Since Eating Cats is in the News....


Feb 18, 2014
While I myself have never had the chance to partake in the apparent Haitian delicacy of Felis Catus, I have had a couple of odd things over the years.

I have had squirrel.
I have had sea urchin (uni)
I have had boiled octopus
I have had caviar (which yeah, socially acceptable, but when you really think about what it is....)
I have had snails (escargo)
I have had fried frog legs
I have had chocolate covered grasshoppers

So what say you. What's the "weirdest" thing you've ever eaten (at least by red-blooded American standards)?
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Indiana farm boy, so I can recall

-frog legs
-snapping turtles
-basically every variety of fish
-Rocky Mountain Oysters
-butchered our own cows, pigs, and deer from hunting

I guess there was a line drawn somewhere. No possum, no groundhog, for sure no pets

Though when you hand-raise a calf or a hog and later butcher it, mentally at least it doesn't seem too far from a pet.

I was the youngest and a funny story that apparently happened before I was born was that my older siblings had some pet rabbits kept in cages in a corncrib. Rabbits being rabbits, they grew in number. Dad apparently at some point culled the herd and we had some rabbit dinners, without identifying it as rabbit dinners. Mom and Dad told my siblings that the missing rabbits had escaped their cages and ran off.

As an adult, I have had snails, all manner of seafood, but no insects
While I myself have never had the chance to partake in the apparent Haitian delicacy of Felis Catus, I have had a couple of odd things over the years.

I have had squirrel.
I have had sea urchin (uni)
I have had boiled octopus
I have had caviar (which yeah, socially acceptable, but when you really think about what it is....)
I have had snails (escargo)
I have had fried frog legs
I have had chocolate covered grasshoppers

So what say you. What's the "weirdest" thing you've ever eaten (at least by red-blooded American standards)?
Probably fried frog legs would be one for me. Now I don't know if this counts, but someone gave me duck eggs years ago. They made fabulous omelets. I've only had them during this time and not since.
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fried frog legs and venison is probably the only 2 things that I can think of that is outside the norm.
I've never been deer hunting, but have had venison given to us. We would put ground up venison in our hamburger dishes. I remember one time I breaded and fried deer steaks and shared it with my son. We had a good time.
Cow tongue. (Hated it. You can feel the taste buds.)
Pig stomachs. (Loved them.)
Pig brains. (Ehhh, not a fan.)
Pig kidneys. (Delicious)
Egg stalks. I’m not sure what the official name is but when we butchered chickens, it was the organ on which the eggs grew. We ate both the eggs and the stalks. Absolutely delicious.
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Cow tongue. (Hated it. You can feel the taste buds.)
Pig stomachs. (Loved them.)
Pig brains. (Ehhh, not a fan.)
Pig kidneys. (Delicious)
Egg stalks. I’m not sure what the official name is but when we butchered chickens, it was the organ on which the eggs grew. We ate both the eggs and the stalks. Absolutely delicious.
I had a brain sandwich at the ten mile house off gravois in affton!!! @manichi bitch how many of these nerds could I beat the piss out of at once!!!!!!!! They’ve never seen a Hoosier!!!
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Tripe and chicken feet. Both while in China.
Once a bucket list thing is checked off, you never have to do it again, unless you are starving to death. At that point, all bets are off and that includes the neighbors cat.
I hear that Squirrel brains are absolutely delicious, an absolute delicacy. I have not been squirrel hunting in 15 years, but I may have to try it out.
I've been feeding the squirrels in my hood, and thinning 2-3 from the 3-400, is probably a good idea for herd management. If only we would have started a liberal hunting season, 20 years ago, we wouldn't have this terrible landscape that we have now. Then again, squirrel brains are small, but liberal brains are... well, it takes a shit ton of them to fill you up.
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OHH, duck beaks. China rips the beaks off, with the muscles still attached and then eat them. I called it, duck cheeks. Always though of Gilbert Godfried, AFLACK.. when I was eating an 8" tall plate of them.
It was more.. AF#$!^#$^!^ ... AFL#$^%!#$^!#$^!#^ once the bottom duck beak was ripped off, he never spoke the same again. just mubbles.
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OHH, duck beaks. China rips the beaks off, with the muscles still attached and then eat them. I called it, duck cheeks. Always though of Gilbert Godfried, AFLACK.. when I was eating an 8" tall plate of them.
It was more.. AF#$!^#$^!^ ... AFL#$^%!#$^!#$^!#^ once the bottom duck beak was ripped off, he never spoke the same again. just mubbles.
Reminded me of Louis C.K.

