
That’s what you’re worried about in all this? Lol.
Can you imagine being able to do that? ie create alternate realities. How do these people claim Schiff did anything wrong, especially when you take into consideration the sharpie, the Barr version of Mueller Report and the constant habitual chronic and obvious actual lies spewed by their burnt orange God? How can anyone be so unaware?

Cult thinking... is the only explanation.
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Can you imagine being able to do that? ie create alternate realities. How do these people claim Schiff did anything wrong, when you take into consideration the sharpie, the Barr version of Mueller Report and the constant habitual and chronic and obvious lies spewed by their burnt orange God?

Cult thinking... is the only explanation.
You don't think it was wrong to completely fabricate the words in a transcript at the heart of the current investigation, by the chair of investigating committee, from the podium from which the investigation was being conducted?

The cult thinking is on your side. Love your basketball posts, but TDS got you over here.
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Um I hate to be the one to tell you this, but your guy is being impeached. And he admitted his guilt. So you may need to start paying a little bit of attention now.
They will have hearings but they will have opposite of intended effect. Your side is gonna make Trump a 2-termer. Lolz
  • Like
Reactions: Joe_Hoopsier
You don't think it was wrong to completely fabricate the words in a transcript at the heart of the current investigation, by the chair of investigating committee, from the podium from which the investigation was being conducted?

The cult thinking is on your side. Love your basketball posts, but TDS got you over here.

So you have a problem with Schiff playing loosely with wording,but you don't have an issue with Trump making up lies? There are TWO BLATANT LIES just in this single paragraph of Trump to Zelensky on the call...

"The other thing, there's a lot of talk about Biden's son, that Biden stopped the prosecution and a lot of people want to find out about that so whatever you can do with the Attorney General would be great. Biden went around bragging that he stopped the prosecution so if you can look into it ... It sounds horrible to me."

Whether you think Biden's demands that Shokin be fired were justified or not,that is absolutely NOT the same as "stopping the investigation". Biden,the IMF, the UK and other European Govts, the US Ambassador,and anti-corruption forces within the Ukraine all campaigned to have shokin REPLACED. And when he was fired,he was replaced with a man that was seen more willing to confront corruption...

The other absolute lie that Trump fabricated was that Biden went around "bragging that he stopped the prosecution", which is again NOT true. Biden celebrated the eventual firing of Shokin (who Biden and the others felt was dragging his feet and protecting Zlochevskiy. But Biden would have been stupid to publicly "celebrate" the collapse of the case against Zlochevskiy,because the Obama Admin (thru Ambassador Pyatt) was very outspoken against the slow pace of Shokin's "efforts" to root out corruption...

"Sept. 24, 2015 – U.S. Ambassador to Ukraine Geoffrey Pyatt excoriates Prosecutor General Shokin’s office for stymying anti-corruption investigations, including those involving Burisma

Pyatt’s speech was part of a regular drumbeat by U.S. and other Western leaders, including Vice President Biden, and a swath of Ukrainian civil society seeking to pressure President Poroshenko to force his officials, especially in the Prosecutor General’s Office (PGO) to crack down more, not less, on corruption. “Corruption kills,” Pyatt said in the address to the Odesa Financial Forum for business leaders. “It kills productivity and smothers inspiration. Ideas are lost in its shadow. Innovation and entrepreneurship lag under the weight of bribery, back room dealing, and bullying.”

You know Trump's lying because even if you don't accept the fact that the reason Biden wanted Shokin out was because he wasn't doing enough, there is no way that Biden would publicly (on video) celebrate actions he undertook that undermined the POLICY of an Admin he was a part of.

This is right up there with Trump's claims that he saw "thousands of Muslims" in NJ celebrating over 9-11, or that he didn't know that (reporter) Serge Kovaleski was disabled when he mocked him.

In fact Trump claimed he didn't know who Serge was,even though as a reporter for The Daily News Serge had interviewed Trump multiple times and even been to his office in Trump Tower to interview him for an article, spending most of the entire day with him. Of course the reason Trump mocked Serge in the first place was because Serge was the one who exposed the blatant Trump lie about Muslim's celebrating. That's what Trump is, a willful liar who will make up anything to trash people he views as enemies.

