OSHA Covid Mandate

I have heard a lot of expecting parents say, "we are going to have a baby" when announcing they are pregnant. That implies they do not currently have said baby, Therefore they have a fetus. Now we can argue if terminating fetus is OK, but let's get the terms straight. A baby is something already born. A fetus is something not yet born.

If you walk into a restaurant and order a $12 chicken meal and they give you an egg, you are going to complain.

Now I'm not trying to convince you that abortion is acceptable. I fully respect your right to your opinion. Just laying out the terms.

But to use your comparison, cancer isn't contagious. Someone might have stage IV 100% fatal cancer, but we don't stop them from mingling with other people or even going to work. We know many diseases are contagious. If you have Hep A and anyone finds out you won't be allowed to work in a restaurant until it is treated. Your abortion analogy is like cancer, it may be 100% fatal to the fetus but it cannot be spread to others. COVID is like Hep A in that you can spread it.
Have you ever heard a mother say, "I can feel the fetus kicking?"
Yes. Including the freedom to safely attend school, eat out, go to bars etc. Freedom to visit our elderly.

Freedom from endangerment by those who's freedom choice was to politicize a deadly virus and it's cure.
The politicization of Covid began when the Dims claimed Trump failed to implement a travel ban soon enough. January 2020. From the jump.

From that moment to now, the Propaganda Receptacles have made Covid decisions FIRST AND FOREMOST based on what Trump said or did on the issue, and the Propagandists have formulated the message-o-day based on politics, not science, and Damn sure not common sense.

If Trump had been for a lock down, the left would have touted personal freedoms. (And vice-versa.) In fact, when Trump said the US would ramp up vaccine productions, the Twitter Twits put out “takes 3 years - I’ll never take a Trump vaccine.” Same folks now demand you fire the nurse who they demanded work for a year and a half in a mask, a visor and a PPE paper gown, and now call a super-spreading murderer Trumptard by the same Idiotii.

And nobody gives a crap about the LAW - they just want what they want, like a child in the candy aisle.

A mask works, until it doesn’t.
Non-symptomatic folks don’t need a mask, until they do.
A safe vaccine takes 3 years, until it doesn’t.
A mask and 6 feet keeps you safe, until it doesn’t.
Vaccines will make us safe, until they don‘t.

All of the above show that the Ruling Class only lies when their lips move.

And the Loony Lefties now want me to listen to them about what they call “freedumbs”

They cited Euro-Socialism as the proper response to Covid - check the Euro numbers. Thier case per million and deaths per million have exceeded the US at every moment.

I wouldn’t listen to them about where to take a piss outside.
The politicization of Covid began when the Dims claimed Trump failed to implement a travel ban soon enough. January 2020. From the jump.

From that moment to now, the Propaganda Receptacles have made Covid decisions FIRST AND FOREMOST based on what Trump said or did on the issue, and the Propagandists have formulated the message-o-day based on politics, not science, and Damn sure not common sense.

If Trump had been for a lock down, the left would have touted personal freedoms. (And vice-versa.) In fact, when Trump said the US would ramp up vaccine productions, the Twitter Twits put out “takes 3 years - I’ll never take a Trump vaccine.” Same folks now demand you fire the nurse who they demanded work for a year and a half in a mask, a visor and a PPE paper gown, and now call a super-spreading murderer Trumptard by the same Idiotii.

And nobody gives a crap about the LAW - they just want what they want, like a child in the candy aisle.

A mask works, until it doesn’t.
Non-symptomatic folks don’t need a mask, until they do.
A safe vaccine takes 3 years, until it doesn’t.
A mask and 6 feet keeps you safe, until it doesn’t.
Vaccines will make us safe, until they don‘t.

All of the above show that the Ruling Class only lies when their lips move.

And the Loony Lefties now want me to listen to them about what they call “freedumbs”

They cited Euro-Socialism as the proper response to Covid - check the Euro numbers. Thier case per million and deaths per million have exceeded the US at every moment.

I wouldn’t listen to them about where to take a piss outside.
No doubt that the Libs were the first to politicize the virus. But they were beating trump with a 2x4 that trump handed to them.

I have often wondered where the narratives would be had trump actually won.

Regardless, we know now that the pandemic won't end and the economy won't fully open until we get the jab rates way up. I am sick of masks and I don't want any more boosters, but I am not sure gravy seal nation is going to allow this to happen.
No doubt that the Libs were the first to politicize the virus. But they were beating trump with a 2x4 that trump handed to them.

