On Traditional Media and Why it Sucks

I have no dog in the school age fight, but in a meeting at work today it was announced we will be constructing “gender neutral showers”. My initial reaction was, wtf? I’m not into all this bullshit. Then I realized the possibilities if you saw some of the women on campus. 😊 Maybe I misunderstood what this means.🤔
It’s my understanding (based on some professional experience) is that people with urges which are never acted on cannot be effectively “helped”. Those who succumb to their urges can’t be helped either. They go to prison and if they are paroled courts will usually order chemical castration.

I‘m not sure why we would need a different name for those who don’t act on child sex urges. An alcoholic will see themselves as alcoholic even if they have been dry for decades. Isn’t that mostly the same?
I've also read that pedophilia might not be "helped" in the sense that it might not be curable. However, proper counselling may reduce the odds that a particular pedophile will actually progress to abuse.
How about failing to ascribe immoral verbiage to pedophiles?

Respectfully, you gotta decide if you are making a pedophilia complaint or not. That's what grooming suggests and that is what your move to this tweet in your argument implies. If you think that the preschool teacher in question was "grooming" kids as the dictionary definition suggests (and not in the "making sure their hair is brushed and their faces are clean" definition"), you need to say so. Either way, going to this tweet was in extremely bad taste.
Respectfully, you gotta decide if you are making a pedophilia complaint or not. That's what grooming suggests and that is what your move to this tweet in your argument implies. If you think that the preschool teacher in question was "grooming" kids as the dictionary definition suggests (and not in the "making sure their hair is brushed and their faces are clean" definition"), you need to say so. Either way, going to this tweet was in extremely bad taste.
Since you put such emphasis on dictionary definitions, you must have objected to changing the definitions of man & woman to placate the mentally ill. If not, Ranger just needs to modify the definition of “grooming“ to suit his argument…😉😂🤔😗🙄
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Respectfully, you gotta decide if you are making a pedophilia complaint or not. That's what grooming suggests and that is what your move to this tweet in your argument implies. If you think that the preschool teacher in question was "grooming" kids as the dictionary definition suggests (and not in the "making sure their hair is brushed and their faces are clean" definition"), you need to say so. Either way, going to this tweet was in extremely bad taste.
They were separate points. No link at all. Only link is LibsOfTikTok supplied them.
Since you put such emphasis on dictionary definitions, you must have objected to changing the definitions of man & woman to placate the mentally ill. If not, Ranger just needs to modify the definition of “grooming“ to suit his argument…😉😂🤔😗🙄
Your definition of grooming is incorrect in my opinion. You’re describing Statutory Rape - which happens steps past grooming and isn’t necessarily a conclusion of grooming.

I think the current concern of “Grooming” is how authority figures (eg teachers) are pushing their version of an ideology into young, malleable minds. I would be equally appalled and would confront a teacher who had a MAGA flag in his classroom and was pushing MAGA ideology. The problem is that in todays society - I can do the latter but not cannot criticize the former. And that’s utter horseshit.
The odd thing to me is pedophilia isn’t a partisan act, it’s criminal sickness that hits both parties but only one side has made it political- and that’s principally to dog whistle the QAnon followers. Democrats gave us Bill Clinton, Republicans gave us Matt Gaetz and Alan Dershowitz (Trump’s lawyer also all over both Epstein plane and Maxwell trial testimony) My goal to include Dershowitz is to sneak by the Trump longing eyes of many folks who rise to defend their hero “Trump only used Epstein plane to fly to Jersey Shore from Manhattan” was offered by one dope smoker who loves some Trump and refuses to understand pilot testimony that Trump flew alone.
I've also read that pedophilia might not be "helped" in the sense that it might not be curable. However, proper counselling may reduce the odds that a particular pedophile will actually progress to abuse.
That’s the operating theory of those in the business.

As long as the tread is been hijacked, i have a related question. Some therapists believe viewing child porn will lessen sexual encounters with kids by those so inclined. . Of course child porn is illegal because it exploits and abuses the young kid performers. What about child porn that is entirely computer generated? Should that be illegal?
That’s the operating theory of those in the business.

