Percent crean is gone..

What percent do you think crean is let go?

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gfy. You defended Crean.....until he was indefensible. You insisted he would get another year...... until it was very apparent he wouldn't. And now you're insisting he'll be fired. You have no back bone. No point of view. And offer nothing but recycled tripe. gfy.
I said he would come back unless he tanked this season which is exactly what he did. You also might want to check out to get some help with you anger management issues. Also the OP question was what percentage that Crean will be let go and I think he will be let go. Posters like you are the reason why I like spending time over at 247 board because people can actually be cordial even if you disagree with posters. You should not be allowed to post on here if this kind if this is is the kind of crap you post.
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I said he would come back unless he tanked this season which is exactly what he did. You also might want to check out to get some help with you anger management issues. Also the OP question was what percentage that Crean will be let go and I think he will be let go. Posters like you are the reason why I like spending time over at 247 board because people can actually be cordial even if you disagree with posters. You should not be allowed to post on here if this kind if this is is the kind of crap you post.

The go back to 247, where no one bullies you. Because your bullsh*t is extremely transparent here.
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The go back to 247, where no one bullies you. Because your bullsh*t is extremely transparent here.
You really need to get help because you have major problems. If you let someone on a message board bother you this much you might need t find something else to do. Before the season I thought Crean had turned the corner as a coach but I did say that if he totally tanked the season he should be gone. I never said Crean was the right guy but I did defend him since he was the coach at IU. I never said anything when people criticized his coach but I did not like it when people made it personal.
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Dudes a walking suitcase.

BTW... humor involved here. Accused of being absurd. Lighten up and stop deleting my post please.
IU Scott thinks Alford is a poor coach but defends Crean....that's all you need to know.
What paradox is that?
Crean and "hot seat" has been a regular media story, and fan topic of conversation at IU for the past several years....Yet he comes back, in spite of what many, if not a majority of fans predict. That is a paradox. While this year looks to be the last straw...I'm still not convinced.
Crean and "hot seat" has been a regular media story, and fan topic of conversation at IU for the past several years....Yet he comes back, in spite of what many, if not a majority of fans predict. That is a paradox. While this year looks to be the last straw...I'm still not convinced.

Understood. Thanks for the explanation.
Crean and "hot seat" has been a regular media story, and fan topic of conversation at IU for the past several years....Yet he comes back, in spite of what many, if not a majority of fans predict. That is a paradox. While this year looks to be the last straw...I'm still not convinced.

I think in previous years there was always some glimmer of hope that fans would latch on to for the following year. That glimmer has completely burned out for most of us. At this point in the Crean regime it's obvious that nothing will change. Glass needs to make the move now- another year would harm the program unnecessarily.
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Maybe even a brazillan.

Would winning the B1G tourney throw a wrench into things? I could definitely see it happening. The B1G is pure garbage and we're still the most talented team in the league. If it happens you know Tom's ego will go into hyper drive again.
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Would winning the B1G tourney throw a wrench into things? I could definitely see it happening. The B1G is pure garbage and we're still the most talented team in the league. If it happens you know Tom's ego will go into hyper drive again.
I think winning two in the but makes Fred pause big time. It is still very fluid.

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