Perfect example why Trump won't win...

Shitpost is the only path. I will say my soccer crowd text groups are way more political and lean strongly left
I’m shocked soccer dudes lean left
Cbs What GIF by The Late Late Show with James Corden
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One thing is for damn sure, it's somewhere below 50%. Her dad is 100% Jamaican. This isn't hard. This isn't Elizabeth Warren claiming some Native American heritage based on passed down stories.
Oh, are all Jamaicans black? Do tell!
If the shoe fits re dementia. You dipshits used it on Biden so fair game in my book.

Carroll didn't ask for it.
The King of Comebacks retorts with another "Oh yeah, well so are you" reply.

Skippy, you never fail to disappoint.
Shitpost is the only path. I will say my soccer crowd text groups are way more political and lean strongly left
My youngest son started soccer yesterday. Expectations were very low. He played basketball last year and struggled. He’s a big kid and doesn’t have the best coordination. The wife took him because I had to take my older son to Football (a real sport). The wife said he did a really good job. He was yelling at kids, knocked a couple down, and she said he was best player. He’s a natural. A young Murt. Do you have good hair? The kid has a great head of hair. He’s going to be a nightmare with the ladies.

Side note. Kids are soft as butter today. My oldest son won’t stop complaining because I forced him to play. I got sick of him complaining about it and finally told him you’re playing because you’re a wimp. Now shut up about it. My wife said that was mean. I told her I wanted to call him a pussy and thought I showed maturity🤷🏻‍♂️ F#ck, I should have been born 50 years. I don’t understand most people.

Go all the way back to the 2016 GOP convention when he directed the party to weaken the Ukraine support language in the platform. He was hell-bent on weakening NATO and US dominance of Europe, which he succeeded in, paving the way for Russian aggression.

And that was in a term where he had guard rails and foreign policy hawks around. Something which is now clear will be totally absent this time around. Anyone hosting Viktor Obran at their home is a sending a clear signal to anyone smart enough to pay attention.
So full of shit. He warned Europe not to be dependent on Russia for energy and told them to pay up.

Oh, that is SO bad..... WTF. If he hadn't done that and supplied real weapons and training to Ukraine, Ukraine would be part of Russia by now. Obama/Biden? They sent humanitarian aid after the Russians invaded Crimea.

You really are ignorant.
My youngest son started soccer yesterday. Expectations were very low. He played basketball last year and struggled. He’s a big kid and doesn’t have the best coordination. The wife took him because I had to take my older son to Football (a real sport). The wife said he did a really good job. He was yelling at kids, knocked a couple down, and she said he was best player. He’s a natural. A young Murt. Do you have good hair? The kid has a great head of hair. He’s going to be a nightmare with the ladies.

Side note. Kids are soft as butter today. My oldest son won’t stop complaining because I forced him to play. I got sick of him complaining about it and finally told him you’re playing because you’re a wimp. Now shut up about it. My wife said that was mean. I told her I wanted to call him a pussy and thought I showed maturity🤷🏻‍♂️ F#ck, I should have been born 50 years. I don’t understand most people.
I have a hair like a Jonas brother in his prime. Congratulations. I love hearing that. That has to be the absolute best feeling in the world. I’m sure he felt so proud. That’s just awesome.

And yes kids are soft as butter. It’s ridiculous how soft they are today. But I guess it’s our fault
Polls show that his support among blacks has been cut almost in half in only 3 weeks. There are still undecideds, but the poll I saw nationwide among register black voters was

Trump 12%
Undecided 17%
Harris 71%

Not sure what Trump's percentage was in 2020, but I seem to recall it being something like 82-18.

So it's unclear if Trump will make any gains at all.

Yesterday didn't help him with the "Kamala isn't really black" nonsense. If any black voters thought he had changed since the racist Obama birtherism and the Central Park Five overt racism, they are reminded of who he is.

Nobody really cares about this shit. The left in this country is so wholly invested in injecting race into EVERYTHING simply because it is viewed as a way to accumulate more power. Black people are apparently just fine being told what they are or are not as long as it comes from the right people. They'll accept segregated spaces in the right context: "White people for Kamala".

