Shots fired at Trump's PA campaign rally

If you think Crooks was working with a government agency or that they knew he was there and wanted him to kill Trump and knowingly looked away while he did it, then yes you are a conspiracy theorist wing nut.

Almost by definition, really.

You need to take the time to read what I posted almost continually in regard to Crooks...

I've never thought he was in on it..., although to completely discount anything related to this assassination attempt shouldn't be totally discredited until clearly proven...

My opinion has always been that Crooks was just the lucky loser who happened to fall into this amazingly consistent amount of ineptitude, layered atop incredible incompetence...

Not questioning how two law enforcement agencies, along with what was at one point, considered the finest protective service on the planet..., all F-up so badly that all their screw ups are still being tallied up 20 days later..., is Sgt. Schulz ("I see nothing") level foolishness...
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You need to take the time to read what I posted almost continually in regard to Crooks...

I've never thought he was in on it..., although to completely discount anything related to this assassination attempt shouldn't be totally discredited until clearly proven...

My opinion has always been that Crooks was just the lucky loser who happened to fall into this amazingly consistent amount of ineptitude, layered atop incredible incompetence...

Not questioning how two law enforcement agencies, along with what was at one point, considered the finest protective service on the planet..., all F-up so badly that all their screw ups are still being tallied up 20 days later..., is Sgt. Schulz ("I see nothing") level foolishness...
You need to get Dinesh D'Souza on the case. He'd get to the bottom of it.
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These are the people protecting the former president. Yet somehow we are supposed to believe the people at the CDC, FDA, EPA, Defense Department, FBI, DoEd are all hard working competent people.

Enough with the government mediocrities. They need to be flushed out and forced to find honest work. Shut it all down at the V would say.
You need to take the time to read what I posted almost continually in regard to Crooks...

I've never thought he was in on it..., although to completely discount anything related to this assassination attempt shouldn't be totally discredited until clearly proven...

My opinion has always been that Crooks was just the lucky loser who happened to fall into this amazingly consistent amount of ineptitude, layered atop incredible incompetence...

Not questioning how two law enforcement agencies, along with what was at one point, considered the finest protective service on the planet..., all F-up so badly that all their screw ups are still being tallied up 20 days later..., is Sgt. Schulz ("I see nothing") level foolishness...
I agree with everything in this post.

Call them incompetent. Call them fools. Call for their jobs. But the bar is so high to prove intention on behalf of a govt agency, it’s best not to even mention it until you have solid proof.
Well someone is lying...

A whistleblower says Rowe personally cut the Counter Surveillance personnel presence on site at Butler County. Rowe says that he didn't (even though that would have been his call in his most recent job prior to being named Director)....

Cross-agency and cross-branch collaboration on steady-state ops is a complete shitshow. War is hard.

It becomes even exponentially more difficult when offers of drones and radios from the cooperating partner agencies are declined. How's that square with operational common sense?

Communications is frequently the major operational weak link... How would the Secret Service not know this going in and not do something, anything..., to account for the potential problem?

I find it impossible to believe that the Secret Service communication net not being interoperable with the locals was a first time phenomena... They had to be aware of the issue...
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Hawley's Whistleblower:

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Hawley's Whistleblower:

Some on here say whistleblowers are always disgruntled low performing liars. So this whistleblower should be ignored.
Some on here say whistleblowers are always disgruntled low performing liars. So this whistleblower should be ignored.

Yeah... I think we can ignore that one time example...

Although I respect the guy who implied it, his experience is not exactly what I would call a fully representative sampling...

In this particular case, in my opinion, whistleblowers are probably the only way we're ever going to hear anything close to the truth about the shortcomings of Secret Service leadership...
Yeah... I think we can ignore that one time example...

Although I respect the guy who implied it, his experience is not exactly what I would call a fully representative sampling...

In this particular case, in my opinion, whistleblowers are probably the only way we're ever going to hear anything close to the truth about the shortcomings of Secret Service leadership...
The new Director at SS should follow his predecessor out the door. After watching him testify and his news conference, there’s no doubt, he’s part of the problem.
The new Director at SS should follow his predecessor out the door. After watching him testify and his news conference, there’s no doubt, he’s part of the problem.

He's definitely a CYA type... In the position he held prior to becoming Director he actually was more complict in the short comings of that under strength Detail than Cheatle...

One thing that really bothers me about his testimony and follow up press conference is his consistent attempt to play the sympathy card... On multiple occasions he's brought up how his service "is hurting" and how badly the Pittsburgh office "is feeling"...

For a zero defect, win or lose Operation there is no room for worrying about feelings...

