
Trump is a kook:

President Trump was repeatedly warned by his own staff that the Ukraine conspiracy theory that he and his lawyer were pursuing was “completely debunked” long before the president pressed Ukraine this summer to investigate his Democratic rivals, a former top adviser said on Sunday.

Thomas P. Bossert, who served as Mr. Trump’s first homeland security adviser, said he told the president there was no basis to the theory that Ukraine, not Russia, intervened in the 2016 election and did so on behalf of the Democrats. Speaking out for the first time, Mr. Bossert said he was “deeply disturbed” that Mr. Trump nonetheless tried to get Ukraine’s president to produce damaging information about Democrats.

. . . Other former aides to Mr. Trump said on Sunday that he refused to accept reassurances about Ukraine no matter how many times it was explained to him, instead subscribing to an unsubstantiated narrative that has now brought him to the brink of impeachment.

. . . “It is completely debunked,” Mr. Bossert said of the Ukraine theory on ABC. Speaking with George Stephanopoulos, Mr. Bossert blamed Mr. Giuliani for filling the president’s head with misinformation. “I am deeply frustrated with what he and the legal team is doing and repeating that debunked theory to the president. It sticks in his mind when he hears it over and over again, and for clarity here, George, let me just again repeat that it has no validity.”

. . . Other former aides said separately on Sunday that the president had a particular weakness for conspiracy theories involving Ukraine, which in the past three years has become the focus of far-right media outlets and political figures. Mr. Trump was more willing to listen to outside advisers like Mr. Giuliani than his own national security team.

. . . While his focus on Mr. Biden has drawn the most attention, Mr. Trump also urged Mr. Zelensky to look into a theory about the 2016 election that holds that Ukraine hacked the Democratic National Committee and then framed Moscow, possibly at the behest of Democratic operatives.

He specifically cited an American cybersecurity firm, CrowdStrike, that did work for the Democratic National Committee in 2016 and that he seemed to believe was a Ukrainian company, and also brought up a D.N.C. computer server that he suggested might be hidden in Ukraine.

. . . Another former senior official said it was a constant struggle to convince Mr. Trump that Russia, not Ukraine, had interfered in the election. The president would accept it after speaking with his more grounded aides, this official said, but then revert to believing it was a plot by Democrats or Ukrainians or others after speaking with associates outside the administration like Mr. Giuliani.​
If Trump was a relative of ours, we’d definitely be having him on wellness checks. Instead , he’s pretending to run the country.
I truly struggle to even imagine the next thing being even a fraction as bad as the Trump administration has been. The only thing that comes close is if we have to face another candidate with the last name Trump in 2024.

So you are incapable planning for much less thinking about the future. Please don't vote in the primary.


Everyone else who is
Hunter Biden was a veteran leader in the energy sector...particularly gas. He was well integrated into the local political and cultural norms and structures. He was fluent in all of the relevant languages. There was no available or accessible source of leverage or influence to make this position a reality.

No way there are any questions about this during the hearings. No way.
You guys with your victimhood

It's almost like you didn't read the paragraph you typed right before that (or really any of your complaints about the choices you face today.)

Our society is lost and the only thing slowing it down AT ALL is an ogre named Donald Trump. Y'all have been protesting his election for 3 years. It's really the best you have. We know the DNC is corrupt but you guys pick Trump nits instead of getting a platform together we can stomach. Nope. Negative negative, negative, day in day out. Even good Trump is Bad. Very bad. Investigate this. Investigate that. Spy here. Leak there.


I humbly suggest that my conservative brethren have carved out quite a hefty market in victimhood for themselves. ;)
Remember the quote from "Hoosiers"...roughly...There are two kinds of dumb...the guy that gets naked runs in the front yard and barks at the moon...the other is the guy that does the same thing in my living room. The first one don't matter and the second you have to deal with.

Trump is that naked barker.

He used to be in his own front yard, now he is now squarely in our collective living room and the barking is getting louder. We have to deal with it.

Despite what some of the Koolaid Drinkers here say, not everything Trump has done is bad. I have certainly gotten some of what I needed from him as have others if they were self confident enough to admit it.

But the fact remains he has to go. IMO that is not in question at this point, and hasn't been for a while. The bigger concern for me now is what comes next, and your post contains some concerns that are real.

