My Message to the Democrats

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Hall of Famer
Gold Member
Dec 5, 2001
If you run a candidate who believes America was never great, that men can menstruate and get pregnant, that transexualism should be taught in elementary schools, that discriminating against women athletes by forcing them to compete against biological males is OK, and that Hamas is the legitimate government of the Palestinian and requires protection, you will still lose.
If you run a candidate who believes America was never great, that men can menstruate and get pregnant, that transexualism should be taught in elementary schools, that discriminating against women athletes by forcing them to compete against biological males is OK, and that Hamas is the legitimate government of the Palestinian and requires protection, you will still lose.
So you’re against running Mark Cuban?
If you run a candidate who believes America was never great, that men can menstruate and get pregnant, that transexualism should be taught in elementary schools, that discriminating against women athletes by forcing them to compete against biological males is OK, and that Hamas is the legitimate government of the Palestinian and requires protection, you will still lose.
AOC ain't running.
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Until Cuban outfunds Ahia State NIL for IU football, he can go pound sand.
Not to hijack but I was shocked to see IU athletics is 13th in the country in revenue. I don’t really like Cuban but not sure iu sports are a good investment for on-field results
Dems got Biden to drop out

Why can't pubs get Trump to drop out?

These are the Dems that shut down the primary process right? Forced out Dean Phillips and RFK?

Then did an about face when their man shit himself on national tv in front of 60 million people. Opted for a pressure campaign to force him out against his wishes and against the will of the Democratic primary process (as hollow as it might have been)?

And you’re what? Patting yourself on the back for this?
These are the Dems that shut down the primary process right? Forced out Dean Phillips and RFK?

Then did an about face when their man shit himself on national tv in front of 60 million people. Opted for a pressure campaign to force him out against his wishes and against the will of the Democratic primary process (as hollow as it might have been)?

And you’re what? Patting yourself on the back for this?
"These are the Dems that shut down the primary process right? Forced out Dean Phillips and RFK?"

Can you explain how this is any different than the GOP "primaries" of 2020? You know 4 yrs earlier?

Acting like incumbent POTUS's not wanting to engage in divisive primaries when running for re-election is unique to 2024 or some radical phenomenon is typical hypocrisy from you. Did you complain about this in 2020?

Of course you didn't...
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These are the Dems that shut down the primary process right? Forced out Dean Phillips and RFK?

Can you explain how this is any different than the GOP "primaries" of 2020? You know 4 yrs earlier?

Acting like incumbent POTUS's not wanting to engage in divisive primaries when running for re-election is unique to 2024 is typical hypocrisy from you. Did you complain about this in 2020?

Of course you didn't...
It was different because there were serious doubts about Biden as the party nominee heading into this primary season. Those doubts were proven true.

Yet you denied the chance for a primary anyway. So yeah, it’s very different. Completely different actually.

I’m not sure how you could even pretend they’re somehow similar?
It was different because there were serious doubts about Biden as the party nominee heading into this primary season. Those doubts were proven true.

Yet you denied the chance for a primary anyway. So yeah, it’s very different. Completely different actually.

I’m not sure how you could even pretend they’re somehow similar?
Democrats 2020 - “every vote must count”

Democrats 2024 - “except Republican votes and Democrats who voted for Biden in the primaries”
If you run a candidate who believes America was never great, that men can menstruate and get pregnant, that transexualism should be taught in elementary schools, that discriminating against women athletes by forcing them to compete against biological males is OK, and that Hamas is the legitimate government of the Palestinian and requires protection, you will still lose.
I am a Democrat but, I do not believe in those things. I believe in America, the home of the brave and the land of the free. I do not believe in taking away of voting rights, Project 2025, defunding public schools, book bannings, and going back to the 1930s,. OUR COUNTRY IS not just for rich white people. I do not want white supremacists walking downtown and they are not good people on both sides.
I am a Democrat but, I do not believe in those things. I believe in America, the home of the brave and the land of the free. I do not believe in taking away of voting rights, Project 2025, defunding public schools, book bannings, and going back to the 1930s,. OUR COUNTRY IS not just for rich white people. I do not want white supremacists walking downtown and they are not good people on both sides.
They comin Willdog
I am a Democrat but, I do not believe in those things. I believe in America, the home of the brave and the land of the free. I do not believe in taking away of voting rights, Project 2025, defunding public schools, book bannings, and going back to the 1930s,. OUR COUNTRY IS not just for rich white people. I do not want white supremacists walking downtown and they are not good people on both sides.
Where should the white supremacists walk then?
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Luccccccccccyyyyyyyyyy!!!!!! Are you coming to the Dream Team Auburn event? It’s going to be a banger.
Lucy, do you know how to inflate a tire? I hear that the "top" scream teamers on here lack such skills. You could probably open stuck jars for them, too.
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