No federal taxes on Social Security

Good point, but she didn't loan them 14k only about 11.5k and got back 14k. I guess she made some "interest" on her money?

Does she have kids? They make too much for the EITC... So the only other refundable tax credit I'm aware of is a portion of the child tax credit. A lot of that is to going to be based on AGI, not gross income though .. So if they had a lot of above the line deductions (such as 401k, health insurance, etc...) their AGI might be way less than their gross.

Regardless they need to adjust their withholding... They should be bringing home $1k/mo more than they are. She didn't make interest.... She would have gotten the same $2500 excess back no matter what.
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I have 4 women who work for me that watch their hours closely so their SS will not be taxed, it would be great to relief to them. They all are very good employees that I would love worked more hours.
Maybe someone who knows money and numbers should show them how they're shooting themselves in the foot.
How is Harris going to pay for all the stuff she's hawking? Tax cuts, $25k home assistance, student loan forgiveness, etc.

How is Harris going to pay for all the stuff she's hawking? Tax cuts, $25k home assistance, student loan forgiveness, etc.

She’s insufferable. These endless stupid middle class stories. She learned two scripts that she doesn’t deviate from.

Btw. The kids call that lore dropping.
My daughter. I asked the teacher if I could use the bathroom. She went off talking about how when she was a kid you had to wait for class to end. Whatever. No one needs the lore-dropping
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She’s insufferable. These endless stupid middle class stories. She learned two scripts that she doesn’t deviate from.

Btw. The kids call that lore dropping.
My daughter. I asked the teacher if I could use the bathroom. She went off talking about how when she was a kid you had to wait for class to end. Whatever. No one needs the lore-dropping
Haha, lore dropping was call "gathering life experience" or "heeding your elders" when i was a kid.

We're ****ing doomed.

Funniest story ever - daughter turned 18 about two weeks ago. Blow out fight that can only occur between an unruly teenage and her parents. She says she's going to be getting emancipated.

I started howling laughing, which of course made everything better. "You're 18, just leave if it's that bad". She looked confused then shut up real quick.

My wife wasn't happy. I lose again. But I got this story.
Haha, lore dropping was call "gathering life experience" or "heeding your elders" when i was a kid.

We're ****ing doomed.

Funniest story ever - daughter turned 18 about two weeks ago. Blow out fight that can only occur between an unruly teenage and her parents. She says she's going to be getting emancipated.

I started howling laughing, which of course made everything better. "You're 18, just leave if it's that bad". She looked confused then shut up real quick.

My wife wasn't happy. I lose again. But I got this story.
🤣🤣🤣. We really are doomed. So I posted on here I ran into a soccer buddy last time my daughter was at the hospital who was waiting on his daughter’s biopsy etc. anyway she died of cancer this week. I’ve been talking about it all week to my daughter. Showed her our chat group bc one of her teachers is on it. Told her how her brother and I sat with the dad at the hospital etc.

This morning on the way to school as god as my witness she goes: some kid at the high school died of cancer
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🤣🤣🤣. We really are doomed. So I posted on here I ran into a soccer buddy last time my daughter was at the hospital who was waiting on his daughter’s biopsy etc. anyway she died of cancer this week. I’ve been talking about it all week to my daughter. Showed her our chat group bc one of her teachers is on it. Told her how her brother and I sat with the dad at the hospital etc.

This morning on the way to school as god as my witness she goes: some kid at the high school died of cancer
Your daughter, my daughter. They are complete unaware what social media is doing to people. While it's true we were raised by Axl Rose and Dr Dre (as examples) the ubiquity of music is nothing compared to the rot that is social media (especially tik tok). It's changing their brains to be focused solely on dopamine hits.

I think there's going to be a ton of drug addicts in this cohort over the next 20 years.
Regardless they need to adjust their withholding... They should be bringing home $1k/mo more than they are. She didn't make interest.... She would have gotten the same $2500 excess back no matter what.
I’ve tried to tell people this for years. Usually it’s a waste of time. Their refund is a savings account to pay off Christmas credit card debt or a vacation.

All hell breaks loose when something changes and they don’t have the refund.
Your daughter, my daughter. They are complete unaware what social media is doing to people. While it's true we were raised by Axl Rose and Dr Dre (as examples) the ubiquity of music is nothing compared to the rot that is social media (especially tik tok). It's changing their brains to be focused solely on dopamine hits.

I think there's going to be a ton of drug addicts in this cohort over the next 20 years.
It truly is a rot. She remembers nothing I tell her. And it’s not just social media. She’s on multiple friend text groups. I catch her constantly looking over at her phone. I make her turn it over now. If you’re doing homework, watching a movie, turn your phone over.

Oh it was just mom texting. Bullshit
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I’ve tried to tell people this for years. Usually it’s a waste of time. Their refund is a savings account to pay off Christmas credit card debt or a vacation.

All hell breaks loose when something changes and they don’t have the refund.
That refund is an interest free gov loan
Does she have kids? They make too much for the EITC... So the only other refundable tax credit I'm aware of is a portion of the child tax credit. A lot of that is to going to be based on AGI, not gross income though .. So if they had a lot of above the line deductions (such as 401k, health insurance, etc...) their AGI might be way less than their gross.

