Men, would you like to live longer?

randy marsh moving GIF by South Park
Well, I’ve been married once, to the same wonderful/beautiful woman for 36 years (and exactly zero baby mamas)…a concept that seems to escape many of the conservatives on here.
Good try though, Skippy.

They don’t make Dems like you these days then.

divorce has taken many on both sides. Perhaps the Cons on the board are those without good morals since Libs tend to have higher rates on average?
Boebert disagrees. She’s the face of a changing GOP.
And hands….
I will add you to the “Yes, I will bang Ms. Greene club”. So far we have myself, lars, baller23boogie, and yourself. Spartan is a maybe 🤔 She’s too old for Murt and not MAGA enough for DBM. Outside shooter tried to pick her up, but she beat him up and stole his bike. #meanb#tch
She also took his fanny pack and rainbow colored helmet.
TMI, but earlier this year I woke up with swollen testicles. I mean, really swollen. Went to the urologist and he said it was probably an infection but set me up with a CT scan.

Got in there and this absolute babe calls me back. I feel like I'm in a cheap romance novel. For almost an hour (she was having trouble with the machine - so she said.....) she has this scanner in her hand on my balls.

It was all I could do to keep from cracking a joke, but when she's got the jewels virtually in her hand, you've got to be careful about what you say.

Got the results back and no cancer, thank God. 10 days of antibiotics and I was back to my 2 shriveled friends.
Something like this happened to me a couple years ago. I got in my car to go to work one morning and felt like I sat on one of my balls. By the time I got to work it felt like a tiny gremlin was stabbing me.

I called my dr and she said come in, I’ll fit you in.

Now, this woman has been my dr for probably 10 years at this point. I really like her. She’s a little younger than me, maybe around 40 or so, and very good at her job. She’s also not afraid to yell at me over my health choices, which is something I need. She also happens to be decently hot, in a “girl next door” kind of way.

Anyway, she THOROUGHLY examined my balls and taint. Poking, prodding, lifting, squeezing, all of it.

Then she sent me to the hospital to get a scan where, and I’m not making this up, a very large black man rubbed a freezing cold gel over every square inch of the area before he scanned it.

Mind you, by this point my fellas were like two dried raisins in a tiny vacuum sealed skin colored bag.

Turned out to be an infection. She sent me on my way with a prescription for antibiotics. Said they looked normal, although I SWEAR she almost added “if a little small.”

My wife says I imagined that, although she(my wife) chuckles every time we talk about it.
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And hands….

She also took his fanny pack and rainbow colored helmet.

Something like this happened to me a couple years ago. I got in my car to go to work one morning and felt like I sat on one of my balls. By the time I got to work it felt like a tiny gremlin was stabbing me.

I called my dr and she said come in, I’ll fit you in.

Now, this woman has been my dr for probably 10 years at this point. I really like her. She’s a little younger than me, maybe around 40 or so, and very good at her job. She’s also not afraid to yell at me over my health choices, which is something I need. She also happens to be decently hot, in a “girl next door” kind of way.

Anyway, she THOROUGHLY examined my balls and taint. Poking, prodding, lifting, squeezing, all of it.

Then she sent me to the hospital to get a scan where, and I’m not making this up, a very large black man rubbed a freezing cold gel over every square inch of the area before he scanned it.

Mind you, by this point my fellas were like two dried raisins in a tiny vacuum sealed skin colored bag.

Turned out to be an infection. She sent me on my way with a prescription for antibiotics. Said they looked normal, although I SWEAR she almost added “if a little small.”

My wife says I imagined that, although she(my wife) chuckles every time we talk about it.
An all-around great post, if a little small.
And hands….

She also took his fanny pack and rainbow colored helmet.

Something like this happened to me a couple years ago. I got in my car to go to work one morning and felt like I sat on one of my balls. By the time I got to work it felt like a tiny gremlin was stabbing me.

I called my dr and she said come in, I’ll fit you in.

