A Biden lie in my email this morning . . .

Being a Republican requires you not voting for Joe Biden. Once you start voting for Democrats and Republicans you become an Independent. It’s not a difficult concept to grasp.
That’s not how it works, Ace. There is no requirement to vote in any particular way. I voted for Republicans in every race except President. Also, voting straight ticket is not generally what a thinking person does. I’ve done it a few times but I considered every vote carefully.

I’m still a registered Republican. I’m hoping to purge Trumpism.
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That’s not how it works, Ace. There is no requirement to vote in any particular way.
Sorry, but that’s how works.
I voted for Republicans in every race except President. Also, voting straight ticket is not generally what a thinking person does.
Democrats are socialist dumbasses. It takes 30 seconds to figure that out and to choose the other party.
I’m still a registered Republican. I’m hoping to purge Trumpism.
Jokes on you then. If Trump would have won in 20 he would be gone in 6 months. Now you get him for 4 more years.
Sorry, but that’s how works.

Democrats are socialist dumbasses. It takes 30 seconds to figure that out and to choose the other party.

Jokes on you then. If Trump would have won in 20 he would be gone in 6 months. Now you get him for 4 more years.
No, that’s not how it works. I just told you how it works and you don’t like it. Your way of voting is what hyper-partisan simpletons do. I’m sure plenty of the Dems here vote that way for Dems. That’s OK, makes you a reliable GOP vote, but it sure as hell doesn’t make you more Republican than me. If this causes you more butthurt, that’s too bad.
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No, that’s not how it works. I just told you how it works and you don’t like it. Your way of voting is what hyper-partisan simpletons do. I’m sure plenty of the Dems here vote that way for Dems. That’s OK, makes you a reliable GOP vote, but it sure as hell doesn’t make you more Republican than me. If this causes you more butthurt, that’s too bad.
Nobody is butthurt. I enjoy making fun of you because you’re dumb. Please share your next Democrat email.
Nobody is butthurt. I enjoy making fun of you because you’re dumb. Please share your next Democrat email.
That’s really funny. I know you’re dumb and illogical and I always laugh when an obviously dumb person calls others dumb. You are butthurt too.
Did you vote for Dole, Busch, McCain, Romney?
This is a personal point that I have been wrestling with, about my not understanding Alhoa. I was not for Dole, McCain or Romney ( oh hell no to the last two). although I didn't vote for them, I never created a hill to die on to be against them. I simply didn't vote for them and no one ever knew, until these water cooler days.
Got damn McCain and Romney were just painfully bad. One world order unicrat(s) if ever there were one(s). Maybe that makes my lean toward Trump more reasoned and has a history line behind it.
Aloha is flat out supporting the opposition. There is a difference.
This is a personal point that I have been wrestling with, about my not understanding Alhoa. I was not for Dole, McCain or Romney ( oh hell no to the last two). although I didn't vote for them, I never created a hill to die on to be against them. I simply didn't vote for them and no one ever knew, until these water cooler days.
Got damn McCain and Romney were just painfully bad. One world order unicrat(s) if ever there were one(s). Maybe that makes my lean toward Trump more reasoned and has a history line behind it.
Aloha is flat out supporting the opposition. There is a difference.
No difference at all. Did you support Obama?
No difference at all. Did you support Obama?
After all these years on here, a light has finally clicked on in my brain. You’ve shown me how fruitless it is to try to defend yourself on The Cooler. My last effort was the attack from Goat a few weeks ago. Hopefully from here on out I will remember this thread and let attacks run off my back like water on a ducks back.
Why do you get Democrat emails? I’ve never received one.
Are you jealous? 🤣 🤣

I don't get any either but I don't get any from the GOP either UNLESS they are filtered out by my email service and I never see them. I have gotten some text but the spam filter filters them so I never see them unless I specially go look to see what's been filtered.
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This is a personal point that I have been wrestling with, about my not understanding Alhoa. I was not for Dole, McCain or Romney ( oh hell no to the last two). although I didn't vote for them, I never created a hill to die on to be against them. I simply didn't vote for them and no one ever knew, until these water cooler days.
Got damn McCain and Romney were just painfully bad. One world order unicrat(s) if ever there were one(s). Maybe that makes my lean toward Trump more reasoned and has a history line behind it.
Aloha is flat out supporting the opposition. There is a difference.
Watched part of a Romney/ Obama debate the other day. The interesting part is that they and the moderator had to work really hard to make it appear they disagreed on stuff.