Trump has done some real damage here and unfortunately as a result he has the potential to usher in some very different damage due to voter over-reaction.

I know I am a broken record...but we have to focus on what comes next, becaus it is right around the corner.

So, why don't conservatives find an actual conservative leader with the gravitas to be President to support for the 2020 Republican nomination? They could actually give themselves (and moderate independents) a choice many claim to want if they supported one. Instead, Republicans support President Trump to the tune of 90% and unfortunately I'm fairly certain there are a fair amount of "conservatives" included in that number. Why does this group fatalistically believe that President Trump is the only conservative option?
Trump is a kook:

President Trump was repeatedly warned by his own staff that the Ukraine conspiracy theory that he and his lawyer were pursuing was “completely debunked” long before the president pressed Ukraine this summer to investigate his Democratic rivals, a former top adviser said on Sunday.

Thomas P. Bossert, who served as Mr. Trump’s first homeland security adviser, said he told the president there was no basis to the theory that Ukraine, not Russia, intervened in the 2016 election and did so on behalf of the Democrats. Speaking out for the first time, Mr. Bossert said he was “deeply disturbed” that Mr. Trump nonetheless tried to get Ukraine’s president to produce damaging information about Democrats.

. . . Other former aides to Mr. Trump said on Sunday that he refused to accept reassurances about Ukraine no matter how many times it was explained to him, instead subscribing to an unsubstantiated narrative that has now brought him to the brink of impeachment.

. . . “It is completely debunked,” Mr. Bossert said of the Ukraine theory on ABC. Speaking with George Stephanopoulos, Mr. Bossert blamed Mr. Giuliani for filling the president’s head with misinformation. “I am deeply frustrated with what he and the legal team is doing and repeating that debunked theory to the president. It sticks in his mind when he hears it over and over again, and for clarity here, George, let me just again repeat that it has no validity.”

. . . Other former aides said separately on Sunday that the president had a particular weakness for conspiracy theories involving Ukraine, which in the past three years has become the focus of far-right media outlets and political figures. Mr. Trump was more willing to listen to outside advisers like Mr. Giuliani than his own national security team.

. . . While his focus on Mr. Biden has drawn the most attention, Mr. Trump also urged Mr. Zelensky to look into a theory about the 2016 election that holds that Ukraine hacked the Democratic National Committee and then framed Moscow, possibly at the behest of Democratic operatives.

He specifically cited an American cybersecurity firm, CrowdStrike, that did work for the Democratic National Committee in 2016 and that he seemed to believe was a Ukrainian company, and also brought up a D.N.C. computer server that he suggested might be hidden in Ukraine.

. . . Another former senior official said it was a constant struggle to convince Mr. Trump that Russia, not Ukraine, had interfered in the election. The president would accept it after speaking with his more grounded aides, this official said, but then revert to believing it was a plot by Democrats or Ukrainians or others after speaking with associates outside the administration like Mr. Giuliani.​
The Biden camp sure wants this to go away. They have pressured the major networks to stop inviting Giuliani to talk about Ukraine.
I find this difficult to believe. Every time Rudy gets on one of these shows he more often than not contradicts himself within the same interview. Rudy is a nut and I bet this is just an extension of the sane conspiracy theory by the right. Biden is innocent and anyone with a brain knows it, so he doesn’t care if crazy Rudy talks in circles on tv.
Trump is a kook:

President Trump was repeatedly warned by his own staff that the Ukraine conspiracy theory that he and his lawyer were pursuing was “completely debunked” long before the president pressed Ukraine this summer to investigate his Democratic rivals, a former top adviser said on Sunday.

Thomas P. Bossert, who served as Mr. Trump’s first homeland security adviser, said he told the president there was no basis to the theory that Ukraine, not Russia, intervened in the 2016 election and did so on behalf of the Democrats. Speaking out for the first time, Mr. Bossert said he was “deeply disturbed” that Mr. Trump nonetheless tried to get Ukraine’s president to produce damaging information about Democrats.

. . . Other former aides to Mr. Trump said on Sunday that he refused to accept reassurances about Ukraine no matter how many times it was explained to him, instead subscribing to an unsubstantiated narrative that has now brought him to the brink of impeachment.

