Jussie Smollett attacked: Empire star assaulted in Chicago in suspected hate crime

That has nothing to do with anything. She sells tickets because people like you buy them to hear her complain about Trump. Her obsession is actually quite sad. He literally is in her head every waking minute. That's exactly how you let a Narcissist win.[/QUOTE
HUH? The meme said her career was broken. She had a record breaking year last year. You say that has nothing to do with anything? It doesn’t matter why. In the long run, he probably helped her career.
TDS... Trump Derangement Syndrome. He literally has broken some ultra liberal people. The mental state of the left is not healthy.
You’re being really silly. The only thing broken is Trump’s brain and anyone that still takes him seriously.
He's hardly a movie star. I'd wager to sat the vast majority of the population had never heard of this guy. As to what he was planning to get out of it? What would you imagine that might be?
He’s a star on a top television show. If you are one of the millions that watch the show you know him, if not, you probably dont. I’m not really getting what I said here that is so controversial. I’ve been skeptical since the beginning, I said he should be prosecuted, I said he has mental issues if he did this. I have no idea why someone who is making millions a year at the start of a promising career , I have no idea what he thinks he could get out of it. Do you?
I have one person on ignore...Zeke. Her over the top, nonsensical, hysterical bloviating grew tiresome a l-o-n-g time ago. It felt really good to hit "ignore" and eliminate her stupid shit.
I knew I’d been missing something from my life lately. Just couldn’t put my finger on it. So glad to finally know what it was. Devastating, I tell you. Devastating. I’ll try to recover the best I can. Thoughts and prayers please.
Do you think the public awards brownie points for being first or quicker than others to make a particular stand or statement?
Here's the problem. If you don't comment, that in and of itself gets turned into doubt or disbelief or lack of empathy or lack of support or... something.

Recently the wingnuts were blasting the network evening news shows for not running with the NBC reporting that Senate staffers were saying the Burr committee hadn't found any evidence of collusion. That lack of comment got turned into proof of bias on the part of the MSM network news shows.

Had these liberal voices not joined the chorus, they similarly would have had their lack of comment turned into... something.
He’s a star on a top television show. If you are one of the millions that watch the show you know him, if not, you probably dont. I’m not really getting what I said here that is so controversial. I’ve been skeptical since the beginning, I said he should be prosecuted, I said he has mental issues if he did this. I have no idea why someone who is making millions a year at the start of a promising career , I have no idea what he thinks he could get out of it. Do you?

Hate is a nasty driving force.
What's worse is some of them (e.g. Booker) are now saying, "hold on a sec, we need to wait until all of the information gets out".
Yeah, I don't tweet either. But still, lots of great resources available on twitter that you might not find elsewhere.

And I might quibble whether you're really finding the "respectable tweeters".
We’ve had this discussion before. If you just follow news organizations, authors, people you respect AND not read the responses, you can easily do twitter without all the nonsense.
Hate is a nasty driving force.
Who do you think he hates? Trump? Or white people as COH said? I’d be willing to bet there is still more to this story that we don’t know. I’d think there might be better ways to convey your hate then getting yourself beat up, but I guess we will see.
Who do you think he hates? Trump? Or white people as COH said? I’d be willing to bet there is still more to this story that we don’t know. I’d think there might be better ways to convey your hate then getting yourself beat up, but I guess we will see.

Trump, because that is what is being taught, but it could be more. Don't know.
We’ve had this discussion before. If you just follow news organizations, authors, people you respect AND not read the responses, you can easily do twitter without all the nonsense.

I haven't found a point with few exceptions. I follow a couple of bloggers and real clear markets and LinkedIn keep me up to speed with the rest.

Timeliness is all that you miss by avoiding Twitter

This is 2019 and yet...

Wait, who the fvck is Jussie Smollett?

“Empire” actor Jussie Smollett, upset after a racist letter sent to the show’s studio didn’t get a “bigger reaction,” is suspected of paying two men to attack him a week later, according to multiple sources with direct knowledge of the investigation.

“When the letter didn’t get enough attention, he concocted the staged attack,” a source told CBS 2 Investigator Brad Edwards. Other sources corroborated that information.

“Empire” actor Jussie Smollett, upset after a racist letter sent to the show’s studio didn’t get a “bigger reaction,” is suspected of paying two men to attack him a week later, according to multiple sources with direct knowledge of the investigation.

