Michelle Obama Knocked It Out Of The Park

Don't you have a sense of humor? It was said about Barack Obama that he had pants where the crease was crisp. They were impressed with it.
I do have a sense of humor. I know humor and your attempts at humor here aren’t humorous. I’ve known and heard Pastors that are humorous and others that aren’t. Based on your posts I have you in the second group.
Wow! Incredible speech. I might say she’s a better speaker than her husband.

Bringing people in the audience to tears. Amazing.
I liked the part where the lady with three mansions in the most expensive places in America and who takes luxury vacations to Aspen and the Riviera talked about people taking more than they need. I’m sure you related to that too. What are you driving these days?
Your comment got me thinking of 16 when Trump said of course he took advantage of tax loopholes because he was a good businessman. He looked at Hillary and said, "You and all your friends take advantage of them too so you won't get rid of them". He had a point.

Except only 1 party seems intent on lowering taxes for the wealthy.

I'm not saying loopholes should be closed or taxes raised (to make up for those loopholes) for just wealthy conservatives
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I do have a sense of humor. I know humor and your attempts at humor here aren’t humorous. I’ve known and heard Pastors that are humorous and others that aren’t. Based on your posts I have you in the second group.
I called an old school friend and asked what he was doing at the moment. He replied that he was currently working on "Aqua-thermal treatment on ceramics, aluminum, and steel within a constrained environment."

When I pressed him further, I realized that he was washing dishes with hot water under his wife's supervision!

If you fall and break your legs, don’t come running to me.

I lost my girlfriend’s audiobook, and now I’ll never hear the end of it.
Lots of worries for all taxpayers of all colors, because we will continue to pay the bill for all the handouts.
like Trump's stimulus check, PPP loans that had no oversight and tax breaks and loopholes for the wealthy.

You're not for being fiscally responsible, you're just for using it as a political cudgel.
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Except only 1 party seems intent on lowering taxes for the wealthy.

I'm not saying loopholes should be closed or taxes raised (to make up for those loopholes) for just wealthy conservatives
What changes to the tax code would you like to see?
I think every tax payer should get their taxes lowered. Have the government cut spending. Spending is the real problem in Washington.
Majority is for the military, medicare and social security (which people paid into from their pay checks).

I don't think you'd be able to cut spending enough to even put a dent in lowering taxes without an equal boost in our deficit.

I would strictly go with a tiered percentage tax system and no loopholes. You pay the percentage just like sales tax.
Majority is for the military, medicare and social security (which people paid into from their pay checks).

I don't think you'd be able to cut spending enough to even put a dent in lowering taxes without an equal boost in our deficit.

I would strictly go with a tiered percentage tax system and no loopholes. You pay the percentage just like sales tax.
Loopholes keep accountants and tax attorneys in business. These poor folks would have to find jobs at Chick Fil A
Majority is for the military, medicare and social security (which people paid into from their pay checks).

I don't think you'd be able to cut spending enough to even put a dent in lowering taxes without an equal boost in our deficit.

I would strictly go with a tiered percentage tax system and no loopholes. You pay the percentage just like sales tax.
Not a bad ideal. I would also like to try a flat tax where there are no deductions and everyone pays the same percentage of income after $30k or so.
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WeirdWow! Incredible speech. I might say she’s a better speaker than her husband.

Bringing people in the audience to tears. Amazing.
Weird GIF
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Did you not read unnecessary lockdowns? @WhyisIUBBcursed is a Dr. The extended lockdowns and closures were blue counties/states. Ohio what do you think you are most often? Uninformed or misinformed? Covid became one more left virtue signal. I’d say you’re about equal
Well, you conveniently leave out who was president during those “unnecessary” lockdowns.

Why do you continue to do that? Are you uninformed or misinformed? I’d say you’re about equal.
The Black community should be worried because the Biden Administration is replacing them with Illegals!
I know you’re f#cking around, but the black vote will be less and less important for Democrats as they become a smaller percentage of the overall population. It’s already happened to whites, males, and the working class. Black male Americans are up next.

Democrats are fully committed to open borders. To be fair, a good amount of Republicans are for it as well. America’s fiat system and debt requires it. The government has to squeeze every last dime out of us . I do hope a large percent of black Americans find Bitcoin. Lord knows they deserve it.
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Well, you conveniently leave out who was president during those “unnecessary” lockdowns.

Why do you continue to do that? Are you uninformed or misinformed? I’d say you’re about equal.
You still don’t understand. The unnecessary lockdowns were done at the state and local level and carried out as vapid Ohio guy virtue signaling. The dumb shill you are tried to tether it to trump. That’s why our resident Dr 👨‍⚕️ is laughing at you. Why do you think the migration out of blue states/counties? Sooo dumb.
What’s crazy is that the only thing Trump has ever been good at was being a pretend CEO on a reality TV show. Everything else he has royally sucked at, up to and including his presidency.
Spot on. Everything he touches eventually turns to shit.

From 1985 to 1994, his "core businesses lost money every single year, and the accumulated losses came to more than a billion dollars." He was literally America's biggest loser. Then he got his inheritance from daddy Trump, NBC came calling, and he was back in the con game.

