Allegations against Dr Brad Bomba Sr….

Yes he is.
He’s got to be getting up there. My grandpa is almost 90 and was a student at IU at the same time. He used to tell stories about sitting behind Bomba in class and being amazed at the circumference of his neck. Goes without saying that this would be devastating if true…
My family physician friend said he hates giving rectal exams as much as I hate receiving them. For every hot looking babe he sticks his index finger in, he told me he has to do 10 for ugly, fat-ass women making it a major chore for him just parting the cheeks with one hand so he can find the “puckered starfish”.

It will be interesting to find out what IU player “suddenly” became so offended by a prostate exam he felt the need to come out of the closet. The word on the street will spread, much like his “abused” butt cheeks. Would he be filing a lawsuit if an enlarged prostate gland had been found or blood in the microscope slide? Is he going to claim nothing abnormal was found so the exam was really unnecessary? Now, if testimony comes out his finger felt the size of an engorged penis, Dr Bomba, you gotta problem!
My family physician friend said he hates giving rectal exams as much as I hate receiving them. For every hot looking babe he sticks his index finger in, he told me he has to do 10 for ugly, fat-ass women making it a major chore for him just parting the cheeks with one hand so he can find the “puckered starfish”.

It will be interesting to find out what IU player “suddenly” became so offended by a prostate exam he felt the need to come out of the closet. The word on the street will spread, much like his “abused” butt cheeks. Would he be filing a lawsuit if an enlarged prostate gland had been found or blood in the microscope slide? Is he going to claim nothing abnormal was found so the exam was really unnecessary? Now, if testimony comes out his finger felt the size of an engorged penis, Dr Bomba, you gotta problem!
Why does a 20-year-old need a prostate exam? I'm being serious. I thought that was required only after you turned 40. Also, I got one at 41 and haven't been to the doctor since. That felt like a violation.
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Seriously though, we were all disgusted by Sandusky at PSU, Nassar at MSU, & Strauss at OSU, right?

This is not to say the allegations are true. But I'm not going to say they're categorically not simply because I don't want them to be or because there was delayed reporting. I've worked in sex crimes before, and it's no joke.
I am certain that I never had a prostate exam as part of a physical for college athletics.

I just googled that the average first prostate exam occurs at age 50.

On a side note at age 67 I had an embolization procedure where micro pellets were inserted into the blood vessels of my prostate to shrink a super enlarged prostate. It was done by putting a catheter into my wrist which was then snaked down to my prostate - both sides. I was semi awake through the entire procedure which lasted about an hour. This was done at the University of Miami hospital.
Why does a 20-year-old need a prostate exam? I'm being serious. I thought that was required only after you turned 40. Also, I got one at 41 and haven't been to the doctor since. That felt like a violation.
It’s called “covering your ass”. No one actually said it was a prostate exam specifically, after all, women get rectal exams, too. If red blood cells are found on the smear, something just ain’t right, whether it be a rather innocuous internal hemorrhoid (which they found in me) or something worse like bleeding ulcer or colon cancer.

The timing of this accusation seems rather queer to me. Why doesn’t he just take it to the #MeToo movement if it’s belated noise to announce? BTW, why don’t we hear from the pink pussy hats anymore? Did they shoot their wad protesting against Trump? If I paraded around Monument Circle wearing spandex so tight it shows my religion (“Well, we know he’s not Jewish or Muslim”) wearing a pink pussy hat, would I get arrested for indecent exposure?
It’s called “covering your ass”. No one actually said it was a prostate exam specifically, after all, women get rectal exams, too. If red blood cells are found on the smear, something just ain’t right, whether it be a rather innocuous internal hemorrhoid (which they found in me) or something worse like bleeding ulcer or colon cancer.

The timing of this accusation seems rather queer to me. Why doesn’t he just take it to the #MeToo movement if it’s belated noise to announce? BTW, why don’t we hear from the pink pussy hats anymore? Did they shoot their wad protesting against Trump? If I paraded around Monument Circle wearing spandex so tight it shows my religion (“Well, we know he’s not Jewish or Muslim”) wearing a pink pussy hat, would I get arrested for indecent exposure?
This post is the perfect example of why democracies are doomed to failure
My family physician friend said he hates giving rectal exams as much as I hate receiving them. For every hot looking babe he sticks his index finger in, he told me he has to do 10 for ugly, fat-ass women making it a major chore for him just parting the cheeks with one hand so he can find the “puckered starfish”.
I didn’t think chicks had prostates.
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They never do but they sometimes have internal hemorrhoids, bleeding ulcers and colon cancer, often diagnosed through red blood cells found in stool samples or rectal exams.
They started doing it as part of a pelvic exam at some point, I was certainly caught off guard the first time it happened and got no warning ahead of time.
These “jokes” might be funny if I hadn’t spent a couple of hours listening to survivors testify at the statehouse earlier this week. They were testifying for legislation for a survivor’s bill of rights and an elimination of the statute of limitations in sex abuse and rape cases. Victims don’t always disclose in a timeline that might fit what some people on here it should be. Fear, shame and guilt can cause victims to delay disclosure for years, even decades. It is worse for male victims. Some of these comments show why there is this reluctance.