So you're upset because Schiff (regrettably,I'll admit) unnecessarily took liberty with the wording in an already pretty damning phone call? But you have no problem with Trump just making up lies to try and enhance what are already pretty dubious claims? Alrighty then...
They will have hearings but they will have opposite of intended effect. Your side is gonna make Trump a 2-termer. Lolz

While Impeachment is a risk when a POTUS is popular, not sure bringing charges against a guy who is and has been underwater since the election is necessarily as problematic. At best, Trump is at 45%, and on the day Congress announced charges against Clinton he was nearly 20 pts above that at 63%. And the numbers opposing Clinton's Impeachment were reflective of that high job approval number. From Gallup polling released Oct 12,1998...

"Sixty-two percent of all Americans and 55 percent of likely voters say they are opposed to impeachment, while 55 percent of Americans disapprove of how congressional Republicans have been handling the Lewinsky scandal, the survey suggests. Clinton's job approval rating, at 65 percent, shows no sign of slippage."

However,that is not the situation in polls released this week. Four new polls,none of which showed more people favoring than opposing Impeachment previously,have shifted to the point where the plurality is either for Impeachment (YouGov/Huff Post,
Marist/NPR/PBS NewsHour, and Harris Rasmussen) or the question is tied (Morning Consult/Politico). The Morning Consult Poll showed a shift of 7 points towards Impeachment from a poll taken last weekend,prior to news of the call breaking.

Of course polls are a moment in time and reflective of the news cycle,but the point is this is not comparable to 1998 when a solid majority over 60% were clearly against Impeachment.And these polls all show a rise in pro Impeachment sentiment among Independents,the Politico poll last weekend showed Independents at around 32%,and the same poll taken this week showed the number at 39%. If it turns out as is being reported that the whistleblower is ex-CIA,and if witnesses are subpoenaed and basically corroborate what the whistleblower has maintained,then the number among Independents (many of whom already don't like Trump) will rise accordingly.

Look Trump is already afraid of Biden. How else do you even explain this desperate attempt to pull out all the stops and try and get dirt on Biden? Biden hurts Trump with the very voters that won the election for him in 2016- working class white in the Midwest,particularly the 3 states he won by less than 80,000 votes total in MI,WI and PA.
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This is what Trump's defense has come down to. How many mindless zombies are there who will swallow whatever the right wing nonsense machine feeds them? And will there be enough to keep the other Republicans in line? Rep. Amodei tested the waters by saying he supports the impeachment inquiry (although he doesn't necessarily support actually impeaching him). As we've recently discussed, Sen. Romney is distancing himself from Trump and quietly pushing other Republicans to do the same. Fox News is in turmoil.

But this is all still very minor rebellion. What will it take for the party to really come to its senses and do what is right? It will take them realizing that the Trump base is less powerful than the responsible right, which, currently lost in the wilderness, still exists.

I predict we'll know Trump's presidency is truly over when Lindsay Graham abandons him. That will be the turning point.
So you have a problem with Schiff playing loosely with wording,but you don't have an issue with Trump making up lies? There are TWO BLATANT LIES just in this single paragraph of Trump to Zelensky on the call...

"The other thing, there's a lot of talk about Biden's son, that Biden stopped the prosecution and a lot of people want to find out about that so whatever you can do with the Attorney General would be great. Biden went around bragging that he stopped the prosecution so if you can look into it ... It sounds horrible to me."

Whether you think Biden's demands that Shokin be fired were justified or not,that is absolutely NOT the same as "stopping the investigation". Biden,the IMF, the UK and other European Govts, the US Ambassador,and anti-corruption forces within the Ukraine all campaigned to have shokin REPLACED. And when he was fired,he was replaced with a man that was seen more willing to confront corruption...

The other absolute lie that Trump fabricated was that Biden went around "bragging that he stopped the prosecution", which is again NOT true. Biden celebrated the eventual firing of Shokin (who Biden and the others felt was dragging his feet and protecting Zlochevskiy. But Biden would have been stupid to publicly "celebrate" the collapse of the case against Zlochevskiy,because the Obama Admin (thru Ambassador Pyatt) was very outspoken against the slow pace of Shokin's "efforts" to root out corruption...