As long as the tread is been hijacked, i have a related question. Some therapists believe viewing child porn will lessen sexual encounters with kids by those so inclined. . Of course child porn is illegal because it exploits and abuses the young kid performers. What about child porn that is entirely computer generated? Should that be illegal?
Yes it should be illegal. Seriously guys, why do we even entertain the "intellectual" side of this stuff. This is how this bullshit always starts. "We're just people too, we want to love who we love..." Nobody walks in at the beginning of the conversation and tells you that they are going to remove mother from legal documents to be replaced with "birthing parent". It always starts with some supposedly innocuous intellectual navel gazing and before you know it a guy wearing female "blackface" is breaking records in women's swimming.

I don't give a flying **** whatever point that non binary weird ass professor was trying to make. At the end of the day this all leads to people who want to have sex with children. What academic point are we trying to make. Why give them the ability to shun a pejorative for a more euphemistic term that sounds more clinical. At what point do we put our foot down and say, "I don't give a rat's ass about the fact you are a ****ed up individual, this is bad. This breaks all the supposed rules we have had rolled out about '2 consenting adults' so **** off with any sympathy for me."

We have "logic-ed" our way into all sorts of just absolutely bat shit crazy stuff. The tranny thing mainstreaming was a bridge to far for me, helping kiddie diddlers get their fix is just ****ing nutso.
It’s my understanding (based on some professional experience) is that people with urges which are never acted on cannot be effectively “helped”. Those who succumb to their urges can’t be helped either. They go to prison and if they are paroled courts will usually order chemical castration.

I‘m not sure why we would need a different name for those who don’t act on child sex urges. An alcoholic will see themselves as alcoholic even if they have been dry for decades. Isn’t that mostly the same?
Your alcoholic parallel doesn't work a bit. At one time they acted upon it and were, indeed, an alcoholic. And they may feel that way about themselves forever after getting sober. But that's different than someone with URGES to do something, but never does them. Not STOPPED doing them, but never did them.
Yes it should be illegal. Seriously guys, why do we even entertain the "intellectual" side of this stuff. This is how this bullshit always starts. "We're just people too, we want to love who we love..." Nobody walks in at the beginning of the conversation and tells you that they are going to remove mother from legal documents to be replaced with "birthing parent". It always starts with some supposedly innocuous intellectual navel gazing and before you know it a guy wearing female "blackface" is breaking records in women's swimming.

I don't give a flying **** whatever point that non binary weird ass professor was trying to make. At the end of the day this all leads to people who want to have sex with children. What academic point are we trying to make. Why give them the ability to shun a pejorative for a more euphemistic term that sounds more clinical. At what point do we put our foot down and say, "I don't give a rat's ass about the fact you are a ****ed up individual, this is bad. This breaks all the supposed rules we have had rolled out about '2 consenting adults' so **** off with any sympathy for me."

We have "logic-ed" our way into all sorts of just absolutely bat shit crazy stuff. The tranny thing mainstreaming was a bridge to far for me, helping kiddie diddlers get their fix is just ****ing nutso.
I struggle to fully get there with you. I was being honest when I explained I found the use of “groomer” to be more like “coaching to be LGBTQ” than the pedo version of grooming. I don’t believe that these teachers are pedos - I just think they’re woke evangelicals that don’t understand the harm they are doing to confused childrens’ psyches.
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Yes it should be illegal. Seriously guys, why do we even entertain the "intellectual" side of this stuff. This is how this bullshit always starts. "We're just people too, we want to love who we love..." Nobody walks in at the beginning of the conversation and tells you that they are going to remove mother from legal documents to be replaced with "birthing parent". It always starts with some supposedly innocuous intellectual navel gazing and before you know it a guy wearing female "blackface" is breaking records in women's swimming.

I don't give a flying **** whatever point that non binary weird ass professor was trying to make. At the end of the day this all leads to people who want to have sex with children. What academic point are we trying to make. Why give them the ability to shun a pejorative for a more euphemistic term that sounds more clinical. At what point do we put our foot down and say, "I don't give a rat's ass about the fact you are a ****ed up individual, this is bad. This breaks all the supposed rules we have had rolled out about '2 consenting adults' so **** off with any sympathy for me."

