Question for the Premium members


Feb 26, 2002
I've been with Peegs since around 2000 and made the switch when they went to scout. I'm thinking about joining rivals as well. Given how much may be happening with the program over the next several months, I would like as much content as possible. My question is how connected are the staff. Have you received much inside information regarding the Crean situation. Receiving a lot of hints about chatter on Peegs but they, naturally, are being somewhat guarded. Nevertheless, still a fair amount of inside info. How are the boys at Rivals doing? Thanks!
I was on premium and little 'inside' information was given by admins -- only people knowing other people.
I've been with Peegs since around 2000 and made the switch when they went to scout. I'm thinking about joining rivals as well. Given how much may be happening with the program over the next several months, I would like as much content as possible. My question is how connected are the staff. Have you received much inside information regarding the Crean situation. Receiving a lot of hints about chatter on Peegs but they, naturally, are being somewhat guarded. Nevertheless, still a fair amount of inside info. How are the boys at Rivals doing? Thanks!

I feel like it is pretty even. The guys here may not be quite as connected as Rabby and Peegs (yet) but they do not toe the line nearly as much either.
No one has ironclad inside info. None are going to get reliable inside info. They never did, except with recruiting. I did not go to scout. I'm happy with the coverage here.

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