I would hope Woodson will help him understand that, aside from placing himself, his passengers, and anyone on or near the roadway in obvious danger, he also created a scenario that could’ve gone from bad to worse in a hurry.
Drive in the wee hours through a business / downtown district at an excessive rate of speed. Fail to immediately adhere to law enforcement‘s command to stop the vehicle. Evade the police, even for an instant, running a stop sign. Exit the vehicle in a hurried fashion when you do stop.
That’s an excellent way to have a weapon drawn on you, especially if you’re perceived, in any way, of turning toward LE in a manner that could be seen as aggressive or threatening. Ask any cop and they’ll tell you situations like this can become explosive in an instant. X has an issue with maturity that’s going to bite him hard one day. Losing his spot on the team might be the least of his worries if he doesn’t get his act together soon.