We have "logic-ed" our way into all sorts of just absolutely bat shit crazy stuff. The tranny thing mainstreaming was a bridge to far for me, helping kiddie diddlers get their fix is just ****ing nutso.

If someone recognizes they have sick thoughts but doesn't act on them, why are you lumping them in with the evil people that DO act on them?
I struggle to fully get there with you. I was being honest when I explained I found the use of “groomer” to be more like “coaching to be LGBTQ” than the pedo version of grooming. I don’t believe that these teachers are pedos - I just think they’re woke evangelicals that don’t understand the harm they are doing to confused childrens’ psyches.
I think you are correct. Youngsters are very impressionable and easily influenced. This is particularly true when people in a position of trust are involved. This is why many crimes have enhancements when committed by people in positions of trust. While I don’t think teaching young boys that having a penis doesn’t mean you are a boy is grooming, it is just awful in its own right, Grooming, I think, has elements of benefits for the adult actor.
Your alcoholic parallel doesn't work a bit. At one time they acted upon it and were, indeed, an alcoholic. And they may feel that way about themselves forever after getting sober. But that's different than someone with URGES to do something, but never does them. Not STOPPED doing them, but never did them.
I think it works some. But I obviously agree with your take. In both cases the word is stigmatizing. In the case of alcoholism, the stigma is part of the therapy. In the case of pedophilia the stigma is an obstruction.
Yes it should be illegal. Seriously guys, why do we even entertain the "intellectual" side of this stuff. This is how this bullshit always starts. "We're just people too, we want to love who we love..." Nobody walks in at the beginning of the conversation and tells you that they are going to remove mother from legal documents to be replaced with "birthing parent". It always starts with some supposedly innocuous intellectual navel gazing and before you know it a guy wearing female "blackface" is breaking records in women's swimming.

I don't give a flying **** whatever point that non binary weird ass professor was trying to make. At the end of the day this all leads to people who want to have sex with children. What academic point are we trying to make. Why give them the ability to shun a pejorative for a more euphemistic term that sounds more clinical. At what point do we put our foot down and say, "I don't give a rat's ass about the fact you are a ****ed up individual, this is bad. This breaks all the supposed rules we have had rolled out about '2 consenting adults' so **** off with any sympathy for me."

We have "logic-ed" our way into all sorts of just absolutely bat shit crazy stuff. The tranny thing mainstreaming was a bridge to far for me, helping kiddie diddlers get their fix is just ****ing nutso.
I get all that. But I am focusing on criminal conduct. I don’t think you would suggest that a trans female competing in women's sports should be a crime.
I struggle to fully get there with you. I was being honest when I explained I found the use of “groomer” to be more like “coaching to be LGBTQ” than the pedo version of grooming. I don’t believe that these teachers are pedos - I just think they’re woke evangelicals that don’t understand the harm they are doing to confused childrens’ psyches.
I am not talking about the teachers, I mean the conversation within a conversation that Goat and CoH were having. Like computer generated CP so that pedos can get their fix. If we are seriously at that point, cut their dick off and call it a day.

I don't think the vast majority of teachers are trying to get into kids pants (some are, we see arrests for it on the regular.) You and I are on the same page with the context you used groomer and I believe the context that LibsofTikTok uses it. They are grooming children into sexual/gender beliefs that the vast majority of then would not land on if the confusion was not introduced to them at a young age. That teacher you posted does not want to get with the kids, she wants to have them believing what she believes and being "allies" when they get older. I also believe that any girl who would have been labeled as a tomboy in the past or a boy who picks up a babydoll is going to be pushed to think they are something they really are not by these whackos. That's the context you were using and we are on the same page there for that discussion.
I get all that. But I am focusing on criminal conduct. I don’t think you would suggest that a trans female competing in women's sports should be a crime.
No it shouldn't be a crime. It shouldn't be allowed either.

The point was that the moment you open this up to any discussion, you are eventually conceding whatever you are discussing at some point down the road particularly when it comes to gender/sexuality types of conversations. You do not have a good faith discussing partner in the progressive movement. At what point have they ever arrived at a spot and said, "this is a good place to stop." The answer is never. Each conversation is just probing for the next opening to push stuff which is considered batshit insane right now. You teach toddlers that touching themselves is pleasurable (like the lady in the video I posted) and then it opens the door to other stuff. I am just slamming the door shut right now. We have gone far enough, past far enough, and we need to put the brakes on now.
No it shouldn't be a crime. It shouldn't be allowed either.