“When the letter didn’t get enough attention, he concocted the staged attack,” a source told CBS 2 Investigator Brad Edwards. Other sources corroborated that information.

Now the FBI is involved, since the letter may be part of it. That wouldn't be a good thing for Mr. Smollett.
Look at this shitbird from CNN..... someone who is so desperate to propagate hate....they keep hoping the story is true.

WTF kind of demented person would be happier if a hate crime attack was true over a gay black guy making up the story?

I continue to hold a sliver of hope that the dots that continue to feel so far apart will eventually connect and the picture before us will show he was telling the truth all along. I hold hope that those faint whispers that began almost as quickly as the story made its way across the networks will be silenced, that Smollett will be vindicated. And the people who took to social media to demand justice for him will not be left to look like fools.
Good grief. What the hell is wrong with this person?
Look at this shitbird from CNN..... someone who is so desperate to propagate hate....they keep hoping the story is true.

WTF kind of demented person would be happier if a hate crime attack was true over a gay black guy making up the story?

I continue to hold a sliver of hope that the dots that continue to feel so far apart will eventually connect and the picture before us will show he was telling the truth all along. I hold hope that those faint whispers that began almost as quickly as the story made its way across the networks will be silenced, that Smollett will be vindicated. And the people who took to social media to demand justice for him will not be left to look like fools.
Good grief. What the hell is wrong with this person?
All I can think is that the writer is focused on the inevitable blowback and undermining of future real claims of injustice.
Most likely. And as I thought about it more, it seems gobsmackingly obvious that she does.

That's not a defense of Harris, by the way.
Do they have an agency we can go to and hire twits to do our tweeting for us? I'd keep my tweeting twits on a tight leash if I was running for President. ;)
Do they have an agency we can go to and hire twits to do our tweeting for us? I'd keep my tweeting twits on a tight leash if I was running for President. ;)
It's definitely a "they" thing. I can think of only one political representative that obviously writes his/her own tweets.
All I can think is that the writer is focused on the inevitable blowback and undermining of future real claims of injustice.

Well that's one hell of a way to try to make that point. That's about as intellectually bankrupt as one could get. Upset that a crime didn't occur.
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It's definitely a "they" thing. I can think of only one political representative that obviously writes his/her own tweets.
That person shouldn't be tweeting either. About the best that can be said for it is that it's authentically him. I don't think I'd trust any twit to tweet for me without being final approval before the tweet goes immortal.
Do they have an agency we can go to and hire twits to do our tweeting for us? I'd keep my tweeting twits on a tight leash if I was running for President. ;)

You've never heard of social media managers? Did you know that most representatives in Congress don't actually read all of the language in the bills they vote on? And that when someone is in a driving scene in a movie or TV show, they aren't really driving? ;)
Well that's one hell of a way to try to make that point. That's about as intellectually bankrupt as one could get. Upset that a crime didn't occur.
Now that I've glanced at the actual article, here's what follows:

"At a time in which stories of discrimination are met with a disturbing amount of cynicism, the last thing anyone who is a champion of equality wants to see is an openly gay black man give birth to a "fake news" poster child. But, unfortunately, if what police are saying is true, that is what appears to have happened."
And ...

One's natural instinct is to ask "why?" But, if Smollet made up the story, does it really matter what he says? What could he possibly say that would make any of this theater justifiable, him hireable or even likable? After all, how can anyone like someone who diverts detective hours away from solving actual crimes or goes on "Good Morning America" to chastise people who doubted his fictitious claims?

There is no value in his "why" -- only in our "what," which, admittedly, is an awful place to be. With so few openly gay minorities in the public eye, what are we supposed to do with a gay black man who appears to have lied about being attacked for being a gay black man?

Do we not look foolish to welcome home the boy who cried MAGA, especially given the damage he caused? Political allies, like Joe Biden and Kamala Harris, who took to social media on his behalf, may be just a tad hesitant to do so in the future.

Those who oppose LGBTQ rights have also been somewhat empowered. Typically, when gay and transgender people are assaulted -- even murdered -- there is little national media attention given. And now, with Smollett's possible hoax, the names of actual transgendered victims become even harder to hear.