. . . “It is completely debunked,” Mr. Bossert said of the Ukraine theory on ABC. Speaking with George Stephanopoulos, Mr. Bossert blamed Mr. Giuliani for filling the president’s head with misinformation. “I am deeply frustrated with what he and the legal team is doing and repeating that debunked theory to the president. It sticks in his mind when he hears it over and over again, and for clarity here, George, let me just again repeat that it has no validity.”

. . . Other former aides said separately on Sunday that the president had a particular weakness for conspiracy theories involving Ukraine, which in the past three years has become the focus of far-right media outlets and political figures. Mr. Trump was more willing to listen to outside advisers like Mr. Giuliani than his own national security team.

. . . While his focus on Mr. Biden has drawn the most attention, Mr. Trump also urged Mr. Zelensky to look into a theory about the 2016 election that holds that Ukraine hacked the Democratic National Committee and then framed Moscow, possibly at the behest of Democratic operatives.

He specifically cited an American cybersecurity firm, CrowdStrike, that did work for the Democratic National Committee in 2016 and that he seemed to believe was a Ukrainian company, and also brought up a D.N.C. computer server that he suggested might be hidden in Ukraine.

. . . Another former senior official said it was a constant struggle to convince Mr. Trump that Russia, not Ukraine, had interfered in the election. The president would accept it after speaking with his more grounded aides, this official said, but then revert to believing it was a plot by Democrats or Ukrainians or others after speaking with associates outside the administration like Mr. Giuliani.​
The Biden camp sure wants this to go away. They have pressured the major networks to stop inviting Giuliani to talk about Ukraine.
I find this difficult to believe. Every time Rudy gets on one of these shows he more often than not contradicts himself within the same interview. Rudy is a nut and I bet this is just an extension of the sane conspiracy theory by the right. Biden is innocent and anyone with a brain knows it, so he doesn’t care if crazy Rudy talks in circles on tv.
I stand corrected, but he’s not doing it because he’s afraid he might get caught, he’s doing it because he knows in today’s world there are too many ignorant fools who’ll believe anything they’re told and Rudy will say anything. The networks should stop talking to people who make unfounded allegations about a public figure. It’s responsible journalism.
You realize Biden lied about Ukraine as well?

Do tell us what Biden lied about,and give the actual link w/quotes,not some fantasy opinion piece...

For example, it's a fact that Joe Biden pressing for Shokin's dismissal was a US Govt policy, not a Joe Biden policy. The US Ambassador to Ukraine
(Geoffrey Pyatt) laid out the US position in a speech he gave in public in Odessa in 2015,a year prior to Shokin being fired... When he talks about corruption in the Prosecutor General's office he means Shokin. And just so you know, even though Pyatt was an Obama appointment, (first to Ukraine and later to Greece), Trump retained his services and he is still Amb to Greece... Reporting from 2015 on Pyatt's speech...

"The U.S. ambassador to Ukraine has accused the country’s Prosecutor-General’s Office of obstructing efforts to combat corruption and shielding its own employees from graft investigations." (that's Shokin)

"Western governments supporting Ukraine’s reform agenda have repeatedly stressed the need for Kyiv to tackle endemic corruption. But the comments by Ambassador Geoffrey Pyatt were unusually blunt for a U.S. official speaking before the public.

Pyatt told a group of business executives and investors in Odesa that the Prosecutor-General’s Office is an “obstacle” to anticorruption reforms by failing to “successfully fight internal corruption."

“Rather than supporting Ukraine’s reforms and working to root out corruption, corrupt actors within the Prosecutor-General’s Office are making things worse by openly and aggressively undermining reform,” Pyatt said in the September 24 speech.

“They intimidate and obstruct the efforts of those working honestly on reform initiatives within that same office,” Pyatt said. “The United States stands behind those who challenge these bad actors."

Now trump wants you to believe that Shokin was a "good guy", who was fired because he was investigating Burisma. But in this speech, Pyatt specifically lists the lack of a credible investigation into Burisma/ Zlochevskiy... (Hunter Biden's employers)...

He (Pyatt) called for an investigation of officials within the Prosecutor-General’s Office who he says stymied efforts to pursue tens of millions of dollars in “illicit assets” that former Ukrainian official Mykola Zlochevskiy held in Britain.

