Austin & Corpus Christi). However, there is some VERY close to home. Cornerstone church (pastor John Hagee) is literally down the street from me. That place terrieifes me- I’m convinced they’re preparing for Armageddon. No church should have that many buildings and property. It’s insane. Couple that with the pastor’s crazy beliefs (google him), and it’s not hard to see why I make this claim about TX. TX is slowly becoming purple, and will eventually be blue. But we’re not there yet.
I sound like a left wing pundit? You mean they agree with you on your proposal to sue the mfgs out of existence like I do?

FWIW. The constitution doesn't need to be amended if we had better judges. But I wouldn't oppose removing the second amendment given that we don't. Removing the second amendment doesn't change our politics that is currently captured by the NRA. If the gun manufacturers are sued out of existence as your proposal offers then there won't be an NRA so that is a big one.

I don't think the gun industry would be sued out of existence. I do think the manufacture, distribution, and sale of guns would be changed substantially in the ways you would like to accomplish with more regulation.
Not even close to being true. IN was backwoods and crazy right wing (lived there for my first 30 years, for the most part).

Lived in KY for a few years (due to going to law school at U of L). It was also screwed up in a few ways.

But TX is it’s own special brand of crazy. If the people weren’t as great as they are, I would’ve left TX years ago. Most of the craziness happens outside of where I live and work (I’m in south Texas, which includes San Antonio, Austin & Corpus Christi). However, there is some VERY close to home. Cornerstone church (pastor John Hagee) is literally down the street from me. That place terrieifes me- I’m convinced they’re preparing for Armageddon. No church should have that many buildings and property. It’s insane. Couple that with the pastor’s crazy beliefs (google him), and it’s not hard to see why I make this claim about TX. TX is slowly becoming purple, and will eventually be blue. But we’re not there yet.

Appreciate the rundown, but I live in Austin so not needed. I do find it weird that you would exclude Houston from your view of south Texas.

Texas, by and large, functions well as a state government compared to other states its size. You seem to want to rail against the social beliefs of a few Texas politicians and mega churches. I wouldn't necessarily consider that the Texas government being embarrassing or ineffective as a body.

I think you would be much more comfortable with the political leanings and social legislation of New York State or Illinois. But there is a reason those states are shrinking and Texas is growing.

As far as Texas turning Blue in our lifetime. Fat chance...
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I don't think the gun industry would be sued out of existence. I do think the manufacture, distribution, and sale of guns would be changed substantially in the ways you would like to accomplish with more regulation.
If you don't very substantially reduce the availability of guns then you don't substantially reduce the frequency of gun violence. You don't very substantially reduce the availability of guns without very substantially reducing the political power of the NRA.
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If you don't very substantially reduce the availability of guns then you don't substantially reduce the frequency of gun violence. You don't very substantially reduce the availability of guns without very substantially reducing the political power of the NRA.

LOL. So your starting point is to bash the NRA into submission. Yeah, you are a typical liberal. You always start a policy discussion by bashing somebody. Why don't you make a proposal that is effective, makes sense, and is creative. Gather public support and the IRA will become a bit player. But noooooo . . . . . .boycott everyone who does business with the NRA. Yeah, that makes sense.
LOL. So your starting point is to bash the NRA into submission. Yeah, you are a typical liberal. You always start a policy discussion by bashing somebody. Why don't you make a proposal that is effective, makes sense, and is creative. Gather public support and the IRA will become a bit player. But noooooo . . . . . .boycott everyone who does business with the NRA. Yeah, that makes sense.
I made a sequence of two entirely supportable and logical statements to evaluate the effectiveness of any policy proposal including the one YOU made. Your statement "gather public support and the NRA will become a bit player" is empirically wrong. The public by very large majorities supports a wide variety of gun regulations that are nevertheless blocked by the NRA. Politicians, facing the money and organization of the NRA, are unwilling to run on proposals the NRA opposes, despite their popularity. So, I repeat,

