No immigrants from "sh1thole countries"

The quote I saw called them "people from shithole countries"....not shitty people.

Calling Robert Taylor or Cabrini Green, accurately, shitholes is not the same thing as saying that anybody and everybody from there is a bad person.

Racism implies, by definition, universality.

So why is he comparing them to people from Norway?? Who cares where the people are from if you want merit?
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Like I said, go ask your black friends what they think. I already know what mine do. I don't think we get to tell them what they should be offended by. Do you?
No, but we can ignore people who fall on their fainting couches every six seconds.
Trump is an idiot. But every serious policy piece I've read the last couple months is that the admin (and many in Congess) are looking to replace our current family based system with a merit based one. Our current system has a limited merit based element...but 90% of it is family based.

Yea and the kind of merit they are pushing you will need a PHD in nuclear physics and be earning 200k. It's designed to keep as many people as possible out. It's far more restrictive than Canada.
Yea and the kind of merit they are pushing you will need a PHD in nuclear physics and be earning 200k. It's designed to keep as many people as possible out. It's far more restrictive than Canada.

Well that would never end up in a final product. That's the position of the far right. Whatever (if anything) passes would obviously have to be moderated considerably to get through Congress.
No, but we can ignore people who fall on their fainting couches every six seconds.
Sorry I'm never going to apologize for being appalled at people electing a racist so called president. I'm always going to call it out and I don't care who likes it and who doesn't, And then people making excuses when he makes racist statements. I just have to assume that your guys' timeline isn't exactly made up of the same kind of people my timeline is, so to speak. Or you'd be thinking twice about your thoughts that this isn't racist. Maybe some of you need to expand your horizons a bit?
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Sorry I'm never going to apologize for being appalled at people electing a racist so called president. I'm always going to call it out and I don't care who likes it and who doesn't, And then people making excuses when he makes racist statements. I just have to assume that your guys' timeline isn't exactly made up of the same kind of people my timeline is, so to speak. Or you'd be thinking twice about your thoughts that this isn't racist. Maybe some of you need to expand your horizons a bit?
Who’s ”you?”
So why is he comparing them to people from Norway?? Who cares where the people are from if you want merit?

Maybe because Norway isn't a shithole?

Are Social Democrats who point to Norway and Finland -- rather than Venezuela and Cuba -- as model examples of the utopian society they envision similarly racist?

Saying Norway isn't a shithole, BTW, says nothing broadly about Norwegians as a people. It just means their country is a nice place (which it is, BTW).
Anyone that can't figure out why people are insulted with this and why it is racist.
Oh I’m well aware why people are insulted by this. It’s because many people have been preconditioned to take everything straight to a racial tone tone without thinking remotely critically about it beforehand.

Don’t lump me in with the Trumpers. Lump me in with the people that understand how to analyze a statement.
How is what he said racist...particularly if it was accurate (which I'd say it was, based on my own observations, anyway)?
If you did not see racism from what he said, I don't see how I can explain it to you. There are certain things in life that explanation is totally unnecessary, and this is one of them. If you agree with him, perhaps you are also, ah, never mind.
Oh I’m well aware why people are insulted by this. It’s because many people have been preconditioned to take everything straight to a racial tone tone without thinking remotely critically about it beforehand.

Don’t lump me in with the Trumpers. Lump me in with the people that understand how to analyze a statement.
I'm not lumping you in with Trumpsters. I'm saying I find it a little ironic a bunch of white dudes sitting on a message board telling all the black and brown people not to be insulted. He didn't mean it to be racist.
Chris has a full blown fainting session a few times a week. He's turned into a joke.
Ana, Anderson, every single person that isn't a full blown Trumpster on every station but Fox.
Chris has a full blown fainting session a few times a week. He's turned into a joke.
Cillizza is the worst thing CNN ever did. But Trump's comments are still...what they are. They are just another stroke on a painting. If he's not a racist, the people defending his comments are. He's counting on racist support. So I don't know what the functional difference is.
Sorry I'm never going to apologize for being appalled at people electing a racist so called president. I'm always going to call it out and I don't care who likes it and who doesn't, And then people making excuses when he makes racist statements. I just have to assume that your guys' timeline isn't exactly made up of the same kind of people my timeline is, so to speak. Or you'd be thinking twice about your thoughts that this isn't racist. Maybe some of you need to expand your horizons a bit?
If you weren’t so self righteous and hyper partisan, and hadn’t repeatedly called just about every Republican and Republican policy racist or sexist, and didn’t conviently have friends to support for everything you say, maybe you would be taken a little more seriously.
Oh I’m well aware why people are insulted by this. It’s because many people have been preconditioned to take everything straight to a racial tone tone without thinking remotely critically about it beforehand.

