Teri Moren adds a Czech freshman guard to the roster...

The IU article calls her a 6’ 0” F.
I pulled some Europe stats. She has a ton of international experience, but is listed as a 5’ 11” PG.
She shoots threes poorly but at 74% is decent from the line. I think she will be on the bench as a freshman rather than a quick contributor like Yardon. I also am not expecting a big frosh year from either Syd Fenn or Faith Wireman, but being wrong would be great.
We are not ranked in the top 25 pre season. To win, it will require great fundamentals and I think someone will have to step up and surprise.
I thought Beau flashed some as a scorer, I hope she jumps up for her year 2.
Could Yarden become a 20pt per game player?
I think the IU women are a top 20 team, so much of a teams success is chemistry in my opinion and I think Moren excels at that. I do think at times their weakness's may show, but I still expect an entertaining and fun team to watch.
I think the IU women are a top 20 team, so much of a teams success is chemistry in my opinion and I think Moren excels at that. I do think at times their weakness's may show, but I still expect an entertaining and fun team to watch.
I agree Moren focuses big on personality and chemistry.
But we just are not fast or quick. Not athletic enough. I think Chloe may be our most athletic quick hands and feet player. Lex has the teams best vertical and strait line speed but unless a giant change she is not a shooting threat and will have her defensive opponent sag way back and clog the middle.
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I like the extensive international experience Valentyna has.
It has to be better than US high school competition, alone.
Playing PG makes her a 1-2-3 swing.
Hope her defensive play is up to par.
I like the extensive international experience Valentyna has.
It has to be better than US high school competition, alone.
Playing PG makes her a 1-2-3 swing.
Hope her defensive play is up to par.
Agree re experience. If her height is the FIBA reported 5’11” it would be harder to play the 3. Even at the IU reported 6’0” it is a small 3. Moren’s thinking might be learn this year and contribute as a guard in years 2-4. Her three point % is bad so maybe more a PG than SG. I wonder if that means she does not pair with Lex? Hard to have two poor shooting guards on the floor at the same time.
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