GOP fundraising for 2nd Q is proof the Trump mob runs the GOP and, with it, over half of the States.

I don't dislike DeSantis for his positions, such as they are. What I found repugnant was his shipping of very vulnerable people to somewhere else under the cover of darkness and using specious resources to do so.

Then he went to church.

Anybody that can do that to group of human beings will never get my vote. I'm sorry. He was the head executive of the state. The President of Florida, and this was his course of action. He'd have done himself, and his cause, more favors by keeping the folks in Florida and truly showing the economic impact of this kind of immigration policy.

But instead, he did what he did. So, not only morally repugnant but shortsighted as well.
Texas looking at possible crimes.

Texas looking at possible crimes.

He’s toast anyway. Can’t create personality. He’s a drip
Thankfully, you're a nobody from nowhere. Nobody cares what you think or say, except your teammates of course.
Given your abysmal reaction score, dude, you're in no position to tell someone that no one cares what they think. Glass houses, you know?
I hope all you dupes realize Manchin is only doing this to get concession from his Democrat collegues.

"Oh please don't run - we'll promise not to ban coal".

Manchin plays Democrats like a fiddle.
There is the possibility, that the last time that the Dim's totally lied to Joe and left him out to dry was the last straw. I could totally see that and understand that!

Never trust some son of a bitch that caucuses with the Dims, against his state, and only gets pissed because his grift got played.

Joe Manchin =/= Joe Briben. He's playin games because his Grift is coming to an end and he knows it.

Fool me for 10 political yrs, your bad. Fool me for 20.................. DEAD to me.
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That was my point. Manchin isn't likely to steal Trump's votes but some people that may have held their nose for Biden might vote Manchin instead.

So lets say in a 2 person race

Biden gets 55% of the vote
Trump gets 45% of the vote

Add in Manchin

Biden gets 38% of the vote
Trump gets 40% of the vote
Manchin gets 22% of the vote

In a 1 vs 1 race, I don't see Trump being able to win. But if Manchin takes some of the vote then that changes the game and Trump could win because Manchin took away votes that Biden would have otherwise received had Manchin not been in the race.

It opens the door for Trump to win with mostly just his base and not having to worry about trying to get independents back to his side.
Trump lost the center forever and ever- the center loves democracy and the US Constitution. Trump also talked a decent game in 2016, many of us gave him a chance as something different and hoped he’d actually drain the swamp- he just wants coin. He has an absent moral code and so do those who support him at present in my view.
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Given your abysmal reaction score, dude, you're in no position to tell someone that no one cares what they think. Glass houses, you know?
Doesn't change the observation. You're a nobody from nowhere.
Reaction score?
There is the possibility, that the last time that the Dim's totally lied to Joe and left him out to dry was the last straw. I could totally see that and understand that!

Never trust some son of a bitch that caucuses with the Dims, against his state, and only gets pissed because his grift got played.

Joe Manchin =/= Joe Briben. He's playin games because his Grift is coming to an end and he knows it.

Fool me for 10 political yrs, your bad. Fool me for 20.................. DEAD to me.
That and the fact Manchin would probably lose his re-election to a very popular Republican WVa Governor.

He may actually run, but I'm thinking he's bluffing right now.
I like that her parents are immigrants. Even though her parents came here legally I think her understanding of the personal nature of the issue itself makes her far more literate than most. Regardless of party. I should know. I’m married to a naturalized citizen who did it all the right way. Now, that was pre 9/11 and the right way was a shit ton easier. But I digress. My wife hates the people who cheat the system but also understands how woefully inadequate the resources are and the situation many (especially the refugees) find themselves in. Like my wife though, Haley knows precisely WHY people risk it all to come here. And I think with her in office the demonization (by some not all) of the Republican Party would cease.

To be fair, she could push the Republicans into the 21st century politically and move some of the center. She’s been pretty blatantly inconspicuous on social issues. Maybe to stay above or because it’s a full lane already.

She won’t get the nomination but I think Manchin and Kelly should start reaching out at some point. While I’m sure she’s beholden to the Republican Party, if you get elected president the lack of a party probably doesn’t matter much anyway.

I fear the judge situation but other than Thomas nobody is old enough to die off or retire. So the SC is what it is for (probably) the next decade at least. Federal bench will get more conservative. But that comes and goes all the time anyway.

Electing a third party candidate at this moment in American history might be the most important thing we’ve done since the civil rights movement and legislation.
A 3rd party candidate would elect Trump...with virtual certainty.

