Percent crean is gone..

What percent do you think crean is let go?

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Crean and "hot seat" has been a regular media story, and fan topic of conversation at IU for the past several years....Yet he comes back, in spite of what many, if not a majority of fans predict. That is a paradox. While this year looks to be the last straw...I'm still not convinced.
Fred didn't pull the trigger after 2015 like a lot of people thought he should. I was on the fence. Then came last year -- after Maui and Duke I was in full throated Fire Crean! mode... and then we went on a tear and finished strong (with some stumbles, I'll grant you) until running into the UNC juggernaut. I decided I'd been wrong.

Then comes 2016-17 -- knock of KU and UNC... and then the downward spiral begins. Not a stumble here and there, but a long downhill slide bottoming out with last second heroics being required to beat PSU.

Crean's body of work is sub-par for anyone, but especially for Indiana. We need to be consistently good and regularly great, with Final Fours and new banners as reasonable expectations.

The time is now. Glass knows this will make or break the IU basketball program -- and IU athletics generally -- for a decade or more. That he didn't extend after last year tells us that CTC was being held to a standard of consistent top performance, and that this year was his chance to prove he could do that. He failed. Glass will do his job and make a change. The only question remaining is who will be the one to take the reins. I'm hoping for something BIG.
Fred didn't pull the trigger after 2015 like a lot of people thought he should. I was on the fence. Then came last year -- after Maui and Duke I was in full throated Fire Crean! mode... and then we went on a tear and finished strong (with some stumbles, I'll grant you) until running into the UNC juggernaut. I decided I'd been wrong.

Then comes 2016-17 -- knock of KU and UNC... and then the downward spiral begins. Not a stumble here and there, but a long downhill slide bottoming out with last second heroics being required to beat PSU.

Crean's body of work is sub-par for anyone, but especially for Indiana. We need to be consistently good and regularly great, with Final Fours and new banners as reasonable expectations.

The time is now. Glass knows this will make or break the IU basketball program -- and IU athletics generally -- for a decade or more. That he didn't extend after last year tells us that CTC was being held to a standard of consistent top performance, and that this year was his chance to prove he could do that. He failed. Glass will do his job and make a change. The only question remaining is who will be the one to take the reins. I'm hoping for something BIG.
Don't ever underestimate freds ability to do the wrong thing. Ever
I don't have a clue on percentages....All I know is that either IU isn't making a change or Donald Trump needs to hire the insiders at IU because they really know how to prevent leaks.....The internet references to IU's coaching situation looks like its been kept squeaky clean with a ShamWow....
And about how percentages relate to conclusions.
For the tea leaf readers. I heard Crean in post game say "it's been a long week, a long last couple of days". Could that mean what folks on here are talking about? He wasn't overly good spirited. One can only hope
For the tea leaf readers. I heard Crean in post game say "it's been a long week, a long last couple of days". Could that mean what folks on here are talking about? He wasn't overly good spirited. One can only hope
I also heard him tell Fisch postgame the RMK quote "Victory Favors the Team making the Fewest Mistakes". I about ran off the road . . .
I also heard him tell Fisch postgame the RMK quote "Victory Favors the Team making the Fewest Mistakes". I about ran off the road . . .
Holy sweet baby jesus..if he is NOW pulling RMKisms out of his arse to suck up to IU fans, I have reached a new level of disdain...please be gone after next Wed...
Don't ever underestimate freds ability to do the wrong thing. Ever

We won't. Now some are saying that Matta is out as OSU and Archie likely in. Can you see a scenario where Donovan turns us down as well as Bennett and Marshall and we end up with a Dane Fife? I can. That's how much confidence I have in Fred. He's a day late and a dollar short. Always.
Your over-the-top disdain for Glass is totally irrational.

People seemed to forget that no one worth their salt would take this job when Crean was hired. Glass inherited a mess and needed to prove to potential hires that this was a stable environment. Crean was extended not because he was doing a great job, but because the bridge to the next level was not yet complete. You can't fire coaches every 4 or 5 years and expect people to line up for that. I am sure that before Crean is canned that the next guy is going to be lined up or at least several are showing interest. Let's hope the time is now.
We won't. Now some are saying that Matta is out as OSU and Archie likely in. Can you see a scenario where Donovan turns us down as well as Bennett and Marshall and we end up with a Dane Fife? I can. That's how much confidence I have in Fred. He's a day late and a dollar short. Always.

The timing is bad but I could see Fife coming back here once he cuts his teeth for a few years somewhere smaller (and has success, obviously).

I think he's got potential. And I think he'd be perfect - learned under RMK, led the MD teams, tutored under Izzo...has loved IU since he was a kid despite being from Mich. A Big Ten dude. I think HS coaches around here would send their kids to play for a guy like Fife.