"Sept. 24, 2015 – U.S. Ambassador to Ukraine Geoffrey Pyatt excoriates Prosecutor General Shokin’s office for stymying anti-corruption investigations, including those involving Burisma

Pyatt’s speech was part of a regular drumbeat by U.S. and other Western leaders, including Vice President Biden, and a swath of Ukrainian civil society seeking to pressure President Poroshenko to force his officials, especially in the Prosecutor General’s Office (PGO) to crack down more, not less, on corruption. “Corruption kills,” Pyatt said in the address to the Odesa Financial Forum for business leaders. “It kills productivity and smothers inspiration. Ideas are lost in its shadow. Innovation and entrepreneurship lag under the weight of bribery, back room dealing, and bullying.”

You know Trump's lying because even if you don't accept the fact that the reason Biden wanted Shokin out was because he wasn't doing enough, there is no way that Biden would publicly (on video) celebrate actions he undertook that undermined the POLICY of an Admin he was a part of.

This is right up there with Trump's claims that he saw "thousands of Muslims" in NJ celebrating over 9-11, or that he didn't know that (reporter) Serge Kovaleski was disabled when he mocked him.

In fact Trump claimed he didn't know who Serge was,even though as a reporter for The Daily News Serge had interviewed Trump multiple times and even been to his office in Trump Tower to interview him for an article, spending most of the entire day with him. Of course the reason Trump mocked Serge in the first place was because Serge was the one who exposed the blatant Trump lie about Muslim's celebrating. That's what Trump is, a willful liar who will make up anything to trash people he views as enemies.

So you're upset because Schiff (regrettably,I'll admit) unnecessarily took liberty with the wording in an already pretty damning phone call? But you have no problem with Trump just making up lies to try and enhance what are already pretty dubious claims? Alrighty then...

I'll keep it simple: Many fine people would rather see 4 more years of Trump than consider any person and many of the wacky policies your side is floating.

I agree with Dennis Miller. I think its over. Our society is lost and the only thing slowing it down AT ALL is an ogre named Donald Trump. Y'all have been protesting his election for 3 years. It's really the best you have. We know the DNC is corrupt but you guys pick Trump nits instead of getting a platform together we can stomach. Nope. Negative negative, negative, day in day out. Even good Trump is Bad. Very bad. Investigate this. Investigate that. Spy here. Leak there.


You guys with your victimhood, freebie-jeebie, identity quota, style-over-substance, feelings-first gibberish might get the whole she-bang this time around. The young folks and the uninspired drink that stuff up like chocolate milk. Next, our society plunges over the abyss like a runaway mining car in the Temple of Doom.

But I'll never vote for it.
I'll keep it simple: Many fine people would rather see 4 more years of Trump than consider any person and many of the wacky policies your side is floating.

I agree with Dennis Miller. I think its over. Our society is lost and the only thing slowing it down AT ALL is an ogre named Donald Trump. Y'all have been protesting his election for 3 years. It's really the best you have. We know the DNC is corrupt but you guys pick Trump nits instead of getting a platform together we can stomach. Nope. Negative negative, negative, day in day out. Even good Trump is Bad. Very bad. Investigate this. Investigate that. Spy here. Leak there.


You guys with your victimhood, freebie-jeebie, identity quota, style-over-substance, feelings-first gibberish might get the whole she-bang this time around. The young folks and the uninspired drink that stuff up like chocolate milk. Next, our society plunges over the abyss like a runaway mining car in the Temple of Doom.

But I'll never vote for it.
You are trump supporter.
I'll keep it simple: Many fine people would rather see 4 more years of Trump than consider any person and many of the wacky policies your side is floating.

I agree with Dennis Miller. I think its over. Our society is lost and the only thing slowing it down AT ALL is an ogre named Donald Trump. Y'all have been protesting his election for 3 years. It's really the best you have. We know the DNC is corrupt but you guys pick Trump nits instead of getting a platform together we can stomach. Nope. Negative negative, negative, day in day out. Even good Trump is Bad. Very bad. Investigate this. Investigate that. Spy here. Leak there.


You guys with your victimhood, freebie-jeebie, identity quota, style-over-substance, feelings-first gibberish might get the whole she-bang this time around. The young folks and the uninspired drink that stuff up like chocolate milk. Next, our society plunges over the abyss like a runaway mining car in the Temple of Doom.

But I'll never vote for it.