I did actually eat the brain of the squirrel. Better than I thought, but not something I will ever seek out again.

Thought of one more thing, had an alligator hamburger down in Florida a couple of years ago. That was much better than I expected.
Alligator is on my bucket list. There’s a seafood place in Vincennes, Yochum seafood, that sells alligator. I haven’t yet tried it but I aim to.
While I myself have never had the chance to partake in the apparent Haitian delicacy of Felis Catus, I have had a couple of odd things over the years.

I have had squirrel.
I have had sea urchin (uni)
I have had boiled octopus
I have had caviar (which yeah, socially acceptable, but when you really think about what it is....)
I have had snails (escargo)
I have had fried frog legs
I have had chocolate covered grasshoppers

So what say you. What's the "weirdest" thing you've ever eaten (at least by red-blooded American standards)?
I've had alligator, frogs, rabbits. I don't think I've ever eaten an insect. Certainly never had squirrel.
Alligator is on my bucket list. There’s a seafood place in Vincennes, Yochum seafood, that sells alligator. I haven’t yet tried it but I aim to.
There's a local place here in Columbus, OH that has gator-bites (deep fried nuggies), but haven't tried them. Friend raves about them.

I used to work for a Japanese company. They always thought it was hilarious to take the gaijin out to traditional Japanese restaurants, load them up with sake, tell them "hey, try this!" and then explain later that what you just ate was sea urchin or octopus. I came away with a nice appreciation for sake at least....
I squirrel hunt and eat them! Squirrel gravy is delicious.

We know, Cousin Eddie

While I myself have never had the chance to partake in the apparent Haitian delicacy of Felis Catus, I have had a couple of odd things over the years.

I have had squirrel.
I have had sea urchin (uni)
I have had boiled octopus
I have had caviar (which yeah, socially acceptable, but when you really think about what it is....)
I have had snails (escargo)
I have had fried frog legs
I have had chocolate covered grasshoppers

So what say you. What's the "weirdest" thing you've ever eaten (at least by red-blooded American standards)?
Frog legs
My maternal grandmother hated cleaning and cooking squirrel as they certainly do resemble a rat dressed out. They taste decent though
Squirrel is quite good, better of shredded and added to gravy though. Old timers say that squirrel brains are absolute must have, bucket list type item. I've killed and ate probably 100 dozen squirrel, never tried the brains.
Squirrel is quite good, better of shredded and added to gravy though. Old timers say that squirrel brains are absolute must have, bucket list type item. I've killed and ate probably 100 dozen squirrel, never tried the brains.
Squirrel meat is too dark, too greasy, and has a weird aftertaste. Sure, you can bread it heavily and deep fry it to TRY to pawn it off as something else. But it just isn't good.

Nothing like yummy Springfield goose.
While I myself have never had the chance to partake in the apparent Haitian delicacy of Felis Catus, I have had a couple of odd things over the years.

I have had squirrel.
I have had sea urchin (uni)
I have had boiled octopus
I have had caviar (which yeah, socially acceptable, but when you really think about what it is....)
I have had snails (escargo)
I have had fried frog legs
I have had chocolate covered grasshoppers

So what say you. What's the "weirdest" thing you've ever eaten (at least by red-blooded American standards)?


It's actually not bad.
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