POLL: Should the United States have a national fruit?


Hall of Famer
Jun 19, 2001
After all, we have a national flower (rose), a national bird (eagle), a national flag, and a national anthem.

Also, too, spectacular.
This post was edited on 12/14 1:35 AM by Rockfish1
You should have put

one more option in that poll:


On second thought if we had a national nut you'd be at the top of the list.

This post was edited on 12/14 6:30 AM by NPT
Discrimination on the basis of sexual orientation . . .

. . . although "fruit" has gone by the wayside as a pejorative for homosexuals recently.

Reminds me of this innocent enough joke that I saw in the Highlights magazine once, but in reverse:

Q: What fruit has to get married in a church?

A: A cantaloupe.

This post was edited on 12/14 6:06 PM by Sope Creek
I pondered taking it down.

I support the abolition of marriage and have no problems with sexual orientation.
Hmmm . . . why the abolition . . .

of marriage rather than the extension of it to gay couples?

I"m guessing that you're not so much opposed to sexual orientation minorities as much as you are opposed to marriage altogether.

Do . . . tell.

Marriage is a Religious institution and has no place in the public square. Maybe paying child support at a very high rate for the last 15 years has jaded me but having only 72 dollars income after bills is a very sobering situation in your mid 40's. I never missed a payment.
This post was edited on 12/14 7:28 PM by Rockport Zebra
I was gonna make a wise crack . . .

about a nasty ex-, but I think it would have been too spot on.

Are the kids/ex- off the payroll yet? Or perhaps a better way of asking . . . is life getting better?
I survived.

The 6 year old is a Jr. at IU. The 4 year old is shipping for the Air Force March 3rd and the 1 year old is a sophmore in High school. The little girl is about to find out about life. Me, I am a triple dipper. I will be fine. The question is are we all equal? If we are how can the courts allow females to ruin you finacially just because they "are not" happy? She has vacations, new cars ect. I say let them be equal, really equal.

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