Wait, didn't one side spend 4 years doing nothing but trying to repeal ACA? And they won an election and 1) still have not repealed it and 2) have no plan for healthcare to eliminate issues like pre-existing or lifetime caps.
Wait, didn't one side spend 4 years doing nothing but trying to repeal ACA? And they won an election and 1) still have not repealed it and 2) have no plan for healthcare to eliminate issues like pre-existing or lifetime caps.
I agree. None of them are worth a nickel.
Wait, didn't one side spend 4 years doing nothing but trying to repeal ACA? And they won an election and 1) still have not repealed it and 2) have no plan for healthcare to eliminate issues like pre-existing or lifetime caps.
I remain at a job that is less than inspiring mainly for the compensation, which includes employer-provided heath insurance for me and my kids. I bring it up because I believe having health I surance is my responsibility, but not my right. Insurance is a priority for me. I was taught that a person's priorities are proven by their actions. Too many refuse to do the work and it makes it tougher to help those who really need it. I think the solution to the health insurance question lies in the mirror, not tje government.
So you have a problem with Schiff playing loosely with wording,but you don't have an issue with Trump making up lies? There are TWO BLATANT LIES just in this single paragraph of Trump to Zelensky on the call...

"The other thing, there's a lot of talk about Biden's son, that Biden stopped the prosecution and a lot of people want to find out about that so whatever you can do with the Attorney General would be great. Biden went around bragging that he stopped the prosecution so if you can look into it ... It sounds horrible to me."

Whether you think Biden's demands that Shokin be fired were justified or not,that is absolutely NOT the same as "stopping the investigation". Biden,the IMF, the UK and other European Govts, the US Ambassador,and anti-corruption forces within the Ukraine all campaigned to have shokin REPLACED. And when he was fired,he was replaced with a man that was seen more willing to confront corruption...

The other absolute lie that Trump fabricated was that Biden went around "bragging that he stopped the prosecution", which is again NOT true. Biden celebrated the eventual firing of Shokin (who Biden and the others felt was dragging his feet and protecting Zlochevskiy. But Biden would have been stupid to publicly "celebrate" the collapse of the case against Zlochevskiy,because the Obama Admin (thru Ambassador Pyatt) was very outspoken against the slow pace of Shokin's "efforts" to root out corruption...

"Sept. 24, 2015 – U.S. Ambassador to Ukraine Geoffrey Pyatt excoriates Prosecutor General Shokin’s office for stymying anti-corruption investigations, including those involving Burisma

Pyatt’s speech was part of a regular drumbeat by U.S. and other Western leaders, including Vice President Biden, and a swath of Ukrainian civil society seeking to pressure President Poroshenko to force his officials, especially in the Prosecutor General’s Office (PGO) to crack down more, not less, on corruption. “Corruption kills,” Pyatt said in the address to the Odesa Financial Forum for business leaders. “It kills productivity and smothers inspiration. Ideas are lost in its shadow. Innovation and entrepreneurship lag under the weight of bribery, back room dealing, and bullying.”

You know Trump's lying because even if you don't accept the fact that the reason Biden wanted Shokin out was because he wasn't doing enough, there is no way that Biden would publicly (on video) celebrate actions he undertook that undermined the POLICY of an Admin he was a part of.

This is right up there with Trump's claims that he saw "thousands of Muslims" in NJ celebrating over 9-11, or that he didn't know that (reporter) Serge Kovaleski was disabled when he mocked him.

In fact Trump claimed he didn't know who Serge was,even though as a reporter for The Daily News Serge had interviewed Trump multiple times and even been to his office in Trump Tower to interview him for an article, spending most of the entire day with him. Of course the reason Trump mocked Serge in the first place was because Serge was the one who exposed the blatant Trump lie about Muslim's celebrating. That's what Trump is, a willful liar who will make up anything to trash people he views as enemies.

So you're upset because Schiff (regrettably,I'll admit) unnecessarily took liberty with the wording in an already pretty damning phone call? But you have no problem with Trump just making up lies to try and enhance what are already pretty dubious claims? Alrighty then...

I'll keep it simple: Many fine people would rather see 4 more years of Trump than consider any person and many of the wacky policies your side is floating.

I agree with Dennis Miller. I think its over. Our society is lost and the only thing slowing it down AT ALL is an ogre named Donald Trump. Y'all have been protesting his election for 3 years. It's really the best you have. We know the DNC is corrupt but you guys pick Trump nits instead of getting a platform together we can stomach. Nope. Negative negative, negative, day in day out. Even good Trump is Bad. Very bad. Investigate this. Investigate that. Spy here. Leak there.


