Some of you are voting for this guy....

Yeah, my issue has always been the irreversible nature of some of these treatments -- given to kids....who, pretty much inherently, are not mature enough to make any kind of life decision like that.

Some European countries have pulled back on allowing these treatments for kids. And with good reason, IMO.
The lawsuits are going to be immense. Foundational. These woke psychiatrists are going to cause malpractice premiums to be unaffordable.
Telling someone who posts in good faith that their views are “silly” isn’t likely to change anybody’s mind.
And? Not trying to change anyone’s mind. Just letting him know his views are silly and damaging to kids. Which they are.
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Makes sense. Makes sense to not try to change someone’s views that are harmful. Better to just be a child.
How many liberal minds have you changed on this site? I won’t hold my breath. Dumb take.

And you’ve changed zero liberal minds. None. Gauranteed
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That’s not the standard or the point. It’s that we try. Like trying to eradicate hunger or poverty. We just have to keep trying.
It’s exactly the point, couldn’t care less about the “standard”. I’ll continue to speak the truth, no matter how blunt it is. No teams for me. I set my own “standards”.
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How many liberal minds have you changed on this site? I won’t hold my breath. Dumb take.

And you’ve changed zero liberal minds. None. Gauranteed
He may not change (m)any minds but his thoughts and opinions are taken seriously. Yours, not so much.
He may not change (m)any minds but his thoughts and opinions are taken seriously. Yours, not so much.
It’s any. And cool story bro.

Waiting on you to ban yourself for the mean, mean words directed towards me. 😏
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I’m all for counseling etc. I’m all for allowing them to express themselves. Dress like the opposite sex. Dress like a furry. I see it at my daughter’s school and again I’m all for it. Let them express themselves. I’m against any circuitry interference including hormone blockers etc more interesting to me are the conflicts/procedural legal issues, full faith and credit etc in opening their courts

You see furries at your daughter’s school again and again?
Allowing kids to “express themselves “ is where anorexia comes from and other behavior issues. If a kid believes they are a dog, walks like a dog, and eats like a dog, they need intervention
Anorexia is a 100% driven by societal pressure that drives a feeling of inferiority and a desire to lose weight. That is insane to think otherwise.
I’m banned from the companion thread but wanted to say it’s distressing to read my two financial advisors @Baller23Boogie @snarlcakes debating whether dipping their dicks in cheesecake is effective
you know that story about Tom Jones the singer right? well apparently he is quite well endowed and used to marinate his crank in listerine every night because he swore it gave him the best boners and made him larger.

After 3 years of experimenting, I can report back--it doesn't work :):)
you know that story about Tom Jones the singer right? well apparently he is quite well endowed and used to marinate his crank in listerine every night because he swore it gave him the best boners and made him larger.

After 3 years of experimenting, I can report back--it doesn't work :):)

Your "pastor" is a phony christian of the highest order.

"In providing gender-affirming care for trans children and adolescents, clinicians may offer patients counseling to assist in their social transition to match their gender identity such as changing their names, pronouns and hairstyles. They may also prescribe puberty-suppressing treatments under close monitoring. They generally do not offer genital surgeries until adulthood."

There's your answer. Your kid could get counseling. Maybe some puberty suppressing treatments. That's all a 12 year old could get, so what's the big deal? If they are trans then they should get counseling and whatever other help they need since trans kids kill themselves at a much higher rate than other kids.

Life is hard enough for these kids. I'm all for making it better for them and helping them not want to kill themselves. I'm not too concerned about how that makes a parent feel that is trying to stop a kid from better understanding their body and circumstances. I'm concerned about the kid and allowing them access to the help they need to make it to adulthood.

No preacher should have to hear about a member of their congregation hearing about a family hearing about a student at a school in their neighborhood hearing about a kid they know hearing about a kid at another school receiving gender-affirming treatment. It’s a clear violation of that preacher’s rights.

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