They need to put a retired military guy in at least temporary charge of that outfit who can immediately come in and tell them unequivocally that he doesn't give a sh-t about their feelings and that they need to wake up and snap back in or more people will die (with a high likelihood that next time it will include some of them)...

This new clown Rowe is just another part of the problem, in my opinion...
Carol Leonnig literally wrote the book on the Secret Service. She says they've been in bad shape for years, and many felt it was just a matter of time before something big happened. This is from 2022. Worthwhile watch.

It becomes even exponentially more difficult when offers of drones and radios from the cooperating partner agencies are declined. How's that square with operational common sense?

Communications is frequently the major operational weak link... How would the Secret Service not know this going in and not do something, anything..., to account for the potential problem?

I find it impossible to believe that the Secret Service communication net not being interoperable with the locals was a first time phenomena... They had to be aware of the issue...
It’s the first time in butler county with those LEOs. They have to collaborate with someone new every day. It’s difficult. The only way to improve it is to double funding to let them recruit and train more agents. Something most big government conservatives don’t want to happen.

Adding drones adds more eyes but also adds more complexity in communications.
Some on here say whistleblowers are always disgruntled low performing liars. So this whistleblower should be ignored.
You’re talking about me and I never said that. I said whistleblowers often turn out to be disgruntled poor performers or employers on the cusp of separation due to misbehavior (this is fact) and should not be believed as gospel until proven to be telling the truth. They must be vetted and corroborated. If they check out, great. If they don’t, and most don’t, they should face the consequences. Those that go to Congress are usually loved by one side or the other because politics, but when they don’t check out we usually never hear about them again.

What this particular whistleblower is saying is plausible. He could be telling the truth and check out, but don’t give him a medal just yet.
You’re talking about me and I never said that. I said whistleblowers often turn out to be disgruntled poor performers or employers on the cusp of separation due to misbehavior (this is fact) and should not be believed as gospel until proven to be telling the truth. They must be vetted and corroborated. If they check out, great. If they don’t, and most don’t, they should face the consequences. Those that go to Congress are usually loved by one side or the other because politics, but when they don’t check out we usually never hear about them again.

What this particular whistleblower is saying is plausible. He could be telling the truth and check out, but don’t give him a medal just yet.
If they’re disgruntled poor performers and what they say is false then they would be liars?
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You need to take the time to read what I posted almost continually in regard to Crooks...

I've never thought he was in on it..., although to completely discount anything related to this assassination attempt shouldn't be totally discredited until clearly proven...

My opinion has always been that Crooks was just the lucky loser who happened to fall into this amazingly consistent amount of ineptitude, layered atop incredible incompetence...

Not questioning how two law enforcement agencies, along with what was at one point, considered the finest protective service on the planet..., all F-up so badly that all their screw ups are still being tallied up 20 days later..., is Sgt. Schulz ("I see nothing") level foolishness...
So let me get this straight... Trump has numerous rallies in NJ and NY two states he will most definitely lose, and the FBI/SS (many of whom served under Trump) choose a county he has won twice as the locaion to find an unwilling pawn to assasinate him? You do know that Crooks was not there by accident, right? His timeline leading up to that day includes him registering to attend the rally...

No offense, but that's weird. Even as conspiracy theories go...
The point is why wouldn't they choose a Blue area (like NJ or the Bronx) instead of Butler Co, which is rabidly pro-Trump?
You need to read the whole thread...

I've said multiple times that I don't think Crooks was in on it (although I do think his every move and contact should be researched to the bitter end to be certain he doesn't have any overseas ties (which I doubt he does but it still needs to be verified [and no one can tell me that the NSA can't do it]...).

My take at the moment (that I've already posted once above) is that from what little I think I know of the assassination attempt is that it has become an either/or proposition...

Either the Secret Service has become the most ill trained, incompetent, ineffective, inept, under-resourced (with Only a 3.1 Billion [with a B] budget to draw from), would-be personal protective outfit on the planet; Or .., someone in the Secret Service hierarchy purposely set the stage for this to happen in the hope that, knowing the potential threats out there, it would occur sooner rather than later...

Could be the "either" but I sure hope someone takes a very close look at the "or"...
The point is why wouldn't they choose a Blue area (like NJ or the Bronx) instead of Butler Co, which is rabidly pro-Trump?
Lots of handwringing in this thread over two agencies (FBI, Secret Service) presently headed up by people who made major career gains under the Trump Admin. Wray was appointed FBI Director and Rowe who joined SS in 1999 was actually promoted to his first executive roll under Trump as well...

