Russia-Ukraine war has begun

My theory is Soviet genetic experiments. No way the short and ugly old people had these tall beautiful women and handsome guys. ;)
Well, it kind of mimics Latino women. Gorgeous and then on their 26-27th birthday, they wake up with a super sized azz, POOF ! ALWAYS research your dates mother to see what your prize in a few years will look like !!! Always research. OHHH and her wonderful "loving" demeanor in a few years. :)
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Well, it kind of mimics Latino women. Gorgeous and then on their 26-27th birthday, they wake up with a super sized azz, POOF ! ALWAYS research your dates mother to see what your prize in a few years will look like !!! Always research. OHHH and her wonderful "loving" demeanor in a few years. :)
They don’t shrink by a foot. In my experience in nearly every Asian country with beautiful young women (which is nearly all of them) there are two extremes on the aging thing. They’re the Philippines and Thailand. Both countries have beautiful young women but they don’t age well in the Philippines and they do in Thailand. Generally speaking. Singapore has the most exotically beautiful IMO.
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There was an announcement of a border change with Lithuania and Finland. Of course, I can’t find it now. I probably ended up corrupting my phone looking for it. I think it was put out by the defense ministry. But, not sure.
A border change announced by Russia? Hadn't heard of that - I would think that would be big news.
I can see the brochure:

Come to Russia! Known for our brutally cold winters, bread lines, and authoritarian leaders!

Right now, we're offering a special: immigrate today and you'll receive a get-out-of-fighting-in-Ukraine pass, good for 1 whole year!

Requirements: ability to work, speak Russian, and have our values, like not questioning your leader!
Or..... "Siberia really isn't that bad."
Russia does have a selling point. A guy who was in my lunchtime basketball group 20+ years ago had been a Marine guard at the embassy. He believed nowhere in the world had the attractive young ladies that Moscow had.
Those Ukraine girls really knock me out. They leave the West behind.

Moscow girls make me sing and shout.
"On the eve of the summit, Russian President Vladimir Putin said Russia would end the war if Kyiv agreed to drop its NATO ambitions and hand over four provinces claimed by Moscow. The conditions apparently reflected Moscow's growing confidence its forces have the upper hand."
I kind of think the opposite is true, as the Russian economy reacts to the new sanctions implemented by the West. It's like the claims from some that the dispatch of the nuclear sub to Cuba is a show of strength, when the reality is Russian vessels are safer in Cuba than in the Black Sea...

The announcement of the new tighter sanctions resulted in the Moscow stock exchange halting all dollar/euro trading which resulted in a 10% drop on the exchange.The only way they were able to contain the damage was thru limiting panicked selling by denying people access to their accounts. And then the following day the major Russian banks were all offline, which basically meant people had no means to sign in to acces their money.

First it was Alfa Bank...

Then both RosBank and Gazprombank followed suit...

Someone on twitter noted that more banks were closed than open.Videos appeared of customers lining up in long lines outside of banks in Moscow and St Petersburg. RussiaBankCollapse began to trend on twitter, and some of these memes are hilarious...

Russian trolls attempted to fight back, by letting us all know that Bono, Messi and Jen (among others) are all calling for an end to aid to Ukraine...

But then this video appeared showing Russian police units raiding a dance club in search of new recuirts to provide cannon fodder for Putin's special operation...

This video is long, but it provides an indepth analysis of what all this means with regards to the rouble and to the Russian economy in general. This guy is extremely well informed and explains things in a manner that even I can understand. Partcularly interesting in explaining how these new sanctions target Chinese banks which up till now have been assisting the Russian war effort...

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Russia is losing so many vehicles, troops are walking into combat. Or riding standard ATVs, it is better for commanders to lose a platoon than a vehicle. Russia really hasn't changed since the 40's when masses of infantry would be ordered through German minefields to clear them.

You've got to wonder how swamped the Russian doctors and medical personnel are. With that many wounded every month, word has to be getting back home that so many are being killed and wounded. That can't be good for PR or morale.

Just insanity, really.
You've got to wonder how swamped the Russian doctors and medical personnel are. With that many wounded every month, word has to be getting back home that so many are being killed and wounded. That can't be good for PR or morale.

Just insanity, really.
I just read an interview of a captured Russian Army Medic Trainer. They pull slightly wounded from the battle field. Tape a grenade to one arm, blow it off and train new medics how to treat that wound. Then if the wounded survived, shoot him through one lunge so the students could treat a Pneumothorax (collapsed lunge). If he survived that, finish him off and file him as a deserter.
Moral seems to be high to not get wounded. But there's a lot of prayer to have a quick cranial extrication.
I just read an interview of a captured Russian Army Medic Trainer. They pull slightly wounded from the battle field. Tape a grenade to one arm, blow it off and train new medics how to treat that wound. Then if the wounded survived, shoot him through one lunge so the students could treat a Pneumothorax (collapsed lunge). If he survived that, finish him off and file him as a deserter.
Moral seems to be high to not get wounded. But there's a lot of prayer to have a quick cranial extrication.
How does a grenade only blow off the arm and not kill him?

Not sure I believe all that.
How does a grenade only blow off the arm and not kill him?

Not sure I believe all that.
Well, I could explain how but lets just say... not here. :)
But yes, it does seem a bit far fetched, until you think that Russians are involved. Totally different worlds that we live in.
You said you just read that in an interview. So give us the link, so we can judge ourselves.
I knew this would come up. I'm looking, I'm looking. I was hitting links, within stories that I got to from other links.
Why would I make it up and admit that I was a bit skeptical?
I knew this would come up. I'm looking, I'm looking. I was hitting links, within stories that I got to from other links.
Why would I make it up and admit that I was a bit skeptical?
I'm not saying you made it up. I'm just saying those are crazy claims we would like to judge ourselves. You can't drop shit like that with no source, c'mon.
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We spent weeks following one of these around the Western Pacific in 1988 to gather intelligence on it. We sailed less than 100 feet off the side of it at one point. Good looking ship, but like most Soviet ships, not nearly as capable as advertised.

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So AI was tasked to look at Russian bases and see how many tanks Russia has left. Of course many of these are the ancient tanks in storage. It turns out, Russia might be running low.

The daily reports, that I often post here, have been showing tank losses of 4-6 per day for about 2 weeks instead of the 25-40 for nearly a year. Yesterday was a "big day" (compared to the last two weeks, not historically) of ~24, I think it was. There have been thoughts that maybe russia was massing for a really big push, but I think there are way too many satellites and forward observers now to allow them to mass without reports of it.
It seems they have massively increased to using motorcycles and UTV's for forward deployment.
That still isn't working, but the $ loss, comparing a tank to a motor bike is much less. Meat #'s are still the same though. AFU are still knocking out 40-60 artillery per day, and 15-25 APC's.

**Edited to make it a little more literate. Wow that was bad.
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