The point was that the moment you open this up to any discussion, you are eventually conceding whatever you are discussing at some point down the road particularly when it comes to gender/sexuality types of conversations. You do not have a good faith discussing partner in the progressive movement. At what point have they ever arrived at a spot and said, "this is a good place to stop." The answer is never. Each conversation is just probing for the next opening to push stuff which is considered batshit insane right now. You teach toddlers that touching themselves is pleasurable (like the lady in the video I posted) and then it opens the door to other stuff. I am just slamming the door shut right now. We have gone far enough, past far enough, and we need to put the brakes on now.
Did you also teach your kids abstinence only sex ed? Genuinely curious.
That’s the operating theory of those in the business.

As long as the tread is been hijacked, i have a related question. Some therapists believe viewing child porn will lessen sexual encounters with kids by those so inclined. . Of course child porn is illegal because it exploits and abuses the young kid performers. What about child porn that is entirely computer generated? Should that be illegal?
I don't know. I'm not comfortable with its existence, but if it helps, maybe it should be used.
Yes it should be illegal. Seriously guys, why do we even entertain the "intellectual" side of this stuff. This is how this bullshit always starts. "We're just people too, we want to love who we love..." Nobody walks in at the beginning of the conversation and tells you that they are going to remove mother from legal documents to be replaced with "birthing parent". It always starts with some supposedly innocuous intellectual navel gazing and before you know it a guy wearing female "blackface" is breaking records in women's swimming.

I don't give a flying **** whatever point that non binary weird ass professor was trying to make. At the end of the day this all leads to people who want to have sex with children. What academic point are we trying to make. Why give them the ability to shun a pejorative for a more euphemistic term that sounds more clinical. At what point do we put our foot down and say, "I don't give a rat's ass about the fact you are a ****ed up individual, this is bad. This breaks all the supposed rules we have had rolled out about '2 consenting adults' so **** off with any sympathy for me."

We have "logic-ed" our way into all sorts of just absolutely bat shit crazy stuff. The tranny thing mainstreaming was a bridge to far for me, helping kiddie diddlers get their fix is just ****ing nutso.
What a ****ing load of bullshit. The entire point of this discussion is to protect children. It's not about what's best for pedophiles. It's about what best prevents pedophiles from committing abuse.

Clearly, you can't understand that because you're too grossed out by the trans professor. Just like Libs of Til Tok, you're blinded by personal animus against those who are different.
What a ****ing load of bullshit. The entire point of this discussion is to protect children. It's not about what's best for pedophiles. It's about what best prevents pedophiles from committing abuse.

Clearly, you can't understand that because you're too grossed out by the trans professor. Just like Libs of Til Tok, you're blinded by personal animus against those who are different.
No, yours is a load of bullshit. You are a dupe for the activist left. This is all just conditioning people to start the conversations, people like you who have an intellectual interest in all sorts of stuff. It pulls you in, "well actually we are trying to protect kids...." It is ****ing easy to protect kids without that ****ed up guy's navel gazing..."Don't do sexual things with kids, it is wrong. If you do, we will expel you from society." The end. I would expel them from life but I don't get to make the rules.

Instead you start to normalize the behavior by clinicalizing the terminology. "We need to understand it, it's just another human condition..." Look how quickly the conversation jumped to a discussion about making realistic CP for the guys to get off too so that they aren't impacting real kids. Conditioning. And eventually you get to the point of child sexual liberation. Bank on it. It is always the endpoint of all this shit. Everything that conservatives and naysayers bring up about slippery slope ALWAYS happens w.r.t. these topics. Always.

Gay marriage, people just want to love each other. We aren't looking to make your kids gay. 20% of people under 18 identify as gay or some letter of the alphabet people. The social pressure to be an alphabet person is dialed up to 1000 on youth. Historically 3-4% of people identified as gay. Now it is 1 in 5. So you all were ****ing liars.