"Mr. Rowe’s previous executive experience within the Secret Service includes serving as the Chief of Staff to the Director (2021), Deputy Assistant Director for the Office of Protective Operations (2018-2021) and as the Deputy Assistant Director for the Office of Intergovernmental and Legislative Affairs (2017-2018)."

The Secret Service is not infallible. Major failures include JFK,RFK, Reagan, attempts on Ford,Bush and Obama. RFK was shot and killed close range in a hotel kitchen DURING the '68 camapign. And you guys act like a disgruntled kid who (like Rittenhouse) was likely upset over Trump's failure to be "pro-2A" to the extreme is some vast conspiracy...

Wonder where this guy got the idea that the Govt was out to get him, and Obama was the antichrist?

Lots of handwringing in this thread over two agencies (FBI, Secret Service) presently headed up by people who made major career gains under the Trump Admin. Wray was appointed FBI Director and Rowe who joined SS in 1999 was actually promoted to his first executive roll under Trump as well...

"Mr. Rowe’s previous executive experience within the Secret Service includes serving as the Chief of Staff to the Director (2021), Deputy Assistant Director for the Office of Protective Operations (2018-2021) and as the Deputy Assistant Director for the Office of Intergovernmental and Legislative Affairs (2017-2018)."

The Secret Service is not infallible. Major failures include JFK,RFK, Reagan, attempts on Ford,Bush and Obama. RFK was shot and killed close range in a hotel kitchen DURING the '68 camapign. And you guys act like a disgruntled kid who (like Rittenhouse) was likely upset over Trump's failure to be "pro-2A" to the extreme is some vast conspiracy...

Wonder where this guy got the idea that the Govt was out to get him, and Obama was the antichrist?

Damn. You really shoehorned Rittenhouse in there. You are a sick puppy.
Lots of handwringing in this thread over two agencies (FBI, Secret Service) presently headed up by people who made major career gains under the Trump Admin. Wray was appointed FBI Director and Rowe who joined SS in 1999 was actually promoted to his first executive roll under Trump as well...

"Mr. Rowe’s previous executive experience within the Secret Service includes serving as the Chief of Staff to the Director (2021), Deputy Assistant Director for the Office of Protective Operations (2018-2021) and as the Deputy Assistant Director for the Office of Intergovernmental and Legislative Affairs (2017-2018)."

The Secret Service is not infallible. Major failures include JFK,RFK, Reagan, attempts on Ford,Bush and Obama. RFK was shot and killed close range in a hotel kitchen DURING the '68 camapign. And you guys act like a disgruntled kid who (like Rittenhouse) was likely upset over Trump's failure to be "pro-2A" to the extreme is some vast conspiracy...

Wonder where this guy got the idea that the Govt was out to get him, and Obama was the antichrist?

Yeah... Wray is certainly a well documented pro-Trumper (DWS)..., and that must have been Rowes interstellar doppelgänger who actually turned down all those requests for additional resources at multiple Trump rallies... 🙄

I didn't bother with the rest of that nonsense (which had zero to do with the topic everyone else is actually discussing)...
You need to read the whole thread...

I've said multiple times that I don't think Crooks was in on it (although I do think his every move and contact should be researched to the bitter end to be certain he doesn't have any overseas ties (which I doubt he does but it still needs to be verified [and no one can tell me that the NSA can't do it]...).

My take at the moment (that I've already posted once above) is that from what little I think I know of the assassination attempt is that it has become an either/or proposition...

Either the Secret Service has become the most ill trained, incompetent, ineffective, inept, under-resourced (with Only a 3.1 Billion [with a B] budget to draw from), would-be personal protective outfit on the planet; Or .., someone in the Secret Service hierarchy purposely set the stage for this to happen in the hope that, knowing the potential threats out there, it would occur sooner rather than later...

Could be the "either" but I sure hope someone takes a very close look at the "or"...
My pc is acting wonky, so I can't locate the post where you thought it was strange that the Dad would wonder how come his son (who he had loaned his rifle to) had not shown up at the gun range after a couple of hours., He likely wasn't answering his phone, and so Dad (who belonged to the same gun club) likely checked with folks he knew there to try and locate him...

As far as the gab claim, he can't even claim with any certainty that the account belonged to Crooks.And why would a guy whose laptop revealed multiple visits to pro-gun, anti-immigranst and anti-semitic sites be "praising Biden"? Exactly what part of that orientation would be common among "Biden supporters"?

Even after conspiracy theories are factuall debunked, they still persist. For example the woman sitting in the crowd at an angle to Trump was supposed to be some secret service bigwig "signalling" to the sniper. People pointed out her eyes and head tilting, the fact that she didn't seem surprised by the shot, started filming instead of ducking, and generally seemed nonchalant about the whole deal.

