On this date: Catherine Howard


Oct 4, 2010
On this date, 480 years ago, Catherine Howard was beheaded for high treason. Although the fifth wife of Henry VIII was not likely foremost in the minds of the Founders, her story is a good example of why we don't allow acts of attainder or ex post facto laws.

Catherine was accused of having an affair with Thomas Culpeper, one of the king's grooms, and of having been precontracted for marriage to Francis Dereham (which, at the time, was effectively the same as marriage, and meant they could have lawfully consummated their relationship before Henry ever met her). She denied the charges, and said that Dereham had raped her. Culpeper was beheaded for his trouble, and Dereham was hanged, drawn, and quartered. But Catherine never even received a trial.

Instead, Parliament passed a law making it high treason for a queen to not disclose to the king within 20 days of their marriage her entire sexual history, and made it retroactive. Whether precontracted or raped, it no longer mattered. By act of Parliament, Catherine was now condemned to die a traitor, according to, not a judge, but the legislature, and by a law that didn't even exist when she supposedly committed the acts she was to die for.

The night before she was to die, she asked a block be brought to her cell, so she could practice how to properly lay her head on it. Although popular fiction says that she proclaimed her love for Culpeper on the scaffold, contemporary accounts say that she simply made the traditional speech that she was deserving of death for her many sins, and proclaimed that the king had always been gracious to her. She was then beheaded, as was Lady Rocheford, Anne Boleyn's brother's widow, who was Catherine's lady-in-waiting, and accused of helping her engage in the affair with Culpeper. They were buried in an unmarked grave. Catherine was maybe 20 years old, at most.
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… her story is a good example of why we don't allow acts of attainder or ex post facto laws.

… acts of attainder … can be particularly useful to punish political opponents.

… some adopted taxes do get applied as of Jan 1 … that needs to stop.
Life sucks then you die. That said, after you get past the second or third wife, you have to question the motives of the women wanting to become his next wife. Motives or intelligence.
Life sucks then you die. That said, after you get past the second or third wife, you have to question the motives of the women wanting to become his next wife. Motives or intelligence.
The women … and their close relatives … seats on the privy council were coveted.