I know it won't happen, but one of the parties needs to grow up, and nominate someone better. If the Dems nominated Manchin (he might not even want to do it, I honestly don't know?)...I have a feeling Trump would just go away. He is exactly the type of guy that takes his ball and goes home. And he would do that if facing someone like Manchin, knowing he had no chance of beating him. Currently, with Biden, he knows he has a better chance than most give him.

On the other side, if the Pubs elected most anyone besides Trump, Biden would likely go away. Republicans, somehow, nominate someone like Haley, or Scott, or Christie...probably within a week after that, Biden would decide he's too old, and wants to spend his remaining years with his family.

It would be very messy for the GOP to make this happen...there would be months of turmoil with Trumps base. But if they really wanted to, they could. And if they'd do it soon enough, they'd have enough time to stabilize all that, and focus on propping Haley up, or whoever, and galvanizing the anti woke, crap economy, etc... headwinds that the GOP has right now.
if the choice was Manchin and Trump, I'd vote for Manchin.
if the choice was Biden and Trump, I'd vote for Biden.
If the choice was Jared from Subway in jail or Trump, I'd vote for Jared from Subway in jail.

The only 3-way I want is from Skyline chili.
No, the only 3-way you want is McMurt, Joe Hoopsier, and your wife.
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I'm holding out hope this time. I have a feeling more than 35% of the electorate are ready to throw their hands up in protest at this point.

It would be very messy for the GOP to make this happen...there would be months of turmoil with Trumps base. But if they really wanted to, they could. And if they'd do it soon enough, they'd have enough time to stabilize all that, and focus on propping Haley up, or whoever, and galvanizing the anti woke, crap economy, etc... headwinds that the GOP has right now.

GOP won't do it. Trump is popular iwth the base and they are nearly unwavering. The only way out for the GOP unfortunately is Trump's absolute inability (physically) to run. As is one of the gods most sarcastic jokes, shitty people seem to live forever. Any many who have no business doing so.

So if he's alive and kicking, he's the GOP nominee. Full stop. Manchin wouldn't win the Dem primary (probably for some good reasons and some bad ones too). If it's not Biden, it's going to be somebody to the left of Joe. The problem for the Dems is that Trump is nuts but his current shifting political sails have landed him in the GOP and they don't really have a problem with the policies he'd like to implement. As such, Trump polls well with MOST conservatives. Not all. Most. And that's enough.

The Dems don't really have anybody to beat Trump except Biden. Bench is thin.
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I'm holding out hope this time. I have a feeling more than 35% of the electorate are ready to throw their hands up in protest at this point.

GOP won't do it. Trump is popular iwth the base and they are nearly unwavering. The only way out for the GOP unfortunately is Trump's absolute inability (physically) to run. As is one of the gods most sarcastic jokes, shitty people seem to live forever. Any many who have no business doing so.

So if he's alive and kicking, he's the GOP nominee. Full stop. Manchin wouldn't win the Dem primary (probably for some good reasons and some bad ones too). If it's not Biden, it's going to be somebody to the left of Joe. The problem for the Dems is that Trump is nuts but his current shifting political sails have landed him in the GOP and they don't really have a problem with the policies he'd like to implement. As such, Trump polls well with MOST conservatives. Not all. Most. And that's enough.

The Dems don't really have anybody to beat Trump except Biden. Bench is thin.
A fair assessment, although I don't think Trump is nuts. He's just a narcissist, which puts him in the upper 90% of politicians.
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I'm holding out hope this time. I have a feeling more than 35% of the electorate are ready to throw their hands up in protest at this point.

GOP won't do it. Trump is popular iwth the base and they are nearly unwavering. The only way out for the GOP unfortunately is Trump's absolute inability (physically) to run. As is one of the gods most sarcastic jokes, shitty people seem to live forever. Any many who have no business doing so.

So if he's alive and kicking, he's the GOP nominee. Full stop. Manchin wouldn't win the Dem primary (probably for some good reasons and some bad ones too). If it's not Biden, it's going to be somebody to the left of Joe. The problem for the Dems is that Trump is nuts but his current shifting political sails have landed him in the GOP and they don't really have a problem with the policies he'd like to implement. As such, Trump polls well with MOST conservatives. Not all. Most. And that's enough.

The Dems don't really have anybody to beat Trump except Biden. Bench is thin.
I guess if we've learned anything these last 7 years or so, its to never say never, on pretty much anything.