But it turns out she's a co-host on a pro-Trump youtube channel and regular rally attendee. People made her life hell for a while and she retreated from the public eye. But in any discussion of the shooting you still find hundreds of people on line spreading the false narrative that she's withthe Secret Service.
My pc is acting wonky, so I can't locate the post where you thought it was strange that the Dad would wonder how come his son (who he had loaned his rifle to) had not shown up at the gun range after a couple of hours., He likely wasn't answering his phone, and so Dad (who belonged to the same gun club) likely checked with folks he knew there to try and locate him...

As far as the gab claim, he can't even claim with any certainty that the account belonged to Crooks.And why would a guy whose laptop revealed multiple visits to pro-gun, anti-immigranst and anti-semitic sites be "praising Biden"? Exactly what part of that orientation would be common among "Biden supporters"?

Even after conspiracy theories are factuall debunked, they still persist. For example the woman sitting in the crowd at an angle to Trump was supposed to be some secret service bigwig "signalling" to the sniper. People pointed out her eyes and head tilting, the fact that she didn't seem surprised by the shot, started filming instead of ducking, and generally seemed nonchalant about the whole deal.

But it turns out she's a co-host on a pro-Trump youtube channel and regular rally attendee. People made her life hell for a while and she retreated from the public eye. But in any discussion of the shooting you still find hundreds of people on line spreading the false narrative that she's withthe Secret Service.

Don't know how many more ways I can say that I don't think the loser was part of a conspiracy that will get thru to you so I'll give up wasting my time with that...

I've never mentioned that woman behind him even once on here so I don't know why you'd bring her up...

You have a nice afternoon...
Damn. You really shoehorned Rittenhouse in there. You are a sick puppy.
Didn't Lil' Kyle just come out a couple of days ago and say he wasn't voting for Trump because he isn't pro-@A enough? Although they pressured him to chnge his mind, do you think that Kyle is the only 2A purist who is upset for any concessions Trump makes to the "gun-control crowd"? If that sentiment didn't exist there wouldn't be Libertarians voting for Oliver...

THAT is the point I was making...

So I'm sick for daring to suggest an avowed gun enthusiast who was known for his strong 2A stance, frequently wore military and hunter camoflage to school, and at one time had pro-Trump/MAGA signs in his yard might be to the Right of Trump on certain issues? Why do you think that the same month Crooks became eligible to vote and turned 18 he rushed out to register as a Republican? What would be really interesting to know is if he voted for Mastriano (who attended Jan 6) in the 2022 Governors race...

Tell me oh enlightened one, why do YOU think Crooks wanted to kill Trump? Assuming that's what his goal was?
He likely wasn't answering his phone, and so Dad (who belonged to the same gun club) likely checked with folks he knew there to try and locate him...
Having belonged to a couple of conservation clubs, I can say with nearly 100% certainty that there isn't a phone in the clubhouse, nor is the clubhouse staffed. The dad wouldn't have been able to call and check to see if he was there. Best he could have done was call a few people to see if they were there and ask if they saw his son.

Typically, you unlock the gate drive in and lock it behind you. Go sign in and if you're the only one there, you hoist the flags to let people know someone is there and the range you're on is considered hot.
Don't know how many more ways I can say that I don't think the loser was part of a conspiracy that will get thru to you so I'll give up wasting my time with that...

I've never mentioned that woman behind him even once on here so I don't know why you'd bring her up...

You have a nice afternoon...
"I've never mentioned that woman behind him even once on here so I don't know why you'd bring her up"...

To point out that your posts in this thread hinting at the notion of FBI/Secret Service involvement are just as wacky. The same folks who fell for the Secret Service woman nonsense, are the ones promoting the same type of things you've posted here...
Having belonged to a couple of conservation clubs, I can say with nearly 100% certainty that there isn't a phone in the clubhouse, nor is the clubhouse staffed. The dad wouldn't have been able to call and check to see if he was there. Best he could have done was call a few people to see if they were there and ask if they saw his son.

Typically, you unlock the gate drive in and lock it behind you. Go sign in and if you're the only one there, you hoist the flags to let people know someone is there and the range you're on is considered hot.
The post I was responding to was the claim that it was strange that the parents were worried when their son (who had borrowed Dad's rifle) apparently went off the grid. Maybe they thought he seemed weird before he left and then the inability to locate him got them more uneasy. I don't know, they havent given any sworn testimony so I can't speak to their state of mind...

