Tax Reductions for the Rich?

What evidence? That article didn't describe anything monopolistic except the behavior of Amazon's stock
That is compelling evidence I think. I am not claiming there is a legal case against Amazon. I am claiming that Amazon may be able to enjoy monopoly like power without running afoul of current enforcement standards. Do you claim that everything bad in terms of anti-competitive behavior is illegal?
There are plenty of lefties that feel similarly (see below)

Can you show me the lefty POTUS that used his power to attack a political foe? Especially one who runs a newspaper. Oh, and bonus points if that POTUS also regularly attacks the free press.
Can you show me the lefty POTUS that used his power to attack a political foe? Especially one who runs a newspaper. Oh, and bonus points if that POTUS also regularly attacks the free press.

Where did I ever suggest a POTUS had? I was responding to your criticism of the poster.
Decreasing competitiveness in markets in U.S. over last 20 years.
Second, we examine whether markets are becoming more concentrated due to greater barriers to entry. Given the critical role of computer-related technology and innovation in the growth in output in the past two decades, firms can create significant barriers to entry by capturing the lion’s share of technological advances through internal research and development and/or acquisition of innovative firms.

For example, think of how difficult it would be to compete against Amazon, with its vast and efficient technological infrastructure. In support of this argument, we show that over the last two decades, firms in industries that became more concentrated possess, not only a larger number of patents, but also the most valuable ones.

In general, this evidence suggests that technological barriers to entry may have prevented new firms from entering profitable markets.

Taken together, the economic findings paint a potentially gruesome picture. The U.S. product markets are currently dominated by a small number of large and very profitable corporations that continue growing by swallowing smaller incumbents. These firms are able to generate higher profit margins, possibly at the expense of their customers.​
Uh, it’s the government’s job to represent the people. There are a lot more monopolies than utilities. Try Amazon for example.

Wal-Mart disagrees. They are offering most everything Amazon does...along with free 2day shipping.

These firms are able to generate higher profit margins, possibly at the expense of their customers.

Yawn. Last I checked, everyone was mad at Amazon for providing cheap prices, having margins that were too low and pressuring suppliers, not customers.

This thread has gone nowhere, just as the last one about Amazon as a monopoly did. Because it isn't one. It's just a large, diversified business and everyone loves to hate the big guy that has a great business model.
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