Don’t lump me in with the Trumpers. Lump me in with the people that understand how to analyze a statement.
You're normally pretty astute, Ranger, and you guys are right that people rag on Trump for stupid reasons, but if you don't take this racism charge seriously, it's at best proof that you all were right that too much stupid criticism would cause people to take serious criticism lightly. Trump basically said, "We need more white people." If that's not what he meant, that's exactly what his followers heard. So, yes, this is racist. No matter how you slice it, no matter how you take apart Trump's intent, it's racist.
If you did not see racism from what he said, I don't see how I can explain it to you. There are certain things in life that explanation is totally unnecessary, and this is one of them. If you agree with him, perhaps you are also, ah, never mind.

I do agree with him -- at least in the case of the countries I've visited that were included in his reference. I can't speak to Haiti, as I've never been there.

Anybody who had been to those places who wouldn't agree is a liar -- maybe in the service of being polite and compassionate, but a liar nonetheless.
If you weren’t so self righteous and hyper partisan, and hadn’t repeatedly called just about every Republican and Republican policy racist or sexist, and didn’t conviently have friends to support for everything you say, maybe you would be taken a little more seriously.
Do you honestly think I care? And you're just as full of nonsense as some of the Trumpsters if you think I talk about every GOP person and policy as racist or sexist. Perhaps you need the fainting couch.
You're normally pretty astute, Ranger, and you guys are right that people rag on Trump for stupid reasons, but if you don't take this racism charge seriously, it's at best proof that you all were right that too much stupid criticism would cause people to take serious criticism lightly. Trump basically said, "We need more white people." If that's not what he meant, that's exactly what his followers heard. So, yes, this is racist. No matter how you slice it, no matter how you take apart Trump's intent, it's racist.
I'm just absolutely breathless that normally sensible people are defending this tonight. Honestly stunned.
On a lighter note, this incident reminds me of Triumph the Insult Comic Dog visiting the "Real Housewives of Atlanta" at one of their houses. As he walked in, he marveled at the ostentatious house by saying "I haven't seen a shithole this big since Kirstie Alley bent over to pick up a seashell."

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I'm just absolutely breathless that normally sensible people are defending this tonight. Honestly stunned.
Even Republicans are condemning him. Everyone who isn't a racist asshole is condemning him, from all parties and ideologies.

My guess is, if you take the people defending him, and you compare them to the people who were birthers, you'll find a very strong correlation.
I'm not lumping you in with Trumpsters. I'm saying I find it a little ironic a bunch of white dudes sitting on a message board telling all the black and brown people not to be insulted. He didn't mean it to be racist.