You still don’t understand. The unnecessary lockdowns were done at the state and local level and carried out as vapid Ohio guy virtue signaling. The dumb shill you are tried to tether it to trump. That’s why our resident Dr 👨‍⚕️ is laughing at you.
I honestly don’t know why you carry so much water for Trump. For the most part, your posts claim that anything good that happened under his watch was a divine act guided by MAGA white guy Republican Jesus. Anything bad that he watched happen is largely met with a shrug and “shit happens, I guess.”
I honestly don’t know why you carry so much water for Trump. For the most part, your posts claim that anything good that happened under his watch was a divine act guided by MAGA white guy Republican Jesus. Anything bad that he watched happen is largely met with a shrug and “shit happens, I guess.”
but he isn't a

You won't be capable of talking sense into him.
Well, you conveniently leave out who was president during those “unnecessary” lockdowns.

Why do you continue to do that? Are you uninformed or misinformed? I’d say you’re about equal.
Here’s a little pro tip. When the fed and the rest say excess stimulus contributed to prices. Don’t deny it. Say yeah it was a calculated risk that would happen and done to stave off a recession.

When we know Dems had lockdowns and school closures extended and people and businesses fled to red states don’t deny it. Say yeah and we think it was the right thing to do to save lives.

Fine. I disagree with both but okay. You can do the same with border numbers. But when you and hickory etc deny what actually happened you lose all credibility. You come across as a shill. A closed-minded hyper partisan shill
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I know you’re f#cking around, but the black vote will be less and less important for Democrats as they become a smaller percentage of the overall population. It’s already happened to whites, males, and the working class. Black male Americans are up next.

Democrats are fully committed to open borders. To be fair, a good amount of Republicans are for it as well. America’s fiat system and debt requires it. The government has to squeeze every last dime out of us . I do hope a large percent of black Americans find Bitcoin. Lord knows they deserve it.
Nice job explaining what I posted!
I honestly don’t know why you carry so much water for Trump. For the most part, your posts claim that anything good that happened under his watch was a divine act guided by MAGA white guy Republican Jesus. Anything bad that he watched happen is largely met with a shrugg and “shit happens, I guess.”
Trump sucks. Period. He’s just better than progressives. The white guy bit is telling
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Well, you conveniently leave out who was president during those “unnecessary” lockdowns.

Why do you continue to do that? Are you uninformed or misinformed? I’d say you’re about equal.
POTUS has no authority to order or prohibit lockdowns. Thats up to each governor under the authority of each state emergency laws.
lol, give up your mod title and we can put each other on ignore...then you wouldn't have to show everyone what thin skin you have.
There should be a jr board and until you can demonstrate a rudimentary understanding of gov that’s where you should have to post. Here you offer nothing
Except only 1 party seems intent on lowering taxes for the wealthy.

I'm not saying loopholes should be closed or taxes raised (to make up for those loopholes) for just wealthy conservatives
Lowering any tax is a great idea for anybody. Actually federal taxes should be removed entirely. How much money is spent on having an IRS? If there are taxes then it should just be one flat rate without all the deductions and Tax credits that exist. Tax credits seem like government bribes. I don't agree with Tariffs that Trump discusses either but the Party of hate is certainly the worst with their legalized crime of stealing folk's money and wasting it away. I guess today's hate speech is geared against the wealthy people.

The Pandemic is a non voting issue. It doesn't matter who was in office, this country was not ready for something like that. I find it stupid to hear comments like Biden brought us out of the Pandemic even though the extended lockdowns cost a lot of people their jobs and businesses. Trump was ready to restart the country in the summer of 2020.
You know exactly the scene I am talking about. The left has been feeding the Black people that HOPE message for 200 years. My issues are inflation, interest rates, taxes on Social security. Indoctrinating kids with free meals.
Hey Lucy how about the KKK, white folks have been attacking black folks for 200 years. The message of racism even trump had a rally in Howe, Michigan ,who recently had a Klan rally.
Here’s a little pro tip. When the fed and the rest say excess stimulus contributed to prices. Don’t deny it. Say yeah it was a calculated risk that would happen and done to stave off a recession.

When we know Dems had lockdowns and school closures extended and people and businesses fled to red states don’t deny it. Say yeah and we think it was the right thing to do to save lives.

Fine. I disagree with both but okay. You can do the same with border numbers. But when you and hickory etc deny what actually happened you lose all credibility. You come across as a shill. A closed-minded hyper partisan shill
Sigh - I'm not denying anything happened. I'm not agreeing with your timeline of when things happened. Actual, real history disagrees with you too.

And for the record, I agree with your first sentence and have essentially said as much multiple times over the last few months here. Of course, you know this. The difference is that I don't suffer from MAGA amnesia and remember that COVID lockdowns started in March 2020 - almost a full year before Trump tried to stop Joe Biden's legitimate election win from being certified.
Sigh - I'm not denying anything happened. I'm not agreeing with your timeline of when things happened. Actual, real history disagrees with you too.

And for the record, I agree with your first sentence and have essentially said as much multiple times over the last few months here. Of course, you know this. The difference is that I don't suffer from MAGA amnesia and remember that COVID lockdowns started in March 2020 - almost a full year before Trump tried to stop Joe Biden's legitimate election win from being certified.
You don’t understand extended and unnecessary. Duration. That’s the salient bit. That’s why businesses left. People left. Blue school districts were sued.
Trump sucks. Period. He’s just better than progressives. The white guy bit is telling
"The white guy bit' is in response to some far right MAGA cultists (formerly known as Evangelicals) trying to co-opt Jesus and His teachings.

There is nothing - and I mean nothing - Christ-like about the modern MAGA GOP. They never actually evoke Christ, nor do the acknowledge where the actual historical figure of Christ is from, or who He actually was. Instead, they pervert his message to justify their agenda.