I have often wondered where the narratives would be had trump actually won.

Regardless, we know now that the pandemic won't end and the economy won't fully open until we get the jab rates way up. I am sick of masks and I don't want any more boosters, but I am not sure gravy seal nation is going to allow this to happen.
What part of the economy isn't open? I just booked a convention for January. I assume that's about the last segment left
What part of the economy isn't open? I just booked a convention for January.
Lots of us are still cautious about what we do, where and when. I do take some chances such as attending IU games.

Restaurants are still a mess due to servers and cooks. The food coming out of kitchens right now is not up to whatever standards that restaurant normally has. People don't want to risk working retail.

Destination business meetings are way down.

Delta variant supressed Q3 and will do the same for Q4. Children now represent 25% of all positive cases and right wing propaganda continues to fight masks and jabs for the kids. Resources are being drained down the covid hole. The gap between haves and have nots grows as a result of this unresolved pandemic.
No doubt that the Libs were the first to politicize the virus. But they were beating trump with a 2x4 that trump handed to them.

I have often wondered where the narratives would be had trump actually won.

Regardless, we know now that the pandemic won't end and the economy won't fully open until we get the jab rates way up. I am sick of masks and I don't want any more boosters, but I am not sure gravy seal nation is going to allow this to happen.
The UK/English Ph.D/former nurse/now professor I trust most (he doesn't run anything through a Trump filter) has always said "herd immunity starts at 70%" - meaning at 70% it becomes very hard for A virus - any virus - to continue to spread. Doesn't mean it won't be an endemic virus - just that finding hosts that can EFFECTIVELY receive and spread it becomes a natural problem for the virus - one that cannot be impacted by who is President of the United States. (Not ALL vaccinated people could also catch/spread it - a person with a very small viral load and a very strenuous and effective immune system might never spread it once. A person who licks Covid Petri dishes and has a weak immune system might spread it for days/weeks. Genes likely play an unexplained-to-date role. But the viral facts are that 99.+ % of us were never at risk to die, and about 96-97% of us (that's an educated guess, but still a guess -science will tell us in the future) were never at risk for serious or long-term permanent damage.)

Depending on who you believe and how they count people who "have Covid" now, the US should be past 70% as a whole, and in most/many geographic locations. BUT - the. numbers providers are the same assholes who have been Trump/anti-Trumping this thing, so .... who can you trust?
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Lots of us are still cautious about what we do, where and when. I do take some chances such as attending IU games.

Restaurants are still a mess due to servers and cooks. The food coming out of kitchens right now is not up to whatever standards that restaurant normally has. People don't want to risk working retail.

Destination business meetings are way down.

Delta variant supressed Q3 and will do the same for Q4. Children now represent 25% of all positive cases and right wing propaganda continues to fight masks and jabs for the kids. Resources are being drained down the covid hole. The gap between haves and have nots grows as a result of this unresolved pandemic.
I don't know if that stuff with restaurants etc. is covid related or labor related and the new norm. Or at least the new norm for a while. All of the destination conventions in my industry are a go for this year and I was looking at the exhibitors for one of them and it was on par with pre covid years. Again I don't know if it's "waiting for the economy to fully open" or this just is the new economy.

I get your point about some still being cautious about going out, but that too might be the new norm.
Lots of us are still cautious about what we do, where and when. I do take some chances such as attending IU games.

Restaurants are still a mess due to servers and cooks. The food coming out of kitchens right now is not up to whatever standards that restaurant normally has. People don't want to risk working retail.

Destination business meetings are way down.

Delta variant supressed Q3 and will do the same for Q4. Children now represent 25% of all positive cases and right wing propaganda continues to fight masks and jabs for the kids. Resources are being drained down the covid hole. The gap between haves and have nots grows as a result of this unresolved pandemic.
My wife's school has had kids in masks since they returned to live instruction. The only problem is the poor kids - bussed in from the "wrong side of the tracks" - same kids who's parents never call or ask or show up or comply with anything. It's not a political issue - its an "I'm too dumb and stubborn to help my own children" issue.

Poverty wins votes. That is why it still exists.
You're losing your mind.

Then explain why - after hundreds of billions of dollars spent since the War on Poverty began - literally every poverty metric is worse.

Affirmative Action

You name it. It failed.

