Official DNC covention thread

Nothing wrong with laws to prevent illegal voting. I suggested above we tighten employment where it was illegal, didn't get any comments. We raised chicken processing plants that hired hundreds of illegals. If the companies were fined, their management fined, do you think people would keep doing that?

But we want to punish the poor Brown guy and not the wealthy White guy. Slap those that hired illegally silly and see how fast the message spreads.
That's actually the most effective method of slowing down illegal immigration.

But neither side wants it.

But that doesn't mean we shouldn't enforce illegal immigration laws.
Nothing wrong with laws to prevent illegal voting. I suggested above we tighten employment where it was illegal, didn't get any comments. We raised chicken processing plants that hired hundreds of illegals. If the companies were fined, their management fined, do you think people would keep doing that?

But we want to punish the poor Brown guy and not the wealthy White guy. Slap those that hired illegally silly and see how fast the message spreads.
Agree. I've said for years if you want to stop illegal immigration jail the owners, corporate officers, and board of directors who do the hiring.
A decent summation, but nothing particularly new, and it's from last February. Since then, Biden suddenly found religion and supposedly started implementing Trump-style enforcement policies.

One thing that stands out to me is the 'grand compromise' between Reagan and the Democrats. This is what happens when Republicans 'compromise' on skirting federal law. The go-along-to-get-along style of Republicans, favored by people here like Aloha, always leads to more problems down the road. And they just don't get it. Any Republicans that want to enforce federal law are 'mean' and 'uncaring'.

Feelings are what matter today.
You're an idiot. No one has criticized that compromise more than I have. What happened was that the GOP kept their side of the bargain and Democrats did not. We should have enforced it and that's not because I'm "mean" or "uncaring." I know you can't help being stupid but sometimes it would be nice if you'd try.

We need enforceable laws on this and that can happen. It will NEVER happen without compromise. This is a fact. If you like the current situation continue with your present position.
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Immigration law is a lot more complicated than political sound bites. Like any real issue, it takes serious people to make difficult decisions. Instead we get pandering clowns and nothing ever changes. Sen Lankford wrote the most conservative immigration bill that ever had a chance to pass Congress and it was shot down like a pheasant for political posturing.

We don't deserve a country because of the terrible citizens that populate it.
This is probably the most terrible post ever made on this board. Lankford seems like a nice, simple okie. I hold no ill will against the guy.

He needs to be primaried and ran out on a rail for helping draft that bill. We can do much better for a Republican from Oklahoma. I would say the same for McConnell as well but he’s going to die soon.

You know nothing of what you speak. That bill codified millions of fake amnesty claims and subsequently U.S. Entry into law. Every year.

Anyone who supports it is unAmerican.

It’s been interesting Twenty since I’ve now been in this board for a while. I once mistook your arrogance for knowledge but you are actually one of the less informed posters here.
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This is probably the most terrible post ever made on this board. Lankford seems like a nice, simple okie. I hold no ill will against the guy.

He needs to be primaried and ran out on a rail for helping draft that bill. We can do much better for a Republican from Oklahoma. I would say the same for McConnell as well but he’s going to die soon.

You know nothing of what you speak. That bill codified millions of fake amnesty claims and subsequently U.S. Entry into law. Every year.

Anyone who supports it is unAmerican.

It’s been interesting Twenty since I’ve now been in this board for a while. I once mistook your arrogance for knowledge but you are actually one of the less informed posters here.

Being informed these days depends greatly on where you get your information.
Someone for example who gets his information from the New York Times will consider a Fox News quoter as being uninformed and visa versa.
We live in a complicated information landscape. Once trusted sources can no longer be. New sources purporting to have the “truth” crop up every hour.

For discerning people there is still such thing as correct and incorrect information, despite all the noise.

Twenty, with his post, showed he is undiscerning.
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This is probably the most terrible post ever made on this board. Lankford seems like a nice, simple okie. I hold no ill will against the guy.

He needs to be primaried and ran out on a rail for helping draft that bill. We can do much better for a Republican from Oklahoma. I would say the same for McConnell as well but he’s going to die soon.

You know nothing of what you speak. That bill codified millions of fake amnesty claims and subsequently U.S. Entry into law. Every year.

Anyone who supports it is unAmerican.

It’s been interesting Twenty since I’ve now been in this board for a while. I once mistook your arrogance for knowledge but you are actually one of the less informed posters here.
We live in a complicated information landscape. Once trusted sources can no longer be. New sources purporting to have the “truth” crop up every hour.

For discerning people there is still s such thing as correct and incorrect information, despite all the noise.

Twenty, with his post, showed he is undiscerning.
ChicagoFine, suspect Twenty can tell the difference between a horse and a dog. Therefore, he is not without some degree of discernment.

Just because Twenty supports Senator Lankford's attempt to improve border security and you don't agree with his bill simply is a matter of disagreement and doesn't make Twenty undiscerning.
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ChicagoFine, suspect Twenty can tell the difference between a horse and a dog. Therefore, he is not without some degree of discernment.

Just because Twenty supports Senator Lankford's attempt to improve border security and you don't agree with his bill simply is a matter of disagreement and doesn't make Twenty undiscerning.
The equivocation. The relativism.

There is no reading of the bill that evidences it as a “border security” bill. Such an interpretation could only be made out of whole cloth and repeated by the unknowledgeable.
The equivocation. The relativism.

There is no reading of the bill that evidences it as a “border security” bill. Such an interpretation could only be made out of whole cloth and repeated by the unknowledgeable.

ChicagoFine, found the link below prior to responding to your questioning the Twenty ability to "discern" which is why I described the Lankford bill as dealing with border security.

Check out the link and what wss in the bill to see if it dealt with "border secuity" or that discerning the bill as dealing with border security is as you state, "made of whole cloth".


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