It is all performative.

ETA: Tweet posted for the video and not the commentary.
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Harris didn't move to Montreal until she was 12 then attended one year of college in Canada before going to Howard University. Therefore, from birth to 22, she spent about 15 of those years in the US. I guess it was just too bad Obama and Harris had educated parents and weren't born and raised in the hood to suffice your definition of blackness.

Now, it's my turn to stereotype you, okay?
Go ahead. You disproved nothing I posted.

Neither Obama or Harris have much in common with American blacks, both growing up in foreign countries.

It's not my definition of blackness - go ask any African-American if they think either shared life experience with them.
Poor @Cortez88 out there trying to work and just getting thrown into all kinds of shit.

Vigilance is key. On this board anyway.
Scene Work Meeting:

Boss: Hey Mr. Cortez could you fill us in on the quarterly numbers?

Mr. Cortez: Damn it

Boss: Excuse me?

Mr. Cortez: Not you. Snarlcakes was asking about Murt’s pecker

Ms. Maria - (24 years old smoke-show). How big is his pecker?

Boss: snarlcakes? Murt? Are you on grinder at work?

Mr. Cortez: F#ck no. Internet friends, well one of them. snarlcakes loves Bitcoin

Ms. Maria: snarlcakes f#cks

Boss: Can we get back to the report?

Mr. Cortez: Growth was up 9% for the quarter, just like my penis

Ms. Maria: whispers quietly to Cortez, call me.
I’m so glad I’m not in that Fing thing. No murt that’s not at all what that symbolizes. You didn’t read it did you? But you’re giving answers anyway. That’s not conducive to a healthy book club
That might be acceptable. An inside peek:

BradStevens: blah, blah, blah blah man's inhumanity to man, how do we know anything? Do you think this character likes sex? blah blah blah. Lars, what do you think?

Lars: [Looking off in a 45 degree angle from the camera, probably watching TV, backlit so you can't see his face] What now? Oh, uh, I was impressed by . . .

Lars Wife: inaudible, slightly pissed voice ala Charlie Brown teacher

Lars: Uh, I gotta go guys. Promised the wife we'd hit Bed Bath & Beyond today and then appletinis at 3UP. See you next week!
And the only President whose father was arrested at a KKK rally. 1927. Ah, when America was great!

A newspaper article from the time stated that "Fred Trump of 175-24 Devonshire Road, Jamaica, was discharged." This address matched records or Donald Trump's father from the 1930 census. A report in the Long Island Daily Press said all of the arrestees were "berobed marchers." To be fair, other reports said that non-Klan observers were arrested too, for brawling.

So Fred was either a Klansman or was into fighting Klansmen. We''ll never know for sure. The former, though, seems more likely, based on family history.

lol Shit. Biden gave the eulogy of a Klan leader - a long-time Democrat Senator.

GTFoH with your bullshit.
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That is the #1 thing that gets me. Tillerson, Mattis, McMaster, Kelly, Bolton, etc. have all said Trump is not fit. All of these very accomplished people can't be wrong or "in the swamp" as some like to say.
Imagain that - fired employees bad-mouthing their boss.

That never happens. lmao
The nerve of those journalists, asking him about some bad things that he has actually said, VERBATIM, even pointing out WHEN he said them, and asking him to explain why he can be trusted!

If you don't say stupid racist shit then indeed journalists are not going to harp on stupid racist shit that you have spewed, since you haven't!
What did they ask him about what he said VERBATIM? Be specific.

It was nothing but accusations, but then I wouldn't expect you to understand what VERBATIM means.
Imagain that - fired employees bad-mouthing their boss.

That never happens. lmao
English, please.

And many of these people quit as opposed to being terminated. Stop lying constantly.
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Imagain that - fired employees bad-mouthing their boss.

That never happens. lmao

Name one ex-President that had that many ex-employees saying they were unfit?