Zlochevskiy served as environment and natural resources minister under former President Viktor Yanukovych, a Kremlin ally whose ouster amid mass street protests in 2014 triggered events that led to Russia’s annexation of Ukraine’s Crimean Peninsula and a bloody war with Russian-backed separatists in eastern Ukraine.

Zlochevskiy, who earned a reputation for lavishness, was placed on Ukraine's most-wanted list in December for a host of alleged economic crimes.

Pyatt said that “those responsible for subverting the case” against Zlochevskiy “should -- at a minimum -- be summarily terminated.”

Since his appointment by Poroshenko in February, Prosecutor-General Viktor Shokin has faced accusations of stalling high-profile corruption cases against allies of Yanukovych."

Now who is lying about who wanted Shokin fired and WHY? Trump tries to revise HISTORY, which works for him with idiots who apparently can't read. But for the rest of us, the google record exists.And while it goes against human nature to believe Biden would want his son't employer to be investigated (not coddled) the facts speak for themselves.

Biden acted on behalf of the US Govt,and the US Govt wanted Shokin fired and replaced by someone who would actually go after corruption within the Prosecutor General's office and Burisma in particular. That is why allowing Rudy to continue to go on cable shows and spew conspiracy theries about crowdstrike and claiming Biden was celebrating because Shokin being fired killed the (non existant) investigation into Burisma sticks in their craw. It's like credible networks suddenly allowing Alex Jones to go on and seriously claim that Sandy Hook was fake. Let him spew his vile hatred on his show,but don't give him a platform to disseminate propaganda...
What possible benefit do networks or the public gain from having flat-earthers come on their shows? I don't see any reason why they need be invited.

To get from sane commentary to Rudy, one has to rocket well past flat-earthers into deep crazy.
I stand corrected, but he’s not doing it because he’s afraid he might get caught, he’s doing it because he knows in today’s world there are too many ignorant fools who’ll believe anything they’re told and Rudy will say anything. The networks should stop talking to people who make unfounded allegations about a public figure. It’s responsible journalism.
That was their post. Giving air time to someone knowing full well they will use it to baldface lie to the public is irresponsible.
Now who is lying about who wanted Shokin fired and WHY? Trump tries to revise HISTORY, which works for him with idiots who apparently can't read. But for the rest of us, the google record exists.
You're talking about a guy who altered a weather map with a Sharpie, for fxck's sake.
Do tell us what Biden lied about,and give the actual link w/quotes,not some fantasy opinion piece...

For example, it's a fact that Joe Biden pressing for Shokin's dismissal was a US Govt policy, not a Joe Biden policy. The US Ambassador to Ukraine
(Geoffrey Pyatt) laid out the US position in a speech he gave in public in Odessa in 2015,a year prior to Shokin being fired... When he talks about corruption in the Prosecutor General's office he means Shokin. And just so you know, even though Pyatt was an Obama appointment, (first to Ukraine and later to Greece), Trump retained his services and he is still Amb to Greece... Reporting from 2015 on Pyatt's speech...

"The U.S. ambassador to Ukraine has accused the country’s Prosecutor-General’s Office of obstructing efforts to combat corruption and shielding its own employees from graft investigations." (that's Shokin)

"Western governments supporting Ukraine’s reform agenda have repeatedly stressed the need for Kyiv to tackle endemic corruption. But the comments by Ambassador Geoffrey Pyatt were unusually blunt for a U.S. official speaking before the public.

Pyatt told a group of business executives and investors in Odesa that the Prosecutor-General’s Office is an “obstacle” to anticorruption reforms by failing to “successfully fight internal corruption."

“Rather than supporting Ukraine’s reforms and working to root out corruption, corrupt actors within the Prosecutor-General’s Office are making things worse by openly and aggressively undermining reform,” Pyatt said in the September 24 speech.

“They intimidate and obstruct the efforts of those working honestly on reform initiatives within that same office,” Pyatt said. “The United States stands behind those who challenge these bad actors."

Now trump wants you to believe that Shokin was a "good guy", who was fired because he was investigating Burisma. But in this speech, Pyatt specifically lists the lack of a credible investigation into Burisma/ Zlochevskiy... (Hunter Biden's employers)...