You guys with your victimhood, freebie-jeebie, identity quota, style-over-substance, feelings-first gibberish might get the whole she-bang this time around. The young folks and the uninspired drink that stuff up like chocolate milk. Next, our society plunges over the abyss like a runaway mining car in the Temple of Doom.

But I'll never vote for it.
Lol at many fine people. Keep telling yourself that. Nice rambling rant, sounded very Trumpian.
I remain at a job that is less than inspiring mainly for the compensation, which includes employer-provided heath insurance for me and my kids. I bring it up because I believe having health I surance is my responsibility, but not my right. Insurance is a priority for me. I was taught that a person's priorities are proven by their actions. Too many refuse to do the work and it makes it tougher to help those who really need it. I think the solution to the health insurance question lies in the mirror, not tje government.

75 years ago a group trying to win the largest war ever fought came up with a plan to fight the costs of that war. Then a group of people trying to circumvent the cost containment came up with our modern healthcare insurance system. Moses did not carry it down a mountain, no one sat down and tried to develop a system to effectively and efficiently deliver healthcare. Whatever questions that were considered had nothing to do with actually making people healthier nor doing so cheaply.

Because of those decisions, people today are stuck in jobs they,do not like so they can overpay for insurance which results in less take home pay and leaves 10s of millions with little access to healthcare. And yet we are stuck with it just because?
I'll keep it simple: Many fine people would rather see 4 more years of Trump than consider any person and many of the wacky policies your side is floating.

I agree with Dennis Miller. I think its over. Our society is lost and the only thing slowing it down AT ALL is an ogre named Donald Trump. Y'all have been protesting his election for 3 years. It's really the best you have. We know the DNC is corrupt but you guys pick Trump nits instead of getting a platform together we can stomach. Nope. Negative negative, negative, day in day out. Even good Trump is Bad. Very bad. Investigate this. Investigate that. Spy here. Leak there.


You guys with your victimhood, freebie-jeebie, identity quota, style-over-substance, feelings-first gibberish might get the whole she-bang this time around. The young folks and the uninspired drink that stuff up like chocolate milk. Next, our society plunges over the abyss like a runaway mining car in the Temple of Doom.

But I'll never vote for it.
Not at all surprising to find you vehemently opposed to the cartoonish caricature of liberalism that's been fed to you from the right wing misinformation machine. Nor is it surprising to see your full-throated swallowing of the bait push you deep into the Trump Camp. You are exactly who they are targeting.
You don't think it was wrong to completely fabricate the words in a transcript at the heart of the current investigation, by the chair of investigating committee, from the podium from which the investigation was being conducted?

The cult thinking is on your side. Love your basketball posts, but TDS got you over here.
Great points. And the way he he displayed it was as though he was reading from the transcript. To later saying it was a parody is very weak.
Watching Rudy. I’m not sure who is more nuts, Trump or Rudy. Talk about a match made in hell.
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Not at all surprising to find you vehemently opposed to the cartoonish caricature of liberalism that's been fed to you from the right wing misinformation machine. Nor is it surprising to see your full-throated swallowing of the bait push you deep into the Trump Camp. You are exactly who they are targeting.
Trumpbots lap up the lies.

Out of curiosity I just watched a bit of Steve Scalise on Meet the Press. Scalise claimed that Trump's efforts to dig up dirt on Crowdstrike shows that Trump is diligently investigating Russia's subversion of our 2016 election. This is a preposterous lie. In fact, Trump was focused on the loony conspiracy theory that Crowdstrike conspired with the FBI to concoct evidence of Russian hacking, when it was really the Democrats working with Ukraine to hack the election.

Trump isn't investigating Russian crimes. He's trying to prove that Russia didn't interfere with our election at all. And the Republican minority whip is going on national television to tell obvious brazen lies about it. Because he's an amoral asshole, and Trumpbots will believe anything.

  • Like
Reactions: cosmickid
Adam Schiff is normally a very serious guy.