Hell, find a President that even had half as many.

btw, kelly resigned. not fired.

while you're at it, find a president that had that many people leave an administration in a 4 year period (whether fired, resigned or any other reason).
Name one ex-President that had that many ex-employees saying they were unfit?

Hell, find a President that even had half as many.

btw, kelly resigned. not fired.

while you're at it, find a president that had that many people leave an administration in a 4 year period (whether fired, resigned or any other reason).
The Trump administration was a revolving door “like nobody’s ever seen before.”

Decent people had to leave to preserve their integrity … and sanity.
Name one ex-President that had that many ex-employees saying they were unfit?

Hell, find a President that even had half as many.

btw, kelly resigned. not fired.

while you're at it, find a president that had that many people leave an administration in a 4 year period (whether fired, resigned or any other reason).
This doesn't compute with the MAGA cult because acknowledging this means they have to also acknowledge dear leader was somehow wrong. Either he was wrong when he was hiring the 'very best people' or he was actually the complete and total eff up about 75% of his former staff/cabinet claims him to be.
Go ahead. You disproved nothing I posted.

Neither Obama or Harris have much in common with American blacks, both growing up in foreign countries.

It's not my definition of blackness - go ask any African-American if they think either shared life experience with them.
No, both of the them spent most of their upbringing in the US. Look it up, Harris didn't move to Montreal until 12 and spent about 6 years there, before going to Howard for school, and Obama spent just 6 years in Indonesia and the rest of it in Hawaii. And Harris attending Howard and belonging to the largest black sorority in the country was immersed in black culture and I'm sure had sorority sisters from all kinds of backgrounds. She may not have grown up in the same culture as those other girls, but she came closer than most by living with them for several years at a black university.
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No, both of the them spent most of their upbringing in the US. Look it up, Harris didn't move to Montreal until 12 and spent about 6 years there, before going to Howard for school, and Obama spent just 6 years in Indonesia and the rest of it in Hawaii. And Harris attending Howard and belonging to the largest black sorority in the country was immersed in black culture and I'm sure had sorority sisters from all kinds of backgrounds. She may not have grown up in the same culture as those other girls, but she came closer than most by living with them for several years at a black university.
I am more of a southern black woman than Kamala Harris.
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Name one ex-President that had that many ex-employees saying they were unfit?

Hell, find a President that even had half as many.

btw, kelly resigned. not fired.

while you're at it, find a president that had that many people leave an administration in a 4 year period (whether fired, resigned or any other reason).
Other Presidents weren't interested in cleaning out the swamp.

Kelly quit before he was fired.

Find a President whose family received money and then was paid directly from 'loans' that were never documented.

I can play this game all day, Skippy.
Taking offense to overtly racist remarks by Trump is not "injecting race into everything". It is rather making a choice to not ignore intolerable behavior.

There is no discussion about whether Kamala Harris is black or not, if Trump had not been such an ASS and injected his own racism into the discussion
Was what Biden said overtly racist? Or was that just impolite since he has a (D) after his name.

Trump responded stupidly but I don't take any of this race crap from you or most other Democrats seriously anymore because you all are the main ones who push it. Kamala's skin color (and vagina) was one of the main factors in her being picked. That is documented. They played their hand before the pick. When you enter that into the criteria, that is how we end up here. Trump was dumb for playing the Democrat's game but he was one of you all until recently, so he learned from the best.
No, both of the them spent most of their upbringing in the US. Look it up, Harris didn't move to Montreal until 12 and spent about 6 years there, before going to Howard for school, and Obama spent just 6 years in Indonesia and the rest of it in Hawaii. And Harris attending Howard and belonging to the largest black sorority in the country was immersed in black culture and I'm sure had sorority sisters from all kinds of backgrounds. She may not have grown up in the same culture as those other girls, but she came closer than most by living with them for several years at a black university.
Do you consider Hawaii a typical American state, knowing that it wasn't even a state until shortly before Obama was born? Maybe read a book that describes the cultural differences between Indonesia, Hawaii, and the rest of the US.