Now, this woman has been my dr for probably 10 years at this point. I really like her. She’s a little younger than me, maybe around 40 or so, and very good at her job. She’s also not afraid to yell at me over my health choices, which is something I need. She also happens to be decently hot, in a “girl next door” kind of way.

Anyway, she THOROUGHLY examined my balls and taint. Poking, prodding, lifting, squeezing, all of it.

Then she sent me to the hospital to get a scan where, and I’m not making this up, a very large black man rubbed a freezing cold gel over every square inch of the area before he scanned it.

Mind you, by this point my fellas were like two dried raisins in a tiny vacuum sealed skin colored bag.

Turned out to be an infection. She sent me on my way with a prescription for antibiotics. Said they looked normal, although I SWEAR she almost added “if a little small.”

My wife says I imagined that, although she(my wife) chuckles every time we talk about it.
Did either encounter give you an erection? And more importantly if the answer is yes, which one?
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And hands….

She also took his fanny pack and rainbow colored helmet.

Something like this happened to me a couple years ago. I got in my car to go to work one morning and felt like I sat on one of my balls. By the time I got to work it felt like a tiny gremlin was stabbing me.

I called my dr and she said come in, I’ll fit you in.

Now, this woman has been my dr for probably 10 years at this point. I really like her. She’s a little younger than me, maybe around 40 or so, and very good at her job. She’s also not afraid to yell at me over my health choices, which is something I need. She also happens to be decently hot, in a “girl next door” kind of way.

Anyway, she THOROUGHLY examined my balls and taint. Poking, prodding, lifting, squeezing, all of it.

Then she sent me to the hospital to get a scan where, and I’m not making this up, a very large black man rubbed a freezing cold gel over every square inch of the area before he scanned it.

Mind you, by this point my fellas were like two dried raisins in a tiny vacuum sealed skin colored bag.

Turned out to be an infection. She sent me on my way with a prescription for antibiotics. Said they looked normal, although I SWEAR she almost added “if a little small.”

My wife says I imagined that, although she(my wife) chuckles every time we talk about it.
I really had to bite my tongue when the CT Nurse said "OK, now hold your penis against your stomach" (to keep it from flopping all over while she's doing the scan, I guess). I thought to myself, "Babe, you're giving me way too much credit. With everyone checking out my junk, shrinkage is a real thing".

One more story: When I did my initial Army physical, they had a male doctor check everyone out. I joined the Reserves later, and we were all lined up in a row, in our skivvies, waiting for the doctor to show up. Turned out to be a woman who looked a lot like the gym teacher in Porkies. The old turn-your-head-and-cough routine was not pleasant that day.
So true re quality. My outlaw grandfather in law is 90 and in a wheelchair and so miserable. Can’t do anything on his own. Makes my daughter sneak him beers
Nursing home? Many will allow a few beers if the doctor is okay with it.
And limits the old man’s beers…. He needs your daughter to keep helping him
Toughest guy I ever met. Chemical union organizer in the dakotas. Had a massive yard. He’d put one six pack on one end and another six pack on the other and finish them as he finished cutting the lawn.

Get this one doc. A few years back he went in for an endoscopy. He’d been taking prednisone for years and his esophagus was like tissue paper. Stuck the fckr right through it. Spent almost a year in the hospital. Endless surgeries etc. was awful.
Toughest guy I ever met. Chemical union organizer in the dakotas. Had a massive yard. He’d put one six pack on one end and another six pack on the other and finish them as he finished cutting the lawn.

Get this one doc. A few years back he went in for an endoscopy. He’d been taking prednisone for years and his esophagus was like tissue paper. Stuck the fckr right through it. Spent almost a year in the hospital. Endless surgeries etc. was awful.
Yikes. Esophageal rupture usually = death
If he wants a few beers so be it.
My father-in-law is 85 with some respiratory issues. He's lived alone since the fall of 21 when my MiL passed after beating cancer 3 times, but succumbing to alzheimers after 62 years of marriage. He's on O2 and inhalers. When I go out to visit, he wants me to fire up the grill and cook every dinner for the week I'm there. Wifey goes out out for a week or two before me. He gives her the list of things he wants on the Weber and will have a scotch afterward most nights. He doesn't drink scotch any other time.