I’m going give an attempt at nuance here. A lot of people don’t consider Trump’s comment as racist, because you could imagine Bill Clinton, George Bush, John McCain, maybe even Barack Obama saying something like this in a private policy discussion. They would never do it publicly, because they are statesmen. However, the context of them saying it would actually be meaning the country these immigrants are coming from is a shithole, because of corruption, policy, etc. They would not be referring to the people. POC are convinced Trump is a racist, (all evidence confirms this to be true) and therefore assume Trump believes the people coming from these countries is what makes that country a shithole. There’s a difference.
I’m going give an attempt at nuance here. A lot of people don’t consider Trump’s comment as racist, because you could imagine Bill Clinton, George Bush, John McCain, maybe even Barack Obama saying something like this in a private policy discussion. However, the context of them saying it would actually be meaning the country these immigrants are coming from is a shithole, because of corruption, policy, etc. They would not be referring to the people. POC are convinced Trump is a racist, (all evidence confirms this to be true) and therefore assume Trump believes the people coming from these countries is what makes that country a shithole. There’s a difference.
Yeah, this comment would not mean much in isolation. But the picture has already been painted.
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I’m going give an attempt at nuance here. A lot of people don’t consider Trump’s comment as racist, because you could imagine Bill Clinton, George Bush, John McCain, maybe even Barack Obama saying something like this in a private policy discussion. They would never do it publicly, because they are statesmen. However, the context of them saying it would actually be meaning the country these immigrants are coming from is a shithole, because of corruption, policy, etc. They would not be referring to the people. POC are convinced Trump is a racist, (all evidence confirms this to be true) and therefore assume Trump believes the people coming from these countries is what makes that country a shithole. There’s a difference.
I appreciate your attempt. I honestly can't imagine any of those presidents saying the same type of thing, I guarantee that Obama wouldn't. He was very aware he was always in the public view. I guess I'm of the opinion that Trump has shown what he was his entire life, so he doesn't get the benefit of the doubt. But I do at least see what you are saying.
Even Republicans are condemning him. Everyone who isn't a racist asshole is condemning him, from all parties and ideologies.

My guess is, if you take the people defending him, and you compare them to the people who were birthers, you'll find a very strong correlation.
That's why I'm going crazy on here tonight. Once again, an embarrassment to the US and horrible look to the world, even if you think it isn't racist.
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You're normally pretty astute, Ranger, and you guys are right that people rag on Trump for stupid reasons, but if you don't take this racism charge seriously, it's at best proof that you all were right that too much stupid criticism would cause people to take serious criticism lightly. Trump basically said, "We need more white people." If that's not what he meant, that's exactly what his followers heard. So, yes, this is racist. No matter how you slice it, no matter how you take apart Trump's intent, it's racist.
While I appreciate the compliment, I still disagree that we have enough evidence of this comment as being 100% racist. While a ridiculously foolish and callous thing to say, it doesn’t change the fact that those countries are in fact shitholes and Norway is not. Yes, I’d have liked for him to say perhaps we need more people from Chile, or from Hong Kong, but he didn’t. Because he’s a non-self award buffoon. Maybe he’s a racist. But you can’t use a logic proof to prove that with this comment.
Trump just tells it like it is and he clearly doesn't care what anyone thinks. Most would agree though that the countries he is referring to are definitely sh!tholes.
Yeah, see, just because you agree with his ignorant nonsense, that’s not telling it like it is. You saying something in general, doesn’t mean that you’re telling it like it is. It’s your opinion. He’s full of it and he’s an idiot.

Here are some actual facts. These are true, accurate, facts. But I’m sure you’re going to ignore them because you’re scared of the big bad colored people.

That’s all I’m trying to say. That and those countries ARE shitholes.
And you're right. I just don't think it means much here. There's a difference between you saying, "I hate tacos" and someone who has spent years complaining about those dirty wetbacks saying, "I hate tacos."

(NB: I assume you don't actually hate tacos; just a hypothetical.)
Do you honestly think I care? And you're just as full of nonsense as some of the Trumpsters if you think I talk about every GOP person and policy as racist or sexist. Perhaps you need the fainting couch.
LOL! Don’t you have the fainting couch market locked up? That’s your bag all the way. You’ve been in a panic since the election. However, the most annoying thing you do is purport to speak for others - women, minorities, immigrants, foreigners, etc., and then reference some friend that happens to represent one of those groups who conveniently supports whatever it is you have to say about an issue. Of course, whatever you have to say about an issue is inevitably whatever the current liberal Democratic talking point happens to be. Zeke, you’re a hyper partisan in all respects. What you’ll say on any issue is never a surprise. That kind of posting, on both sides, all too often makes this place a shithole.
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That’s all I’m trying to say. That and those countries ARE shitholes.