Obviously, Glass can't hire him now, though.
We won't. Now some are saying that Matta is out as OSU and Archie likely in. Can you see a scenario where Donovan turns us down as well as Bennett and Marshall and we end up with a Dane Fife? I can. That's how much confidence I have in Fred. He's a day late and a dollar short. Always.
People seemed to forget that no one worth their salt would take this job when Crean was hired. Glass inherited a mess and needed to prove to potential hires that this was a stable environment. Crean was extended not because he was doing a great job, but because the bridge to the next level was not yet complete. You can't fire coaches every 4 or 5 years and expect people to line up for that. I am sure that before Crean is canned that the next guy is going to be lined up or at least several are showing interest. Let's hope the time is now.
the conventional narrative is that no one "wanted" the IU job before Crean was offered...based upon the fact that IU's first choice, Bennett said No. That leaves an awful lot to be desired. Other names under consideration, hindsight notwithstanding, were Sean Miller, Jamie Dixon and Kevin Stallings.
There is no indication that they were offered or not....because they weren't the first choice. All three would have been an upgrade to Crean.

I understand the conditions were less than ideal...but I remain skeptical that IU could not have reached an agreement with any of the above mentioned. We just seem to have this impression that only two viable candidates for IU's job existed....Bennett and said no, the other said yes. I don't buy that. There was also this sense of urgency involved, i.e. timing. But I am not onboard with the "no one wanted to come to IU" bus....too simplistic. This is water under the bridge...but in context with the accolades to Crean for coming....and they are fine...IU was a more viable program and opportunity at that time than has been advertised.
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Don't forget Mark Few who also reportedly said no. IU needed a squeaky clean guy as well, not saying the others were not, but that probably also played a big part.
Don't forget Mark Few who also reportedly said no. IU needed a squeaky clean guy as well, not saying the others were not, but that probably also played a big part.
Mark Few was never a good fit for IU....He is to Gonzaga what Chip Kelly was to Oregon football. They are already a perfect match.....any change is likely not as good a fit. Oregon still wants Kelly to come back....and his success hasn't carried over since leaving Oregon. The right fit is the right fit. I will go so far at to say that Mark Few could go to Kentucky and his level of success would be questionable. It isn't the right fit either.
Down to 25% gone after today.
Barring a BTT championship and a run in the NCAA (this won't happen)

70% chance Crean agrees to a buy out and leaves on his own.
29.5% chance Crean is fired.
0.5% chance Crean is back on his current contract.
0.0% Glass gives Crean an extension.
Don't forget Mark Few who also reportedly said no. IU needed a squeaky clean guy as well, not saying the others were not, but that probably also played a big part.
But Few has said no to everyone. I seriously doubt he every leaves Gonzaga. He supposedly loves the Pacific Northwest, has had success on the west coast recruiting international players, is the current King of the WCC, and doesn't fight the mounting pressure that comes with the blue bloods.
This thread has become irrelevant. Crean is gone. That's a fact. Any speculation pertaining to his return next season is keeping the light on for a guest that has checked out. Wasted energy.
You can't fire coaches every 4 or 5 years and expect people to line up for that.

This crap is repeated all the time with no evidence to back it up.

Nobody wants to work for an incompetent administration. Incompetent administrations hang on to coaches too long.
Barring a BTT championship and a run in the NCAA (this won't happen)

70% chance Crean agrees to a buy out and leaves on his own.
29.5% chance Crean is fired.
0.5% chance Crean is back on his current contract.
0.0% Glass gives Crean an extension.
I'd say it's 100% crean agrees to a buyout and leaves on his own. Glass won't go public with a firing. It will be we parted on great terms.
What's the point of the poll, when the choices are so few?

I'd say around 30-40%. Crean only leaves IF he's ready to move on. I think Fred gives him next year.
This crap is repeated all the time with no evidence to back it up.

Nobody wants to work for an incompetent administration. Incompetent administrations hang on to coaches too long.

We've seen it a couple times recently with marquee programs.

UK fired Billy Clyde after two seasons and got Calipari.

UNC fired Doherty after three seasons and got Roy Williams. If I remember right, UNC only went with Doherty because Roy Williams turned them down when Guthridge left.
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I was only listening to half of what Crean was talking about in his radio post game show. He mentioned something about how he liked the performance after the difficult week he had personally. Did he have some news he was hinting at or was he referring to the loss at Purdue?
Would winning the B1G tourney throw a wrench into things? I could definitely see it happening. The B1G is pure garbage and we're still the most talented team in the league. If it happens you know Tom's ego will go into hyper drive again.
For the sake of the university, fans and players, I hope we win the tournament. Not so much for Crean.
Would winning the B1G tourney throw a wrench into things? I could definitely see it happening. The B1G is pure garbage and we're still the most talented team in the league. If it happens you know Tom's ego will go into hyper drive again.
What are the odds of that. I don't think IU has won the BTT since it started. Why would this Crean team be the first? I won't be surprised to see IU lose the first game. I'll be shocked if IU wins two games.
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What are the odds of that. I don't think IU has won the BTT since it started. Why would this Crean team be the first? I won't be surprised to see IU lose the first game. I'll be shocked if IU wins two games.

Has Crean ever won two consecutive games in the BTT?
This crap is repeated all the time with no evidence to back it up.

Nobody wants to work for an incompetent administration. Incompetent administrations hang on to coaches too long.
I agree. IU gave Mike Davis plenty of time to prove he was the long term coach for IU and when he couldn't he was fired. Sampson fired himself due to stupidity and he shouldn't have been hired. Crean has had plenty of time and he's not going to work out. A good coach will see that IU is a top basketball school and that the administration is very patient with its coaches. How many universities have had as few coaches as IU since 1971? Four coaches for 46 years is very stable. IU will be the most desired opening in this offseason.
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