The DNC‘s worst nightmare is a young black husband/father with a degree and a job.
Then explain why - after hundreds of billions of dollars spent since the War on Poverty began - literally every poverty metric is worse.

Affirmative Action

You name it. It failed.

The DNC‘s worst nightmare is a young black husband/father with a degree and a job.
Did you intentionally neglect to mention Medicare? Medicaid?

Not sure what metrics you're using. This HHS report claims poverty in the US has declined.

Even assuming not all of the War on Poverty programs were successful, how do you conclude "Poverty wins votes"? Perhaps it is the effort to address poverty that wins votes.

And "That's why it still exists"? JC himself said the poor will always be with us (or something to that effect). He just asks us to lend a hand.
Did you intentionally neglect to mention Medicare? Medicaid?

Not sure what metrics you're using. This HHS report claims poverty in the US has declined.

Even assuming not all of the War on Poverty programs were successful, how do you conclude "Poverty wins votes"? Perhaps it is the effort to address poverty that wins votes.

And "That's why it still exists"? JC himself said the poor will always be with us (or something to that effect). He just asks us to lend a hand.
What Jesus fails to appreciate is that it's the meek who are the problem.
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No doubt that the Libs were the first to politicize the virus. But they were beating trump with a 2x4 that trump handed to them.

I have often wondered where the narratives would be had trump actually won.

Regardless, we know now that the pandemic won't end and the economy won't fully open until we get the jab rates way up. I am sick of masks and I don't want any more boosters, but I am not sure gravy seal nation is going to allow this to happen.
You don’t know either of those things, but don‘t let that stop you.
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My wife's school has had kids in masks since they returned to live instruction. The only problem is the poor kids - bussed in from the "wrong side of the tracks" - same kids who's parents never call or ask or show up or comply with anything. It's not a political issue - its an "I'm too dumb and stubborn to help my own children" issue.
So it's the dumb and stubborn who aren't taking masking seriously. For once we can agree on something other than football.
Interesting that you come to this conclusion as nothing you have ever posted on these forums would indicate this to be remotely accurate.
This forum has nothing to do with anything. You hide behind a fake name and pontificate.

My name isn’t hidden. In fact a member of this forum mailed me a book which I read. He/she chose no return address and used their fake name here.

I’ve given basketball tickets to one of the most liberal members of this forum. We sit together during the game and conversed all night. I gained respect for him and I have never criticize him on this forum no matter how much I disagree.

You want to talk to me like a human being and I will do the same. You want to be an ass and I will do the same. You want to look me up and talk face to face, it’s real easy. I’ve posted my name, address and phone number multiple times. You want to hide behind an anonymous name go right ahead.
This forum has nothing to do with anything. You hide behind a fake name and pontificate.

My name isn’t hidden. In fact a member of this forum mailed me a book which I read. He/she chose no return address and used their fake name here.

I’ve given basketball tickets to one of the most liberal members of this forum. We sit together during the game and conversed all night. I gained respect for him and I have never criticize him on this forum no matter how much I disagree.

You want to talk to me like a human being and I will do the same. You want to be an ass and I will do the same. You want to look me up and talk face to face, it’s real easy. I’ve posted my name, address and phone number multiple times. You want to hide behind an anonymous name go right ahead.
Perhaps step one would be rethink your own posting style. I have never changed get what you give.

Promote dangerous misinformation...and it will be called out.

Look first at the man in the mirror and then you may try again.
Perhaps step one would be rethink your own posting style. I have never changed get what you give.

Promote dangerous misinformation...and it will be called out.

Look first at the man in the mirror and then you may try again.
I watched dangerous stuff for 5 years. It’s led to business and homes being burned and looted. Cops being killed. There’s no remorse and the same crap just keeps coming from the left because their president is worthless.
I watched dangerous stuff for 5 years. It’s led to business and homes being burned and looted. Cops being killed. There’s no remorse and the same crap just keeps coming from the left because their president is worthless.
Worthless...ideed. But less dangerous than yours.

I have no idea what we are going to do in 2024.
So it's the dumb and stubborn who aren't taking masking seriously. For once we can agree on something other than football.
He makes a good point. The mask issue has dragged the previously uninvolved parents into the school landscape. While they won't respond to teacher concerns or otherwise support their kids education...they jump all over whatever tucker carlson told them to think about masks.
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He makes a good point. The mask issue has dragged the previously uninvolved parents into the school landscape. While they won't respond to teacher concerns or otherwise support their kids education...they jump all over whatever tucker carlson told them to think about masks.
There’s no basis for that statement. Parents I know have always been involved.
As am I. The difference is that I am just as tired of the right wing stupidity.