The parts of them I've seen most definitely are. In fact, they're probably worse than most people who haven't seen them in person might imagine.

I may have some photos -- but even they don't do it justice. It was....shocking.

People who bristle at this statement are essentially saying we should all lie about the shitholes of the world (plenty of which are in the US, BTW) just to be nice.
Even Republicans are condemning him. Everyone who isn't a racist asshole is condemning him, from all parties and ideologies.

My guess is, if you take the people defending him, and you compare them to the people who were birthers, you'll find a very strong correlation.

I do think that some of the people commenting in this thread honestly BELIEVE that the statement really is not racist.And a number of those folks further believe that claiming BO was not a US citizen also wasn't racist.

I mean I guess it's possible that people are so totally lacking in self awareness that they don't see a problem with assuming that the first mixed race POTUS is somehow not a US citizen.They don't see an issue with treating BO different than any predecessor,with the notion that HE (and He alone) should be required to produce a Birth Certificate...

Seems like Ahole Joe is going to try and revive this in Arizona,which honestly only hurts the GOP,imo.But on the subject of Trump and ludicrous statements involving Norway,did anyone see that Trump claimed the US was sending a non-existent fighter jet to Norway?

"Donald Trump today boasted of the United States' sale of 'F52' aircraft to Norway. They don't exist, other than elements in the popular video game 'Call of Duty.'

In a joint press conference Wednesday with Erna Solberg, Prime Minister of Norway, Trump said the US was selling Norway a fighter aircraft that is literally a thing of fiction.

The President of the United States said Norway had already begin receiving deliveries of the first American-made “F-52s.”

Like someone else mentioned,each day brings a fresh headline that is seemingly drawn directly from the Onion...
And you're right. I just don't think it means much here. There's a difference between you saying, "I hate tacos" and someone who has spent years complaining about those dirty wetbacks saying, "I hate tacos."

(NB: I assume you don't actually hate tacos; just a hypothetical.)
I effing love tacos.

But to be serial, I don’t think it’s racist. I think it reflects a complete misunderstanding of why people emigrate to the US. People who live in shitholes are trying to escape said shitholes. It’s human nature. Trump’s ivory tower life leaves him completely numb to this.
And you're right. I just don't think it means much here. There's a difference between you saying, "I hate tacos" and someone who has spent years complaining about those dirty wetbacks saying, "I hate tacos."

(NB: I assume you don't actually hate tacos; just a hypothetical.)

So you're admitting confirmation bias.

Does anything else need to be said?
I do think that some of the people commenting in this thread honestly BELIEVE that the statement really is not racist.And a number of those folks further believe that claiming BO was not a US citizen also wasn't racist.I mean I guess it's possible that people are so totally lacking in self awareness that they don't see a problem with assuming that the first mixed race POTUS is somehow not a US citizen.They don't see an issue with treating BO different than any predecessor,with the notion that HE (and He alone) should be required to produce a Birth Certificate...

Seems like Ahole Joe is going to try and revive this in Arizona,which honestly only hurts the GOP,imo.But on the subject of Trump and ludicrous statements involving Norway,did anyone see that Trump claimed the US was sending a non-existent fighter jet to Norway?

"Donald Trump today boasted of the United States' sale of 'F52' aircraft to Norway. They don't exist, other than elements in the popular video game 'Call of Duty.'

In a joint press conference Wednesday with Erna Solberg, Prime Minister of Norway, Trump said the US was selling Norway a fighter aircraft that is literally a thing of fiction.

The President of the United States said Norway had already begin receiving deliveries of the first American-made “F-52s.”

Like someone else mentioned,each day brings a fresh headline that is seemingly drawn directly from the Onion...
Well, some racists don't realize they are racist. And others might not be racist at all, but are perfectly willing to make use of the racists for political gain. But it's all functionally the same, isn't it? Even if you don't go to a cross-burning, if you are willing to blow all the dog whistles that give the cross-burners boners in order to get them to the polls, what's the difference, really?

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