1. If you don't very substantially reduce the availability of guns then you don't substantially reduce the frequency of gun violence.
2. You don't very substantially reduce the availability of guns without very substantially reducing the political power of the NRA.
I made a sequence of two entirely supportable and logical statements to evaluate the effectiveness of any policy proposal including the one YOU made. Your statement "gather public support and the NRA will become a bit player" is empirically wrong. The public by very large majorities supports a wide variety of gun regulations that are nevertheless blocked by the NRA. Politicians, facing the money and organization of the NRA, are unwilling to run on proposals the NRA opposes, despite their popularity. So, I repeat,

1. If you don't very substantially reduce the availability of guns then you don't substantially reduce the frequency of gun violence.
2. You don't very substantially reduce the availability of guns without very substantially reducing the political power of the NRA.

The reason the NRA can block over public support is simple, many NRA voters are single-issue. Those that may want legislation, even CO's immunity change, are usually not single issue voters. It is difficult to overcome the NRA unless the rest of us simply vote to defeat the NRA whenever and wherever.
The reason the NRA can block over public support is simple, many NRA voters are single-issue. Those that may want legislation, even CO's immunity change, are usually not single issue voters. It is difficult to overcome the NRA unless the rest of us simply vote to defeat the NRA whenever and wherever.
That and the huge amount of money they have to spend. Apparently much of it now coming from Russia too.
I sound like a left wing pundit? You mean they agree with you on your proposal to sue the mfgs out of existence like I do?

FWIW. The constitution doesn't need to be amended if we had better judges. But I wouldn't oppose removing the second amendment given that we don't. Removing the second amendment doesn't change our politics that is currently captured by the NRA. If the gun manufacturers are sued out of existence as your proposal offers then there won't be an NRA so that is a big one.

So you support anything that gets rid of guns?
Question for you CO.... why would you support removing immunity for gun manufacturers? I’m curious as to how the manufacturer is responsible for someone using their gun to shoot someone else? What I see happening is another windfall for attorneys suing manufacturers non stop. Manufacturers passing that cost on to consumers and effectively either pricing the guns out of consumers ability to buy (then the rich can only afford) or effectively putting the manufacturers out of business.

I am not educated on the reasons for immunity but it strikes me that this is exactly what it was intended to prevent.
The lefts solution:

"When in danger, when in doubt, run in circles, jump and shout!"

Or, failing that just attempt to slander a conservative...
The right's solution: send thoughts and prayers and stick trigger finger up butt.

Seriously, does the right have a proposed solution?
That's disgusting. Like one has anything to do with the other? Wow.
I’m curious as to how the manufacturer is responsible for someone using their gun to shoot someone else?

I'm not suggesting vicarious liability for the gun industry. I think they should be held responsible for their own conduct. The civil justice system took on and made many products safer and less dangerous, including ATV's, tobacco, vehicles, drugs, and more.

The drug companies that produce opioids will soon feel the full weight of responsibility for their self-serving practices that harm the public. Provided of course, congress doesn't screw up the process by throwing the 7th amendment under the bus, as it did for the gun industry.
I'm not suggesting vicarious liability for the gun industry. I think they should be held responsible for their own conduct. The civil justice system took on and made many products safer and less dangerous, including ATV's, tobacco, vehicles, drugs, and more.

The drug companies that produce opioids will soon feel the full weight of responsibility for their self-serving practices that harm the public. Provided of course, congress doesn't screw up the process by throwing the 7th amendment under the bus, as it did for the gun industry.

I guess I’m missing what their “conduct” is that they are currently getting away with.... I’m not an attorney obviously but I would think there is a difference between tobacco, ATV’s, etc due to a Constitutional Amendment .... my fear is simply numerous frivolous lawsuits that effectively puts gun control in effect without a Constitutional Amendment vote.
I guess I’m missing what their “conduct” is that they are currently getting away with.... I’m not an attorney obviously but I would think there is a difference between tobacco, ATV’s, etc due to a Constitutional Amendment .... my fear is simply numerous frivolous lawsuits that effectively puts gun control in effect without a Constitutional Amendment vote.
The 2A doesn't exist in a vacuum, and all constitutional rights are subject to regulation and exceptions. I saw your smart ass cartoon about planned parenthood/abortion, which is a good example of competing values: the right to life and privacy from the government. The right to life does not exist in a vacuum, and a compromise was made that recognized and respected both rights. There are other competing values at stake with guns, including the right to life, societal stability, public safety, etc.