But they didn’t actually disagree on much.
Are you jealous? 🤣 🤣

I don't get any either but I don't get any from the GOP either UNLESS they are filtered out by my email service and I never see them. I have gotten some text but the spam filter filters them so I never see them unless I specially go look to see what's been filtered.
Actually I was kidding Aloha a little. He’s accused of being a democrat on here. 😂

I get Republican emails as former treasurer of the county Republican party. I resigned a few months ago but I am guessing the emails will never stop.
No, I use to be a liberal in my youth (young and dumb). Voted for Obama. My transition away from being liberal probably started around 2014ish. In 2016 I voted for Ds and Rs and considered myself an Independent at the time. Haven’t voted for a Democrat since 2016.

Never dug the Bush/McCain/Romney grouping, so would simply vote Libertarian in hopes of someday getting a 3rd party candidate on the debate stage. Still do.

Never dug the Bush/McCain/Romney grouping, so would simply vote Libertarian in hopes of someday getting a 3rd party candidate on the debate stage. Still do.
I finally said enough when Romney was the candidate. Held my nose and voted for McCain the election before. I should have started the 3rd party vote in GWB's 2nd run. I knew then it was all a scam, and both parties were mostly the same at the core, with just peripheral arguments separating them. I had bought into Reagan's rhetoric about smaller gov't that the Republicans never pursued, just fundraised off of.
I finally said enough when Romney was the candidate. Held my nose and voted for McCain the election before. I should have started the 3rd party vote in GWB's 2nd run. I knew then it was all a scam, and both parties were mostly the same at the core, with just peripheral arguments separating them. I had bought into Reagan's rhetoric about smaller gov't that the Republicans never pursued, just fundraised off of.
I think Romney would have been a very good president. That being said Obama needed to happen for DEI purposes.
I think Romney would have been a very good president. That being said Obama needed to happen for DEI purposes.
Yeah ...he (Romney) made money via liquidation of companies/towns after LBO's...

Decent gig if you have the stomach to do it, but shouldn't be involved in public office (IMO) given that background.
I finally said enough when Romney was the candidate. Held my nose and voted for McCain the election before. I should have started the 3rd party vote in GWB's 2nd run. I knew then it was all a scam, and both parties were mostly the same at the core, with just peripheral arguments separating them. I had bought into Reagan's rhetoric about smaller gov't that the Republicans never pursued, just fundraised off of.
You didn’t like Romney care? Well said. It’s why Trump took over the party in 2016. Populism eventually wins out when the party isn’t representing the interests of its constituents. The federal government is 8-9x times larger today than it was a 100 years ago. That’s the GOP legacy.
You didn’t like Romney care? Well said. It’s why Trump took over the party in 2016. Populism eventually wins out when the party isn’t representing the interests of its constituents. The federal government is 8-9x times larger today than it was a 100 years ago. That’s the GOP legacy.
Romney was vanilla Obama.

Same general positions on healthcare, Iraq, Iran, Afghanistan, Wars in general, Gun Control, and indefinite detention. There were probably others I'm missing from 12 years ago.

Their only real differences were on things I mostly didn't really care about.

The only thing I think Romney really understood better than Obama was Russia and it's ongoing threat.
Actually I was kidding Aloha a little. He’s accused of being a democrat on here. 😂

I get Republican emails as former treasurer of the county Republican party. I resigned a few months ago but I am guessing the emails will never stop.
No, I use to be a liberal in my youth (young and dumb). Voted for Obama. My transition away from being liberal probably started around 2014ish. In 2016 I voted for Ds and Rs and considered myself an Independent at the time. Haven’t voted for a Democrat since 2016.
I am pretty much 180 degrees.

