
I think they need him as well, and probably if they want to turn it around they should be coaching to his insanity rather than away from it. Let him do his thing, but coach other guys to play around it and mitigate his propensity to get flashy going south. He likes to play hero ball, and sometimes is great at it, get other guys to help him be consistent of that by shaking up the offense.
Let Green do his thing? You want the coaches to tell him it's ok to dribble around for 10 seconds and then hoist up an ill-advised three because he used up the shot clock? He should be encouraged to make entry passes to the feet of TJD and Brunk?
If Fischer is correct .. and I see no reason he would lie... I can't blame the coach.

If it's true and Miller cannot discipline the players that need some discipline... Well, that's just dysfunctional administrative leadership and the blame goes higher than Miller.

Responsibility without authority = dysfunction. They should have spent more time reading Sun Tzu and far less on Elton Mayo..

You cannot lead a basketball team using "everyone gets cake on their birthdays" human resources "LEO" culture... the only blame he should get was either in taking a job with such restriction or not quitting on the spot if they are implemented.

The LEO and Students Bill of Rights thing is fking sounds like Crean marketing slogans.

btw Human resource managers are a plague to mankind, that that style of thinking has invaded sports .. *sigh* .

I've somehow missed those comments by Fisch. If Archie is trying to coach his team within that kind of framework, he may well get fed up and try to find another gig on his own.

Honestly, I have no idea what to make of what we're seeing out on the floor. It's hard for me to believe that Archie is incompetent, but maybe he is. It wouldn't surprise me if IU is kicking ass next year, and it wouldn't surprise if Archie gets canned mid-season. Things are so weird! It's like trying to figure out the movie "Primer"... the permutations are endless.

I can have a strong opinion about a coach, or whatever, but once he's here at IU I don't like the idea of not giving them every chance to succeed. I felt like we were building up to a culmination kind of year next season (as long as Trayce returned), so I'm not going to let myself get too bent out of shape until this time next year. That said, I really expected to see signs by the end of this year that next season would be a doozy. Turns out it may still be a doozy, just not the kind we look forward to.
I know! I'm as stupid as Archie, because I just don't see how we can win if we sit him. I honestly expected a breakout season from Devonte, and if that happened IU would have had a chance to be really good.

The idealized backcourt tandem of a veteran leader Devonte and a healthy Rob would have been pretty dang good.

Seriously though, how can you clog things up with 2 bigs (neither with stretch ability) without a confident perimeter threat like Green. We kill Green because of his turnovers and rightfully so, but his turnover rate is far better than the other 3 guards. Plus an inside centric offense is more prone to turnovers anyway. It's like running a wishbone and bitching because you lead the conference in fumbles.

I don't know... I've been thinking we should go with a lineup of Trayce, Justin, Jerome, Rob and Franklin. Use Al to spell the guards and Devonte in emergencies only. Either that or play Devonte 36 minutes a game and just say let it rip.

Archie's hands are tied a bit with this group and frankly it all boils down to Devonte's idiotic decision making and Rob's health issues. We're screwed apparently!

The bigger issues are on the defensive end. We weren't ever going to be a great offensive team and the gnashing of team about Green is silly. Archie's problem is he can't implement an elite defense.
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The bigger issues are on the defensive end. We weren't ever going to be a great offensive team and the gnashing of team about Green is silly. Archie's problem is he can't implement an elite defense.
Forget elite, it’s not even above average. Really thought Miller would instill a culture of toughness, but that’s not the case.
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The bigger issues are on the defensive end. We weren't ever going to be a great offensive team and the gnashing of team about Green is silly. Archie's problem is he can't implement an elite defense.

I agree and that isn’t helping us offensively (we really struggle in the half court offense)
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The bigger issues are on the defensive end. We weren't ever going to be a great offensive team and the gnashing of team about Green is silly. Archie's problem is he can't implement an elite defense.
Maybe so, but we've a few losses (I think) where I defensive efficiency was good enough to win, but our offensive efficiency was just atrocious. I'm on the road today and can't check to give examples. Besides, struggling mightily to get a bucket starts to effect defensive focus.

