Serious Question for Trump Voters

This is what drives me insane when I tell my friends or family about. It’s like, dumb f#ck, make it a percentage of your portfolio. If I’m wrong, who cares? Life’s goes on and you lost a little money. If I’m right Biitcoin is going to be 50, 60, 80 % of your portfolio. Don’t be f#cking short. That’s the only wrong position. Eventually a central bank is going to buy it and then all of them will. Good luck predicting the price.
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Its It's not about being a Trump supporter. It's anti - democrat. The democrat party sucks ass. Anti american peices of shit. I will never vote democrat
Joe Biden GIF by GIPHY News
No one (except partisan shitlibs) gives a shit about the accounting related to how some rich guy pays off a pornstar he banged.

All but the TDS deranged don't care, realize it's not a "crime", and laugh at the push by shitlibs to make it sound like these felonies were actually meaningful in any way.

It's backfired, because normal Americans don't care. They realize he's been railroaded since 2016, and they're tired of the bullshit from the inconsequential dorks of society that support the left.
I would bet there are as many Trump voters like you as there are Trump voters who actually like the guy. Maybe more. I know a lot of them.
I will vote R for the rest of my life because I can't stand the Democrat party and what they stand for.

Honestly I'm done participating. I will not file another tax return. I'm tired of doing IRS paperwork, you want it? Do it your ****in self
No one (except partisan shitlibs) gives a shit about the accounting related to how some rich guy pays off a pornstar he banged.

All but the TDS deranged don't care, realize it's not a "crime", and laugh at the push by shitlibs to make it sound like these felonies were actually meaningful in any way.

It's backfired, because normal Americans don't care. They realize he's been railroaded since 2016, and they're tired of the bullshit from the inconsequential dorks of society that support the left.

The man has f*cked over so many people in his business dealings, cheated on three wives, seems to think it's OK to defraud the IRS, and...yeah...normal Americans do care.

Do your knees hurt when you get done?

Capone thought he was railroaded too.

The man has f*cked over so many people in his business dealings, cheated on three wives, seems to think it's OK to defraud the IRS, and...yeah...normal Americans do care.

Do your knees hurt when you get done?

Capone thought he was railroaded too.
Bloom, I have a lot of respect for you on this forum, both in terms of basketball and politics. But I need you to set me straight on something.

I may be off base, but I remember reading a post a few years ago on the b-ball forum that turned political. You told all the right wing yahoos to “take it to the Cooler.” I noticed a sprinkling of the crazies show up then, and it’s been a steady flood of people coming to the cooler, that if they had any self awareness, or were smart enough to know that repeating extreme right propaganda from Twitter and/or far right conspiracy sites doesn’t qualify their opinion as anything more than laughable garbage, they wouldn’t embarrass themselves by participating in what was once a great forum to exchange ideas and opinions between conservatives, liberals, moderates, and generally sane people.

I blamed you, but I now realize the algorithms are too strong to overcome for those who fairly recently were completely apolitical, but suddenly see themselves as political experts that have the “real” truth, if only the rest of us morons were smart enough to seek it out at Breitbart, Daily Caller, QAnon, or any other Russian sponsored media.
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Bloom, I have a lot of respect for you on this forum, both in terms of basketball and politics. But I need you to set me straight on something.

I may be off base, but I remember reading a post a few years ago on the b-ball forum that turned political. You told all the right wing yahoos to “take it to the Cooler.” I noticed a sprinkling of the crazies show up then, and it’s been a steady flood of people coming to the cooler, that if they had any self awareness, or were smart enough to know that repeating extreme right propaganda from Twitter and/or far right conspiracy sites doesn’t qualify their opinion as anything more than laughable garbage, they wouldn’t embarrass themselves by participating in what was once a great forum to exchange ideas and opinions between conservatives, liberals, moderates, and generally sane people.