Both groups are a waste of bad breath.
I understand. They left is in charge and their craziness is ruling. Trying to fight it reasonably doesn’t work.

Edit: leave Trump out of it. Do you believe Biden is competent and fully in charge?
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He makes a good point. The mask issue has dragged the previously uninvolved parents into the school landscape. While they won't respond to teacher concerns or otherwise support their kids education...they jump all over whatever tucker carlson told them to think about masks.
And Jake Tapper too
I understand. They left is in charge and their craziness is ruling. Trying to fight it reasonably doesn’t work.

Edit: leave Trump out of it. Do you believe Biden is competent and fully in charge?
Hell no. Biden was one thing and one thing only: the guy that they could maneuver past trump. I didn't vote for Biden, I voted against trump.

This why 2024 is a horrifying mystery to me. Biden can't run again, Harris can't fog a mirror, trump can't run again, DeSantis keeps screwing the pooch. Dems should have put Mayor Pete in a win position but didn't. WTF are we going to do?
Hell no. Biden was one thing and one thing only: the guy that they could maneuver past trump. I didn't vote for Biden, I voted against trump.

This why 2024 is a horrifying mystery to me. Biden can't run again, Harris can't fog a mirror, trump can't run again, DeSantis keeps screwing the pooch. Dems should have put Mayor Pete in a win position but didn't. WTF are we going to do?
I just repeated your last sentence to someone earlier this evening. He would be better but Mayor Pete didn’t shine by taking off work for a month.
I just repeated your last sentence to someone earlier this evening. He would be better but Mayor Pete didn’t shine by taking off work for a month.
I support parental leave of 12 weeks. Like most of us would be Pete was semi plugged in the entire time.

There are things to citicize with MP, but working to bond with your TWO new babies ain't one of them.
I support parental leave of 12 weeks. Like most of us would be Pete was semi plugged in the entire time.

There are things to citicize with MP, but working to bond with your TWO new babies ain't one of them.
There are times depending on your job you need to be in the office. Mayor Pete’s family leave time was more about him making a point than bonding with his kids. Just my opinion.

BTW I apologize for any snarking comments I made to you earlier.
There are times depending on your job you need to be in the office. Mayor Pete’s family leave time was more about him making a point than bonding with his kids. Just my opinion.

BTW I apologize for any snarking comments I made to you earlier.
I got on a plane 36 hrs after one of my children was born becuase "thats what we did as leaders". I still resent it (not half as much as my wife does) and feel it may be the root cause for my own child going to Purdue.

No issues on the snark front, we all do it.
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I got on a plane 36 hrs after one of my children was born becuase "thats what we did as leaders". I still resent it (not half as much as my wife does) and feel it may be the root cause for my own child going to Purdue.

No issues on the snark front, we all do it.
Purdue!!!! Lol. Seriously I bet like me with my son you spent many quality hours with your daughter. I learned how to live on 3/4 hours sleep. It could kill me in old age. Lol.
We are just stuck at the extremes. Biden up our asses trying to control everyone with his bogus OSHA mandate, and now DeSantis on the other end blocking employers from mandating vaccines. WTF. Let employers do whatever the hell they want. If you don't like it go work somewhere else. Or start your own company. F off. I want Snow White vaccinated when she leans into my kid's face.
We are just stuck at the extremes. Biden up our asses trying to control everyone with his bogus OSHA mandate, and now DeSantis on the other end blocking employers from mandating vaccines. WTF. Let employers do whatever the hell they want. If you don't like it go work somewhere else. Or start your own company. F off. I want Snow White vaccinated when she leans into my kid's face.
Well Biden's vaccine mandate is basically halted at this point by the courts. My work is not mandating anything at this point either and I know several people who have not gotten it. My work they would determine once the thing was actuallly settled by the courts . It the end the mandate will probably get shot down and why biden is trying to tell companies to do it anyway because he knows it will not be upheld
So it's the dumb and stubborn who aren't taking masking seriously. For once we can agree on something other than football.
I dont know you see pelosi, biden, and all the lefties who promote masks without them when they think the cameras are not rolling. So they are the dumb and stubborn it appears. They rip them off in two seconds. So do they really think masks are that great or do they just like controlling people? Serious question.
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