I just think, at this point, the best chance Trump has to win in 24', is for a good third party candidate to emerge.

We need someone new in office.

We do not need a feeble, forgetful, elderly man as our President.

We do not need a dumb, narcissistic, old, ego maniac...and now vengeful against his own citizens...also elderly man as our President.

So...I'll hold out hope too, I guess. In order of preference:

1. Someone like Haley, Manchin, win as a third party.
2. A good, reasonable, strong in their beliefs and convictions, yet open to listening to opposing views...younger candidate winning either primary, then the general.

I would prefer Biden over Trump, but I can't even list that as an order of preference. I'm going to continue to whine about it until it happens. Why mommy? Why mommy? Why can't we have a good President?
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The way you're going, you aren't getting one female, so this discussion doesn't matter.
bitch i've been goin nonstop for 35 years. monkey branching. from one crazy to the next. cheatin. getting cheated on. knocking them up. getting married. i'm due for a break. this is my time. #nolabels. i'm taking it slow. that no good ex stoker is planning on a new life with her bf, posting their endless love bombing shit of each other, then monday hits and she starts texting me about our kid. i see our kid. i don't need pics from you or any reason to text. unless it's a scheduling matter or a nude i'm not responding. i'm done. this is my time. #nolabels @Ohio Guy you see this? this weekend will be exactly one year. and i feel fine.

i'm sick of the ex wife texting me all the time too. F off. leave me alone.
bitch i've been goin nonstop for 35 years. monkey branching. from one crazy to the next. cheatin. getting cheated on. knocking them up. getting married. i'm due for a break. this is my time. #nolabels. i'm taking it slow. that no good ex stoker is planning on a new life with her bf, posting their endless love bombing shit of each other, then monday hits and she starts texting me about our kid. i see our kid. i don't need pics from you or any reason to text. unless it's a scheduling matter or a nude i'm not responding. i'm done. this is my time. #nolabels @Ohio Guy you see this? this weekend will be exactly one year. and i feel fine.

i'm sick of the ex wife texting me all the time too. F off. leave me alone.

What I got out of this was no sex for a year?

If that's accurate, you poor soul. I'll pray for you.
I worry that mcmurtry might be working on a manifesto. I can imagine the TV folks reaching out to us and hearing "well, he was always a bit of a loner"

LOL nah life is really good. i'm settling into single and enjoying it. 4 days with kids. 3 to regroup. I never set an alarm. go to bed when i want. have multiple work projects of my choosing, all with friends, that i enjoy immensely. saturday mornings i pick up my dry cleaning and all my laundry for the week. fair amount of good travel coming up. everything is pretty damn good after months of suffering. meals. that's what i need to sort out. what am i doing for dinner is annoying.
LOL nah life is really good. i'm settling into single and enjoying it. 4 days with kids. 3 to regroup. I never set an alarm. go to bed when i want. have multiple work projects of my choosing, all with friends, that i enjoy immensely. saturday mornings i pick up my dry cleaning and all my laundry for the week. fair amount of good travel coming up. everything is pretty damn good after months of suffering. meals. that's what i need to sort out. what am i doing for dinner is annoying.

Just don't start playing golf.

That's when it all starts to go downhill. 😄
This chick would be good for McMurtry. Deep thinker

foghorn leghorn classics GIF by Looney Tunes

That chick be looney tunes
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Well there ya go....
See he’s not thinking. You need em smart so they have a hobby or something. Something to draw their attention while you focus on really important things like how Messi will survive the guy from Creighton trying to break his ankle.

Also wtf do you talk about with dumb chicks? You can’t have sex all the time.
See he’s not thinking. You need em smart so they have a hobby or something. Something to draw their attention while you focus on really important things like how Messi will survive the guy from Creighton trying to break his ankle.

Also wtf do you talk about with dumb chicks? You can’t have sex all the time.
Messi still hasn’t gotten up from that late two footed cleats up tackle from Steve Johnson. Messi making 60 million a year is quite the contrast from Jacob who was recently called up from sporting kc 2 and is earning right at $65,000
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That’s a whole bunch of nonsense and hyperbole. The US is doing better than almost everyone else in the country and inflation and gas are dropping. You can’t care about corruption, lying , cheating, or any of that if you are even considering voting for Trump. His entire four years was day after day another of his administration was in trouble. Not to mention his multiple indictments, with more rumored this week. So who is your choice?

Serious people aren’t going to point to the economy as an example of Biden outdoing Trump.

There are other areas to build conviction, starting there shows you are lost.
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