Parodies and humor don't seem to fit his style.
I remain at a job that is less than inspiring mainly for the compensation, which includes employer-provided heath insurance for me and my kids. I bring it up because I believe having health I surance is my responsibility, but not my right. Insurance is a priority for me. I was taught that a person's priorities are proven by their actions. Too many refuse to do the work and it makes it tougher to help those who really need it. I think the solution to the health insurance question lies in the mirror, not tje government.
I was going to try and respond to this in a measured, serious fashion, thinking we might have some common ground. But having re-read this multiple times, I can't make sense of it, other than you seem to think you're unique and virtuous and those who have a different take -- or aren't in a position financially to do what you've done -- aren't.
So you have a problem with Schiff playing loosely with wording,but you don't have an issue with Trump making up lies? There are TWO BLATANT LIES just in this single paragraph of Trump to Zelensky on the call...

"The other thing, there's a lot of talk about Biden's son, that Biden stopped the prosecution and a lot of people want to find out about that so whatever you can do with the Attorney General would be great. Biden went around bragging that he stopped the prosecution so if you can look into it ... It sounds horrible to me."

Whether you think Biden's demands that Shokin be fired were justified or not,that is absolutely NOT the same as "stopping the investigation". Biden,the IMF, the UK and other European Govts, the US Ambassador,and anti-corruption forces within the Ukraine all campaigned to have shokin REPLACED. And when he was fired,he was replaced with a man that was seen more willing to confront corruption...

The other absolute lie that Trump fabricated was that Biden went around "bragging that he stopped the prosecution", which is again NOT true. Biden celebrated the eventual firing of Shokin (who Biden and the others felt was dragging his feet and protecting Zlochevskiy. But Biden would have been stupid to publicly "celebrate" the collapse of the case against Zlochevskiy,because the Obama Admin (thru Ambassador Pyatt) was very outspoken against the slow pace of Shokin's "efforts" to root out corruption...

"Sept. 24, 2015 – U.S. Ambassador to Ukraine Geoffrey Pyatt excoriates Prosecutor General Shokin’s office for stymying anti-corruption investigations, including those involving Burisma

Pyatt’s speech was part of a regular drumbeat by U.S. and other Western leaders, including Vice President Biden, and a swath of Ukrainian civil society seeking to pressure President Poroshenko to force his officials, especially in the Prosecutor General’s Office (PGO) to crack down more, not less, on corruption. “Corruption kills,” Pyatt said in the address to the Odesa Financial Forum for business leaders. “It kills productivity and smothers inspiration. Ideas are lost in its shadow. Innovation and entrepreneurship lag under the weight of bribery, back room dealing, and bullying.”

You know Trump's lying because even if you don't accept the fact that the reason Biden wanted Shokin out was because he wasn't doing enough, there is no way that Biden would publicly (on video) celebrate actions he undertook that undermined the POLICY of an Admin he was a part of.

This is right up there with Trump's claims that he saw "thousands of Muslims" in NJ celebrating over 9-11, or that he didn't know that (reporter) Serge Kovaleski was disabled when he mocked him.

In fact Trump claimed he didn't know who Serge was,even though as a reporter for The Daily News Serge had interviewed Trump multiple times and even been to his office in Trump Tower to interview him for an article, spending most of the entire day with him. Of course the reason Trump mocked Serge in the first place was because Serge was the one who exposed the blatant Trump lie about Muslim's celebrating. That's what Trump is, a willful liar who will make up anything to trash people he views as enemies.

So you're upset because Schiff (regrettably,I'll admit) unnecessarily took liberty with the wording in an already pretty damning phone call? But you have no problem with Trump just making up lies to try and enhance what are already pretty dubious claims? Alrighty then...

I'll keep it simple: Many fine people would rather see 4 more years of Trump than consider any person and many of the wacky policies your side is floating.
Many fine people perhaps, but the numbers since the outset of his presidency shows he doesn’t have the majority of the country behind him. And an early CBS poll out this morning shows a 55% - 45% in favor of the impeachment inquiry.
You guys with your victimhood, freebie-jeebie, identity quota, style-over-substance, feelings-first gibberish might get the whole she-bang this time around. The young folks and the uninspired drink that stuff up like chocolate milk. Next, our society plunges over the abyss like a runaway mining car in the Temple of Doom.

But I'll never vote for it.

MANY people would argue that electing a con man like Trump sent our society careening headfirst into the abyss. There was plenty of evidence Donald Trump is a scumbag long before he was elected. I've asked Trumpsters multiple times to give me an example of something Trump did (prior to running for POTUS) that you could point to as demonstrating him showing compassion and looking out for the welfare of anyone NOT NAMED Trump (or an ally) and so far crickets.