He (Pyatt) called for an investigation of officials within the Prosecutor-General’s Office who he says stymied efforts to pursue tens of millions of dollars in “illicit assets” that former Ukrainian official Mykola Zlochevskiy held in Britain.

Zlochevskiy served as environment and natural resources minister under former President Viktor Yanukovych, a Kremlin ally whose ouster amid mass street protests in 2014 triggered events that led to Russia’s annexation of Ukraine’s Crimean Peninsula and a bloody war with Russian-backed separatists in eastern Ukraine.

Zlochevskiy, who earned a reputation for lavishness, was placed on Ukraine's most-wanted list in December for a host of alleged economic crimes.

Pyatt said that “those responsible for subverting the case” against Zlochevskiy “should -- at a minimum -- be summarily terminated.”

Since his appointment by Poroshenko in February, Prosecutor-General Viktor Shokin has faced accusations of stalling high-profile corruption cases against allies of Yanukovych."

Now who is lying about who wanted Shokin fired and WHY? Trump tries to revise HISTORY, which works for him with idiots who apparently can't read. But for the rest of us, the google record exists.And while it goes against human nature to believe Biden would want his son't employer to be investigated (not coddled) the facts speak for themselves.

Biden acted on behalf of the US Govt,and the US Govt wanted Shokin fired and replaced by someone who would actually go after corruption within the Prosecutor General's office and Burisma in particular. That is why allowing Rudy to continue to go on cable shows and spew conspiracy theries about crowdstrike and claiming Biden was celebrating because Shokin being fired killed the (non existant) investigation into Burisma sticks in their craw. It's like credible networks suddenly allowing Alex Jones to go on and seriously claim that Sandy Hook was fake. Let him spew his vile hatred on his show,but don't give him a platform to disseminate propaganda...
Did Biden go to Ukraine in 2016. If the answer is no then he lied. It also means there was no quid pro quo. Good grief.
Did Biden go to Ukraine in 2016. If the answer is no then he lied. It also means there was no quid pro quo. Good grief.
You’re spouting nonsense. Once again, do you comprehend that Giuliani is spouting scurrilous lies about a loony conspiracy theory?
Do tell us what Biden lied about,and give the actual link w/quotes,not some fantasy opinion piece...

For example, it's a fact that Joe Biden pressing for Shokin's dismissal was a US Govt policy, not a Joe Biden policy. The US Ambassador to Ukraine
(Geoffrey Pyatt) laid out the US position in a speech he gave in public in Odessa in 2015,a year prior to Shokin being fired... When he talks about corruption in the Prosecutor General's office he means Shokin. And just so you know, even though Pyatt was an Obama appointment, (first to Ukraine and later to Greece), Trump retained his services and he is still Amb to Greece... Reporting from 2015 on Pyatt's speech...

"The U.S. ambassador to Ukraine has accused the country’s Prosecutor-General’s Office of obstructing efforts to combat corruption and shielding its own employees from graft investigations." (that's Shokin)

"Western governments supporting Ukraine’s reform agenda have repeatedly stressed the need for Kyiv to tackle endemic corruption. But the comments by Ambassador Geoffrey Pyatt were unusually blunt for a U.S. official speaking before the public.

Pyatt told a group of business executives and investors in Odesa that the Prosecutor-General’s Office is an “obstacle” to anticorruption reforms by failing to “successfully fight internal corruption."

“Rather than supporting Ukraine’s reforms and working to root out corruption, corrupt actors within the Prosecutor-General’s Office are making things worse by openly and aggressively undermining reform,” Pyatt said in the September 24 speech.

“They intimidate and obstruct the efforts of those working honestly on reform initiatives within that same office,” Pyatt said. “The United States stands behind those who challenge these bad actors."

Now trump wants you to believe that Shokin was a "good guy", who was fired because he was investigating Burisma. But in this speech, Pyatt specifically lists the lack of a credible investigation into Burisma/ Zlochevskiy... (Hunter Biden's employers)...

He (Pyatt) called for an investigation of officials within the Prosecutor-General’s Office who he says stymied efforts to pursue tens of millions of dollars in “illicit assets” that former Ukrainian official Mykola Zlochevskiy held in Britain.

Zlochevskiy served as environment and natural resources minister under former President Viktor Yanukovych, a Kremlin ally whose ouster amid mass street protests in 2014 triggered events that led to Russia’s annexation of Ukraine’s Crimean Peninsula and a bloody war with Russian-backed separatists in eastern Ukraine.