If you define gun control as meeting other values and rights in the middle, then your definition is flawed and unrealistic.

I actually agree with CO Hoosier on this one: allow those who have suffered harm from guns the ability to sue the manufacturers. I would make the civil legal standard for guns strict liability and modify it as need be: if a gun you produce causes harm, pay up.
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You got squat!

If you do't think mental illness, bad or neglectful parenting, and not enough respect of life (my view of not enough God) play important roles, you have your head on upside-down. Homosexuality? That's a new one on me. Yeah, I know you were being facetious, that is pretty much all you do. If you have a serious comment that doesn't involve beating somebody up over beliefs different from yours, I'm all ears.

Is this you?

Otherwise, I dont see it.
Houston police chief Art Acevedo "is not interested in your views" on gun control per his Facebook page.
On Twitter threatens Dana Loesch with lawsuit over NRA video.
Per The Weekly Standard: "Chief Acevedo needs to give some thought to the question of whether he wants to be a cop or a politician. If he wants to be a cop, he should go stick to running the Houston police department; Santa Fe has one of its own, and God knows Houston's has administrative troubles enough to keep Chief Acevedo busy. If he wants to be a politician, he should resign his position as chief of police and run for office. Making strident public-policy pronouncements while hiding behind the protection of a position that shields him from direct democratic accountability is not the stuff of which heroism is made."
Bingo. Acevedo should not be in the advocacy business. If he wants that, without the guarantee of a hefty salary ($280,000 or two US congressmen equilavents-I'm assuming women in Congress get paid less because of the pay gap) or sweet pension, then whole new vistas are ready for him to explore. If he wants to be police chief, he needs to stay in his lane and enforce the law.
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I'm sorry. Do you live in Houston? If not, mind your business.

Houston police chief Art Acevedo "is not interested in your views" on gun control per his Facebook page.
On Twitter threatens Dana Loesch with lawsuit over NRA video.
Per The Weekly Standard: "Chief Acevedo needs to give some thought to the question of whether he wants to be a cop or a politician. If he wants to be a cop, he should go stick to running the Houston police department; Santa Fe has one of its own, and God knows Houston's has administrative troubles enough to keep Chief Acevedo busy. If he wants to be a politician, he should resign his position as chief of police and run for office. Making strident public-policy pronouncements while hiding behind the protection of a position that shields him from direct democratic accountability is not the stuff of which heroism is made."
Bingo. Acevedo should not be in the advocacy business. If he wants that, without the guarantee of a hefty salary ($280,000 or two US congressmen equilavents-I'm assuming women in Congress get paid less because of the pay gap) or sweet pension, then whole new vistas are ready for him to explore. If he wants to be police chief, he needs to stay in his lane and enforce the law.
Of all the famous "musicians" Morrison knew the least about music, even Elvis knew how to tune a guitar and play three chords..Morrison knew absolutely nothing. Not hyperbolas nothing, literally nothing, not even the fundamental basics.. He also needed singing lessons, flat was normal for him. He was basically the Donald Trump of rock, completely unqualified and ignorant of his chosen profession.. A drunken buffoon posing as a poet. Manzarek was the real talent. Trump needs a Manzarek.
Of all the famous "musicians" Morrison knew the least about music, even Elvis knew how to tune a guitar and play three chords..Morrison knew absolutely nothing. Not hyperbolas nothing, literally nothing, not even the fundamental basics.. He also needed singing lessons, flat was normal for him. He was basically the Donald Trump of rock, completely unqualified and ignorant of his chosen profession.. A drunken buffoon posing as a poet. Manzarek was the real talent. Trump needs a Manzarek.
And went down as one of the TRUMP
Of all the famous "musicians" Morrison knew the least about music, even Elvis knew how to tune a guitar and play three chords..Morrison knew absolutely nothing. Not hyperbolas nothing, literally nothing, not even the fundamental basics.. He also needed singing lessons, flat was normal for him. He was basically the Donald Trump of rock, completely unqualified and ignorant of his chosen profession.. A drunken buffoon posing as a poet.

