Level of anger over Colin Kaepernick's shenanigans?

I think an emotional response to just hearing about a guy you've never met sitting down on a bench during a pregame national anthem can say quite a bit about a measure of intelligence - more specifically, a lack thereof.

Now for some people perhaps this conjures emotions based on their personal past experiences, like you have described. But you also seem to acknowledge the distinction between an emotional and intellectual response. That's very absent from the majority of responses.
People just can't live their lives looking for the next reason to be offended.
The pledge bugs me more than any other nationalistic ritual we practice. It's almost religious and worshipful in nature. Like a daily patriotic Lord's Prayer for kids. It's distasteful. And also the textbook definition of brainwashing.
A Hoosier native breaks down the pledge.

What little career he had left, he basically tanked by saying what he said. However, I always find It comical that professional athletes think there's oppression when all they get is babied from the time they sign a contract. He's a clueless 20 something that has no idea what oppression really is. However, because of what he said, he'll likely find out very soon that in the real world, running your mouth doesn't always get you where you want to be.
Huh? You must not have heard what he said. He wasn't speaking about himself, he was speaking out for others. Kind of like straight people at Gay Pride events, white people at BLM or MLK. I don't get the outrage at all. That is exactly what we fight for...the freedom of speech and expression that he displayed.
It's a free country. I don't agree with his sentiments. He's a professional athlete, I expect little else from him.
Hay @largemouth , @burnthemallralphie , any other vets I missed: you may want to check out the hashtag #VeteransforKaepernick on twitter. This whole drama's taking an interesting pivot, a lot of tweets to Ralphie's point of how much we speak for vets vs. actually do for vets.

I can't find it again, but there was one very illuminating tweet I saw earlier from some dumbass saying effectively #VeteransforKaepernick was bullshit because 90% of the vets posting were black and some accounts looked fake.

So basically a military veteran's opinion on standing vs. sitting during the national anthem should be discounted because they're a minority.

But, yeah, Kaepernick is full of shit to believe racism is still a fundamental issue for America.
First, he was banging a crazy girl. Strike 1.
Second, he was too dumb to not understand that local cops, not federal agents, are doing the shooting. Strike 2.
Third, he's been replaced and nobody cares what a backup QB thinks, especially a stupid one. Strike 3.

Perhaps he should remind our African American President and our African American Attorney General of this oppression they have suffered.

And did I mention he is stupid?
He wouldn't know oppression if it bit him on his ass.
A long line of truly oppressed people fart in his general direction.
I think in this case, "crazy" is a euphemism for "uppity."

So first honkeys are going to get mad if a black man dates a white girl. And now we're still going to get made at a black man for tapping this:


Shit, Kaep is right. Black people are oppressed!
So first honkeys are going to get mad if a black man dates a white girl. And now we're still going to get made at a black man for tapping this:


Shit, Kaep is right. Black people are oppressed!

Not a fan of the blue hair.
@HA2740, the military is more "minority" than white.

I am not surprised there are a large number of vets in that hashtag group that are black. At all.

MTIOTF's points in this thread are on a Mac level of dumbassery. I am disappointed. Trotting out the argument that there are a couple successful blacks means there is no systematic oppression is about as ****ing retarded of an argument I have ever heard. C'mon man, you are way smarter than that tired cracker shit.

All it proves to me is equal opportunity programs work.
He just sat during the national anthem during Military Appreciation Night here in San Diego. I've never been in the military, but he just looks like a petulant child by doing that. There are better ways to make a point rather than sitting on your ass.
He just sat during the national anthem during Military Appreciation Night here in San Diego. I've never been in the military, but he just looks like a petulant child by doing that. There are better ways to make a point rather than sitting on your ass.
Actually, as pissy as people are getting about it, I think it's turned out to be an excellent way to make his point. It's when no one gets their panties in a bunch that you know you're protesting wrong.
Actually, as pissy as people are getting about it, I think it's turned out to be an excellent way to make his point. It's when no one gets their panties in a bunch that you know you're protesting wrong.

Eric Reid kneeled too. One of the Seahawks players did so in their game tonight as well. What will be the reaction if this catches on to the point a dozen teams have a guy or more doing it?
Well he has gone too far now. He broke the No Fun League rule for wearing unapproved socks. I will be curious if the league fines him for his socks with pigs in police uniforms. They won't care about the subject matter, but they will care it doesn't conform to the allowable uniform standard.