Zlochevskiy, who earned a reputation for lavishness, was placed on Ukraine's most-wanted list in December for a host of alleged economic crimes.

Pyatt said that “those responsible for subverting the case” against Zlochevskiy “should -- at a minimum -- be summarily terminated.”

Since his appointment by Poroshenko in February, Prosecutor-General Viktor Shokin has faced accusations of stalling high-profile corruption cases against allies of Yanukovych."

Now who is lying about who wanted Shokin fired and WHY? Trump tries to revise HISTORY, which works for him with idiots who apparently can't read. But for the rest of us, the google record exists.And while it goes against human nature to believe Biden would want his son't employer to be investigated (not coddled) the facts speak for themselves.

Biden acted on behalf of the US Govt,and the US Govt wanted Shokin fired and replaced by someone who would actually go after corruption within the Prosecutor General's office and Burisma in particular. That is why allowing Rudy to continue to go on cable shows and spew conspiracy theries about crowdstrike and claiming Biden was celebrating because Shokin being fired killed the (non existant) investigation into Burisma sticks in their craw. It's like credible networks suddenly allowing Alex Jones to go on and seriously claim that Sandy Hook was fake. Let him spew his vile hatred on his show,but don't give him a platform to disseminate propaganda...

He doesn't know, he's just squawking what he was trained to squawk.
Joe Biden isn’t the issue here. Donald Trump withheld aid to an ally that was already approved (something he has no business doing) unless that ally provided information to damage a political rival and to influence the 2020 US presidential election.

What someone else did or didn’t do isn’t the issue.

Did Biden go to Ukraine in 2016. If the answer is no then he lied. It also means there was no quid pro quo. Good grief.
Joe Biden isn’t the issue here. Donald Trump withheld aid to an ally that was already approved (something he has no business doing) unless that ally provided information to damage a political rival and to influence the 2020 US presidential election.

What someone else did or didn’t do isn’t the issue.
What's crazy is the idea that anything you wrote here is even up for debate. The summarized transcript the White House released corroborated the whistleblower account. Trump and Giuliani can't stop getting in front of microphones to admit both the phone transcript and whistleblower account are accurate.

Their 'best' defense is that the whistleblower wasn't actually on the phone or in the room with Trump so he/she couldn't possible know what they're talking about. Republicans and some of the talking heads on Fox News are starting to come around, according to the Trumpbots, that only proves how deep the Deep State actually is.

I actually read something posted (not here) that all of this proves that Trump has finally hit a nerve in draining the swamp and this is retribution for threatening the establishment.

There are actually people who believe this sh!t.
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I’ve become completely numb. The level of crime and corruption is so off the charts, I no longer have the energy for outrage. It’s become a nightmare from which I know I can’t wake up.

And the flag waving GOPers, who are constantly talking about the Constitution they’ve clearly never read, just let it happen crime after crime after crime.

What's crazy is the idea that anything you wrote here is even up for debate. The summarized transcript the White House released corroborated the whistleblower account. Trump and Giuliani can't stop getting in front of microphones to admit both the phone transcript and whistleblower account are accurate.

Their 'best' defense is that the whistleblower wasn't actually on the phone or in the room with Trump so he/she couldn't possible know what they're talking about. Republicans and some of the talking heads on Fox News are starting to come around, according to the Trumpbots, that only proves how deep the Deep State actually is.

I actually read something posted (not here) that all of this proves that Trump has finally hit a nerve in draining the swamp and this is retribution for threatening the establishment.

There are actually people who believe this sh!t.
Biden did not go to Ukraine in March 2016.

This article from NPR says that he did...

"Joe Biden has actually boasted about his work in Ukraine as a spokesperson for the White House and the West generally. He called for the ouster of the top Ukrainian prosecutor, Viktor Shokin, for what was widely seen as his failure to investigate corruption.

In March 2016, Biden made one of his many trips to Ukraine and told the country's leaders that they had to get rid of the prosecutor if they wanted $1 billion in U.S. aid. Biden told the story last year at the Council on Foreign Relations:

"I said, 'You're not getting the [$1 billion]. I'm leaving in six hours. If the prosecutor is not fired, you're not getting the money.' Well, son of a b****. He got fired," Biden said."