I blamed you, but I now realize the algorithms are too strong to overcome for those who fairly recently were completely apolitical, but suddenly see themselves as political experts that have the “real” truth, if only the rest of us morons were smart enough to seek it out at Breitbart, Daily Caller, QAnon, or any other Russian sponsored media.
I don't know what I have to do with much of that. I certainly don't influence any algorithm, and no one on this forum is a political expert.
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I don't know what I have to do with much of that. I certainly don't influence any algorithm, and no one on this forum is a political expert.
I was joking about you being responsible; but I do remember you telling some folks to take the politics to the Cooler, as you should. 😊 The algorithm thing is referring to Russian Intel infiltrating our social media to influence minds and sow discord.
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Many Trump voters do NOT LIKE him. I do not like him.
I DO like a number of his policy preferences, so I’m a Trump voter. Seriously dislike Trump the person, the bloviating jerk.
That is where I stand. I do not like him at all as person. The strange thing about Trump is all the things that he has done for people that he has chosen to keep a secret. Everyday people who have met say that he is a good person at heart and that if he meet you once he remembers you forever. I wish that was thew side he would show more often. I hate the Trump you see everyday. If he could just shut up and talk about accomplishments pre-covid . Stop the juvenile attacks on his opponents the election would be over. However inevitably he is going to continue to attack people and that is what is going to make he election closer than it sjhould be.
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That is where I stand. I do not like him at all as person. The strange thing about Trump is all the things that he has done for people that he has chosen to keep a secret. Everyday people who have met say that he is a good person at heart and that if he meet you once he remembers you forever. I wish that was thew side he would show more often. I hate the Trump you see everyday. If he could just shut up and talk about accomplishments pre-covid . Stop the juvenile attacks on his opponents the election would be over. However inevitably he is going to continue to attack people and that is what is going to make he election closer than it sjhould be.
Do not listen to any anti-Trump trope in here. Even the so-called Pubs who would rather vote left and pretend to be R and hate Trump because he's not "a real Republican" can eat shit. Good thing this state is Red as we can laugh at the idiots that think they know what's really important lol.
If Trump didn’t call immigrants rapists and murderers I would probably vote for him. But….
Many Trump voters do NOT LIKE him. I do not like him.
I DO like a number of his policy preferences, so I’m a Trump voter. Seriously dislike Trump the person, the bloviating jerk.

This ^^^^

He's not running for Spouse of the Year or Parent of the Year or Humanitarian awards. The content of a President's (or nominee's) character left the building with the Clintons. I am more concerned with the content of my bank accounts, investment portfolio and my pantry.
If Trump didn’t call immigrants rapists and murderers I would probably vote for him. But….
It has been reported that 100% of the girls and young women in the migrant caravans are raped and/ or subject to sexual abuse during the journey. Even if the number is half of that Trump isn’t wrong. And then, how do you think the girls and young women pay the thousands of dollars the cartels charge?
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Bloom, I have a lot of respect for you on this forum, both in terms of basketball and politics. But I need you to set me straight on something.

I may be off base, but I remember reading a post a few years ago on the b-ball forum that turned political. You told all the right wing yahoos to “take it to the Cooler.” I noticed a sprinkling of the crazies show up then, and it’s been a steady flood of people coming to the cooler, that if they had any self awareness, or were smart enough to know that repeating extreme right propaganda from Twitter and/or far right conspiracy sites doesn’t qualify their opinion as anything more than laughable garbage, they wouldn’t embarrass themselves by participating in what was once a great forum to exchange ideas and opinions between conservatives, liberals, moderates, and generally sane people.

I blamed you, but I now realize the algorithms are too strong to overcome for those who fairly recently were completely apolitical, but suddenly see themselves as political experts that have the “real” truth, if only the rest of us morons were smart enough to seek it out at Breitbart, Daily Caller, QAnon, or any other Russian sponsored media.
Season 10 Party GIF by Curb Your Enthusiasm

You’re off the invite list to Auburn.
It has been reported that 100% of the girls and young women in the migrant caravans are raped and/ or subject to sexual abuse during the journey. Even if the number is half of that Trump isn’t wrong. And then, how do you think the girls and young women pay the thousands of dollars the cartels charge?
So every single migrant is a rapist? Dear Lord this is why I don’t like my own party anymore
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Serious question. How do you feel about the Democrat Elites circumventing democracy? They rig system to get Biden as nominee and then they rig it again to throw him out and name Kumswallow. Quite a party you have there.
Just curious, what does your new bride think of your name for Harris?
nobody claimed every single migrant is a rapist. Just stop with that nonsense.
Reread your last post to me and then get back to me. I don’t doubt that the women in those caravans get abused. I’m tired of Trump stirring up so much hate in this country toward immigrants when the vast majority just want a better life for their families
That is where I stand. I do not like him at all as person. The strange thing about Trump is all the things that he has done for people that he has chosen to keep a secret. Everyday people who have met say that he is a good person at heart and that if he meet you once he remembers you forever. I wish that was thew side he would show more often.
Oh yeah? Where is that list at?

People swore by Hitler, Jim Jones and Charles Manson. Not truly comparing Trump to that trio, but it proves nothing that you're nice to people if you're willing to do harm to others or allow harm to be done.

Aside from all the lying, the cheating and the fraud just in his personal and professional life alone, I'm sure he's a great guy.

I hate the Trump you see everyday. If he could just shut up and talk about accomplishments pre-covid . Stop the juvenile attacks on his opponents the election would be over. However inevitably he is going to continue to attack people and that is what is going to make he election closer than it sjhould be.
That's the Trump he is. At some point you need just listen to him.
Based on the names hurled at Trump she thinks eye for an eye regarding Harris and Biden.

You want to keep the Rapist, Nazi, Hitler, Trumper, Trumpist and other Trump name calling off the board, I’ll keep the Harris giving head to get ahead and spreading her legs to the top off the board.
I think you should continue the name-calling stoll. It clearly defines who you are. By the way, how did you introduce your current wife before she was your wife/girlfriend? You know, back during your previous marriage. You're good at names, so I'm sure you had a creative option.