Trans people just need to express themselves for who they are. Yeah, what about when you throw men in with women and end up with rapes or guys doing women's sports. "P-shaw, that will not happen. Stop being a phobe." Women getting raped and pregnant from trannies in prison. School girl assaulted by transgender boy in school bathroom which school system tried to cover up. William Thomas smashing women's swimming records. "Well those things are outliers..." Now. They are outliers now when this train is just getting rolling.

So now we are at the beginning stage of this. You can throw all your "phobe and hater" stuff at me and I don't care. This is the beginning of the conditioning phase for the next area where we throw our sexual norms out the window. You may think you are doing one thing, but for the activist groups (like that professor), you are just an unwitting dupe for their agenda. Things you say are crazy now you will be defending tooth and nail as soon as they mainstream it. And it all starts with just conditioning you to have a conversation about the topic that lowers the revulsion level around it. Dare say, you are being groomed.
No, yours is a load of bullshit. You are a dupe for the activist left. This is all just conditioning people to start the conversations, people like you who have an intellectual interest in all sorts of stuff. It pulls you in, "well actually we are trying to protect kids...." It is ****ing easy to protect kids without that ****ed up guy's navel gazing..."Don't do sexual things with kids, it is wrong. If you do, we will expel you from society." The end. I would expel them from life but I don't get to make the rules.

Instead you start to normalize the behavior by clinicalizing the terminology. "We need to understand it, it's just another human condition..." Look how quickly the conversation jumped to a discussion about making realistic CP for the guys to get off too so that they aren't impacting real kids. Conditioning. And eventually you get to the point of child sexual liberation. Bank on it. It is always the endpoint of all this shit. Everything that conservatives and naysayers bring up about slippery slope ALWAYS happens w.r.t. these topics. Always.

Gay marriage, people just want to love each other. We aren't looking to make your kids gay. 20% of people under 18 identify as gay or some letter of the alphabet people. The social pressure to be an alphabet person is dialed up to 1000 on youth. Historically 3-4% of people identified as gay. Now it is 1 in 5. So you all were ****ing liars.

Trans people just need to express themselves for who they are. Yeah, what about when you throw men in with women and end up with rapes or guys doing women's sports. "P-shaw, that will not happen. Stop being a phobe." Women getting raped and pregnant from trannies in prison. School girl assaulted by transgender boy in school bathroom which school system tried to cover up. William Thomas smashing women's swimming records. "Well those things are outliers..." Now. They are outliers now when this train is just getting rolling.

So now we are at the beginning stage of this. You can throw all your "phobe and hater" stuff at me and I don't care. This is the beginning of the conditioning phase for the next area where we throw our sexual norms out the window. You may think you are doing one thing, but for the activist groups (like that professor), you are just an unwitting dupe for their agenda. Things you say are crazy now you will be defending tooth and nail as soon as they mainstream it. And it all starts with just conditioning you to have a conversation about the topic that lowers the revulsion level around it. Dare say, you are being groomed.
You care more about defending your bigotry than protecting kids. That's a problem.
No, yours is a load of bullshit. You are a dupe for the activist left. This is all just conditioning people to start the conversations, people like you who have an intellectual interest in all sorts of stuff. It pulls you in, "well actually we are trying to protect kids...." It is ****ing easy to protect kids without that ****ed up guy's navel gazing..."Don't do sexual things with kids, it is wrong. If you do, we will expel you from society." The end. I would expel them from life but I don't get to make the rules.

Instead you start to normalize the behavior by clinicalizing the terminology. "We need to understand it, it's just another human condition..." Look how quickly the conversation jumped to a discussion about making realistic CP for the guys to get off too so that they aren't impacting real kids. Conditioning. And eventually you get to the point of child sexual liberation. Bank on it. It is always the endpoint of all this shit. Everything that conservatives and naysayers bring up about slippery slope ALWAYS happens w.r.t. these topics. Always.

Gay marriage, people just want to love each other. We aren't looking to make your kids gay. 20% of people under 18 identify as gay or some letter of the alphabet people. The social pressure to be an alphabet person is dialed up to 1000 on youth. Historically 3-4% of people identified as gay. Now it is 1 in 5. So you all were ****ing liars.