I don't know if Biden went to Ukraine in March 2016- although multiple sources indicate that he did. I also don't understand your point,and why you're basing your anti-Biden claims on whether or not he went to Ukraine in March 2016. There's video of Biden telling the CFR about it,and he mentions telling the Ukranians to call BO if they don't believe he's been authorized to demand Shokin's ouster...We KNOW all that...

The discrepancy is that Trump is trying to claim Biden wanted the Prosecutor General (Shokin) fired because Shokin was going after Burisma,and the evidence says the opposite.I linked Pyatt's address a year or so earlier when he basically said the US was giving Shokin one last chance to clean up his act, or else they wanted him replaced. Trump plays footsie with Kim,Putin,BiBi,BoJoe, and every other despot out there- is it any surprise he'd try to rehabilitate Shokin's reputation and reinvent him as some dedicated anti-corruption crusader?
This article from NPR says that he did...

"Joe Biden has actually boasted about his work in Ukraine as a spokesperson for the White House and the West generally. He called for the ouster of the top Ukrainian prosecutor, Viktor Shokin, for what was widely seen as his failure to investigate corruption.

In March 2016, Biden made one of his many trips to Ukraine and told the country's leaders that they had to get rid of the prosecutor if they wanted $1 billion in U.S. aid. Biden told the story last year at the Council on Foreign Relations:

"I said, 'You're not getting the [$1 billion]. I'm leaving in six hours. If the prosecutor is not fired, you're not getting the money.' Well, son of a b****. He got fired," Biden said."

I don't know if Biden went to Ukraine in March 2016- although multiple sources indicate that he did. I also don't understand your point,and why you're basing your anti-Biden claims on whether or not he went to Ukraine in March 2016. There's video of Biden telling the CFR about it,and he mentions telling the Ukranians to call BO if they don't believe he's been authorized to demand Shokin's ouster...We KNOW all that...

The discrepancy is that Trump is trying to claim Biden wanted the Prosecutor General (Shokin) fired because Shokin was going after Burisma,and the evidence says the opposite.I linked Pyatt's address a year or so earlier when he basically said the US was giving Shokin one last chance to clean up his act, or else they wanted him replaced. Trump plays footsie with Kim,Putin,BiBi,BoJoe, and every other despot out there- is it any surprise he'd try to rehabilitate Shokin's reputation and reinvent him as some dedicated anti-corruption crusader?

I would hope we can all agree on one thing,whether we're pro or anti Trump. And that is that this statement/analysis Biden applied in his speech at the Council on Foreign Relations meeting where the video Trump has seized on comes from, that this part of Biden's speech is beyond Trump's ability to understand. Not only is this beyond his comprehension from both a policy AND a vocabulary standpoint, but I don't think he could even READ it...

"BIDEN: I think that’d be a little bit of an exaggeration. I think, look, what we—the Cold War was based on a conflict of two profoundly different ideological notions of how the world should function. This is just basically about a kleptocracy protecting itself. That’s a vast oversimplification. But I think that this is about the Kremlin, and i.e. Putin in particular, doing everything he can to dismantle the few structures that were, in fact, set up in Russia that were trending toward or at least squinting toward, as a famous founder of ours once said, squinting toward democracy.

And there’s an overwhelming—I think a basic judgment has been reached that in order for Russia, with all its profound structural difficulties that it has, to be able to sustain itself and for this kleptocracy to continue, there’s—it’s much easier if you’re dealing with 28 different nations not in union with one another, not a Western economy that is coordinated. And it gives them more room to wander and engage in the activities that they’ve engaged in, which is essentially when the wall came down, everything that was part owned by, quote, the Soviet government was now owned by apparatchiks personally.

And so I’m vastly oversimplifying, but I think there’s a basic decision that they cannot compete against a unified West. I think that is Putin’s judgment. And so everything he can do to dismantle the post-World War II liberal world order, including NATO and the EU, I think, is viewed as in their immediate self-interest."
I find this difficult to believe. Every time Rudy gets on one of these shows he more often than not contradicts himself within the same interview. Rudy is a nut and I bet this is just an extension of the sane conspiracy theory by the right. Biden is innocent and anyone with a brain knows it, so he doesn’t care if crazy Rudy talks in circles on tv.
Rudy! Rudy! Rudy! Rudy!