Yet there are MULTIPLE examples of him screwing over people and demonstrating his opportunism and wanton disregard for the public welfare. Yet you people ignored all that and voted for this clown because Hilary,because Obama. And then you cynically expect us to ignore what we already knew abut Trump. Nobody was shocked by Trump's pussy grabbing antics, we were just surprised by the fact that it was captured on video...
Trumpbots lap up the lies.

Out of curiosity I just watched a bit of Steve Scalise on Meet the Press. Scalise claimed that Trump's efforts to dig up dirt on Crowdstrike shows that Trump is diligently investigating Russia's subversion of our 2016 election. This is a preposterous lie. In fact, Trump was focused on the loony conspiracy theory that Crowdstrike conspired with the FBI to concoct evidence of Russian hacking, when it was really the Democrats working with Ukraine to hack the election.

Trump isn't investigating Russian crimes. He's trying to prove that Russia didn't interfere with our election at all. And the Republican minority whip is going on national television to tell obvious brazen lies about it. Because he's an amoral asshole, and Trumpbots will believe anything.

Trump is a kook:

President Trump was repeatedly warned by his own staff that the Ukraine conspiracy theory that he and his lawyer were pursuing was “completely debunked” long before the president pressed Ukraine this summer to investigate his Democratic rivals, a former top adviser said on Sunday.

Thomas P. Bossert, who served as Mr. Trump’s first homeland security adviser, said he told the president there was no basis to the theory that Ukraine, not Russia, intervened in the 2016 election and did so on behalf of the Democrats. Speaking out for the first time, Mr. Bossert said he was “deeply disturbed” that Mr. Trump nonetheless tried to get Ukraine’s president to produce damaging information about Democrats.

. . . Other former aides to Mr. Trump said on Sunday that he refused to accept reassurances about Ukraine no matter how many times it was explained to him, instead subscribing to an unsubstantiated narrative that has now brought him to the brink of impeachment.

. . . “It is completely debunked,” Mr. Bossert said of the Ukraine theory on ABC. Speaking with George Stephanopoulos, Mr. Bossert blamed Mr. Giuliani for filling the president’s head with misinformation. “I am deeply frustrated with what he and the legal team is doing and repeating that debunked theory to the president. It sticks in his mind when he hears it over and over again, and for clarity here, George, let me just again repeat that it has no validity.”

. . . Other former aides said separately on Sunday that the president had a particular weakness for conspiracy theories involving Ukraine, which in the past three years has become the focus of far-right media outlets and political figures. Mr. Trump was more willing to listen to outside advisers like Mr. Giuliani than his own national security team.

. . . While his focus on Mr. Biden has drawn the most attention, Mr. Trump also urged Mr. Zelensky to look into a theory about the 2016 election that holds that Ukraine hacked the Democratic National Committee and then framed Moscow, possibly at the behest of Democratic operatives.

He specifically cited an American cybersecurity firm, CrowdStrike, that did work for the Democratic National Committee in 2016 and that he seemed to believe was a Ukrainian company, and also brought up a D.N.C. computer server that he suggested might be hidden in Ukraine.

. . . Another former senior official said it was a constant struggle to convince Mr. Trump that Russia, not Ukraine, had interfered in the election. The president would accept it after speaking with his more grounded aides, this official said, but then revert to believing it was a plot by Democrats or Ukrainians or others after speaking with associates outside the administration like Mr. Giuliani.​
I'll keep it simple: Many fine people would rather see 4 more years of Trump than consider any person and many of the wacky policies your side is floating.

I agree with Dennis Miller. I think its over. Our society is lost and the only thing slowing it down AT ALL is an ogre named Donald Trump. Y'all have been protesting his election for 3 years. It's really the best you have. We know the DNC is corrupt but you guys pick Trump nits instead of getting a platform together we can stomach. Nope. Negative negative, negative, day in day out. Even good Trump is Bad. Very bad. Investigate this. Investigate that. Spy here. Leak there.


You guys with your victimhood, freebie-jeebie, identity quota, style-over-substance, feelings-first gibberish might get the whole she-bang this time around. The young folks and the uninspired drink that stuff up like chocolate milk. Next, our society plunges over the abyss like a runaway mining car in the Temple of Doom.

But I'll never vote for it.