My brother in law and his wife have a fit. I don't understand it. If the guy wants a single bratwurst twice/year and a single finger of scotch later that evening, I'm not telling him no.
My father-in-law is 85 with some respiratory issues. He's lived alone since the fall of 21 when my MiL passed after beating cancer 3 times, but succumbing to alzheimers after 62 years of marriage. He's on O2 and inhalers. When I go out to visit, he wants me to fire up the grill and cook every dinner for the week I'm there. Wifey goes out out for a week or two before me. He gives her the list of things he wants on the Weber and will have a scotch afterward most nights. He doesn't drink scotch any other time.

My brother in law and his wife have a fit. I don't understand it. If the guy wants a single bratwurst twice/year and a single finger of scotch later that evening, I'm not telling him no.
I bet he relishes your visits. Great stuff
My father-in-law is 85 with some respiratory issues. He's lived alone since the fall of 21 when my MiL passed after beating cancer 3 times, but succumbing to alzheimers after 62 years of marriage. He's on O2 and inhalers. When I go out to visit, he wants me to fire up the grill and cook every dinner for the week I'm there. Wifey goes out out for a week or two before me. He gives her the list of things he wants on the Weber and will have a scotch afterward most nights. He doesn't drink scotch any other time.

My brother in law and his wife have a fit. I don't understand it. If the guy wants a single bratwurst twice/year and a single finger of scotch later that evening, I'm not telling him no.
Reminds me of when my dad was in assisted living in the final stages of Alzheimer’s back in early 2020. My mom would lose her shit when he engulfed bags of Snicker bars. I kept asking her why not???
Reminds me of when my dad was in assisted living in the final stages of Alzheimer’s back in early 2020. My mom would lose her shit when he engulfed bags of Snicker bars. I kept asking her why not???

When I go, i want to be found with a bag of blow and a bag of snickers bars.

I'd die a very, very happy man then.
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Doing the math on this one reminds me why you're the man.
Lol ex wife was 11 years younger and ex stoker was 21 years younger. The worst ever was the ex stoker’s good friend had a pool party at her friend’s dad’s house. And i immediately recognized the last name and just hoped it was a coincidence. Having to do anything with her friends was awful.

So we get over there and the mom and dad come to the door and my ex stoker starts to introduce me and the dad busts out laughing. He and I played for the same club team growing up 🤣🤣. Was at once fantastic and horrible
Lol ex wife was 11 years younger and ex stoker was 21 years younger. The worst ever was the ex stoker’s good friend had a pool party at her friend’s dad’s house. And i immediately recognized the last name and just hoped it was a coincidence. Having to do anything with her friends was awful.

So we get over there and the mom and dad come to the door and my ex stoker starts to introduce me and the dad busts out laughing. He and I played for the same club team growing up 🤣🤣. Was at once fantastic and horrible
Your daughter talking like this yet?

  • Haha
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My father-in-law is 85 with some respiratory issues. He's lived alone since the fall of 21 when my MiL passed after beating cancer 3 times, but succumbing to alzheimers after 62 years of marriage. He's on O2 and inhalers. When I go out to visit, he wants me to fire up the grill and cook every dinner for the week I'm there. Wifey goes out out for a week or two before me. He gives her the list of things he wants on the Weber and will have a scotch afterward most nights. He doesn't drink scotch any other time.

My brother in law and his wife have a fit. I don't understand it. If the guy wants a single bratwurst twice/year and a single finger of scotch later that evening, I'm not telling him no.
Your FIL is a smart man, "While you are here cook for dinners all week".

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