Strategy to Win

There were people who pointed out that Biden's current wife was the nanny for his children while he was married to his first wife. It seems that Biden cheated on his wife.
The people who "pointed that out" were lying. They made it up. Stop believing everything you hear just because it's bad for the other side.
I thought I did but perhaps it was someone else asking a similar question. I did not buy a bible or contribute to a campaign. As far as Trump's cheating on his first wife and now we believe he cheated on his third wife I do not agree with that kind of behavior. There were people who pointed out that Biden's current wife was the nanny for his children while he was married to his first wife. It seems that Biden cheated on his wife. So how do you decide on who to vote for? Now we have Harris who was having an affair with Willie Brown who was married and someone said she also had an affair with Montel Williams who was married. So how do you decide on who to vote for? You just go to policy and what is good for the country. But that doesn't mean you or I would be pro adultery right?
It’s well known that he cheated on all three wives. Don’t try to minimize it. Good God, man, you’re making extremely bad false equivalencies to ease your conscience. You’re supporting a serial womanizer and adulterer even worse than Bill Clinton. You should acknowledge you’re doing this in opposition to what you preach at least.
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It’s well known that he cheated on all three wives. Don’t try to minimize it. Good God, man, you’re making extremely bad false equivalencies to ease conscience. You’re supporting a serial womanizer and adulterer even worse than Bill Clinton. You should acknowledge you’re doing this in opposition to what you preach at least.
That MAGA lemonade must be pretty freaking awesome to drink
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She's trying hard to keep him in the race. But he doesn't seem to want her help. She's proposed a couple platform issues, that Trump should be hammering on right now. He 100% WOULD be gaining back ground if he did so. Nope... he's so awful.

I was at the grocery store yesterday, and I actually had to start making choices about what I didn't really need because the prices were so high, I mean, I could still afford them, but I didn't want to. Just outrageous. $8 for a cold brew coffee? I'll make my own, thank you. Stopped at the bakery, and the cakes I already thought were overpriced at $18 last month are suddenly $20. No thanks. Eggs, oil, betty crocker cake mix, good enough for me.

Anyway, I'm still going to vote for Harris, but my point is, for a Republican candidate to lose the election this year requires campaign incompetence bordering on criminal.

His 20 point plan is such an easy "playbook" to follow. He could even riff and talk shit within the confines of those 20 items. But if he largely stuck to that plan, and even referred followers to it in every speech, rally, townhall, debate...he'd win in November.

He might still win. As Harris is unveiling platform items, she's reminding everyone why she's labeled as progressive as she is. And like Trump outside MAGA, the platform stances Harris is taking aren't going to be popular outside the most progressive parts of the Dems tent.

They're both crap candidates. Trump is just trying, really hard, to be worse than Harris right now.

I thought I did but perhaps it was someone else asking a similar question. I did not buy a bible or contribute to a campaign. As far as Trump's cheating on his first wife and now we believe he cheated on his third wife I do not agree with that kind of behavior. There were people who pointed out that Biden's current wife was the nanny for his children while he was married to his first wife. It seems that Biden cheated on his wife. So how do you decide on who to vote for? Now we have Harris who was having an affair with Willie Brown who was married and someone said she also had an affair with Montel Williams who was married. So how do you decide on who to vote for? You just go to policy and what is good for the country. But that doesn't mean you or I would be pro adultery right?
There were people? Seriously? Who are these people? Don’t be a purveyor of lies. Try facts. She was not his nanny. His wife was dead two years before they even met. His brother happened to know her and he introduced them. Just a little research on your part would keep you from making a fool of yourself as Trumpers are apt to do.
And someone said? Monte’s Williams? They dated 20 years ago when, wait for it, they were both single. This was dragged out in 2019 against Harris. She dated Willie Brown when he was separated from his wife. I don’t condone that. Wait until your divorce is final.
But to bring up this garbage when Agent Orange was found guilty of sexual assault, cheated on at least 2 of his 3 wives, and likely all three and had sex with a porn actress. Seriously? The Republican Party is about American carnage and grievance not ideas. Oh how former Republicans like my wife and I long for the Republican Party of Ronald Reagan.
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I thought I did but perhaps it was someone else asking a similar question. I did not buy a bible or contribute to a campaign. As far as Trump's cheating on his first wife and now we believe he cheated on his third wife I do not agree with that kind of behavior. There were people who pointed out that Biden's current wife was the nanny for his children while he was married to his first wife. It seems that Biden cheated on his wife. So how do you decide on who to vote for? Now we have Harris who was having an affair with Willie Brown who was married and someone said she also had an affair with Montel Williams who was married. So how do you decide on who to vote for? You just go to policy and what is good for the country. But that doesn't mean you or I would be pro adultery right?
Definitely something funny about the genesis of Joe and Jill's relationship. At least Jill's ex-husband seems to think so.
It’s well known that he cheated on all three wives. Don’t try to minimize it. Good God, man, you’re making extremely bad false equivalencies to ease your conscience. You’re supporting a serial womanizer and adulterer even worse than Bill Clinton. You should acknowledge you’re doing this in opposition to what you preach at least.
Trump is a man of the cloth like VanPastorMan.