I used to be a staunch Republican in my youth (young and dumb). Voted for Reagan, Bush, Bush, Dole, McCain, Romney, etc. I did change registration to Independent in about 2000, since I did do split ticket voting down-ballot. I was never what you would call a conservative, though, despite supporting Reagan. I am more aligned with (going way back) Dick Lugar. In my mind that principled, pragmatic problem-solving get-things done attitude carried on through Bush, Dole, Bush, McCain, Romney...

I am still independent (on fiscal issues R, on social issues kind of Libertarian- go away, government!). I became open to Dem voting at the Presidential level precisely in 2016 when the GOP abandoned all of its values to adopt cultish adoration of an absolute turd. I will continue to vote for some Ds and some Rs. Before 2020 I switched my Florida registration to D, since independents cannot vote in primaries and I wanted to support non-Biden Dems. I voted for Mayor Pete in the primaries. I cannot imagine voting for Trump, even if his opponent is certified brain dead.
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I got a campaign email from the Dems (I also get them from the GOP) I read before going to work said, Trump has made it clear with his own words that he would “rip away women’s freedoms, punish women, and ban abortion nationwide.” I put quotes around the part I recall world for word.

It stuck with me because, even if Trump said that in the past, that’s not what he’s saying since Dobbs. Now he’s specifically saying he’s leaving it up to the states. So if Alabama wants to ban it completely, he’s good with that. If California says abortion on demand up until birth, for any reason or no reason at all except it’s what the mother wants to do, is allowed, he’s good with that. So Biden is lying, Trump doesn’t want to ban it. Trump is even good with zero abortion restrictions.

Have also been privileged to reading letters from both the DNC and RNC.

Usually these letters are an attempt to encourage the recipient to donate money. To encourage the recipient to part with hard earned money the letters often contain exaggerated consequences about what will occur if political opponents are elected.

When reading these letters I usuallyl laugh and tell myself those guys, or guy, aren't that bad.

Also still naively believe we do have at least some checks and balances.
There was a time when the important issues varied greatly on the federal, state, and local levels.

Also a Democrat from the South or a Republican from the Northeast might have a completely different political philosophy than others in the same party.

In addition the labels liberal, conservative, and independent weren't used much.

So unlike today a voter could very likely tend to vote for different party candidates depending on what was the issue of the day and the level of government where the issue was being decided.

Have also been privileged to reading letters from both the DNC and RNC.

Usually these letters are an attempt to encourage the recipient to donate money. To encourage the recipient to part with hard earned money the letters often contain exaggerated consequences about what will occur if political opponents are elected.

When reading these letters I usuallyl laugh and tell myself those guys, or guy, aren't that bad.

Also still naively believe we do have at least some checks and balances.
Yup. Local and state commercials here all predicated on national issues
Biden lies, yes, and for every Biden lie (on his worst night, mind you) there are 4 Trump lies.

I wish that NEITHER would lie. But if Trump were prevented from lying, he would be mute.

Since most in the MAGA movement disagree with Trump on a Federal abortion ban, it would be truthful to say that election wins by MAGA candidates would be more likely to advance the cause of adopting a Federal abortion ban, whether Trump supports it or not (and he will sing a different tune when he's talking to evangelicals).

I doubt that any federal statute that either prohibits abortion or prohibits state prohibitions on abortion would survive the courts.

I just don’t see anything - in Article 1 or anywhere else - which clearly empowers Congress to do either one.

That said, the politics on abortion clearly favors legality in most places. As such, given time for it to be sorted out in state legislatures, I’d guess that most states will allow it — at least for a reasonable window of time (12 weeks, 15 weeks, etc) and with reasonable exceptions for some extenuating circumstances.
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I doubt that any federal statute that either prohibits abortion or prohibits state prohibitions on abortion would survive the courts.

I just don’t see anything - in Article 1 or anywhere else - which clearly empowers Congress to do either one.

They would most likely take a "fetal personhood" approach, with all the rights that would apply.
They would most likely take a "fetal personhood" approach, with all the rights that would apply.
Correct. 14th Amendment.

No State shall make or enforce any law which shall abridge the privileges or immunities of citizens of the United States; nor shall any State deprive any person of life, liberty, or property, without due process of law; nor deny to any person within its jurisdiction the equal protection of the laws.
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