I’ve become completely numb. The level of crime and corruption is so off the charts, I no longer have the energy for outrage. It’s become a nightmare from which I know I can’t wake up.

And the flag waving GOPers, who are constantly talking about the Constitution they’ve clearly never read, just let it happen crime after crime after crime.
This is what happens when people accept the ridiculous proposition that we need to elect people who will "run government like a business."

Trump and Al Capone and John Gotti all ran businesses. Look what we got: bad government, run like a business.
So, why don't conservatives find an actual conservative leader with the gravitas to be President to support for the 2020 Republican nomination? They could actually give themselves (and moderate independents) a choice many claim to want if they supported one. Instead, Republicans support President Trump to the tune of 90% and unfortunately I'm fairly certain there are a fair amount of "conservatives" included in that number. Why does this group fatalistically believe that President Trump is the only conservative option?

Why they don't is a very good question. Perhaps one has not come along recently.

I think you are wrong though to assume that moderate independents would support a true conservative. I likely would not depending on the alternative. I have not met a lot of true conservatives that I like all that much.

Also, moderate Repubs would I assume at least attempt to slate a moderate candidate in the primary process.
This article from NPR says that he did...

"Joe Biden has actually boasted about his work in Ukraine as a spokesperson for the White House and the West generally. He called for the ouster of the top Ukrainian prosecutor, Viktor Shokin, for what was widely seen as his failure to investigate corruption.

In March 2016, Biden made one of his many trips to Ukraine and told the country's leaders that they had to get rid of the prosecutor if they wanted $1 billion in U.S. aid. Biden told the story last year at the Council on Foreign Relations:

"I said, 'You're not getting the [$1 billion]. I'm leaving in six hours. If the prosecutor is not fired, you're not getting the money.' Well, son of a b****. He got fired," Biden said."

I don't know if Biden went to Ukraine in March 2016- although multiple sources indicate that he did. I also don't understand your point,and why you're basing your anti-Biden claims on whether or not he went to Ukraine in March 2016. There's video of Biden telling the CFR about it,and he mentions telling the Ukranians to call BO if they don't believe he's been authorized to demand Shokin's ouster...We KNOW all that...

The discrepancy is that Trump is trying to claim Biden wanted the Prosecutor General (Shokin) fired because Shokin was going after Burisma,and the evidence says the opposite.I linked Pyatt's address a year or so earlier when he basically said the US was giving Shokin one last chance to clean up his act, or else they wanted him replaced. Trump plays footsie with Kim,Putin,BiBi,BoJoe, and every other despot out there- is it any surprise he'd try to rehabilitate Shokin's reputation and reinvent him as some dedicated anti-corruption crusader?
According wh archives he did not.
Therefore he lied.
Which is a great defense for no quid pro quo.
According wh archives he did not.
Therefore he lied.
Which is a great defense for no quid pro quo.
I fail to understand why this is important. Can you or can you not admit that Rudy is telling lies about Biden and his family?

That said, unimportant as it is, you've offered no evidence of your claim. I'm guessing this is just another right wing non-fact passed around the Breitbart comments threads.
I fail to understand why this is important. Can you or can you not admit that Rudy is telling lies about Biden and his family?

That said, unimportant as it is, you've offered no evidence of your claim. I'm guessing this is just another right wing non-fact passed around the Breitbart comments threads.
I will refer you to Conn Carroll twitter from 9/28. I'm going to pour one last glass of Makers Mark and call it a night.
I fail to understand why this is important. Can you or can you not admit that Rudy is telling lies about Biden and his family?

That said, unimportant as it is, you've offered no evidence of your claim. I'm guessing this is just another right wing non-fact passed around the Breitbart comments threads.

It’s even a level dumber than that. Despite the quid pro quo being stupendously obvious, it’s not actually necessary for any of this to be impeachable. A sitting president asking a foreign leader to interfere in our elections is impeachable on its own and he admitted to doing it. Trump staff helping Drunk Vampire Rudy set up meetings for the explicit purpose of helping his 2020 campaign is illegal and impeachable. Hannity’s slobbering notwithstanding, all of this is very clear to anyone who hasn’t given up any semblance of a moral compass.