Someone just made a ridiculous post and I responded. Heck maybe they had felt he was despondent lately, and the fear of suicide was in the back of their minds? I just don't think it's strange to worry if your child borrows a gun and then disappears...
The post I was responding to was the claim that it was strange that the parents were worried when their son (who had borrowed Dad's rifle) apparently went off the grid. Maybe they thought he seemed weird before he left and then the inability to locate him got them more uneasy. I don't know, they havent given any sworn testimony so I can't speak to their state of mind...

Someone just made a ridiculous post and I responded. Heck maybe they had felt he was despondent lately, and the fear of suicide was in the back of their minds? I just don't think it's strange to worry if your child borrows a gun and then disappears...
I just googled the place and it appears I'm completely wrong. It's staffed and a kitchen that serves dinner.
Didn't Lil' Kyle just come out a couple of days ago and say he wasn't voting for Trump because he isn't pro-@A enough? Although they pressured him to chnge his mind, do you think that Kyle is the only 2A purist who is upset for any concessions Trump makes to the "gun-control crowd"? If that sentiment didn't exist there wouldn't be Libertarians voting for Oliver...

THAT is the point I was making...

So I'm sick for daring to suggest an avowed gun enthusiast who was known for his strong 2A stance, frequently wore military and hunter camoflage to school, and at one time had pro-Trump/MAGA signs in his yard might be to the Right of Trump on certain issues? Why do you think that the same month Crooks became eligible to vote and turned 18 he rushed out to register as a Republican? What would be really interesting to know is if he voted for Mastriano (who attended Jan 6) in the 2022 Governors race...

Tell me oh enlightened one, why do YOU think Crooks wanted to kill Trump? Assuming that's what his goal was?
I don’t know why Crooks shot at Trump, he was clearly off his rocker. You are a demented freak.
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"I've never mentioned that woman behind him even once on here so I don't know why you'd bring her up"...

To point out that your posts in this thread hinting at the notion of FBI/Secret Service involvement are just as wacky. The same folks who fell for the Secret Service woman nonsense, are the ones promoting the same type of things you've posted here...


I have been as clear as a bell as to what I think...

Back on Ignore you go...
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Yeah... Wray is certainly a well documented pro-Trumper (DWS)..., and that must have been Rowes interstellar doppelgänger who actually turned down all those requests for additional resources at multiple Trump rallies... 🙄

I didn't bother with the rest of that nonsense (which had zero to do with the topic everyone else is actually discussing)...
This is something I really don’t get. There’s no documentation that he’s pro-Trump or not pro-Trump. Trump appointed him (a Republican like every former FBI Director) for a standard 10 year term and I’ve seen no evidence he’s done anything except try to do his job fairly.
My pc is acting wonky, so I can't locate the post where you thought it was strange that the Dad would wonder how come his son (who he had loaned his rifle to) had not shown up at the gun range after a couple of hours., He likely wasn't answering his phone, and so Dad (who belonged to the same gun club) likely checked with folks he knew there to try and locate him...

As far as the gab claim, he can't even claim with any certainty that the account belonged to Crooks.And why would a guy whose laptop revealed multiple visits to pro-gun, anti-immigranst and anti-semitic sites be "praising Biden"? Exactly what part of that orientation would be common among "Biden supporters"?

Even after conspiracy theories are factuall debunked, they still persist. For example the woman sitting in the crowd at an angle to Trump was supposed to be some secret service bigwig "signalling" to the sniper. People pointed out her eyes and head tilting, the fact that she didn't seem surprised by the shot, started filming instead of ducking, and generally seemed nonchalant about the whole deal.

But it turns out she's a co-host on a pro-Trump youtube channel and regular rally attendee. People made her life hell for a while and she retreated from the public eye. But in any discussion of the shooting you still find hundreds of people on line spreading the false narrative that she's withthe Secret Service.
She’ll be treated the same as Ray Epps. Once they turn on someone on false claims it only spreads. It’s part of the culture.
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Having belonged to a couple of conservation clubs, I can say with nearly 100% certainty that there isn't a phone in the clubhouse, nor is the clubhouse staffed. The dad wouldn't have been able to call and check to see if he was there. Best he could have done was call a few people to see if they were there and ask if they saw his son.

Typically, you unlock the gate drive in and lock it behind you. Go sign in and if you're the only one there, you hoist the flags to let people know someone is there and the range you're on is considered hot.
They are not all the same. I googled Dayton gun clubs and found tons and half a dozen on the first page have phone numbers and staff.
They are not all the same. I googled Dayton gun clubs and found tons and half a dozen on the first page have phone numbers and staff.
Yeah, I posted as much after I googled the one I saw in some news reports that quoted the guy who ran it. Staffed has a kitchen and a freakin bar. How insurance allows a bar at a gun range is beyond me.

Definitely bougie and not aligned with the poor side of town narrative that came out in the first few days after