Trans people just need to express themselves for who they are. Yeah, what about when you throw men in with women and end up with rapes or guys doing women's sports. "P-shaw, that will not happen. Stop being a phobe." Women getting raped and pregnant from trannies in prison. School girl assaulted by transgender boy in school bathroom which school system tried to cover up. William Thomas smashing women's swimming records. "Well those things are outliers..." Now. They are outliers now when this train is just getting rolling.

So now we are at the beginning stage of this. You can throw all your "phobe and hater" stuff at me and I don't care. This is the beginning of the conditioning phase for the next area where we throw our sexual norms out the window. You may think you are doing one thing, but for the activist groups (like that professor), you are just an unwitting dupe for their agenda. Things you say are crazy now you will be defending tooth and nail as soon as they mainstream it. And it all starts with just conditioning you to have a conversation about the topic that lowers the revulsion level around it. Dare say, you are being groomed.

Maybe a very small percentage of people surveyed identified with being gay for the same reason 90% of Russians surveyed love Putin, they didn't trust that their answers wouldn't come back to them being put into a gulag? there was a time left-handers were punished as it was thought to be demonic. How many people do you think admitted to being left-handed?

Do you really think masses of elementary school teachers are out there actively trying to sell being gay to kids? "Hey, you only think you like the opposite sex, let me tell you why you don't"?
What a ****ing load of bullshit. The entire point of this discussion is to protect children. It's not about what's best for pedophiles. It's about what best prevents pedophiles from committing abuse.

Clearly, you can't understand that because you're too grossed out by the trans professor. Just like Libs of Til Tok, you're blinded by personal animus against those who are different.
People that are compelled to molest children & pose the biggest danger to our most precious commodity = those who are different lol….childless, no doubt.
You care more about defending your bigotry than protecting kids. That's a problem.
You care more about defending pedos than protecting kids. That’s a bigger problem.
Am I doing it correctly?
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If there was a website called FundiesofTikTok that showed, on a regular basis, teachers explaining that it is their duty to create a more moral society by evangelizing students in the good news of our Lord and savior Jesus Christ, what number of teachers would it take before you said "hey, there seems to be something going on here."

Let's say California introduced a "Don't say Jesus" bill that said "You cannot share religious information with kids in K-3" and in response you had conservatives and teacher groups freak out and say that exploring the religions of the world is part of morality and the growth of every person...but we don't cover Jesus with kids that young. What conclusion would you draw from that reaction?

And if the Baby Boomers, Gen X, and Millenials identified as Christians at around a 50% rate but kids 18 and under were suddenly identifying that way at an 80% rate, even ones who grew up in Jewish and Islamic households, what would you infer?

It isn't all the schools, TikTok and shit like that plays in as well, but we aren't idiots. 20% of the world is not some form of LGBTQRSTUVWXYZ and is just now feeling comfortable with being gay or whatever. This is just social contagion and some percentage of teachers are helping spread it. Any percentage above zero is unacceptable.
No, yours is a load of bullshit. You are a dupe for the activist left. This is all just conditioning people to start the conversations, people like you who have an intellectual interest in all sorts of stuff. It pulls you in, "well actually we are trying to protect kids...." It is ****ing easy to protect kids without that ****ed up guy's navel gazing..."Don't do sexual things with kids, it is wrong. If you do, we will expel you from society." The end. I would expel them from life but I don't get to make the rules.

Instead you start to normalize the behavior by clinicalizing the terminology. "We need to understand it, it's just another human condition..." Look how quickly the conversation jumped to a discussion about making realistic CP for the guys to get off too so that they aren't impacting real kids. Conditioning. And eventually you get to the point of child sexual liberation. Bank on it. It is always the endpoint of all this shit. Everything that conservatives and naysayers bring up about slippery slope ALWAYS happens w.r.t. these topics. Always.

Gay marriage, people just want to love each other. We aren't looking to make your kids gay. 20% of people under 18 identify as gay or some letter of the alphabet people. The social pressure to be an alphabet person is dialed up to 1000 on youth. Historically 3-4% of people identified as gay. Now it is 1 in 5. So you all were ****ing liars.

