Johnson, Scott, Vance are showing up to Trump's trial out of FEAR.


Hall of Famer
Feb 2, 2004
Where was all this support during pre trial and jury selection? His kids weren't even there.

Suddenly every day there's a new sieve who has to show up in NYC to support this dude who stepped out on his wife w a porn star then cooked his books about it.

So...just know that these "men" aren't showing up to "support" anybody other than themselves by avoiding Trump's wrath.

He's a ****ing lunatic, fellas.
Where was all this support during pre trial and jury selection? His kids weren't even there.

Suddenly every day there's a new sieve who has to show up in NYC to support this dude who stepped out on his wife w a porn star then cooked his books about it.

So...just know that these "men" aren't showing up to "support" anybody other than themselves by avoiding Trump's wrath.

He's a ****ing lunatic, fellas.

Where was all this support during pre trial and jury selection? His kids weren't even there.

Suddenly every day there's a new sieve who has to show up in NYC to support this dude who stepped out on his wife w a porn star then cooked his books about it.

So...just know that these "men" aren't showing up to "support" anybody other than themselves by avoiding Trump's wrath.

He's a ****ing lunatic, fellas.
Vance wants to be VP. Johnson wants to remain Speaker.

It's not complicated.
Where was all this support during pre trial and jury selection? His kids weren't even there.

Suddenly every day there's a new sieve who has to show up in NYC to support this dude who stepped out on his wife w a porn star then cooked his books about it.

So...just know that these "men" aren't showing up to "support" anybody other than themselves by avoiding Trump's wrath.

He's a ****ing lunatic, fellas.
Your next f#cking post better say something about how f#cking great Bitcoin is or your done on here. @UncleMark @stollcpa @NPT @TheOriginalHappyGoat he was warned.
Then there's this...SMH Jeeeeeesus.

Isn't Niger where the special forces troops were ambushed and killed in the first military action during Trump? And isn't that the incident where Trump callously bickered with the widow of one of those Green Berets?

Of course it is...

If he ever took the time to read one reply to any of his posts, I'd consider him a valuable poster. But he won't even do that. He's a drive-by graffiti artist.
Which really isn't that much different than DBM.... except the amount of spam posted. Sure he replies once in a awhile but the majority of his replies are just more twitter spam. If what UTFO does is wrong, then what DBM does is 10 times as wrong...

No matter.... it's really not that deep.. or anything to go on about.

This board which was once serious and highly functional (ie boring AF but informative) has been infected by the same Jerry Springer like bullshit that's infected the nation. I blame Trump ... though there was some chaos previous .. it's been one long running Springer show since.. That's what selfish people do ... they cause endless drama.

I've always said hillbilly TV and reality shows would ruin this nation... and it looks like I was prophetic. I'm Nostradumbass ..
Which really isn't that much different than DBM.... except the amount of spam posted. Sure he replies once in a awhile but the majority of his replies are just more twitter spam. If what UTFO does is wrong, then what DBM does is 10 times as wrong...

No matter.... it's really not that deep.. or anything to go on about.

This board which was once serious and highly functional (ie boring AF but informative) has been infected by the same Jerry Springer like bullshit that's infected the nation. I blame Trump ... though there was some chaos previous .. it's been one long running Springer show since.. That's what selfish people do ... they cause endless drama.

I've always said hillbilly TV and reality shows would ruin this nation... and it looks like I was prophetic. I'm Nostradumbass ..
I don't consider DBM a valuable poster, either. He's straight up entertainment, nothing more.
Hick, you’re right. I’ve added the most to this forum and I’m the coolest person you have ever interacted with. You’re welcome.
Don’t sweat them. One’s a bitter trannie angry it can’t get pregnant so it comes on here to attack people. Total pussy. Creepy as all get out. You wouldn’t want your kids within a mile of it. The other, one of the dumbest people I’ve ever read
Don’t sweat them. One’s a bitter trannie angry it can’t get pregnant so it comes on here to attack people. Total pussy. Creepy as all get out. You wouldn’t want your kids within a mile of it. The other, one of the dumbest people I’ve ever read
Talking about yourself in third person?
Which really isn't that much different than DBM.... except the amount of spam posted. Sure he replies once in a awhile but the majority of his replies are just more twitter spam. If what UTFO does is wrong, then what DBM does is 10 times as wrong...

No matter.... it's really not that deep.. or anything to go on about.

This board which was once serious and highly functional (ie boring AF but informative) has been infected by the same Jerry Springer like bullshit that's infected the nation. I blame Trump ... though there was some chaos previous .. it's been one long running Springer show since.. That's what selfish people do ... they cause endless drama.

I've always said hillbilly TV and reality shows would ruin this nation... and it looks like I was prophetic. I'm Nostradumbass ..
Trump & hillbillies nuthin’. You been peddling hate on this board since before 2016…
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So you don't consider videos, sourced articles, or redacted court documents worth anything. Thanks for sharing.
You're dumb as a fence post if you think what dbm posts is worth a shit. 95 percent of what he posts is totally false and only believed by moronic dupes. Wait. Sorry.
I guess videos lie now.

Go watch those video's I posted. Try not to melt! The cigars and rye need you today.
You think Trump pretending to care for political purposes makes him a Saint? You’re not smart and you’re a dupe.
Which really isn't that much different than DBM.... except the amount of spam posted. Sure he replies once in a awhile but the majority of his replies are just more twitter spam. If what UTFO does is wrong, then what DBM does is 10 times as wrong...

No matter.... it's really not that deep.. or anything to go on about.

This board which was once serious and highly functional (ie boring AF but informative) has been infected by the same Jerry Springer like bullshit that's infected the nation. I blame Trump ... though there was some chaos previous .. it's been one long running Springer show since.. That's what selfish people do ... they cause endless drama.

I've always said hillbilly TV and reality shows would ruin this nation... and it looks like I was prophetic. I'm Nostradumbass ..
You're dumb as a fence post if you think what dbm posts is worth a shit. 95 percent of what he posts is totally false and only believed by moronic dupes. Wait. Sorry.
You continue to make cogent, intelligent, compelling counterpoints though. :rolleyes:

The real dupes are those that refuse to accept, take into consideration, or verify any evidence because they’re emotional little girls….

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