Look, it's perfectly fine to sully one's platform with a reckless indiscretion, but how do you forgive a celebrity who has potentially damaged the credibility of millions who are less fortunate?
To be fair to Granderson, he sees pain and trouble in store for those on the unempowered and vulnerable end of the spectrum as a result of this story. That's not crazy and he's in no way defending what's his name.
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Now that I've glanced at the actual article, here's what follows:

"At a time in which stories of discrimination are met with a disturbing amount of cynicism, the last thing anyone who is a champion of equality wants to see is an openly gay black man give birth to a "fake news" poster child. But, unfortunately, if what police are saying is true, that is what appears to have happened."
And ...

One's natural instinct is to ask "why?" But, if Smollet made up the story, does it really matter what he says? What could he possibly say that would make any of this theater justifiable, him hireable or even likable? After all, how can anyone like someone who diverts detective hours away from solving actual crimes or goes on "Good Morning America" to chastise people who doubted his fictitious claims?

There is no value in his "why" -- only in our "what," which, admittedly, is an awful place to be. With so few openly gay minorities in the public eye, what are we supposed to do with a gay black man who appears to have lied about being attacked for being a gay black man?

Do we not look foolish to welcome home the boy who cried MAGA, especially given the damage he caused? Political allies, like Joe Biden and Kamala Harris, who took to social media on his behalf, may be just a tad hesitant to do so in the future.

Those who oppose LGBTQ rights have also been somewhat empowered. Typically, when gay and transgender people are assaulted -- even murdered -- there is little national media attention given. And now, with Smollett's possible hoax, the names of actual transgendered victims become even harder to hear.

Look, it's perfectly fine to sully one's platform with a reckless indiscretion, but how do you forgive a celebrity who has potentially damaged the credibility of millions who are less fortunate?
To be fair to Granderson, he sees pain and trouble in store for those on the unempowered and vulnerable end of the spectrum as a result of this story. That's not crazy and he's in no way defending what's his name.

I get his broader point.....but he could say all of that...and very forcefully....without hoping the original story is true.

You, I, and everyone else knows there are people that LIVE off stories like this to be able to preach about how terrible we all are as a country. He wished it to be true. That's ****ed up.

We've had two in a month. People need to put away their Twitter reactions.
If Smollett did make this up and he’s every bit the creep that it looks like, what if he had gotten away with it?

What if the CPD had arrested and imprisoned two innocent people and ruined their lives because this moron has mental health issues? Does anyone for a second believe he would have came clean?

Hell no. That’s exactly what he SOUGHT. He would have rode the wave of fawning sycophants all the way to Hollywood stardom and never thought twice about it.
You've never heard of social media managers? Did you know that most representatives in Congress don't actually read all of the language in the bills they vote on? And that when someone is in a driving scene in a movie or TV show, they aren't really driving? ;)
Really? I need more people to do things for me too. ;)
I get his broader point.....but he could say all of that...and very forcefully....without hoping the original story is true.

You, I, and everyone else knows there are people that LIVE off stories like this to be able to preach about how terrible we all are as a country. He wished it to be true. That's ****ed up.

We've had two in a month. People need to put away their Twitter reactions.
You're trying too hard to be put off by Granderson.
Look at this shitbird from CNN..... someone who is so desperate to propagate hate....they keep hoping the story is true.

WTF kind of demented person would be happier if a hate crime attack was true over a gay black guy making up the story?

I continue to hold a sliver of hope that the dots that continue to feel so far apart will eventually connect and the picture before us will show he was telling the truth all along. I hold hope that those faint whispers that began almost as quickly as the story made its way across the networks will be silenced, that Smollett will be vindicated. And the people who took to social media to demand justice for him will not be left to look like fools.
Good grief. What the hell is wrong with this person?
Wow. You really don’t get LZ’s point. What he wrote is spot on. His wish is understandable and not worthy of criticism.
As for Booker, he’s a fool.
Wow. You really don’t get LZ’s point. What he wrote is spot on. His wish is understandable and not worthy of criticism.
As for Booker, he’s a fool.

I get what he totally meant, entirely. That's the issue for me.

He'd much rather a hate crime actually occurred than to have his fellow justice warriors made to look foolish.....all predicated upon the nebulous idea that future crimes would be ignored (a position that has little basis in reality in 2019) well as damage to the ongoing narrative of much of the media/political class that America is nothing but a wasteland of hate and bigotry running rampant.

As I said....there are many ways to make the point he wanted to make without hoping the whole story is actually true. As a society...we should be happy that he fabricated the story, rather than the alternative.