Mar-a-Lago is Under Siege

I'm still waiting for Trump to shut up and fade into obscurity.
Me too.

The Democrats can’t have a silent Trump. They will keep him in the news through the 2024. You would think they would have learned something in Virginia, but nooooo.

Part of me thinks tgat tge Dems want Trump in the 2024 ticket. Their conduct certainly supports that.
Interesting, so were you upset when Hillary did that from the White House? Do you know what is actually in the boxes? I mean boxes of papers could be most anything and easily confused vs furniture and dining sets.
When are the affidavit and warrant likely to be made public by the govt.?

And, is the recipient/target (Trump) permitted to release copies of those himself?

The government's “duty” is to give the info to Trump at the time of the search. I suspect the earlier reports about “negotiations” mooted that issue.

Unless there is a protective order issued by the judge, or it involves classified stuff, Trump can release it.

When? All of that issue appears to be politics.
If Trump had something to hide, wouldn't Mar-a-Lago be the last place to hide it ?
What is it like to live everyday of your life with such irrational hatred? By the same token maybe Biden shouldn't have been an idiot for decades. It took him 47 years of practice to be the clown show he is
Me too.

The Democrats can’t have a silent Trump. They will keep him in the news through the 2024. You would think they would have learned something in Virginia, but nooooo.

Part of me thinks tgat tge Dems want Trump in the 2024 ticket. Their conduct certainly supports that.
I don't think it's that at all.

I think the world learned a long time ago (and the internet confirmed it) that it is necessary to openly oppose lying propagandists and their lying supporters every time they open their lying mouths.

Appeasement doesn't work,
I’ll show them my tax returns from the last 7 years. You?
Wait, you're asking a minister to disclose his tax records/returns?

For some reason, a significant number of ministers have been reluctant to do that in the past. It depends how they are conducting their business,
Ding ding ding!!
That is what I was thinking, if I had something to hide the last place it would be is at my residence. This is just a complete comedy of stupidity it is laughable. I have longed to live rent free in someone's mind with no luck, Trump did it in 4 years and its half the country. Certain members of this board are obsessed with him?
That is what I was thinking, if I had something to hide the last place it would be is at my residence. This is just a complete comedy of stupidity it is laughable. I have longed to live rent free in someone's mind with no luck, Trump did it in 4 years and its half the country. Certain members of this board are obsessed with him?
I think you have to remember that Trump doesn't exactly think like you or me.

Bear in mind the guy has alleged that windmills cause cancer and asked about using nuclear weapons against hurricanes.
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I think you have to remember that Trump doesn't exactly think like you or me.

Bear in mind the guy has alleged that windmills cause cancer and asked about using nuclear weapons against hurricanes.
He has also made billions of dollars, he's not as dumb as some think. If he was dumb enough to have incriminating evidence that close to his person shame on him. I just don't see it happening, but I also don't think it will be on the up and up so there is that as well.
I don't know enough about either case to make this claim, but I'll ask you:

Is it also inconsistent to have defended H. Clinton's email system but think Trump should be criminally prosecuted for this? Is the difference the suspected state of mind of the two, i.e. negligent v. intentional?
Legally speaking, it's not hard for people to distinguish two similar cases from each other. There's always something technical that you can find in one case but not the other than you can latch onto in order to justify saying your guy is clean while the other guy is dirty.

Politically, however, I think you are seeing it correctly. There's more to right and wrong than just legal technicality. If playing fast and loose with our nation's secrets is dangerous, then it's dangerous when the other guy does it, and it's dangerous when our guy does it.
Legally speaking, it's not hard for people to distinguish two similar cases from each other. There's always something technical that you can find in one case but not the other than you can latch onto in order to justify saying your guy is clean while the other guy is dirty.

Politically, however, I think you are seeing it correctly. There's more to right and wrong than just legal technicality. If playing fast and loose with our nation's secrets is dangerous, then it's dangerous when the other guy does it, and it's dangerous when our guy does it.

True....although I have a feeling Trump would have skated just like Clinton had he just handed the documents over the first time.

He might still skate through without any actual consequences but they apparently weren't going to give up and leave the documents in his hands.
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This WH also denied any knowledge of investigations into parents at school board meetings which we then learned to be a lie. They are lying.

Lets just assume it was a lie (which i won't buy any GOP propaganda at face value), you are just now having an issue with lying coming out of the WH after spending 2016-2020 under the liar n chief?
True....although I have a feeling Trump would have skated just like Clinton had he just handed the documents over the first time.

He might still skate through without any actual consequences but they apparently weren't going to give up and leave the documents in his hands.
Don't be fooled. Trump is still going to skate on the mishandling classified documents thing. It's a crime, and DOJ has to investigate, but I'll bet dollars to donuts he's never indicted for it.
He has also made billions of dollars, he's not as dumb as some think. If he was dumb enough to have incriminating evidence that close to his person shame on him. I just don't see it happening, but I also don't think it will be on the up and up so there is that as well.
I don't think he is dumb, it's as I said, I believe he "thinks" differently.

Just as it may seem perfectly reasonable to believe that a nuclear blast would serve the purpose of eradicating a hurricane, it may seem perfectly reasonable to Trump that Mar-A-Lago was the safest place in the world to store those materials. There are armed guards (US SS) walking around there every day. Why wouldn't it be secure?

Trump doesn't always go by what is logical to you or me.
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I don't think he is dumb, it's as I said, I believe he "thinks" differently.

Just as it may seem perfectly reasonable to believe that a nuclear blast would serve the purpose of eradicating a hurricane, it may seem perfectly reasonable to Trump that Mar-A-Lago was the safest place in the world to store those materials. There are armed guards (US SS) walking around there every day. Why wouldn't it be secure?

Trump doesn't always go by what is logical to you or me.

He has spent his entire life getting his way...usually because of his wealth but now because of wealth and power/influence. He probably thinks of himself as untouchable.
CNN was talking about gangs in Haiti because they are worthless at this point.

we spend a zillion dollars on our military, and they're just twiddling their thumbs right now.

would Haiti not be a good place to send our military, where we can actually do some good, and at the same time, stop the need for everybody in Haiti to come here to escape what Haiti has become.
Yes. When it comes to Trump and MAGA, these people are batshit crazy. I think there is a sub-culture in the DoJ and FBI of no accountability and that is worse when Trump and MAGA are the targets. Garland activated the Patriot Act anti-terrorism unit against school board demonstrators, bragged about it, and then refused to back off after the complaining school association withdrew the complaint and apologized. The FBI admits to being an instigator in the Whitmer kidnapping plot. Garland has never come clean about the FBI role in January 6. The FBI lied and also misled the FISA court. Hunters laptop whitewash. The Hillary whitewash. The Russia hoax. The Navarro and Stone arrests. The Babbitt whitewash. The FBI guys armed with automatic weapons at Mar-A-Lago.

That would be a civil action With a court order to take possession. Not a criminal case with heavily armed agents.
Got a red line to Putin?