When people ask how does a Sandusky or Nasser get away with it so long, this is how. When the first to speak out are ignored.

I have no idea whether this is legitimate or not, but I do know we have seen what happens when allegations are ignored.
Just an observation — It’s a bit surprising IU and the independent law firm didn’t do some of the investigative work to validate the claims before going public. It would be very useful for the first press release to contain some independent view of the facts — this context would help prevent the speculative mess going on now.
Just an observation — It’s a bit surprising IU and the independent law firm didn’t do some of the investigative work to validate the claims before going public. It would be very useful for the first press release to contain some independent view of the facts — this context would help prevent the speculative mess going on now.
Agree you can't put the smear back in the bottle
I am certain that I never had a prostate exam as part of a physical for college athletics.

I just googled that the average first prostate exam occurs at age 50.

On a side note at age 67 I had an embolization procedure where micro pellets were inserted into the blood vessels of my prostate to shrink a super enlarged prostate. It was done by putting a catheter into my wrist which was then snaked down to my prostate - both sides. I was semi awake through the entire procedure which lasted about an hour. This was done at the University of Miami hospital.
Prostate exams were common prior to the PSA.
We have to keep an open mind - perhaps these allegations are true, perhaps not.
At this stage two things make me skeptical. One is we have huge numbers of cash grab lawyers (and their clients). Two is, the PSU and MSU examples had multiple cases over years (if I understand correctly and I admit I did not follow either closely).
Maybe this will be the first of many, time will tell. I do not know Bomba nor the family.
As someone else said, I too would have preferred that nothing was published until an answer more solidified.
This feels like somebody with an ax to grind but who knows? Odd that this comes out 30 years later. If others join in, then it’s not good. The Bomba family has been around Bloomington forever and are well-known. In addition to his HOF status with IU from football, Brad Sr. ran a family practice for decades. Most male sports physicals always checked the balls for testicular lumps. I imagine that the prostate exam is part of the overall preventative observations that they do. The goal of a physical exam is to figure out of somebody’s healthy enough for sports and to try to detect anything that could become an issue down the road. You could probably just as easily get a lawsuit on the other hand for somebody claiming that they didn’t get proper checks during their physical exam and then developed a threatening condition.
These “jokes” might be funny if I hadn’t spent a couple of hours listening to survivors testify at the statehouse earlier this week. They were testifying for legislation for a survivor’s bill of rights and an elimination of the statute of limitations in sex abuse and rape cases. Victims don’t always disclose in a timeline that might fit what some people on here it should be. Fear, shame and guilt can cause victims to delay disclosure for years, even decades. It is worse for male victims. Some of these comments show why there is this reluctance.

When people ask how does a Sandusky or Nasser get away with it so long, this is how. When the first to speak out are ignored.

I have no idea whether this is legitimate or not, but I do know we have seen what happens when allegations are ignored.
I agree that there shouldn't be a statute of limitations on these types of cases.

However I think the accused should remain anonymous until guilt is at least found to be highly likely...aka after the investigation.
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It’s called “covering your ass”. No one actually said it was a prostate exam specifically, after all, women get rectal exams, too. If red blood cells are found on the smear, something just ain’t right, whether it be a rather innocuous internal hemorrhoid (which they found in me) or something worse like bleeding ulcer or colon cancer.

The timing of this accusation seems rather queer to me. Why doesn’t he just take it to the #MeToo movement if it’s belated noise to announce? BTW, why don’t we hear from the pink pussy hats anymore? Did they shoot their wad protesting against Trump? If I paraded around Monument Circle wearing spandex so tight it shows my religion (“Well, we know he’s not Jewish or Muslim”) wearing a pink pussy hat, would I get arrested for indecent exposure?
You are batshit crazy.