Kamala spent her teenage years in Canada. Ask any dad if Jr High and High School and Freshman year of college affects their daughter. Those are prime formative years.

For your reading pleasure:

Neither Obama nor Harris had a typical American 'black' experience - that much should be obvious and I'm amused at anyone who tries to claim otherwise.
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Imagain that - fired employees bad-mouthing their boss.

That never happens. lmao

Most of the dumbasses on this board you can tell are clearly not very intelligent, but with Danc, you know he has some brains, he's just a prick (has been on every board he's every participated on) by choice.
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Do you consider Hawaii a typical American state, knowing that it wasn't even a state until shortly before Obama was born? Maybe read a book that describes the cultural differences between Indonesia, Hawaii, and the rest of the US.

Kamala spent her teenage years in Canada. Ask any dad if Jr High and High School and Freshman year of college affects their daughter. Those are prime formative years.

For your reading pleasure:

Neither Obama nor Harris had a typical American 'black' experience - that much should be obvious and I'm amused at anyone who tries to claim otherwise.
But Trump had a typical American experience? I mean, wtf.
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Do you consider Hawaii a typical American state, knowing that it wasn't even a state until shortly before Obama was born? Maybe read a book that describes the cultural differences between Indonesia, Hawaii, and the rest of the US.

Kamala spent her teenage years in Canada. Ask any dad if Jr High and High School and Freshman year of college affects their daughter. Those are prime formative years.

For your reading pleasure:

Neither Obama nor Harris had a typical American 'black' experience - that much should be obvious and I'm amused at anyone who tries to claim otherwise.
I don’t think there is such thing as a typical American black experience, but if progressives want to insist that their skin color somehow connects them in some way or means they experience the world differently than they need to engage you in this conversation.
I don’t think there is such thing as a typical American black experience, but if progressives want to insist that their skin color somehow connects them in some way or means they experience the world differently than they need to engage you in this conversation.
Oh, I think there is, in much the same way we would say 'farm kids' have a fairly common experience. Or someone who grew up in suburbia. Or the cities.

I don't think those experience define you, but they definitely help shape you into the person you become. Both Obama and Harris were raised by academic types. That's something most blacks - and whites - can't claim. They're both smart and take advantage of their pigmentation. But they didn't grow up like Tim Scott or Clarence Thomas.
Oh, I think there is, in much the same way we would say 'farm kids' have a fairly common experience. Or someone who grew up in suburbia. Or the cities.

I don't think those experience define you, but they definitely help shape you into the person you become. Both Obama and Harris were raised by academic types. That's something most blacks - and whites - can't claim. They're both smart and take advantage of their pigmentation. But they didn't grow up like Tim Scott or Clarence Thomas.
Because all blacks grow up pretty much the same way. Ignorant.
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Oh, I think there is, in much the same way we would say 'farm kids' have a fairly common experience. Or someone who grew up in suburbia. Or the cities.

I don't think those experience define you, but they definitely help shape you into the person you become. Both Obama and Harris were raised by academic types. That's something most blacks - and whites - can't claim. They're both smart and take advantage of their pigmentation. But they didn't grow up like Tim Scott or Clarence Thomas.
Tim Scott and Clarence Thomas grew up more or less rural/ suburban poor. They probably wouldn’t recognize the life that inner city blacks live today.

Most blacks today wouldn’t identify with inner city blacks either since 59% of black people today are suburban or rural and a majority are middle to upper class.

There’s no such thing as a “black experience” they’re all born into different circumstances, just like White people.
Tim Scott and Clarence Thomas grew up more or less rural/ suburban poor. They probably wouldn’t recognize the life that inner city blacks live today.

Most blacks today wouldn’t identify with inner city blacks either since 59% of black people today are suburban or rural and a majority are middle to upper class.

There’s no such thing as a “black experience” they’re all born into different circumstances, just like White people.
I think most blacks of a certain age know pretty well what discrimination looks like, no matter where they live.

I agree all situations aren't alike, but being black in America is not the same as being white, at least at the time these people were growing up.
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