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Trump is a man of the cloth like VanPastorMan.

Who knows? Maybe, in retirement, Trump will finally find God. He'll have plenty of time for that soon, particularly if he's fitted with an ankle monitor. Perhaps the local prison chaplain will make house calls.

I saw part of his speech yesterday in York PA. He looked like he was about to fall asleep on his feet. Very low energy, with a defeated look.

You guys need to shift your attention to 2026 and 2028. Who will be his MAGA successor? Hawley? Tucker? Hogan?
There were people? Seriously? Who are these people? Don’t be a purveyor of lies. Try facts. She was not his nanny. His wife was dead two years before they even met. His brother happened to know her and he introduced them. Just a little research on your part would keep you from making a fool of yourself as Trumpers are apt to do.
And someone said? Monte’s Williams? They dated 20 years ago when, wait for it, they were both single. This was dragged out in 2019 against Harris. She dated Willie Brown when he was separated from his wife. I don’t condone that. Wait until your divorce is final.
But to bring up this garbage when Agent Orange was found guilty of sexual assault, cheated on at least 2 of his 3 wives, and likely all three and had sex with a porn actress. Seriously? The Republican Party is about American carnage and grievance not ideas. Oh how former Republicans like my wife and I long for the Republican Party of Ronald Reagan.
To the best of my recollection VPM never acknowledges that he was repeating lies. Also, it's well documented that Trump cheated on all three of his wives. He makes Bill Clinton look like a totally devoted husband and that's hard to do.
To the best of my recollection VPM never acknowledges that he was repeating lies. Also, it's well documented that Trump cheated on all three of his wives. He makes Bill Clinton look like a totally devoted husband and that's hard to do.
No he didn’t acknowledge he was repeating lies. He just basically stated as fact that Biden cheated with his nanny which his wife never was. If you look on right wing nut sites you’ll find this and more. He’s pushing misinformation which is dishonest and disgusting. You can’t just ignore legitimate sites in order to reinforce your desired narrative.
To the best of my recollection VPM never acknowledges that he was repeating lies. Also, it's well documented that Trump cheated on all three of his wives. He makes Bill Clinton look like a totally devoted husband and that's hard to do.
He won't. VPM's biggest weakness is his inability to admit he was wrong about something. He'll never learn anything because of it.
And what policies from his administration worked. Oh wait I know. He claimed it was infrastructure week a half a dozen times and passed nothing. Oh yeah he got that huge tax cut for the ultra wealthy. Did zero for the middle class working people of which he could give a s**t about. Con man who has obviously successfully conned you.
What didn’t work? Covid policy, but extenuating circumstances to say the least. We have a substantial list of what isn’t working from the last 4 years(Biden/Harris) but what about the previous 4? Not getting enough done is likely far less damaging than getting the wrong stuff done. If the only thing the next Pres accomplishes is to undo Biden’s actions, it will be a success…
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No he didn’t acknowledge he was repeating lies. He just basically stated as fact that Biden cheated with his nanny which his wife never was. If you look on right wing nut sites you’ll find this and more. He’s pushing misinformation which is dishonest and disgusting. You can’t just ignore legitimate sites in order to reinforce your desired narrative.
I've joked about Trump being the Antichrist, but there is a case to be made if one believed in such things. Evangelicals for Harris say Trump is a "False Prophet" and their ad for that is pretty good. VPM should watch it:

Yep. A religious friend (and a fellow Never Trump Republican) linked to it on Twitter and I didn't want to post a link to Twitter here like dbm constantly does. I Googled it and found it there and a dozen other places. I used that one, but I've never been to that site before - I guess they spelled it that way since the right way was already used. Same ad.
Yep. A religious friend (and a fellow Never Trump Republican) linked to it on Twitter and I didn't want to post a link to Twitter here like dbm constantly does. I Googled it and found it there and a dozen other places. I used that one, but I've never been to that site before - I guess they spelled it that way since the right way was already used. Same ad.
Meidas is the worst version the left has of social media fake news. Makes TYT look like Reuters.
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Yep. A religious friend (and a fellow Never Trump Republican) linked to it on Twitter and I didn't want to post a link to Twitter here like dbm constantly does. I Googled it and found it there and a dozen other places. I used that one, but I've never been to that site before - I guess they spelled it that way since the right way was already used. Same ad.
What’s wrong with posting a link to Twitter as long as source is confirmed?
What’s wrong with posting a link to Twitter as long as source is confirmed?
It might be OK, but my experience with Twitter is almost entirely from the links here and 95 percent of them are total BS. Yes, 95 percent of them are probably by dbm who is incapable of determining whether what he reads is true or false - and he doesn't care anyway.

So, I'm not linking X mostly as a personal protest to the BS that is posted there. ;)
Meidas is the worst version the left has of social media fake news. Makes TYT look like Reuters.
Question is do they make Fox look like an actual news outlet? Lots of fake news over there. To the tune of almost a billion dollar settlement.
What didn’t work? Covid policy, but extenuating circumstances to say the least. We have a substantial list of what isn’t working from the last 4 years(Biden/Harris) but what about the previous 4? Not getting enough done is likely far less damaging than getting the wrong stuff done. If the only thing the next Pres accomplishes is to undo Biden’s actions, it will be a success…
The substantial list please.
Gas prices
Home prices
Car prices
Insurance prices
Grocery prices
Border crossing numbers

The creation of the largest social safety net in history desirous of equity of outcomes

Defunding police
Bail projects

Basically anything and everything they seek to do or change
Energy alone is crazy:

Gasoline over 30% higher

Natural Gas 25% higher

Electricity almost 50% higher
Energy alone is crazy:

Gasoline over 30% higher

Natural Gas 25% higher

Electricity almost 50% higher
So now please provide the documentation that directly ties these increases to the current administration. Were are the largest producer of oil in the world. We pumped more oil last year than any country has in history. So why is gas so expensive? Could it be that OPEC has restricted the supply? Yep that’s right. They are starving the market. Easy to point out numbers without reading up on what is going on in the macro economy.
Please provide the documentation to back up your numbers.
Also, have you noticed the price gouging that producers of all kinds are getting away with? Stagflation is persistent especially with food packaging. Notice how proportions have shrunk while the price has stayed the same or gone up just a little. That’s stagflation. Food producers have been engaging in this gouging for about 4 or 5 years maybe more.
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So now please provide the documentation that directly ties these increases to the current administration. Were are the largest producer of oil in the world. We pumped more oil last year than any country has in history. So why is gas so expensive? Could it be that OPEC has restricted the supply? Yep that’s right. They are starving the market. Easy to point out numbers without reading up on what is going on in the macro economy.
Please provide the documentation to back up your numbers.
Also, have you noticed the price gouging that producers of all kinds are getting away with? Stagflation is persistent especially with food packaging. Notice how proportions have shrunk while the price has stayed the same or gone up just a little. That’s stagflation. Food producers have been engaging in this gouging for about 4 or 5 years maybe more.
Yup. OPEC has a lot to say on oil prices. It would be the height of stupidity to spend 3/4 of your presidency purposely alienating. You'd have to be a complete idiot to do such a thing.
So now please provide the documentation that directly ties these increases to the current administration. Were are the largest producer of oil in the world. We pumped more oil last year than any country has in history. So why is gas so expensive? Could it be that OPEC has restricted the supply? Yep that’s right. They are starving the market. Easy to point out numbers without reading up on what is going on in the macro economy.
Please provide the documentation to back up your numbers.
Also, have you noticed the price gouging that producers of all kinds are getting away with? Stagflation is persistent especially with food packaging. Notice how proportions have shrunk while the price has stayed the same or gone up just a little. That’s stagflation. Food producers have been engaging in this gouging for about 4 or 5 years maybe more.
You decide who you want to blame and why.