Now I know what it feels to be a Trump supporter -- treating a conman like he was a deity.

Anyway, the Sex Pistols knew even less about music. I think they learnt to play the instruments as they went along spending like 2 weeks to learn how to play the instruments before recording.
Now I know what it feels to be a Trump supporter -- treating a conman like he was a deity.

Anyway, the Sex Pistols knew even less about music. I think they learnt to play the instruments as they went along spending like 2 weeks to learn how to play the instruments before recording.
Actually, vbg, 3 of the 4 were already self trained when they formed the iconic lineup. Sid is the one you're referring to, but playing root tonic 5th on a bass is something I can and have taught 8 year olds to do in less than 10 minutes. Morrison probably thought fifth and tonic meant another bottle to drink. He was a sociopathic troll, his whole performance act (which he stole from watching NYC underground poets) was nothing but a troll job and "act".. he was pretending to be a musician. The comparison to Trump is uncanny. He's pretending to be a lot of things he just isn't also. LOL JM did play harmonica a few times, laughably.
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Actually, vbg, 3 of the 4 were already self trained when they formed the iconic lineup. Sid is the one you're referring to, but playing root tonic 5th on a bass is something I can and have taught 8 year olds to do in less than 10 minutes. Morrison probably thought fifth and tonic meant another bottle to drink. He was a sociopathic troll, his whole performance act (which he stole from watching NYC underground poets) was nothing but a troll job and "act".. he was pretending to be a musician. The comparison to Trump is uncanny. He's pretending to be a lot of things he just isn't also. LOL JM did play harmonica a few times, laughably.

It's interesting how facts matter.;)
It's interesting how facts matter.;)
fwiw - IIRC his mother played piano, he had to have picked something up. I think he even played a piano part on a song, but I can't remember which. He was notably anti music anti musician though, holding everyone including fans and other performers in contempt with his narcissistic bottle born self professed genius.

Disclaimer: though I don't think much of him, he was far better at his job than the Trump is at his. At least Morrison was intelligent, knowledgeable, literate and educated.
The left's answer seems to be scream at the conservatives and the NRA. My answer is to repeal immunity and up the competence of the processes now in place. What is your answer besides bitching about the "others"?

Um...irony much? A huge part of your answer to everything is to bitch about the "others". It's a rare post from you that doesn't rage about liberals, democrats, or the left. Work on that log in your own eye.
I'm not suggesting vicarious liability for the gun industry. I think they should be held responsible for their own conduct. The civil justice system took on and made many products safer and less dangerous, including ATV's, tobacco, vehicles, drugs, and more.

The drug companies that produce opioids will soon feel the full weight of responsibility for their self-serving practices that harm the public. Provided of course, congress doesn't screw up the process by throwing the 7th amendment under the bus, as it did for the gun industry.
Serious question-drunk driving related deaths are a bigger problem than gun related deaths.

If we’re going down the immunity path, why wouldn’t we start with the alcohol industry?
Of all the famous "musicians" Morrison knew the least about music, even Elvis knew how to tune a guitar and play three chords..Morrison knew absolutely nothing. Not hyperbolas nothing, literally nothing, not even the fundamental basics.. He also needed singing lessons, flat was normal for him. He was basically the Donald Trump of rock, completely unqualified and ignorant of his chosen profession.. A drunken buffoon posing as a poet. Manzarek was the real talent. Trump needs a Manzarek.
lol Sure you're right. Witness all the hits after Morrison died. :rolleyes:

Donald Trump is best known for trashing others. Kinda seems more like what you're doing here than what Morrison did when creating songs with his fellow band members. o_O