Men, would you like to live longer?

Are you sure?

A joke for sure from this researcher. But more importantly:

ooh i like her steve buscemi GIF
Reminds me of a joke my grand dad told.

Guy about your age goes to the doctor for a physical. After it's over and they're reviewing the results, the patient asks the doc what he can do to live past 90.

Doc asks do you drink good whisky? No, never drink alcohol.

Do you smoke fine cigars? I've never smoked any kind of tobacco in my life.

Do you chase fast women? No, I've abstained from sex for most of my adult life.

The doc looks at him and asks, then why in the **** do you want to live past 90?
Are you sure?

At least they are willing to have sex with men. Most Dems of birthing age seem to be into women or trans.

Perhaps that’s your style though?
Well, I’ve been married once, to the same wonderful/beautiful woman for 36 years (and exactly zero baby mamas)…a concept that seems to escape many of the conservatives on here.
Good try though, Skippy.
I’m an enlightened person. I don’t judge the attractiveness of a woman by her politics. Only her physical features and my idea of her abilities and willingness at sex.
I will add you to the “Yes, I will bang Ms. Greene club”. So far we have myself, lars, baller23boogie, and yourself. Spartan is a maybe 🤔 She’s too old for Murt and not MAGA enough for DBM. Outside shooter tried to pick her up, but she beat him up and stole his bike. #meanb#tch
I will add you to the “Yes, I will bang Ms. Greene club”. So far we have myself, lars, baller23boogie, and yourself. Spartan is a maybe 🤔 She’s too old for Murt and not MAGA enough for DBM. Outside shooter tried to pick her up, but she beat him up and stole his bike. #meanb#tch
Wait. I thought we all had decided to get castrated to live longer
TMI, but earlier this year I woke up with swollen testicles. I mean, really swollen. Went to the urologist and he said it was probably an infection but set me up with a CT scan.

Got in there and this absolute babe calls me back. I feel like I'm in a cheap romance novel. For almost an hour (she was having trouble with the machine - so she said.....) she has this scanner in her hand on my balls.

It was all I could do to keep from cracking a joke, but when she's got the jewels virtually in her hand, you've got to be careful about what you say.

Got the results back and no cancer, thank God. 10 days of antibiotics and I was back to my 2 shriveled friends.
TMI, but earlier this year I woke up with swollen testicles. I mean, really swollen. Went to the urologist and he said it was probably an infection but set me up with a CT scan.

Got in there and this absolute babe calls me back. I feel like I'm in a cheap romance novel. For almost an hour (she was having trouble with the machine - so she said.....) she has this scanner in her hand on my balls.

It was all I could do to keep from cracking a joke, but when she's got the jewels virtually in her hand, you've got to be careful about what you say.

Got the results back and no cancer, thank God. 10 days of antibiotics and I was back to my 2 shriveled friends.
My wife informed me after my recent colonoscopy that I told the nurses - as the anesthesia was taking hold - that I was a “grower and not a shower.”
Well, I’ve been married once, to the same wonderful/beautiful woman for 36 years (and exactly zero baby mamas)…a concept that seems to escape many of the conservatives on here.
Good try though, Skippy.
I assume I’m invited to anniversary 37 dinner. Can I invite Murt? Also, do I need to bring my wallet?
TMI, but earlier this year I woke up with swollen testicles. I mean, really swollen. Went to the urologist and he said it was probably an infection but set me up with a CT scan.

Got in there and this absolute babe calls me back. I feel like I'm in a cheap romance novel. For almost an hour (she was having trouble with the machine - so she said.....) she has this scanner in her hand on my balls.

It was all I could do to keep from cracking a joke, but when she's got the jewels virtually in her hand, you've got to be careful about what you say.

Got the results back and no cancer, thank God. 10 days of antibiotics and I was back to my 2 shriveled friends.
DANC just a few short months ago:

  • Haha
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