I just posted the factual information.

What happens when we go to Harris’ net-zero policy?
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You decide who you want to blame and why.

I just posted the factual information.

What happens when we go to Harris’ net-zero policy?
Where did the facts come from? And didn’t you decide who to blame and why? Everything wrong with America is the democrats fault. You’re pretty easy to figure out. I stated a simple fact about OPEC restricting output and it doesn’t fit your narrative. Reuters has a good article in case you’d like the facts. But you probably won’t.
You decide who you want to blame and why.

I just posted the factual information.

What happens when we go to Harris’ net-zero policy?
Yeah and reducing greenhouse gases is a terrible policy. You’re probably a climate denier as well. Please whatever you do don’t listen to scientific fact. World is getting hotter in case you haven’t noticed. Here in Southwest Florida last summer we had more 90 plus degree days than have ever been recorded. Same thing happening this year.
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Yeah and reducing greenhouse gases is a terrible policy. You’re probably a climate denier as well. Please whatever you do don’t listen to scientific fact. World is getting hotter in case you haven’t noticed. Here in Southwest Florida last summer we had more 90 plus degree days than have ever been recorded. Same thing happening this year.
Humans tend to thrive in warmer weather also great for the greening of the planet. People die a lot more in cold weather.

That is until the world freezes over and we must depend on Jake Gyllenhaal and Dennis Quaid for survival. Is that what you’re worried about?
Humans tend to thrive in warmer weather also great for the greening of the planet. People die a lot more in cold weather.
That's a horribly simplistic way to think of things. First, there are places that are cold even when temperatures are at record highs, just as there are places that are hot during ice ages. Second, there's a lot more than goes into the success of plant life than just temperature. Finally, it doesn't mean much to try to compare how humans did during various climatic stages to today, because there is no comparison to today, not since long before civilization even began. The last time the world was as warm as it is now, we were still using stone hand axes to crack open bones to suck the marrow out while trying to avoid being eaten by lions in the grasslands of eastern Africa.
Where did the facts come from? And didn’t you decide who to blame and why? Everything wrong with America is the democrats fault. You’re pretty easy to figure out. I stated a simple fact about OPEC restricting output and it doesn’t fit your narrative. Reuters has a good article in case you’d like the facts. But you probably won’t.
Yeah and reducing greenhouse gases is a terrible policy. You’re probably a climate denier as well. Please whatever you do don’t listen to scientific fact. World is getting hotter in case you haven’t noticed. Here in Southwest Florida last summer we had more 90 plus degree days than have ever been recorded. Same thing happening this year.
The correct answer: it will increase the cost of energy.

As to the rest of your post….do your part and go off the grid
That's a horribly simplistic way to think of things. First, there are places that are cold even when temperatures are at record highs, just as there are places that are hot during ice ages. Second, there's a lot more than goes into the success of plant life than just temperature. Finally, it doesn't mean much to try to compare how humans did during various climatic stages to today, because there is no comparison to today, not since long before civilization even began. The last time the world was as warm as it is now, we were still using stone hand axes to crack open bones to suck the marrow out while trying to avoid being eaten by lions in the grasslands of eastern Africa.
Plants don’t just love the warm weather, they love CO2 as well. Are we to apologize that we live an advanced society that can build hurricane proof housing and has air conditioning?
Plants don’t just love the warm weather, they love CO2 as well. Are we to apologize that we live an advanced society that can build hurricane proof housing and has air conditioning?
Of course not. Hurricane proof housing and air conditioning save lives. But we also shouldn't wave away the reality of global warming and pretend that we don't need to prepare for the side effects.

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