Regardless they need to adjust their withholding... They should be bringing home $1k/mo more than they are. She didn't make interest.... She would have gotten the same $2500 excess back no matter what.
They have two and they fall under the standard deduction. My point is they basically paid no federal taxes at all last year, or at least that is how I see it. It's kind of like a built in savings account, lol.
Maybe someone who knows money and numbers should show them how they're shooting themselves in the foot.
I'm assuming they speak with a financial advisor one way more versed in how the taxing of SS works? Common theme among many to say the same thing and all are in different areas of Southern Indiana. I don't question it and quite frankly they are way better workers than their younger counterparts so I let well enough alone.
You’re not a fiscal conservative who wants to fix SS like I am. Trump’s proposal just breaks it completely faster. Of course it would never be allowed to happen. He’s trying to by the votes of a few more dupes.

Yes, we should support Ukraine because it’s in our national interests.
What if he just wants Senior Citizens to have more money in their pockets? Is that a bad thing?
They have two and they fall under the standard deduction. My point is they basically paid no federal taxes at all last year, or at least that is how I see it. It's kind of like a built in savings account, lol.

Yep not uncommon for that situation to have no income tax liability. They are in the 12% bracket and then with two kids the child tax credits basically wipe out what little amount they would owe without kids.
I'm assuming they speak with a financial advisor one way more versed in how the taxing of SS works? Common theme among many to say the same thing and all are in different areas of Southern Indiana. I don't question it and quite frankly they are way better workers than their younger counterparts so I let well enough alone.
Then they're getting bad advice.
They have raided that program for years. It's filled up with IOU's. I just think that social security recipients have worked all their lives and why not let them have extra money. Cut spending in other areas so we can support our elderly population.
But Zelenski needs another yacht. Don't be selfish.
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How much are taxes on SS even at max draw and highest bracket? It’s not that much money. And it’s way less on the people that would really care. Sounds like nonsense.
Social Security would go broke sooner. He’s a total moron. He’s throwing out random crap to buy votes.
Taxing Social Security to fund Social Security. Sounds way efficient. Not! How many criminal IRS agent will need be funded to crunch those rocket science numbers.

Jo Jorgensen from last election outlined a solid plan to phase out Social Security. The older people invested would stay but younger people would have choices of private vs govt. options to fund their retirement.

What a waste but that is what happens when a bunch of warheads who want to start WW3 make plans outside of the funding of killing people for their Imperial expansion. I'm sure they can transfer plenty from the military fund to fix all sorts of problems. Puppet Master Zelensky was in US in the past week and I expect he conned the brilliant fools (Mr Senility and Airhead dumb beetch) in the Democratic regime to give him more money and weapons. We should be taxing Ukraine. Of course that won't yield much. Ukraine will be gone soon as the populations continues to dwindle.

RFK and Tulsi can't get their voices into govt. positions for Trump quick enough!!!!!
We’d spend multiple times that should Ukraine go down and a NATO country is next. It’s also a tiny fraction of what we spend. And **** you. I have no tolerance or respect for your disrespectful shit. I’ve told you this before. STFU if you can’t discuss things civilly.
@Aloha Hoosier Do you honestly think there is a real threat of Russia invading a NATO country?

I find that notion really far-fetched.

That said, I'd still like to defend Ukraine from this war of aggression. But I have a hard time delineating the defense of Ukraine from any other war of aggression and I don't want the US involved in every single one. I see the NATO defense argument as an attempt to make that delineation, but I don't think it holds up. Do you see things differently?
Haha, lore dropping was call "gathering life experience" or "heeding your elders" when i was a kid.

We're ****ing doomed.

Funniest story ever - daughter turned 18 about two weeks ago. Blow out fight that can only occur between an unruly teenage and her parents. She says she's going to be getting emancipated.

I started howling laughing, which of course made everything better. "You're 18, just leave if it's that bad". She looked confused then shut up real quick.

My wife wasn't happy. I lose again. But I got this story.
I was going to break it to you Sunday at book club, but I guess there is no point in waiting any longer.

Expect our Petition for Emancipation from Mean, Abusive Dad and Judgmental Mom today via certified mail. Hearing date is next Thursday. Your daughter said you'd pay my bill, right?
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I was going to break it to you Sunday at book club, but I guess there is no point in waiting any longer.

Expect our Petition for Emancipation from Mean, Abusive Dad and Judgmental Mom today via certified mail. Hearing date is next Thursday. Your daughter said you'd pay my bill, right?
  • Haha
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Plus it’s stupid in that Trump wants to let rid of it anyway. Now that I think of it, I guess that would lower taxes on it.
Then they're getting bad advice.
Maybe so or maybe that is all they want to work and they hide behind the taxation issue? Regardless I'll take them the 20-24 hours I get them and leave well enough alone. They all seem to be self sufficient and not relying on every safety net under the sun to survive.

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