Trans people just need to express themselves for who they are. Yeah, what about when you throw men in with women and end up with rapes or guys doing women's sports. "P-shaw, that will not happen. Stop being a phobe." Women getting raped and pregnant from trannies in prison. School girl assaulted by transgender boy in school bathroom which school system tried to cover up. William Thomas smashing women's swimming records. "Well those things are outliers..." Now. They are outliers now when this train is just getting rolling.

So now we are at the beginning stage of this. You can throw all your "phobe and hater" stuff at me and I don't care. This is the beginning of the conditioning phase for the next area where we throw our sexual norms out the window. You may think you are doing one thing, but for the activist groups (like that professor), you are just an unwitting dupe for their agenda. Things you say are crazy now you will be defending tooth and nail as soon as they mainstream it. And it all starts with just conditioning you to have a conversation about the topic that lowers the revulsion level around it. Dare say, you are being groomed.
Is this some sort of self-hatred?
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No, yours is a load of bullshit. You are a dupe for the activist left. This is all just conditioning people to start the conversations, people like you who have an intellectual interest in all sorts of stuff. It pulls you in, "well actually we are trying to protect kids...." It is ****ing easy to protect kids without that ****ed up guy's navel gazing..."Don't do sexual things with kids, it is wrong. If you do, we will expel you from society." The end. I would expel them from life but I don't get to make the rules.

Instead you start to normalize the behavior by clinicalizing the terminology. "We need to understand it, it's just another human condition..." Look how quickly the conversation jumped to a discussion about making realistic CP for the guys to get off too so that they aren't impacting real kids. Conditioning. And eventually you get to the point of child sexual liberation. Bank on it. It is always the endpoint of all this shit. Everything that conservatives and naysayers bring up about slippery slope ALWAYS happens w.r.t. these topics. Always.

Gay marriage, people just want to love each other. We aren't looking to make your kids gay. 20% of people under 18 identify as gay or some letter of the alphabet people. The social pressure to be an alphabet person is dialed up to 1000 on youth. Historically 3-4% of people identified as gay. Now it is 1 in 5. So you all were ****ing liars.

Trans people just need to express themselves for who they are. Yeah, what about when you throw men in with women and end up with rapes or guys doing women's sports. "P-shaw, that will not happen. Stop being a phobe." Women getting raped and pregnant from trannies in prison. School girl assaulted by transgender boy in school bathroom which school system tried to cover up. William Thomas smashing women's swimming records. "Well those things are outliers..." Now. They are outliers now when this train is just getting rolling.

So now we are at the beginning stage of this. You can throw all your "phobe and hater" stuff at me and I don't care. This is the beginning of the conditioning phase for the next area where we throw our sexual norms out the window. You may think you are doing one thing, but for the activist groups (like that professor), you are just an unwitting dupe for their agenda. Things you say are crazy now you will be defending tooth and nail as soon as they mainstream it. And it all starts with just conditioning you to have a conversation about the topic that lowers the revulsion level around it. Dare say, you are being groomed.
Kind of like those crazy bastards that fought to abolish slavery, right? Or to give women the power to vote?

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You care more about defending your bigotry than protecting kids. That's a problem.
I don’t think that’s the case. There has been a sea change brought about in this country over the past couple decades where we’ve gotten really tolerant of others that don’t fit the “traditional mold.” That’s a good thing.

However, I also think we’ve grown too tolerant of overt mental illness while we attempt to make up for the sins of past intolerances. We’ve given too much power to activists that clearly cross lines and have empowered them to say and do unacceptable things without the necessary repercussions. Criticizing their actions yields claims of bigotry or intolerance or that we just “don’t get it.” It gets to the heart of being unserious and in our haste to make up for past sins, we are destroying our future.
I don’t think that’s the case. There has been a sea change brought about in this country over the past couple decades where we’ve gotten really tolerant of others that don’t fit the “traditional mold.” That’s a good thing.