Remember the quote from "Hoosiers"...roughly...There are two kinds of dumb...the guy that gets naked runs in the front yard and barks at the moon...the other is the guy that does the same thing in my living room. The first one don't matter and the second you have to deal with.

Trump is that naked barker.

He used to be in his own front yard, now he is now squarely in our collective living room and the barking is getting louder. We have to deal with it.

Despite what some of the Koolaid Drinkers here say, not everything Trump has done is bad. I have certainly gotten some of what I needed from him as have others if they were self confident enough to admit it.

But the fact remains he has to go. IMO that is not in question at this point, and hasn't been for a while. The bigger concern for me now is what comes next, and your post contains some concerns that are real.

Trump has done some real damage here and unfortunately as a result he has the potential to usher in some very different damage due to voter over-reaction.

I know I am a broken record...but we have to focus on what comes next, becaus it is right around the corner.
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Trump is a kook:

President Trump was repeatedly warned by his own staff that the Ukraine conspiracy theory that he and his lawyer were pursuing was “completely debunked” long before the president pressed Ukraine this summer to investigate his Democratic rivals, a former top adviser said on Sunday.

Thomas P. Bossert, who served as Mr. Trump’s first homeland security adviser, said he told the president there was no basis to the theory that Ukraine, not Russia, intervened in the 2016 election and did so on behalf of the Democrats. Speaking out for the first time, Mr. Bossert said he was “deeply disturbed” that Mr. Trump nonetheless tried to get Ukraine’s president to produce damaging information about Democrats.

. . . Other former aides to Mr. Trump said on Sunday that he refused to accept reassurances about Ukraine no matter how many times it was explained to him, instead subscribing to an unsubstantiated narrative that has now brought him to the brink of impeachment.

. . . “It is completely debunked,” Mr. Bossert said of the Ukraine theory on ABC. Speaking with George Stephanopoulos, Mr. Bossert blamed Mr. Giuliani for filling the president’s head with misinformation. “I am deeply frustrated with what he and the legal team is doing and repeating that debunked theory to the president. It sticks in his mind when he hears it over and over again, and for clarity here, George, let me just again repeat that it has no validity.”

. . . Other former aides said separately on Sunday that the president had a particular weakness for conspiracy theories involving Ukraine, which in the past three years has become the focus of far-right media outlets and political figures. Mr. Trump was more willing to listen to outside advisers like Mr. Giuliani than his own national security team.

. . . While his focus on Mr. Biden has drawn the most attention, Mr. Trump also urged Mr. Zelensky to look into a theory about the 2016 election that holds that Ukraine hacked the Democratic National Committee and then framed Moscow, possibly at the behest of Democratic operatives.

He specifically cited an American cybersecurity firm, CrowdStrike, that did work for the Democratic National Committee in 2016 and that he seemed to believe was a Ukrainian company, and also brought up a D.N.C. computer server that he suggested might be hidden in Ukraine.

. . . Another former senior official said it was a constant struggle to convince Mr. Trump that Russia, not Ukraine, had interfered in the election. The president would accept it after speaking with his more grounded aides, this official said, but then revert to believing it was a plot by Democrats or Ukrainians or others after speaking with associates outside the administration like Mr. Giuliani.​
The Biden camp sure wants this to go away. They have pressured the major networks to stop inviting Giuliani to talk about Ukraine.
Remember the quote from "Hoosiers"...roughly...There are two kinds of dumb...the guy that gets naked runs in the front yard and barks at the moon...the other is the guy that does the same thing in my living room. The first one don't matter and the second you have to deal with.

Trump is that naked barker.

He used to be in his own front yard, now he is now squarely in our collective living room and the barking is getting louder. We have to deal with it.

Despite what some of the Koolaid Drinkers here say, not everything Trump has done is bad. I have certainly gotten some of what I needed from him as have others if they were self confident enough to admit it.

But the fact remains he has to go. IMO that is not in question at this point, and hasn't been for a while. The bigger concern for me now is what comes next, and your post contains some concerns that are real.

Trump has done some real damage here and unfortunately as a result he has the potential to usher in some very different damage due to voter over-reaction.

I know I am a broken record...but we have to focus on what comes next, becaus it is right around the corner.

I truly struggle to even imagine the next thing being even a fraction as bad as the Trump administration has been. The only thing that comes close is if we have to face another candidate with the last name Trump in 2024.
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