Obama took the high road. Last super-majority we've seen in Congress, if I"m not mistaken. Got us Obamacare. That's a counter-example. Obama had vast crowds chanting, "Yes we can!!!" Trump had them chanting, "Lock her up!!!" See the difference?
Then again, I'm not even talking about what has worked in the past. You're talking about what worked pre-Trump, pre-#MeToo, and pre-Kavanaugh. I'm talking about a civilized future.
I get it, I suppose, Goat, You're trying to paint my optimism for humanity as unrealistic (in addition to trying to de-humanize me by jumping on the stollcpa and mjvcaj handle-bandwagon). Fine, but so far your refutations have missed the mark because you don't really understand fully my position. My impression is, you're not interested in understanding such a position. You're interested in target practice. I'll help you out.
Before you refill your cartridge, Goat, let me remind you:
I'm not your enemy. Yes, you might want to repeat that with each of your shots:
He's not my enemy. Each time as you pull your trigger.
He's not my enemy...