However, I also think we’ve grown too tolerant of overt mental illness while we attempt to make up for the sins of past intolerances. We’ve given too much power to activists that clearly cross lines and have empowered them to say and do unacceptable things without the necessary repercussions. Criticizing their actions yields claims of bigotry or intolerance or that we just “don’t get it.” It gets to the heart of being unserious and in our haste to make up for past sins, we are destroying our future.
Do you believe that the things we are currently doing meet the needs of the mentally ill?
If there was a website called FundiesofTikTok that showed, on a regular basis, teachers explaining that it is their duty to create a more moral society by evangelizing students in the good news of our Lord and savior Jesus Christ, what number of teachers would it take before you said "hey, there seems to be something going on here."

Let's say California introduced a "Don't say Jesus" bill that said "You cannot share religious information with kids in K-3" and in response you had conservatives and teacher groups freak out and say that exploring the religions of the world is part of morality and the growth of every person...but we don't cover Jesus with kids that young. What conclusion would you draw from that reaction?

And if the Baby Boomers, Gen X, and Millenials identified as Christians at around a 50% rate but kids 18 and under were suddenly identifying that way at an 80% rate, even ones who grew up in Jewish and Islamic households, what would you infer?

It isn't all the schools, TikTok and shit like that plays in as well, but we aren't idiots. 20% of the world is not some form of LGBTQRSTUVWXYZ and is just now feeling comfortable with being gay or whatever. This is just social contagion and some percentage of teachers are helping spread it. Any percentage above zero is unacceptable.
There are plenty of Twitter accounts with the engagement of LibsOfTikTok that exploit conservative loons. Hell there are people here who link to a website that makes fun of people who died of COVID that didn’t get vaccinated. But because those sites don’t show the mental illnesses of select “marginalized” people, there are no doxxing of the account / site owners by the likes of Taylor Lorenz.
Do you believe that the things we are currently doing meet the needs of the mentally ill?
Absolutely not. We are good at diagnosing the “obvious” mental illnesses such as bipolar and schizophrenia and treating them, and we used to be able to discuss gender dysphoria in an academic and scientific manner, but the latter has gone out the window courtesy of the insane work activists and their politics leaders.
Maybe a very small percentage of people surveyed identified with being gay for the same reason 90% of Russians surveyed love Putin, they didn't trust that their answers wouldn't come back to them being put into a gulag? there was a time left-handers were punished as it was thought to be demonic. How many people do you think admitted to being left-handed?

Do you really think masses of elementary school teachers are out there actively trying to sell being gay to kids? "Hey, you only think you like the opposite sex, let me tell you why you don't"?
Lol. You think 20% of the under 18 population is gay? There’s an obvious social contagion aspect as it relates to LGBTQ affiliation in adolescents and we’re seeing the associated suicide rates as americas youth are taught to ignore biology.
There are plenty of Twitter accounts with the engagement of LibsOfTikTok that exploit conservative loons. Hell there are people here who link to a website that makes fun of people who died of COVID that didn’t get vaccinated. But because those sites don’t show the mental illnesses of select “marginalized” people, there are no doxxing of the account / site owners by the likes of Taylor Lorenz.
They obviously exist, but my point was more if a site existed where a similar grooming or conditioning was occurring with liberal kids to a lifestyle or viewpoint that was labeled "conservative" they would have an issue. If there was a pushback that was strictly biologically related that said XX and XY are male and female and the true instances of like XXY are extremely rare mutations, they would be pissed. If there was a movement to push religion, they would be pissed.

Do unto others pretty much covers all the other stuff. And for those who need more help, an education major isn't what these people need, they need a psychologist. Most of us just want teachers to stay in their damn lane.
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occurring with liberal kids

There's not such thing as liberal or conservative kids. Their parents, sure.

There should be no "grooming" of children to a lifestyle or ideology. Where we disagree was the weirdo preschool teacher. You say she's "grooming" the children. I, however, think she's trying to teach tolerance in a really hamfisted way.

She's probably a shitty teacher. But not a groomer.
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And so we are clear:

-Gay people can marry.
-Trans are free to believe they are what they are.
-All of these people should be treated respectfully and like any other person w.r.t. work, shopping, living, etc.
-I just don't have to participate or agree with their lifestyle choices just like they don't have to agree or participate in mine.
-Neither of us should be pushing sexuality, gay, straight, or other, on young kids. The stuff we share with older kids should be clinical like it has been for awhile (these are the parts, this is what they do, basic STD education, etc.)
-I got nothing for the pedos, sorry.