
I will refer you to Conn Carroll twitter from 9/28. I'm going to pour one last glass of Makers Mark and call it a night.

So I went to the twitter thread and saw exactly what you mean. You are copying his tactic of making puzzling claims,not explaining why they matter,and then ignoring repeated requests to tell people what he means and why they should even resonate. Congrats??
Did Biden go to Ukraine in 2016. If the answer is no then he lied. It also means there was no quid pro quo. Good grief.

Shocked you haven't been back to the board to own up to your wild conspiracy theories. But the reporter who broke the story on Biden's trip to Ukraine back then has weighed in on the issue. He also adamantly castigates Trump for revising history and twisting his story...

"IT’S STRANGE TO see my journalism twisted, perverted, and turned into lies and poisonous propaganda by Donald Trump, Rudy Giuliani, and their enablers. But that’s what has happened to a news story I wrote four years ago.

In 2015, I wrote a story for the New York Times about Joe Biden, Hunter Biden, and Ukraine. Many observers now seem to think this suddenly hot story came out of nowhere this year, but that is not true.

The truth behind that story has been lost in a swamp of right-wing opposition research, White House lies, and bizarre follow-up stories. Now it appears that the Biden-Ukraine story will play a role in a new impeachment inquiry against Trump, amid evidence that he sought to pressure Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky by withholding U.S. aid unless Zelensky agreed to investigate the Bidens."
Shocked you haven't been back to the board to own up to your wild conspiracy theories. But the reporter who broke the story on Biden's trip to Ukraine back then has weighed in on the issue. He also adamantly castigates Trump for revising history and twisting his story...
Trump and his sycophants are astoundingly successful at spinning a lie, getting it spread on mainstream media, and convincing the rubes to swallow it whole. I don't know how you counter a strategy that depends on blatant, provable falsehoods being widely believed. Thus far, attacking it with the truth hasn't been all that effective.
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It's easier to blurt out a lie than to explain why the lie is a lie. Trumpbots don't have the attention span to look at or listen to facts. Trump had a complete meltdown today in front of the President of Finland. Spewing his bizarre conspiracies and lies once again...calling the whistle-blower a "spy", calling Joe Biden corrupt, saying "Little" Adam Schiff is guilty of treason, is a lowlife, and calls on him to resign. By the way, calling Adam Schiff's speech in the house "treasonous" is another impeachable act. It's unconstitutional.

He's lost what's left of his marbles.

Trump and his sycophants are astoundingly successful at spinning a lie, getting it spread on mainstream media, and convincing the rubes to swallow it whole. I don't know how you counter a strategy that depends on blatant, provable falsehoods being widely believed. Thus far, attacking it with the truth hasn't been all that effective.
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Shocked you haven't been back to the board to own up to your wild conspiracy theories. But the reporter who broke the story on Biden's trip to Ukraine back then has weighed in on the issue. He also adamantly castigates Trump for revising history and twisting his story...

"IT’S STRANGE TO see my journalism twisted, perverted, and turned into lies and poisonous propaganda by Donald Trump, Rudy Giuliani, and their enablers. But that’s what has happened to a news story I wrote four years ago.

In 2015, I wrote a story for the New York Times about Joe Biden, Hunter Biden, and Ukraine. Many observers now seem to think this suddenly hot story came out of nowhere this year, but that is not true.

The truth behind that story has been lost in a swamp of right-wing opposition research, White House lies, and bizarre follow-up stories. Now it appears that the Biden-Ukraine story will play a role in a new impeachment inquiry against Trump, amid evidence that he sought to pressure Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky by withholding U.S. aid unless Zelensky agreed to investigate the Bidens."
I'm going to try this again because I think something was lost in translation.
If Biden didn't go to Ukraine in March 2016 then he did not get Shokin fired for investigating his son. As some have stated.
If he said he went and didn't, he lied or made it up if you like that terminology better
It's easier to blurt out a lie than to explain why the lie is a lie. Trumpbots don't have the attention span to look at or listen to facts. Trump had a complete meltdown today in front of the President of Finland. Spewing his bizarre conspiracies and lies once again...calling the whistle-blower a "spy", calling Joe Biden corrupt, saying "Little" Adam Schiff is guilty of treason, is a lowlife, and calls on him to resign. By the way, calling Adam Schiff's speech in the house "treasonous" is another impeachable act. It's unconstitutional.

He's lost what's left of his marbles.