I just think that, if the offense wasn't so woeful, we might see better play all around. I don't know though, I'm just frustrated with where we are at. Tough to try to be engaged with this team
The bigger issues are on the defensive end. We weren't ever going to be a great offensive team and the gnashing of team about Green is silly. Archie's problem is he can't implement an elite defense.
Sorry if my posts are even harder to read than usual. I'm awful trying to type on a cell phone..... boomer tech.. lol
I don't know, something has been off his whole time here and it really doesn't make much sense.

As Gavin said on Crimson Cast, his Dayton teams fought like hell, had players that played their roles and scrapped with a chip on their shoulder.

His teams at IU have folded. They've constantly not showed up for big games and really struggle with their effort for 40 minutes.

Before the season there was a post that said they talked to Ed Schilling and Ed said the players tended to tune him out.

He's obviously not the kind of tactical coach that can be successful from his 'genius' but he knows the nuance of the game enough that it shouldn't be a disadvantage.

When I watch us play, particularly offense, it has always seemed like we're playing in mud.

Purdue had a grace and rhythm to them that was striking to watch.

It was embarrassing watching our defenders get bogged down by all the screens they had to fight through. That used to be our calling card.

And make no mistake, Purdue is not super talented this year. If we would flip flop rosters I would bet Painter would have our team easily in the top 20 maybe top 15 while we'd be battling it out with Nebraska.

There are no excuses to miss the tourney this year. I know our guard play has sucked but a good coach would be able to manage it and put them in a position to succeed, like Painter has.

Hell Painter's guards are a 6'6" guy who can't shoot (Eastern) who was ranked around Smith, a 150 shooting guard (Hunter), a low 3 star gym rat who couldn't get off the bench last year (Sasha), a 3 star freshman (Thompson) and a grad transfer (Proctor).

I think the difference between our teams is twofold (and the decisive games of the season are still to come so things can change).

1) Someone above mentioned players filling their "role". I think Purdue/Painter has done a better job of consistently getting players to do what you're supposed to do first. Take Eastern for example, everyone would LOVE to see him shoot better, but if he D's up the other team's star and makes them earn every point he's filling his role. Watching IU, outside of TJD, it's hard to tell what everyone is supposed to be doing.

2) Recruiting players who you rate higher than the "experts". It doesn't matter if a guy was ranked 50th in his class BEFORE he got to your school. If he was ranked 200th as a recruit and leaves as one of the top 50 in his collegiate class then you either know more than the experts or you coached him up better than his peers were coached up at their school. They need to improve from their recruiting rank.

Both teams can salvage this season or tank it into the gutter in the remaining games. Neither team loses much at the end of the season talent-wise.

At the end of the day when I look at coaching ability, I want to see players get progressively better year after year.
Maybe so, but we've a few losses (I think) where I defensive efficiency was good enough to win, but our offensive efficiency was just atrocious. I'm on the road today and can't check to give examples. Besides, struggling mightily to get a bucket starts to effect defensive focus.

I just think that, if the offense wasn't so woeful, we might see better play all around. I don't know though, I'm just frustrated with where we are at. Tough to try to be engaged with this team

I assume you're correct. I just think we have the talent to be an elite defense. I thought/hoped Archie was an elite defensive coach. The question mark was whether or not he could put together a good enough offense.

5 of the top 9 teams in defense efficiency have offenses ranked similar to IU's or much worse (Virginia is ranked 228). Looking through all of Archie's efficiencies numbers he has had only 1 elite defense (top 20 is how I define it).

I'm putting together all the efficiency numbers for SW 16 teams, Elite 8, FF, and etc. I have gambling problems as well:) I think it's a good predictor (makes logical sense) of how teams are going to do in the tourney. I also think it's something an A.D. should use when trying to identify and hire mid-major coaches. For example, Chris Beard, in his one year at Little Rock ended up 33rd in defense efficiency. They were in the 170s the previous year and fell back to the 180s the year after he left.

Also, if you get a chance compare Marshall's numbers to Archie. Based on efficiency numbers Marshall was a much better option than Archie. Marshall has had several teams with elite defenses. I think the reality is Archie was overrated and is an average (maybe below average) Power 5 coach.
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I assume you're correct. I just think we have the talent to be an elite defense. I thought/hoped Archie was an elite defensive coach. The question mark was whether or not he could put together a good enough offense.

5 of the top 9 teams in defense efficiency have offenses ranked similar to IU's or much worse (Virginia is ranked 228). Looking through all of Archie's efficiencies numbers he has had only 1 elite defense (top 20 is how I define it).

I'm putting together all the efficiency numbers for SW 16 teams, Elite 8, FF, and etc. I have gambling problems as well:) I think it's a good predictor (makes logical sense) of how teams are going to do in the tourney. I also think it's something an A.D. should use when trying to identify and hire mid-major coaches. For example, Chris Beard, in his first year at Little Rock ended up 33rd in defense efficiency. They were in the 170s the previous year and fell back to the 180s the year after he left.

Also, if you get a chance compare Marshall's numbers to Archie. Based on efficiency numbers Marshall was a much better option than Archie. Marshall has had several teams with elite defenses. I think the reality is Archie was overrated and is an average (maybe below average) Power 5 coach.

Actually, I was mostly wrong. The PSU and Rutgers losses were the games I was thinking of, but our D has been a big problem in other losses. Defensive efficiency has been awful in 3 of the last 4 games. Offensive efficiency has been crap ever since we started playing real teams other that FSU and Maryland..

Devonte had 46 points, 11 boards, 6 assists, 4 TO's and 2 steals in 51 minutes in those 2 good offensive games.
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Pay out the contract and move on. This ain't working. It starts off decent[ soft competition] then spirals downward in Jan. and Feb. No consistency the last 2 years. Maybe a Chris Beard can come in and right this sinking ship. Otherwise 21 recruiting is taking a big hit. And here we go again.
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Pay out the contract and move on. This ain't working. It starts off decent[ soft competition] then spirals downward in Jan. and Feb. No consistency the last 2 years. Maybe a Chris Beard can come in and right this sinking ship. Otherwise 21 recruiting is taking a big hit. And here we go again.
21 recruiting is dead in the water until there is clarification on his future one way or the other.
Here is what will happen imo.

1. The new AD kerps archie even though we miss the ncaa and flame out.

2. Next year we squeak into the NCAA with a 19-13 record and lose in the first round. Archie is kept for another year based on this massive success.

3. Archie losses most of the key players and in year 5 goes 6-14 in conference. He is eventually fired after year 5 and the program is left in horrible shape.

4. Archie gets a job at Sam Houston State and IU hires the next hot new mid major who had a magical sweet sixeteen run.
I'm with you up to #3. I would expect a lineup of healthy Rob, TJD, Brunk, Smith, and a guard to be named to be better than 19-13. If Archie can break the culture of losing and get to the NCAA, he will have finally assembled a team that might have a leader. We will have at east purged the program of this year's seniors and juniors.

I have said for a while that I believe Archie can be successful when he gets players he wants. The challenge is to get to that point with players he inherited and his recruits that are still young. Patience is low and I expected too much from our seniors. Any other team with seniors that played early like ours would have all conference or honorable mention type performances. We don't have a player like that in our two oldest classes.
Why exaggerate at all?

Your point would have been made just the same if you would have used the real numbers they stated in the article of 35 to 76K but NO, you just couldn't do that. Good grief.
You think I have Butch Jones’s salary from 2 years ago memorized? I’m estimating because the takeaway is the same. Get a clue.
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Me get a clue? Are you F@#$ing serious?

The numbers I quoted were from the article that YOU linked! In a way, I was supporting your original post.
You’re way behind kid. I’m moving to where the puck is going, many on here are skating to where it’s at now, but you’re skating to where it was 5 minutes ago. Catch up.
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Devonte has a lot of natural talent, the kind you can't coach into a kid, they either have it or they don't. Unfortunately, it seems Devonte also may be one of a kind in his unparalleled inability to learn lessons through his errors. He just keeps making the same mistakes over and over again. He's a perpetual frosh.

I am not a coach. But I have known kids like this on teams and seen that the coaches that are able to get improvement out of them do it very simply with playing time as a reward/punishment.

The coaches who try to use logic and reason, to try to talk to the player about how they are not meeting expectations and how that is hurting the team, etc. but letting them play anyway, don't get what they want. They also poison the team chemistry because other players gradually start feeling like their own effort doesn't matter, since the kid who is screwing up or not working is still getting playing time.
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